My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Hair and Masochism

[Mayuri's POV]

Mother's mouth is stuffed with her own hair right now, I also told her about my identity and as expected she didn't seem happy about it. Well, not that I expected her to be.

She probably wants to ask a lot of questions right now but with the hair stuffed inside, yeah...bits of it will get swallowed if she tries to speak or yell. That's why she trying her best to not speak and decipher the situation in front of her, but there's no need for Mother to think too hard about it. I have nothing to hide but before that something needs to be done and that is binding this child to the chair besides Mother.

"Sis, lend me a hand over here"

"Sure, and you mother-in-law stay quiet and just watch, wouldn't want the hair to mix with saliva and get swallowed inside"

Sis came over my side, leaving the shocked mother behind. What's she shocked about? probably because Sis called Mother by in-law and well that's only something a lover or soon to be a wife would say.

But that's just my assumption, it can also be because she can't speak anything as she watches her beloved son get tied to the chair beside her and she can't do anything to help. It can be a mix of both too, but meh, she can think whatever she wants to.

I picked up the boy in a princess carry and placed him on the chair, Mother's looking this way with clear bloodshot eyes filled with tears, oh now, don't make that face—


or else Big Sis would get excited.

"Sis, back to earth. Bring the rope"

"huh? ...ah! yeah, sure, sure" now, now, Sis, don't have to look at Mother with those devilish eyes, but quite contradictory, those devilish eyes look quite angelic to me. She really is an angel.

Just like with Mother, I tied the boy's body to the chair, making him unable to move his body, all the while Mother looked at my work.

She probably wanted to say something, evident by the look of hate she is giving, but damn, this hair thing is quite effective. I mean what would it feel like to have hair stuffed into your mouth?

There would be constant tingling sensation inside your mouth, as the hair touches the walls of the mouth. The frizzy feeling inside your mouth, the taste of dandruff which dominates the hair...what else could there be, hmmmm, ah! there's also the saliva which is soaking the hair wet. If accidentally, it gets swallowed, then this much volume of hair mixed with saliva and dandruff going down your throat, yeah, it's really like constant torture. I wonder how Big Sis thought of this method.

"Sis, how did you think of this method of stuffing hair inside, did you watch it on some show?" I asked as I finished tying the child to the chair.

"Nah, just though what it would be like to bind someone's mouth with hair and well it worked out quite well. Maybe I will try some mother things I thought of."

"I see, well, good luck with that. Let me in on some too, I'm quite curious"


there's still some time before the daughter comes back home, I wonder what to do before that.




[Jyoti's POV]

haahhh, shit, fuck, shit, fucking hell. I wonder what those two are doing, Mayuri should have been out from the hospital yesterday, I thought Mehak would give a party for it but shit, nothing happened. What are they doing? getting all clingy, clingy with each other? ...well, probably yeah.

haahhh, I also want to be clingy with someone.

hahhhh, Mother. What should I do to make you look at me with the eyes of lust? Father's also coming back in a few days. After that things would become quite difficult.

hahhh, what a pain, it's all those sisters' fault. It's because of them that such complications are inside me. Looking at them made me want to have a lover too, it looks quite fun. But most importantly, looking at them made me realize that incest is not something to feel disgusted from and that it's not a sin that will make god kill them with a bolt of lightning.

I mean there bonding and relationship are so sweet and wholesome, well if we leave their personality aside of course. It made me realize that incest is not a sin, their case is just unique, in their case, the party involved in it just happens to be quite twisted. But again, it's not like I can complain, I'm becoming twisted too.

Yeah, I could comfort myself by constantly saying that it was their fault that things turned out this way for me but in the end, it was me who took action in the end. I could have not taken the final action and just died, but well, I didn't want to and every choice has a consequence. In my case, the consequence of choosing life over death is to live a life filled with sin, and well it's not thaaat bad, it's quite liberating instead like I'm free from some invisible chain that was binding me throughout my teenage.

It also brings quite a share of troubles with it as well, like the trouble taking place in my life right now.

Because I acted upon my desires and didn't hold back...well, Mother became quite something. It's like I'm seeing a hidden side of her, the usual kind, soft mother showing a quite cult personality.

I got two lectures yesterday on how I should break all my ties with those incest sisters. There was also the one this morning and the next one is happening right now.

"Jyoti dear, your two friends have swayed from the path, they are dirty, something like romantically loving your sister is not right, it's absolutely wrong"

well, they are dirty and have swayed from the path, but that's for different reasons. In their list of depravity, committing incest is definitely not on the list. It almost seems normal compared to other shit they have done. But well can't say that to Mother, she's this furious about having them as friends, and if she learns about all the shit I have done along with them, well shit, it would be bad, like really bad.

I can also try to fix her perception but it's just too strong. I mean, she isn't even stuttering while talking about this thing, usually, she becomes like the shyest person in the world the moment something related to love comes but fuck! there's no trace of that right now. Mother's cult persona is quite strong, damn! grandparents!! I swear I will make you two suffer for filling mother's mind with all this bullshit

What are they even doing? I'm getting a feeling probably not something good.

"Jyoti, it's for your own good, Mother wouldn't want anything bad happening to her dear Jyoti"

"..." yeah, that's how grandparents brainwashed Mother, by constantly filling Mother's mind with these speeches and words. Oh, poor mother, how you must have suffered while listening to all this bullshit yourself in the past.

Now that I think about it, I would have also been affected by this crap talk if I haven't met those sisters. Our first meeting was quite nightmarish for me, I mean they tortured me and made me kill my ex-boyfriend after that made me do all kind of fucked up shit, like bullying students, suffocating that classmate's cat, killing bugs, insects and etc etc etc etc....

haahhh, why do I even consider them my friends after all the crap they put me through. I thought it was because they made things easy for my family, made me live a life that is different from the normal, gave a chance to an ordinary me to become something extraordinary and as a payment for all these assets, I had to do their dirty work.

Like a give and take relationship. I don't think it's completely wrong, but I have this feeling that it's also not completely right.

I mean, I do stay with them for all the benefits that come along with it but with all the stuff that I have to do for reaping those benefits, I don't think I would have kept doing it just for those benefits. There's something else that made me stay with those sisters despite all that, something not selfish.

I think I truly consider those two sadists and slave drivers as my friend. That's why I keep following them despite the shit they put me through.

Fucking donkey in the anus, what a shitty thing to realize.

huh, I'm quite a Maso then.

Well, shit. Those fucking sisters




[Mayuri's POV]

I feel like somebody is cursing at me


hmm? seems like the daughter is also back home. Saliva is dripping from Mother's mouth because of the long hours that the hair has been inside, it must have become quite mushy right now, her cheeks must also be hurting like a bitch, but well we can take it out after dealing with the daughter.

Now, now, no need to make the face of such immense hatred, Mother.

I just want you to feel what I felt for you during all these years.

"Mayu, get ready"


and there goes Big Sis towards the door.

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