My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 2

I don't know how long it took before Xiang Yang woke up leisurely.

The first thing Xiang Yang did when he woke up was to look at his palm.

What, what's going on here? Xiang Yang stared blankly at his palm, the wound in his memory that was cut by the mysterious seashell had disappeared, and the palm was extremely smooth.

The mysterious seashell was missing along with the wound, but Xiang Yang felt a strange feeling in his heart, he seemed to be able to summon that mysterious seashell with just one thought.

Come out. Following Xiang Yang's thought, a dark blue seashell appeared in Xiang Yang's hand.

Disappear. Xiang Yang thought again, and the dark blue sea shell disappeared immediately.

Appears, disappears, appears, disappears.

It was amazing, Xiang Yang tried more than ten times in a row before he began to look at this shell with endless interest.

The azure surface is full of stone texture and exudes a faint light.

Holding this jade shell, Xiang Yang suddenly had a very absurd idea in his heart. He felt that he could freely shuttle and breathe under the water like a fish without worrying about the pressure and oxygen at the bottom.

This idea was lingering as soon as it was born, and it became more and more intense. The desire to surpass life prompted Xiang Yang to walk towards the sea in front of him, and he couldn't help it.


Plunging headfirst into the sea, Xiang Yang woke up instantly.

Me, why did I jump into the sea?

Xiang Yang was startled at first, followed by ecstasy.

In the sea, Xiang Yang seemed like a fish in water, without any discomfort in his body.

With a sudden plunge, Xiang Yang got to the bottom of the sea, swung his body and swam for hundreds of meters on the bottom of the sea before surfacing in ecstasy.



This time it's really developed.

How big is the ocean?

Anyone who has studied geography knows that land is divided into three parts and oceans are divided into seven parts.

The ocean, which occupies seven-tenths of the earth, is rich in fish, shrimps and crabs, as well as countless shipwrecks and endless treasures.

And Xiang Yang, who graduated from Ocean University, knows better that humans know very little about the ocean. Light can only travel 200 meters in the ocean, which means that the ocean below 200 meters is completely dark. Accounting for 5% of the entire ocean area, the remaining 95% are undeveloped.

Being able to come and go freely on the bottom of the sea like a fish, and being able to ignore the darkness on the bottom of the sea, the bottom of the sea has completely become Xiang Yang's back garden.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiang Yang dived into the bottom of the sea again.

Xiang Yang looked at this mysterious underwater world curiously. Within 100 meters from the shore, the sea is not deep, and fish are relatively rare. The pliers swagger.

After 100 meters from the shore, the sea gradually deepened, and some coral reefs appeared on the bottom of the sea. Beautiful sea fish shuttled among the coral reefs. With a swing, Xiang Yang swam more than ten meters away in an instant, approaching a coral reef.

There were strips of sea fish swimming over there, and Xiang Yang grabbed one, put it in front of his eyes for a look, and then let it go. This is the most worthless bighead fish, and it only costs a few yuan per catty in the market.

Look here, look there, Xiang Yang is almost dazzled.

Suddenly, Xiang Yang's eyes lit up, and under a coral reef, Xiang Yang saw a finger-thick thing that looked like a caterpillar.

Sea cucumber! Xiang Yang grabbed the sea cucumber wriggling slowly under the coral reef, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

Although sea cucumber has the word ginseng, it is not a plant. It is a kind of invertebrate. There are more than 900 species in the world. Among them, the most precious dried plum ginseng can be sold for thousands of yuan per catty. It is priceless and is honored as one of the Eight Treasures.

The reason why it can be sold at this price is because there are more than 900 kinds of sea cucumbers, most of which are inedible. Most of the edible sea cucumbers live on the hard rocky bottom of shallow seas or under coral reefs. Usually they crawl under the sand and gravel , when in danger, it will spray the internal organs, and use the huge propulsion generated when the internal organs are sprayed to escape.

It is very interesting that sea cucumbers are afraid of heat but not cold. Most sea cucumbers have the habit of aestivation in summer. At that time, they look as if they are dead, as stiff as a stone, interesting enough, right? In fact, the degree of heat resistance of sea cucumbers is far more than that. There is an autolytic enzyme in the body wall of sea cucumbers. Once the temperature is overheated, sea cucumbers will autolyze, and in about five or six hours, they will completely turn into a puddle of water. The trace disappeared without a trace.

Not only will it melt when exposed to heat, but sea cucumbers will also melt into a puddle of water when they encounter oily substances.

What's even more amazing is that this kind of guy who automatically melts when exposed to heat has extremely tenacious vitality. As long as it is not exposed to oily substances or high-temperature environments, even if its body is cut into several pieces, it will grow into a new body after a while. A few sea cucumbers.

Xiang Yang carefully searched the bottom of the coral reef everywhere, and what was even more surprising was that there were quite a lot of this kind of sea cucumbers in this area, some of them were as big as an arm, and a single one weighed a kilogram.

This is a good time. Xiang Yang picked the big ones. This kind of sea cucumber is big, thick and of excellent quality. It is a delicacy sought after by the rich. Xiang Yang is not going to sell all of them, but plans to keep two for them. The family also eat meat.

Too bad I didn't bring a sack with me. Soon, Xiang Yang, who was naked and wrapped a large bag of sea cucumbers in his clothes, floated towards the surface of the sea contentedly, and had no regrets about the remaining Xiang Yang who was not caught. In fact, there are a lot of seafood on the bottom of the sea, but it is not easy to salvage, and it is relatively scattered, which is why most people mistakenly believe that the seabed fishery resources are almost exhausted.

On the way home, it was inevitable to meet some folks in the village. The villagers were shocked when they saw Xiang Yang wrapping a large package of sea cucumbers in his clothes. Sea caterpillars, there were quite a lot of these things before, but now they are almost extinct right?

Xiang Yang, this sea caterpillar is almost as thick as an arm, right? Where did you catch it? A fat man who was a classmate with Xiang Yang in elementary school said enviously. Such a big bag, even if it is processed into dry goods, it must be more than ten catties. Some people buy sea cucumbers in Fanhai Town.

Fortunately, Xiang Yang didn't know what the fat man was thinking. If Xiang Yang knew, such a precious Haizhen would sell for three hundred yuan a catty, and Xiang Yang would probably die of laughter.

It's Fatty Zuo. It's not a sea caterpillar, it's a sea cucumber. You can go out to catch it by rowing a boat more than a hundred meters in front of Qinglong Bend. You can try your luck. Xiang Yang greeted the fatty with a smile. He didn't hide where he fished it. First, the water there wasn't very shallow. Even if the villagers could dive there, they were almost at their limit. They couldn't catch them at all. Second, most of the thick arms were given by Xiang Yang. Fished out, those fingers are thick and thin, now there are jade shells with him, Xiang Yang doesn't care.

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