My Childhood Friend is the Hero’s Bride

Chapter 1.5: What happened that night.

This chapter takes place during chapter one. It's not required to understand the story and if you'd rather not know every detail, you can skip it without a problem.


Marie had spent the evening walking the bustling streets of Rubia in order to calm herself down. The setting sun glistened in her deep emerald eyes. She was wearing a light blue hemp skirt going down to below her knees and a white cotton top with a frilled, round cutout. Her long, wavy, beige blonde hair was flowing freely in the warm evening breeze. They had arrived in the small city earlier today and gotten rooms in a friendly inn, after almost a week of camping on the road. The city was full of life and the people seemed happy. Marie enjoyed her time just watching the comings and goings, but now that sunset was approaching, she knew she had to get back to the inn.

After a week of avoiding Ragnar, the day had come where she would have to 'attend' him, as prescribed by the Sacred Book. After all, she was the Saint and he was the Hero.

She didn't remember much about her first time just one week ago, all she had were blurred memories of him coming into the quest room she had been waiting in before pushing mercilessly slamming his hips into her from behind until she fainted. As she recalled that night, Marie once again became aware of a tingling in her lower body that had been getting stronger since yesterday. She didn't want to have sex with Ragnar again, but if she went back now, she could get it over with and be free for another week. Maybe then this strange feeling inside of her would subside and she would have peace, at least for a while.

Marie arrived in the lively inn at the last rays of the sun. When she entered the front door she was greeted by one of the young barmaids. The inn was cheap, so it made up the difference by functioning as a small tavern at night. The guests were mostly rough looking adventurers and mercenaries, taking a rest after their work for the day was done. Rubia was located on one of the main roads connecting the rural areas to the capital, so it was housing lots of travellers on their way to and from the densely populated coastal regions of the Magnolia Kingdom and those wishing to cross the eastern seas towards the Cadaban Empire.
As Marie walks into the inn's tavern area located at the entrance, a voice calls out to her. It belonged to an exceptionally burly looking man with brown hair and an unkempt beard that had droplets of beer caught in it. One of the barmaids was feeling his muscle as he addressed Marie.
"Hey, you over there. How about you have a drink with me? I like the petite blonde type. Gahahaha!" he shouts across the room. "Eh, but you have me~" complained a small but well endowed barmaid with black hair hanging onto his arm. They were both clearly drunk so Marie was going to ignore them, but as she walks past to get to her and Al's room, the drunk man stands up and blocks her path.
"I'm talking to you, Missy." His breath stinks of alcohol and his clothes look like they haven't been properly washed in weeks.
Before she can reply, a voice is heard from behind him.
"She's not talking to you though." As the man turns around, Marie sees Ragnar leaning into the doorway a few steps further.
"She better be." He responds in an unimpressed manner.
The other adventurers sitting in the small room appear to scramble away from the oncoming brawl, while the small barmaid from before was hiding behind the counter. It was clear that this wasn't the first time this happened.
Ragnar walks up to the man and puts his hand on his shoulder. "Listen, that girl belongs to me. If you try that one more time, I'll make sure that your 'adventuring days' are over. Do you understand?"
Ragnar's hand digs into the man's shoulder as he talks.
"Ghhnn, yes. I understand." The man says with pain in his voice.

"Good. The same goes for the others as well." he now looks at her. "Come to my room in ten minutes." he said before turning towards the stairs leading up to his room.

"Y-Yes." she replied slightly startled.

Her and Al's shared room was located right next to the tavern area of the inn. They had enough funds for the travel to the capital, but Al insisted on taking a cheap room so that they would have enough gold if something unexpected happened.

The tingling in her lower body become stronger as she walked towards the door. "(Ten minutes.)" she thought as a strange warmth spread through her.

She knocked before entering. Al was sitting at the desk of the dimly lit room, going through his equipment. As a priest, he used a talisman depicting the Holy Symbol of the Church, the same shape as her Sign of the Saint, as catalyst for his spells. It was triangular and made out of a metal alloy, the composition of which was only known to the highest echelons of the church's hierarchy.

When he noticed that she entered, he looked up. Their eyes met and both of them smiled awkwardly at each other. They had been in love since forever, but now Ragnar, a man whom neither of them knew only a week ago, was the one who had deflowered Marie.
It had been hard to talk to each other ever since that day.

"I-I'm back."
"W-Welcome." he replied, unsure if it was the right thing to say.


"Are you worried?" she asked after an extended moment of silence between them.

"Yes..How could I not be?... I couldn't protect you and now that guy is... -gulp- ...going to defile you again."
"Al... It's not your fault. He... You saw him beating those monsters. You couldn't win against him... and if we go against the word of the church we'll be hunted down as heretics. There was no other way. But to me, it doesn't matter what the Sacred Text says, I will always be yours, even if I have to let him use my body."

He clenched his fists and got up from his chair. "I love you, Marie." he suddenly proclaimed.
She smiled before stepping towards him. "Me too, I love you Al."
They hugged each other and shared a kiss on the lips.

"I have to change my clothes." Marie said after after a while, lowering her hands.
"Oh..., yes." He took a step back, still looking at Marie.
"Can you... turn around?"
"Ah-, I'm sorry."

Marie started taking off her clothes while looking at Al's back. First she lowered her skirt, exposing her white lace panties and springy thighs, then she took off her top. Her chest had started to grow in the past year, but she was still an A cup and among the smaller ones in her age group at the orphanage. Her smooth armpits were damp with sweat. She didn't do anything physically taxing, nor was the room that warm. Her body was simply getting hot in anticipation of the night to come.

If Al was to turn around right now, he would see her bending over to pick up her nightwear, a white silk one piece she had gotten as a present. It was her favourite piece of clothing, so she felt a bit sad about wearing it for Ragnar, but this was the only thing she had aside from her everyday wear.

As she stepped into the dress, she noticed that a wet spot was visible on her panties, right below where her slit was.
"(It's just too hot in here.)" she thought, consoling herself.
As the fabric brushes her nipples she let's out a surprised "Hnn~" and looks down towards her chest.
She knew she was sensitive, but she didn't expect her usually inverted nipples to be erect in this situation.

When looking back up, she noticed Al shifting his weight from one foot to another. He looked stiff.

When she had put everything in place and striped the supporting straps over her shoulders, she called out to him.
"I'm done."
Al turned around quickly, his gaze wandering upwards from her bare feet, to her knees and over her dress that went down to the middle of her thighs. Their eyes meet.

A warm smile was visible on Marie's face as she once again took a step towards him and grabbed his hands. She looked him in the eyes, her heart beating fast. After a moment, she broke the silence.

"I- I'll be going then." she stammered while lowering her face. She wanted to be close to him, but at the same time, she couldn't look him in the eyes any longer.
Al's face was obscured by her bangs, only leaving his torso and lower body in her view.
"Y-Yeah" he replies, again shifting from one foot to the other unnaturally.

Marie turns around, letting go of his hands. She knew she had to go now, after all Ragnar was waiting and she wanted to get rid of this feeling inside of her as quickly as possible.
She feels Al's fingers brushing her back and turns around one more time. She knew this was as hard for him as it was for her.
"Don't worry Al, I'll come back as soon as I'm done."
She had to go now, the restlessness inside of her had become unbearable and only grew with every passing second.
She stepped outside without waiting for an answer and started walking towards the stairway leading to Ragnar's room, first slowly, then faster with every further step.
"(I'm sorry, Al.)"

When Marie knocked on Ragnar's door, it felt like an eternity had come to a close.
Now it was going to happen.

"Come in." she heard him say behind the thick wooden door.
As she stepped into the room, her head was already spinning and a warm feeling was spreading inside of her.

Ragnar was waiting for her, sitting on his a chair. He was dressed in a black bathrobe and held a glass of red wine in his left hand.
When Marie entered, he eyed her body with an intense stare.
Her slim, yet not too skinny legs.
Her hips which were wide, yet still seemed like those of a pubescent girl.
Her waist which already had a ladylike curvature at her age.
And her chest, over which her silken dress folded beautifully, revealing the form of her modest breasts and her erect nipples.
"You're beautiful." Ragnar proclaimed. "I prefer them a little bigger though."

Marie's face was flushed, she yet crossed her arms and responded angrily.
"I don't care what you prefer."
She was, after all, just here to do her duty.

"Don't be like that, I just wanted to lighten the mood. Come, I'll pour you a glass."
He quickly grabbed the empty wine glass standing on the small table before him and filled it with the red liquid, before offering it to her.

She declined, the wine with a motion of her hand.
"I just want to get this over with"

"Fine by me." Ragnar smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. It was a simple bed, just like the one in the other room, except a bit larger.
His right hand tapped on the space next to him, motioning her to sit down.
"Relax, I'll be more gentle today if you really want that."

"Gh- Do whatever you want."
After hesitating for a short moment, she sits down to his right side, slightly away from him but still within arms reach.
Ragnar moves his head down towards hers. He brushes her hair away with his hand, before stroking her cheek.
His mouth was very close to Marie's and she starts instinctively puckering her lips before suddenly turning her head.
"Only Al can kiss me." she says, looking at the floor.

"We'll see about that." he smirks as he starts running his fingers down her back. Marie shivers as the gentle sensation spreads within her body. As he reaches her lower back, the tingling she had been feeling became concentrated on her crotch. It was the same motion Al made just a few minutes ago, but her reaction was completely different. Her back was arching and she subconsciously began spreading her legs as her entire body felt like it was heating up even more.
As she realized that a moan had escaped her mouth, she pressed the back of her right hand, that had been supporting her on the bed, onto her mouth.

"No need to hide, it's better if you enjoy it, isn't it?"
Ragnar says with a gentle voice. He moves his hand from her back towards her thigh, stroking it slowly.
She could feel the warmth of his big hand through the cloth separating their skin.
"...nh.. nhh..., Hhhn..."
Her breathing becomes heavy and mixed with light moans as her mind gets mushier and mushier. Her legs were already spread 90 degrees and and the skirt of her nightgown was the only thing preventing her crotch from being visible to Ragnar.

"See, it feels good, doesn't it?" he asks, smiling.
Marie looks at him with a flushed face and and open mouth, she was leaning back and supporting herself on the bed with both of her hands. He had taken many women in his life, but never had one come close to stirring the same feelings in him as she did with this simple expression.
There was no doubt about it, he would make her his, body, heart and soul. "(Let's start with the body.)" he thought to himself.

He shifts closer to her, their hips now touching, and again moves his face towards hers.
Her eyes are averting his, yet her mouth stays open, still breathing heavily as he caresses the inside of her thigh.
Now that her resistance had vanished, he felt that he was able to close the distance.
He tasted her lips for the first time.
As his tongue enters her, it starts roaming around her mouth, first along her palate, then down her gums and finally winding around her own.

"Mnhhnn..., Nhnnhnhm...nnH...NhnnnhnHnHHhnn...."
She feels the heat in her crotch rising. She was now contracting her lower body rhythmically, despite her crotch not being touched once.
After a short while, Marie can't help but reciprocate his movements, their tongues playing with each other for precious seconds before he pulls away.
Her tongue sticks out as they part, a strand of spit connecting them.
"You're a bad kisser" he notices.
"Kh- Khiss-hing isn't needed for the blessing..."
She responds, barely being able to form the worlds.
"Kissing makes everything more enjoyable. Don't worry, I'll show you soon."

Ragnar lets go of her thigh. Her body twitches as he lifts up the bottom of her dress, revealing her damp lace panties that had become stained with the liquids from her crotch.

"Those are very cute."

"S-shut up" she replies defiantly but with little strength in her voice.

"Now then, how about I start making you feel good?"

She is interrupted by a bolt going through her body as he reaches under her panties and sinks his finger into her wet lips.

"Seems like you've been enjoying yourself already." he whispers as he pulls her panties down towards her legs and reveals her pink and flushed pussy. A strand of clear liquid formed between her crotch and the panties. Her pubic hair was still sparse and fuzzy, only covering a small patch slightly above her slit. A mmole was visible on the upper left side of her pubic mound.

"Y-You can think whatever you want." she says unconvincingly.

"Look at this, I didn't touch your crotch at all and you're already this wet. Isn't it time to admit that your body wants me?"
He asks as he raises his finger in front of her face, showing her the fluids from between her legs before wiping them on her cheek.

"B-Bullshit, I love Al!"

He reaches back down to her crotch and starts sliding his index and middle finger between her swollen lips.

-slup- -chupa- -chupa- -chlup-
"Nhhn..., Hhnnn..., AahHhn..."

"I didn't say anything about love, you know?
There's no reason why you can't love your little boyfriend but still crave the touch of a real man."

-chlup- -chupa- -chupa- -schlup-
"Gh- Just because you're a bit bigger ahn...and have a few muscles doesn't mean I wahn..want anything from you..., HhaaAhnnh...'
She replies over slopping noises, trying to hold in her moans as Ragnar speeds up his movements. Her lips were obscenely sticking to his fingers while more and more of her love juices stained the bed beneath her.

"Didn't you notice it? You were looking forward to this. You started ovulating yesterday. No matter what you say, your body has already chosen me. There's no shame in admitting that."

"(Oh.") She thought. "(So -that- was it.)" The strange sensation, the tingling in her abdomen.
The sense that her spiteful words didn't really match her feelings.
-Her body had already decided-

-chupa- -chupa- -slop- -chupa- -chlop-
"I- Hnhn... I hate you...nhh.. so much... Ahnh.."

"Ouch, that hurts, you know. How could you be so mean to you husband?" he said with an ironic undertone, continuing to torment her crotch.

-chupa- -slop- -slop- -chupa- -chlop-
"Kh...I only mHhnn-...married you.. nhH... because I had to..."

-chupa- -slop- -chupa-
"AHhh... But... "

"(I'm sorry, Al.)" the voice in her head sounded again.

-chupa- -slop- -chupa- -chlop-
"AhhnNnhh...You're right...Nhnn..."

Ragnar increases his assault on her clit to an unbearable speed.

-slop- -chupa- -slop- -chlop- -chupa- -chupa- -slop- -chupa- -chlop-
"ANnhhhh... NhaHAhhh... ANhhNhn.... Ahhnh..."

He stops his fingers before pulling them out between her folds as he notices her crotch starting to spasm.

A clear liquid sprays out of Marie's urethra, wetting the floor of the room.
His sudden acceleration paired with the relief of accepting her feelings had brought on Marie's first orgasm of the night.

"..Ahhh...Haaah... Haaahh..hAaah..."

"Doesn't it feel good to be honest? Now lay on your back and spread you legs."
He asked with a smile, wiping his fingers on her thigh.

"Ghhhn... You.. AHhn.. You said I can still love Ah-Al, right? NhHhn..." she asks with a trembling voice.

A grin spreads on his face. "Of course, as long as he doesn't touch your body, you can be lovey dovey as much as you want." He replied.

"Hhah... Hahh... HHaaAh...".

After catching her breath Marie starts doing as she was told.
She raises her hips, leaving the wet spot below her crotch clearly visible.

Her panties, which were only pulled down to her knees prevented her from moving freely, so she folded her legs to take them off, her lower lips being pushed together by the flesh of her thighs and ass.

As she crawls towards the top end of the bed, Ragnar received a full view of her flushed pink vulva from behind. He licked his lips, as he used all the constraint he could muster to prevent himself from mounting her on the spot.

Marie finished moving towards the top of the bed and positioned herself in a way that there would be enough space for Ragnar. She slowly spread her legs making the inner tendons of her thighs visible to the sides of her slightly opened vulva.

"The view every man dreams of. I bet your boyfriend has already jerked off countless times imagining you like this."
Ragnar comments with a smile.

"Ghn.. don't talk about Al,...he wouldn't do that kind off stuff"

"Sure, sure."
He opens his black bathrobe, revealing his chiselled chest and boxers, under which his manhood was already visibly erect. First he takes off his robe, throwing it to the side before he grabs his shorts. As he pulls them down, his cock springs out from below, standing completely erect.

Marie's eyes were fixated on his muscular chest, that looked like it could be of a statue, before jumping down to his now exposed junk. Like Ragnar himself, his penis was much larger than average.

Of course, the only other specimen she had seen was that of Al when they used to bath together as children, so she had little to compare it to, but she simply knew that this was not the usual size.

The heavy looking monster was incredibly grotesque by any standard of artistic judgement, but seeing his almost club like meat rod, covered in thick veins was making her heart skip a beat. Her womanly instincts were telling her that this was the cock of an apex predator, and she wanted it.

"(This was inside of me. This is going inside of me.)" she thinks with a mix of excitement and disbelief, gulping down her spit as a wave of heat travels across her body.

As he turns towards her, Marie subconsciously uses her hands to spread the flushed lips of her vagina, fully exposing the entrance to her baby factory. Her inner walls, which were protected by her hymen just a week ago, were slowly moving with every breath, welcoming his manhood.

"I wonder what your 'lover' would think if he saw you spreading your pussy for me like that." he asks as he positions himself over her.
At the mention of Al watching her shameful display Marie's vagina contracts and she quickly pulls her hands back as she realizes what she'd been doing.
"I told you.. nh.. not to talk about Al..."

"Oohh, that was a nice reaction." he smirks. "Don't worry about him, I know a masochist when I see one.
He's probably trying not to jerk off while thinking about you right now. Two masochists dating, what a joke."
"I'm not a masochist..." she mumbles.
"Huh? What was that?"
"I'm not a masochist!" she repeats, this time louder.
"Really, you aren't? Then tell me, why does your pussy clench so much when I mention him?" he asks as he wraps her long, open hair around his right hand and uses it to pull her head backwards.
"Ah~ It doesnhn" she manages to reply with her head held firmly in his hand.

"Now spread you pussy like you did before." he ordered, towering over her and still holding her hair. "If you do, I'll give you a kiss while putting it in."

"Hmph- as if I'd.. ahn...want that." she ripostes while once again lowering her hands towards her pussy. As she pulls her lips apart, she could feel the heat of Ragnar's cock that was hovering just above her entrance.
Her lower body once again clenched in anticipation of what was to happen. Her mouth which was right next to his, opened and she stuck out her tongue as she breathed heavily.

"Hhahh..., Haaah.. Hhaaah..."

"Still acting thought, huh? After tonight you'll be begging me to kiss you."
A smile forms in the corners of her open mouth before Ragnar once again invades her with his tongue.

"HhmnMnNNnnh..." she moans while his tongue is circling around hers and going along her palate and inner cheeks. All of her mouth felt like it was part of her reproductive system. The tingling in her vagina became stronger and stronger and she couldn't help but start moving her hips rhythmically.

Ragnar pulls her head back, once again forming a strand of saliva between their lips as they part.
Her mouth remaining open and her tongue extended, waiting for him to plug it up once more.

"Are you ready?" he asks.
Of course she knew what he meant. And she was. In fact, she couldn't bear another second.
"(I love you Al, but I can't wait any more. Please don't hate me.)"
She'd betray Al, there wasn't a question. She just tried to rationalize it to calm down her guilty conscience.
She wondered if she could ever look him in the eyes again.
"Yes." she answers after a short pause.

"AAHhhHhNnnnh~" a loud moan escapes her lips as Ragnar, now supporting himself with both hands on the bed, lowers his body onto hers, and the wide tip of his thick, veiny cock spreads her vulva and vaginal walls.
"Shit, you're still so damn tight.
Did you just cum? I can barely move, try relaxing a little.
Hey, are you listening?

This was it. Now that he was inside her again she realized that she had been waiting for this all week.
Her first time with Ragnar was nothing but a blur, but this feeling was the same the one she remembered. A fullness she couldn't imagine before she met him. It was as if their lower parts were created for each other. As if their forms were molded to fit just like this. It was a divine feeling.

Marie came to her senses after Ragnar had once again pulled her head back with his right hand.
"I told you to relax."
"Wh- Yes..Nh...Aahh..I'm sorry."
Being handled like this hurt but at the same time it felt good.
"(So that's what he meant with being a masochist.)"

-slap- -slap- -slop-
"HHaaahhn..., Haahhh...AAhhhhAhn..., AHahhhnNHn..."

"Good girl."

She smiled and tried her best to relax her muscles, but with every one of Ragnar's thrusts came another loud moan followed by a contraction of her pussy around his shaft.

-slap- -slap- -slap-
"Ahhnh... Nhhhn.., HhaAnh..."

Trying to divert her attention away from her pussy, Ragnar raises his hand and pulls down the white silk cloth covering Marie's chest.
"Hhnn~" she lets out a small squeal as her last line of defense is ripped away.
Now her pink nipples lay bare, swinging up and down along with her breasts as he trust inside of her.
Even though they were erect, only about half of their length was protruding from her puffy areolae.

"Oh! Seems your nipples here are just as shy as you are." he teases. "Let's see what I can do about that."
He lowers his head towards her right breast, sucking on her areola and using his tongue to tease out the nipple that was hiding inside of it's folds.

-slap- -slop- -slap-
" AHhhhn..nipple...ahHn.. NahhHhn... Hnyaa..."

After a while, the sensation of his tongue tickling her chest had managed to distract her to the point that she managed to relax. Ragnar's cock was now going in and out of her with little problem, despite her walls sticking to his penis every time he moved.
Wet slopping noises filled the room.

-slap- -slop- -slap- -slap-
"Ahhn...Nhah..., Ahhn..."

"Ah finally, that's better. Now stick young tongue out."
She did as she was told. Ragnar's tongue met hers, and the two of them soon starting dancing around each other between her mouths. Ragnar's position was above Marie, so their combined spit started gathering inside of her mouth and running down her chin onto her chest, wetting the silken fabric still covering her breasts.

-schlurp- -chlurp- -schlup- -chlup- -slorp-
-slap- -slop- -slap- -slop- -slap- -slap-
"Nhhaaah... NnhnHhnhh... NhhaaHhhh..., Nhhah..."

She was fully immersed in the pleasure. To her, it felt like Ragnar was performing an intricate performance. Paired with the pleasure from her lower mouth, she was soon overwhelmed and started moaning even louder than before.

-slorp- -schlurp- -schlop- -chlup- -slop-
-slap- -slap- -slop- -slop- -slap- -slap-
"AhhhNhhaAaa... NaahHhnhh... AahHhhh..., AhahHNn..."

"You really don't care about people downstairs hearing you, do you? he asks after pulling back his tongue.

-slap- -slap- -slop- -slop-


-People downstairs?- she had forgotten where she was. This was an inn. There were other people. Al was in a room downstairs.

Her muscles started to contract again as she thought about the possibility of Al, the one she loved, hearing her moans as she was ravaged by Ragnar.
"Ouhh, Marie, relax! Relax! If you keep clenching like that I'll cum." he says as he pulls her head back once more.

"Calm down, it's alright. We're a married couple. This is what couples do. What's more we're the Hero and Saint, you could say this is a holy act, so let them hear your cute moans."

-slap- -slop- -slap- -slap-
"Cute-Aahhhnn~" his words blew away her sudden embarrassment as it vanished just as suddenly as it had come, being replaced by a high pitched tingling in her stomach. -Cute. He called me cute.- she found herself thinking.

【2 hour later】

-slap- -slop- -slop- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slop- -slap- -slap- -slap- -slop- -slap-
"Nhhhn....Nhhn... AaHhhh...., AnNhAah..Aah... Aahhhn.. NnAaahh...., HhaAhh.... Ahhhn... NnHhaah..."

The room is damp and filled with moans that are only interrupted by the slopping noises of the couple's deep kisses.
Marie has completely lost herself in the pleasure as the force of Ragnar's thrusts pushes her deeper into the mattress. Her arms are wrapped around his muscular neck as she is hugging him.
She didn't make even the slightest attempt at keeping her voice in, moving her hips in concert with him while her legs were closed around his waist.

"Shit, this is too good." he grunts. "I never had a compatibility this high."

-slop- -slap- -slap- -slop- -slop-
"HahhhNh... Aahh...Nhh...., Ahhh...It..Aahhhn... feels ghood... Ahhhn.."

"I I will blow my first load."

-slap- -slap- -slap-
"Hhn... ahh..not.. Ahhhh...inside.. Nahhh..."

As Ragnar nears his climax he tries pulling his cock out of Marie's opening, but despiter her words, her legs are locked behind his back.
"Urgh, as much as I want to fill you up right now, Ghhn... you have to... Nh...let go...Ughhh...."

-slap- -slop- -slap- -slop- -slap- -slap-
She continues moaning without listening to his words.

"Fuck fuck fuck, you make this hard for me." he gasps, as her antics push him closer to depositing his semen inside of her baby bank.
"UhArgh!" with one motion he uses both of his arms to press Marie into the worn out hay mattress and pull his hips back far enough for his cock to slip out of her pussy.
"AAaHhhHhnnNHn~" as she is pushed into the bed, Marie lets out another moan. Her walls contract as she feels Ragnar's dick being pulled out, making a last effort to keep it inside of her.
The second he manages to pull his dick out with a -plop- sound, his semen erupts from the tip of his cock with a splurt, landing all over Marie's exposed stomach and nightgown.
"Uuarrgh..." Ragnar grunts as he stops pushing onto Marie and instead supports himself on the bed.

After a moment he gets up before looking back at her, as she is bathing in the afterglow.

She was lying there with spread legs and her pink, swollen labia opened fully. Her face was that of a girl who had been wholly satisfied, her breath labored and her mouth open. She's looking at the semen that had landed on her stomach, scoops some of it up with her finger and tastes it.

Now that Ragnar was a standing, he could see the mess they, or rather she, had made on the bed. There was a big dark circle right under the area where their genitals had been connected for the past hours.

"(She must have peed, there's no way this much is just her being wet.)" he thought.

Ragnar turns away from Marie, his cock still completely erect. He usually went multiple rounds, but simply staying erect after cumming once was new, even to him. "(I better take a break, else I won't be able to control myself.)"

He looked outside the first storey window and saw the night sky, now only lit by the myriads of stars sprinkled across it by the Goddess of Creation, though of course he didn't believe in such nonsense.
The tavern on the base floor was still bustling with life, the revelry of the drunken patrons and barmaids and the clanking of tankards mixed together to create a cheerful atmosphere.

-schlick- -schlick-


Ragnar suddenly felt hungry. "(She must be starving too.)" he thought.

"I'll go down and get us something to eat, after that you can go back to your boy-"
He had turned around mid sentence.

-schlick- -schlick- -schlick-

Marie had begun masturbating on the bed. She was still lying there with her legs wide spread, stroking her clit with two fingers of the hand she had just used to scoop up his semen.

-schlick- -schlick-

She was moving her hips up and down opposite to the movements of her hand. Sweat was dripping down her face and her bangs were stuck to her forehead as she continued rubbing her slit.

Ragnar made a noise that could be called angry and adoring in equal parts as he took three large steps in the direction of the bed.
His mind was competently blank as he climbed on top of her.
As she saw him approach again, Marie stopped masturbating.
She moved her hand back to the sides of her vulva and held her entrance open, once again welcoming Ragnar's manhood into her.

With his last remaining sanity, he managed to grab his dick and guide it to the entrance before ramming it in with all he had.
The bed made a noise as if it was going to fall apart as his muscular hips smashed into her meat.
She was able to accept him completely on the first thrust, only being limited by the length of her vaginal tunnel. As the tip of his cock was pushed onto the opening to her baby shrine, she moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

-slap -slap- -slop- -slap-

"Aahhh...Nhhhaahh... moree....Ahhhh... MORE....NhhhaHAAAhh..."
She screamed as both of them mated like true animals, completely forgetting themselves within each other.

He grabbed her head and raised it towards him.
She instinctively opened her mouth, accepting his tongue and saliva, allowing him once again to freely play around inside of her.

-schlup- -schlurp- -chlup- -chlurp- -slorp-
-slap- -slop- -slop- -slop- -slap- -slap-
"Nhhhn... Nhhn...Nhhhn....NhhhHHnnn..."

The wet sounds of their kiss mixed together with the slapping of meat and her muffled moans.

After a short while Ragnar pulled back. Her tongue was still sticking out of her mouth, saliva dripping down her chin.

Marie had rested her legs, that didn't have enough strength left to lock around him, on on top of his thighs.
Suddenly Ragnar pulled back completely, once again making a -plop- sound as his tip parted her lips.

He grabbed her right arm with his hand and pulled her up.
"AHh.... that hurts..." she complained in a daze.

"Turn over and show me your ass." he grunted.

"Ahh~" Marie moaned in a sweet tone as she understood his intention.
As he let go of her arm, she obediently turned around. Her hair was sticking to her back and shoulders. Her lower back was beautifully flushed and pearls of sweat were rolling off of it and onto her perky ass cheeks. Her nightgown had become completely useless, covering only a small strap on her waist after being pulled down from her chest and having it's skirt shoved up over her hips.
As she lowered her torso, she positioned her hands in the same place her head used to lie, resting her chin on top of them.
She fully arched her back and kept her knees fairly close together to give her crotch the highest possible elevation. Her form was giving off the impression of a cat that was about to jump.
The fleshy lips of Marie's labia were dripping with her love juices and Ragnar's precum as she began slowly swinging her hips to goad him into finally ramming his piece inside of her again.

Ragnar grabbed a hold of her ass with his left hand and and slid the index and ring fingers of his right hand across her slightly gaping slit before putting pushing them into her.

"NHaaaahAhhn...Hhhn..Nhh..., Hahhn..."

Her folds stuck to his fingers as he moved them around inside. She was tight, even for only two of his fingers. He wondered how she was even able to take the entire girth of his shaft.

After having a taste of his dick just this wouldn't do it for her. He knew that of course. But he wanted to see how far he could push her.

-slop- -slop- -schlop-
"Nhhhh... Nhh...,Hhnn..nNhh."

Frustrated, she started moving her hips back and forth against his movements.

"Nhaah... I did what you Nhhn.. told me to... "
-slop- -slup- -slop- -slop-
"Nhh... Hhnn...nNhh..."
"Hmm? So, what do you want me to do then?" he asked calmly, planning on making her squirm for him until she would beg.
"Nhh... put it in..." she answered instantly. "Nhh... please...put your cock inside of aAhhn... stir me up."

"Coming right up, Miss 'Saint'."

"Ahhn~" Marie let out one last moan as he pulled his fingers out of her.
He moved forward, grabbing Marie's face with the hand that was caressing her pussy just seconds ago. He pulls her up, arching her back even stronger while shoving the two fingers full of her liquids into her mouth.
She starts sucking on them, licking her own juices while making obscene noises once again.
-slurp- -slurp-

Ragnar pulls her head around, his fingers still inside of her mouth. Her cheeks are flushed and her spit is running down his hand and arm.

Their eyes meet as she looks to the side, and in that moment he once again rams his meat rod into her.
-slap- -slap- -slap- -slop-
His fingers had caught her tongue between them, making her moans sound even more lewd than before as they escaped her gaping lips.

-slap- -slap- -slap- -slap-
"MnhhHnhh... nhhHHhn...NnhH...MnnhHN..."

In this position the sensation of his cock ramming into the wall of Marie's cervix was even more pronounced. It hurt, but she only wanted more as she pressed her ass into his hips with every thrust.

【2 hours later】


-slap -schlap- -slop- -slap- -slap -slap- -slop- -slap-

He had changed his grip and was now holding both of her arms stretched behind her back, completely controlling the movement of her upper body.
Her back and ass were already covered in thick, gooey cum.

-slap- -slap- -slap- -slop-
"Aahhhn..., Ahhn....AahhNNhhnn..., Aaaahhh..."

Marie's moans and the sound of slapping wet meat filled the room.

-slap- -slap- -slap-

His length had now entered her hundreds of times, but every time it did so, she felt the same bliss again.

-slap- -slap- -slap-
"NhhhhAaahhn...Ahhn,... nnhH..."

She stopped counting her orgasms, or rather she felt like it was impossible to. Every previous one leading into the next. Being with Ragnar was like heaven. There were no other words to describe it.

-slop- -slap- -slap

Her head was thrown towards her back, as thrust after thrust was put into her hips.

"Ghhn- I'm going to blow again."

-slap- -slap-
"Ahhhn...Ahh.. Yesh..."

"Nhgh- Turn around. I'll cum on your face." he said as he let go of her arms, making her suddenly fall head first onto the mattress.
She quickly raises her head and turns to him.
"Ah!..." she makes a surprised sound as he once again grabs her by the hair, this time without warning, and shoves her into the shaft of his throbbing cock.

-chlup- -chlup- -chlup-
He makes a few thrusting motions, rubbing his cock over her face and spreading their mixed juices all across her cheeks and hair, before he pulls back.
"Open your mouth."

She does as instructed, making an "Aaaaaahhhnnn." sound.

His thick semen first hits her left eye, then her nose, then the bulk of it lands in Marie's mouth and on her stuck out tongue.

He lets go of her hair.

"Fuck, you're really doing it to me." he gasps, while regaining his strength.

Marie looks at him with one eye closed and gooey strands of cum hanging all over the left side of her face. She smiles before slowly swallowing the semen inside of her mouth.

"Uuuaah- Really broke you in good, huh? I told you not to worry, but I almost feel bad for your boyfriend myself."

"Hahh...nHhh...Hahh.. L-Lhh... Like you said. As long as my heart belongs to Al, there's nothing wrong with...nHhnn.. with my body being yours..." Marie heard herself say as she wiped the semen off her face with her hand and smeared it on the dress still hanging by her sweaty stomach.

He takes a few steps towards the window, once again looking outside. The tavern downstairs had closed and the night was silent. Only the occasional barking of a street dog could be heard in the distance.
It seemed like his member had finally had enough.

A few moments pass as he listens to Marie's exhausted breathing behind him.

He smirks and turns around. "Well, if you love him so much, then you better go back for today. I'm sure he's waiting for you."

"Haah.. hah...Lh-Like this? Wh-What about a bath?" she looks down at the completely drenched one piece, her bold attitude vanishing as she imagines having to step into Al's room covered in sweat and semen.

"Of course. As a man, I don't want to keep this view from him."

"Wha- Al is not a pervert like you... He'll hate me."

"Didn't I tell you? It's clear from his expression when he's looking at you, that guy is a total masochist. He'll enjoy seeing you like this, trust me." he responds.
"And you're mine now, the sooner he understands that, the better."

"(I hate it... but... what if he is right?)" she wondered. She was Ragnar's. Or at least her body was. There was no use in hiding that after tonight. If she could make Al happy by showing him this appearance, then maybe it wasn't so bad, she thought.

She got up slowly before bending over to pick up her panties that had been tossed to the ground, giving Ragnar another good view of the pussy he had just conquered.

"Since you're mine now, you can come see me whenever you feel like it, my dear wife." he declared towards her exposed ass.

She looks over her shoulder, her crotch continuing to face him.
"Gh- Why would I? I still hate you." she barked back.

"Ohuu, so fierce." he snarked.

"Oh, by the way, I really like braids." he said out of nowhere.

"L-Like I care." Marie answers while pulling her panties over her wet snatch.
"( cute. Maybe I will...)" she thought to herself.

The fabric of her dress kept lewdly sticking to her skin, showing the forms of her nipples and belly button underneath as she tried readjusting it to look as presentable as possible.

"I-I'll be going then." she gulped as she gave up and turned towards the door.
She was about to open it when she heard his voice behind her.

"Wait a second."

Ragnar grabbed her shoulder from behind and pulled her towards him.
His face was close. She knew what was about to happen and opened her mouth.
His tongue entered her once more, coiling around hers and moving along the inside of her mouth.
She feels a small bolt in her lower body as their lips part after the short kiss.

"Say 'Hi' to Al for me."
He smiled.
She smiled back dazedly, before stepping out of the room with a slight tingle in her crotch.

Marie's way down the stairs and towards Al's room was slow and wobbly. Her legs had trouble supporting her body, and her head was spinning. She wondered if what Ragnar had said about Al was true. After all, he had been right about her.

End Chapter 1.5

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