My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Mehak’s Confession


1st April, 2019

Sunday (08:00 PM)

Dear Diary,

                       Hmm now that 23rd diary is finished and is resting peacefully on the bookshelf, now it's time to start the 24th which I bought yesterday while returning home from school.

Now that I am in 11th class and became student consul president last year, now I know for sure that I have laid enough groundwork to get rid of those fucking pests who just keep on bothering my bis sis and have also started bothering me. I mean at school the lunch break is the only official time where big sis and I can be together but those pretend friends of her's and especially those boys and even some girls just keep on barging in.

Especially that Abhi Sharma seems to be getting full of himself and even dares to rest his hands on sister's shoulders even though she clearly hates it but she doesn't show it on her face to keeps being pretended friends with them. Every time I see that asshole touching my big sis, a violent feeling rises in me and I barely manage to keep myself together, thinking every time not to blow up the image I have worked so hard to obtain.

But that's not the case anymore as now everyone believes what I say and everyone trusts me and are able to imagine that I can do anything bad to them.

By now it's pretty clear that Abhi Sharma has feelings for big sis and he even dares to act upon them, but just to completely clear about this matter, last year I asked him does he love my sister and he very timidly said yes, hearing that I got a strong urge to break his bones but again my image got in the way.

But now even if I do something to him, first I would do it in such a way that he's not able to talk about it anymore and even if he does then nobody will believe him because I am a person who can never do anything wrong.


[Mayuri's POV]

On Monday when I left home together with big sis to go to school, I asked her, " Hey, big sis what is your opinion on that Abhi Sharma and just in case you don't interrupt it wrongly, NO! I don't think you feel anything for him and I believe firmly that you would not feel anything for anybody besides me, so now what do you think of him?".

Hearing that she laughed and wrapped one of her arms around my back and pulled me closer, kissing my cheeks and then slowly whispered in my ears, "Dear, even if you don't say it I know what you mean, so there's no need to say things like that OK!?". in a seductive tone and licked my ears.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*, HAAAAH, haah, haaaaaah, Man big sis is getting very aggressive and very bold lately, maybe she's having revenge for all the teasing I have done to her for many years?. But I don't dislike it when big sis becomes forcefull and I am on the receiving end.

Hearing her say this my face became red like cherry and while looking down I said, "O-0-OK" shit that came out weak.

Then she started laughing again and gripped by back more strongly and said, "AWWWW! look how cute you are acting, now you see how I feel every time you do these things to me?". with a proud face.

Seeing that I got irritated and said, " Well, of course, you also feel very happy as I can sense the wetness of your vagina whenever I touch you there over your skirt or pants!" with a smug face.

Hearing this Big sis also became red and loosened a little of her strength around my back but didn't leave it and said, " O-OH o-o-O AHUM! OK! now, where were we?".

Hmm seems like she still has ways to go before becoming dominant with me but we did get off the track so I asked her again, "What do you think about that Abhi Sharma who constantly tries to touch you?"

"Hmm, I really hate his guts! every time he does that I always feel a strong urge to slap him but seeing that you also try hard to keep it in so that the image you created at school doesn't crumble, I also somehow manage to keep it in so that my image also doesn't crumble".

Hearing this I got shocked and asked, " WHAT! so big sis knew about that whole image thing?"

"Well of course! dear, you think that I who spends every minute of my time with you doesn't know about how you act, behave and do things?" she said with a smug face.

Hearing that I got scared and carefully asked her, "Th-then how much do you know?".

"Well I have read all 23 of your diaries and even though what you did at the orphanage was pretty fucked up but then I remembered that you did ask me about how your true self was something different and you don't know what should you do about that, recalling that I realized what you were talking about and didn't I saw that I would never hate you no matter what you behave like".

Hearing this I got tears in the corner of my eyes and asked, "Then you also read about the whole stalking, me seducing you, about different things I feel about you and how I feel about other people and especially those who try to get close to you?" in a worried tone.

"WELL OF COURSE! and I know I should be creeped out and disgusted by it and I did feel that at first for 4-5 days but you couldn't tell as you were gone on your school trip, and somehow I also found your obsession and desire for me very sweet and it made me feel very special. Then I searched about things like these online and apparently you feel obsessive love towards me and people online call a person like you a YANDERE. But somehow reading about all this I got excited and interested in things like these or you can say I got fascinated by this? and then realizing how my own lovely sister is like that, I became even more fascinated by this whole thing and fell even more deeply in love and just like I promised before I would always be honest with you about my heart right?" she said with a cheerful tone.

Tears started running down my cheeks and just kept on falling even when big sis wiped them, so I guess there was always a worry in the back of my heart about big sis finding about stuff like this huh?.

After I stopped crying, big sis hugged me front and kissed my forehead and said, "Now I know this is wrong and that any normal person shouldn't be feeling this but I guess I also started getting fucked up in mind after this whole secret thing began as every day, the feeling of our relationship being abnormal changed to being a completely normal relationship and I started caring less and less about what would people think and by now I don't even feel any fear or creepiness by imagining you doing all the things written in the diary you would be doing to people but instead I get goosebumps, my heart starts racing, cheeks start flushing and excited thinking about you doing all that stuff".

Then she stopped saying anything for a moment, hugged me tighter and continued speaking, "But this just proves the point that you are only made for me and I am only made for you, as only we can accept each other like this and loves the other even more when they do some questionable things".

Then she stopped hugging me and looked seriously at my eyes and said, "Now I know what you are going to do about that Abhi Sharma and I won't stop you from doing that as he does bother me a lot and honestly I am a little excited thinking about what you would do and I get even more excited and flushed when I think what you would do to other people in school, so by now I, myself am pretty clear that I am not right in mind but it feels good thinking about all this stuff so I won't ever stop you but just remember one thing".

Then she closed the distance between our faces to the point where our nose is touching and said in a very firm manner, "Don't ever get caught by police and every time you would do stuff like this always, always make sure to get complete closure so that's there would be no future problems" and kissed my lips and parted them with her lips, then her tongue entered my mouth and she started licking my bottom teeth, so I also extended my tongue and invaded her mouth and started licking the back of her tongue while both us started caressing each other backs and since we both are of same height i.e 173 cm so it was extremely comfortable, we stayed like this for few minutes and with bot of our cheeks flushed red she said in a rough breathing, "Hah, hah, hah, haah, please remember it  firmly to  hold those words because  if something does happen to you then I don't know what I will do to someone, so please don't let me go down that path, ARE WE CLEAR?".

"All clear, very clear, don't worry big sis that would never happen because as you have read in the diary I have laid down all the groundwork and even if something unexpected does happen then I would be sure to deal with resolutely so don't worry" I said with a smile on my face.

Seeing this big sis sighed and said, "if you need any help don't hesitate and just ask me and I would help you in the things you are about to do, so just make sure I don't go down that path where even I don't know what I would do if something seriously bad happens to you, OK! ARE WE CLEAR AGAIN!".

"SIR, YES SIR!" I said in a serious manner and then we started laughing and went out of the abandoned house which we discovered a year ago and make our little secret base.

Now time to take care of that Abhi Sharma. 

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