My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 10 French Blue Dragon

Sea turtles are very spiritual as they are famous for their longevity.

Xiang Yang also touched the turtle's head boldly.

This big guy didn't refuse Xiang Yang's touch, and even narrowed his eyes, looking like he was enjoying it.

Xiang Yang smiled casually, and gently pushed the turtle's head, signaling it to play aside and not disturb his work.

Unexpectedly, the big turtle seemed to understand it, and then rubbed Xiang Yang's arm and then swam to the side, dragging his limbs.

Once a sea turtle grows up, there are almost no natural enemies on the seabed. Even sharks are reluctant to knock on the thick turtle shell with their teeth, and fishermen generally do not catch sea turtles.

However, even such a carefree race has become rare in recent years, because sea turtles like to eat jellyfish, but they can't tell the difference between jellyfish and plastic bags. Countless marine garbage often only needs a plastic bag to get rid of it. Capable of taking the life of a large turtle.

Watching the big turtle swim away, Xiang Yang continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in a seaweed not far away, and the mud and sand on that piece of seaweed rolled, and countless sea fish suddenly panicked.

Xiang Yang looked in that direction, and suddenly his scalp felt numb. He saw a huge squid with a head the size of a bucket, six of the ten huge tentacles with thick arms were dancing wildly, and two of the remaining four tentacles were fixed to the body. The other two are hidden among seagrass and appear to be hunting prey.

Hiss! Xiang Yang gasped, and took a few steps back quietly. With such a big squid, Xiang Yang did not rule out that he was also included in the other party's recipe.

Squid and octopus look very similar, and many people can't tell the difference between squid and octopus.

In fact the two organisms are very well distinguished.

The one with ten tentacles is the squid, and the one with eight tentacles is the octopus.

Squid and octopus are both very cheap seafood. Squid is a little bit better. After drying, it can be sold for 60 to 70 yuan a catty in the inland. As for octopus, you can almost only see it at roadside barbecue stalls.

The giant squid that Xiang Yang saw in front of him was actually not the biggest in the octopus family.

The largest recorded squid is 80 meters long and weighs 50 tons. It looks like a small battleship. It is simply terrifying. However, they usually live in deep sea areas and rarely attack fishermen by the sea.

The squid seemed to be injured, and Xiang Yang saw red liquid escaping towards the surroundings.

It seems that this big guy's prey is not easy. Xiang Yang thought inwardly, and at the same time his body floated up a little, he wanted to see what kind of sea beast it was, which could actually hurt a giant squid one or two meters long.

If it was an octopus one or two meters long, Xiang Yang would turn around and run away without saying a word. Octopuses have developed brains and IQs are higher than squids. The most important thing is that octopuses have suckers on their tentacles. Once they are sucked by a sucker I can't even run if I suck it up.

As for the squid, Xiang Yang thinks that he is no less flexible than the squid on the bottom of the sea, as long as he is not entangled to death by the squid's tentacles, he can still fight the opponent.

Three or four meters upstream, the condescending Xiang Yang finally saw clearly what the prey of the giant squid was.

With just one glance, Xiang Yang's eyes widened.


In the eyes, it is like a sapphire, a dark blue that is dotted with stars but extremely bright.

This kind of blue is as dazzling as pearls, and as deep as the deep sea, like a work of art carefully crafted by God, it is breathtakingly beautiful.

French blue dragon! Xiang Yang looked at the giant squid that had gone crazy due to injury, and smiled with difficulty.

French blue dragon is not as famous as Australian dragon and Boston lobster in the huge family of lobsters, but it is the belief in the hearts of countless gourmets. This is an extremely cherished delicacy and is known as a romantic art. The reason why it is called The French blue dragon is because its main production area is in the territorial waters of France. In fact, it is distributed all over the world, but it is extremely rare in all parts of the world, and it is extremely difficult to catch in deep sea areas. The juvenile French blue dragon is A delicacy that is second only to Chinese Jingxiu lobsters over 55cm in price, and its value soars again once it reaches adulthood.

The blue color on the shell of the French blue lobster is not natural. It is due to the fact that a certain seabed is rich in protein. The lobster consumes too much protein and forms the blue compound astaxanthin, which causes a genetic mutation to make the shell blue.

On average, only 1 French blue dragon appears in 3 million deep-sea lobsters. It is a rare marine creature that is truly comparable to living fossils.

Moreover, the bright blue color is extremely eye-catching compared with the surrounding environment on the bottom of the sea. The bright blue color will make French blue dragons more likely to be found and hunted by carnivorous marine fish, thereby further reducing their number. Most French blue dragons are Can't survive childhood.

Moreover, this genetic mutation of the French blue dragon is irreversible. Once it produces astaxanthin, it becomes a completely different creature, and its growth cycle will become extremely slow. Forty centimeters, the growth rate is several times slower than that of ordinary lobsters.

The French blue dragon and tiger that Xiang Yang saw in front of his eyes was at least 40 centimeters long. The shell was bright ice blue, the color was quite uniform, and it shone with a pearl-like luster. At first glance, it looked like a work of art. The two pincers, which were bigger than Xiang Yang's hands, were raised high, and the other was firmly clamped on one of the giant squid's tentacles. No matter how hard the giant squid struggled, it would not let go. The flattened part of the tentacle was obviously broken.

Not far from the bottom of the sea, there is a giant squid tentacles that have been pinched off, which is shocking to watch.

However, the French blue dragon is still alive and well, with six limbs almost as big as cucumbers firmly grasping its body on the bottom of the sea, and its two beards are like a wrathful crown soaring into the sky.

Seeing this, Xiang Yang couldn't help but feel ashamed, this French blue dragon is too fierce, it looks like he can fight with himself again after beating the giant squid away for a while.

Xiang Yang, the French blue dragon, must be caught.

As one of the top ingredients, the cheapest French blue dragon, which weighs a few dollars, costs a thousand times that of ordinary crayfish.

In fact, to say that the French blue dragon is an ingredient is to belittle it. Although this guy is not an animal protection, once he finds out that he is definitely more nourishing than protecting animals. Except for Paris, France, which regards ingredients as art, it is basically in any restaurant in the world. It is impossible to order this dish, and because the quantity is scarce, the supply is in short supply. There is no such thing as exporting French blue dragons weighing more than one catty.

In September 2008, several shrimp catchers caught a French blue dragon weighing 4.54 catties on the Isle of Man in the United Kingdom. The specimen is still in the British Museum.

On August 26, 2014, a fisherman in Maine, USA caught a French blue dragon. This shrimp is still alive in the local aquarium.

In June 2019, the owner of a seafood restaurant in Massachusetts, USA, found a rare sapphire blue French blue dragon when he was purchasing goods, and finally sold it for a sky-high price of US$450,000.

This kind of French blue dragon has many natural enemies and grows slowly. It takes several years to grow the size of an ordinary lobster for a year. Every time it grows up, its price will soar. The juvenile French blue dragon is also sought after by gourmets. The adult French blue dragon The price of the Blue Dragon is usually more expensive than a Ferrari, and it is not the French elite who have money to buy it.

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