My brother is an Idol

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Chapter 31
Chapter 31

When Hyoyoung blushed, Jiwoo whistled loudly and slapped her back jokingly. Hyojun frowned as he looked at Kiwook whose ears were turning red. Kiwook turned to look at Hyoyoung.

She explained, “I think the rumor about Kiwook being in love with Myunghee is happening because you never specified otherwise.”

“So you think I should tell the truth? Reveal who it really is?”

When Kiwook asked in surprise, Hyoyoung frowned in annoyance.

“That would be like signing my death warrant, so obviously no.”

At Hyoyoung’s angry voice, Kiwook flinched and became quiet. The other members laughed at him while Hyoyoung continued, “We will have to make up a fake woman and provide a description of her. This will disprove Myunghee’s claim that Kiwook Oppa is in love with her.”

“A fake woman?”

“Yup. Let’s go with an older woman. You have a lot of older female fans, so this will work to your advantage.”

Kiwook hesitated, “Hyoyoung…”

Ignoring him. Hyoyoung added, “A professional woman. Someone Kiwook used to know since he was a child. Maybe a neighbor. Let’s say she works at a big company and she is 4 years older than him. They still sometimes cross paths because they live in the same neighborhood, and whenever they do, she just thinks of him as a little kid and asks if he wants ice cream. What do you think?”

The M members gaped at Hyoyoung. They were clearly impressed with her storytelling.

Hyojun exclaimed, “I can’t believe you are being so smart right now. I know you, Sis, and you are not usually this rational.”

Jiwoo asked, “You sound like a professional writer. How did you come up with such great details?”

Hyoyoung sighed and replied, “Who else would do something like this other than me? I am burdened with you idiots, so I have been thinking about what to do for a while now. Maybe this could be my future career. An idol strategist or something. Anyway, the fifth and final point will be about Myunghee.”

The four guys were now in Hyoyoung’s hand. They nodded expectantly as she continued, “This is the part that I am not sure about, so I will need your help. What kind of person is she? How far will she go with this whole thing?”

The members thought carefully, and after a short silence, Hyunsuk replied, “To be honest, we don’t really know her well, so we don’t have much to tell you. All we know is that she is the daughter of a woman who is close to the CEO. We suspect that the woman might be our CEO’s ex-girlfriend, but we can’t be 100% sure. We do know that that woman has a business in Cheongdam-dong.”

“So you are not certain if Myunghee’s mother dated your CEO?”

“No. We just guessed it, but that’s all. Why?”

“We need to only use real facts, or else, it might come back to bite us later. So… let’s do it this way. You will make a statement that you are very thankful to Myunghee for her hard work. You need to say that despite some members being unfriendly and barely said a word to her the entire time she worked for you, she still did her best to dress all the members well. Say that it is unfortunate that she got involved in this messy scandal. You must say that you all feel terrible about it.”

“Amazing. So basically, we will insinuate that we were never close to her and barely spoke to her, right?”

“Yes. I think this part should be told by oppas, not me. Why don’t you guys say it during your live show later?”

“So you won’t mention it at all on your statement?”

“Well, I will just include the first four points, and mention the last one very briefly.”

[Oh, and I also asked about the stylist…]

[My stupid cousin told me that he remembers her as a good lady who delivered the members’ outfits. He couldn’t even remember her name, so I got angry at him. How rude is it of him not to even remember the name of the girl who clothed him? I scolded him good, and I felt really bad for lady. If I get a chance, I would like to apologize to that stylist on my cousin’s behalf.]

Jiwoo whistled and said, “Wow, that makes me sound like a complete jerk.”

Hyoyoung consoled him, “It’s ok. I am writing it as your cousin, so it’s all good.”

After writing out her statement, Hyoyoung stood up and announced, “So then, I am going to go to a public computer room so I can create a new ID for myself and upload this message.”

“A public computer room? PC room?”

“Yeah, I will take the bus and go to the farthest one in town.”

“But why…?”

Hyoyoung sighed and explained, “You don’t know, do you? Oppas, listen carefully. Nowadays, it is easy to track someone’s IP address. People can find out where someone wrote a specific online post. They can even figure out the exact address. Some crazy fans will find it and watch the CCTV of that place to learn the identity of the writer. This is why I am wearing my hat and a large hoodie, so no one can recognize me. I will come back in about two hours, so get ready for your online show while you are waiting for me. I will come back and pick out your outfits for you.”

With that, Hyoyoung quickly changed and left the house.

The four guys stared at the door in surprise. Jiwoo exclaimed, “Hey, Hyojun, Hyoyoung is amazing. Wow.”

Hyojun replied, looking confused, “I know. I had no idea. I never realized how capable she can be.”

“She is astonishing under pressure.”

Kiwook murmured, “I think I’m in love with her even more…”

Hyojun yelled at Kiwook, “Just shut up, you bastard. If you kept your mouth shut and never mentioned that you liked someone on a live show, it would have been one less thing to worry about.”

“I’m sorry, but… well…”

“Don’t make it so hard for my little sister. She is already under a lot of stress.”

“Hyojun Ahn. Are you saying that as her older brother or my rival?”

“Does it matter? The important thing is that Hyoyoung has a lot to endure right now. This isn’t fair to her, so leave her alone for a while and be patient.”

“Fine. I will take that as advice from a genuine friend.”


Hyojun glared at Kiwook before leaving his room. Kiwook also stood up and went out to the garden to work out.

It was just Jiwoo and Hyunsuk left in the living room. After a short silence, Jiwoo asked, “Hey, Hyunsuk, how do you think Myunghee found out my number?”

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