My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Naked Feelings

[Mayuri's POV] [A week before the Release]

"Miss Mayuri, are you able to see these letters?"

"Yeah, just the bottom ones are a bit difficult to read"

"Then, can you please read the letters before the bottom one"

"Hmm.... h..k....q...t....s...b....a"

"Alright, how much strain did you feel in your right eye?"

"Just a little bit...but it was not uncomfortable"

"Good. Miss Mayuri, you will be discharged soon"

"Can't it be done today?"

"I'm sorry. Even though there won't be any problems anymore, but we still have to run a few tests"

"bitch..." *whisper*

"Hmm? did you say something? Miss Mayuri?"

"Nope! good work today, Mrs. Nurse."

"haha, same to you, Miss Mayuri"

"So, can I leave now? Big Sis is waiting outside"

"Of course, please"

this nurse is not that bad as I thought of her as. At least not as bad as other doctors and nurses here, she doesn't face me with the eyes filled with pity.

I stood up from the chair and opened the door, on the bench outside the room, was Big Sis.

"How did it go, Mayu"

"It was good Big Sis" I have thought up a lot of things, and today...I shall have a proper talk with Big Sis.

"Where does Mayu want to go next? the room or the canteen?"

fuuuuuuuuhaaaaaaahhhh...there's nothing to be afraid of. Big Sis will never leave me, she won't ever leave matter what.

"Big Sis"

"Huh? ...what's with the serious expression, Mayu?"

"Let's have a talk, Big Sis"

Big Sis is clearly shocked by hearing the seriousness in my voice, her eyes are wide open

"wh-..whe-where" this reminds me of old Big Sis, the one who didn't have much confidence and was submissive to a fault. the base, she's still that same person.

"Let's go outside, Big Sis. There's a nice spot by the fountain"





"S-so...what's all of this about?"

"Big Sis, for this past month or so...there has been a lot of things going through my head"


"Some were about the old days......some about the future...but most of them were about all these negative things flowing around in my mind and I can' seem to put a stop to it."

"I'm here to listen to them, you know"

"Hmm......but what I want are answers. Just honest answers"

her hands are trembling a bit. Bis Sis is not even looking at me, her face is just facing downwards. It seems like, Big Sis also has an idea about my questions. But it looks like I asked them before she anticipated them, hence her mind is probably in turmoil right now.

"Big Sis, look at me"

she doesn't

"Look at me"

still facing down

"Big Sis, LOOK!!!"


she just shivered a little, but still no response. Big Sis is probably either thinking of a way to get out of this situation or trying to come up with various excuses to my questions.

When did Big Sis become like this?

Did I spoil her so much, that she started thinking of ways to lie to me?

Oh! poor Big Sis....... it looks like, I'm not the only one who's suffering inside.

Neither of us did our job properly.

Big Sis let my problems grow....and I didn't see the problems Big Sis was under. Even though I can see straight through her face, but it looks like her perfect mask also managed to deceive me.

This is the real Big Sis.

The Big Sis under all the masks she shows outside

Big Sis whose hands and legs are shaking.

Big Sis who is docile to a fault.

Big Sis who needs my support to look dignified on the outside.

Nothing has changed...

the only thing that has changed is.......Big Sis got too good at acting

the only thing that has changed is.......I started slacking in our relationship, and let Big Sis take the lead.

Big Sis isn't capable of leading in a relationship, and the one who was supposed to lead it was me. But I became lazy and let Big Sis do everything....and Big Sis tried her best, but ultimately failed.

All of which is inevitable by the amount of damage and harm she caused to both of us.

But it's time that I started taking the lead again.

I don't want my relationship with Big Sis to become even a little bit hateful.......or for either of us to feel obliged or burdened while doing our duties.

Everything should happen naturally.

I should be taking the lead, while Big Sis should keep an eye out for anomalies in our relationship.

Yes, just like the school days. Everything was perfect those days...and we will make sure that it becomes perfect again.

The fog is starting to clear from my mind, I'm starting to see things like they really are and not just lost in some delusion.

A smile naturally crept up on my face seeing Big Sis acting all submissive and docile.

My right hand moved towards Big Sis's smooth looking cheeks and started gliding my fingers along the tender face.

"!! ...Ma--...Ma..Ma-Mayu!...." yes...... this is the expression that I missed so much. Big Sis's face turning into a pure red tomato

"Big Sis, you finally looked at your Mayu" I quickly lathered my right palm, tracing it through Big Sis's soft neck.

Big Sis is looking deep into my eyes, her lips half-open and shaking. I can see the look of longing on Big Sis's face......... Big Sis has taken off her mask.

I traced my hand towards the back of Big Sis's neck and tilting my face, moved closer to her inviting neck.

My lips touched the little damp in Big Sis's neck and ran my tongue through it.

A sudden shiver along Big Sis's back "Haaaaahhhh....hmmm....haaaa....haahhhhhhh...." her breathing started coming in gasps.

This is the real Big Sis, the one who wants to be eaten away by me. The one who wants to trust and leave her entire body to me, but what did I do?

I let Big Sis take charge of everything, instead of equally sharing our problems and like a spoiled brat started thinking that Big Sis will solve all of my problems.

I didn't think about my problems myself, didn't try to resolve them by myself......just let Big Sis solve my problems and figure out all of my problems herself and serve everything to me on a platter.

But Big Sis has problems of her own......and I didn't even realize them.

It seems like Big Sis sensed what was going through my mind, she placed her right hand on the back of my head and started stroking it, my face still buried over her neck.

What have I been doing?


Yes...I have been doing nothing.

Just letting Big Sis do everything for me

But it's time things changed.......

I changed

I took Big Sis's left hand and held it tightly, my expressive touch showing my intense feelings for Big Sis, which have only grown each day.

Maybe Big Sis was able to feel these obsessive and intense feelings that she started vigorously rubbing the back of my head.

In return, I was also able to feel the intense feelings of possessiveness Big Sis has for me. These fierce feelings made my heart beat faster, and the heartbeat of Big Sis was already beating at the speed of light.

I lifted my head from big Sis's neck and again looked at her alluring and pleasing face.

Big Sis was crying.

Tears were falling down her cheeks.

There was no sound to her crying, just a voiceless cry.

I traced both of my thumbs through her tears and rubbed her eyes.

Big Sis's eyes became a little red

I leaned in further and looked deep into Big Sis's divine eyes.

My lips landed on Big Sis's cute lips.

Big Sis moved her hands and locked them with mine, her expressive touch telling me every little thing she feels towards me.

A strong feeling of reliability

and I have been nothing but unreliable for these few years.

"Hey, look at those two..."

"How shameful, didn't their parents teach them anything?"

"They are k-kissing out in the open"

"What's more disgusting is that they are both girls"

"They are both down the wrong path"

Random comments started coming our way from the onlookers. Their words are nothing but words of trash for me, but I can see Big Sis's eyes shaking a little bit.

I need to take the lead.

I asserted by force by holding Big Sis's hand more firmly, I parted Big Sis's lips with my tongue and crawled it inside her mouth. My eyes, My touch, My dominance telling Big Sis that everything is alright. You don't have to worry about other's opinion, they can't do anything to us. I won't let anyone bring any harm to you. The only opinion which should matter to you is mine and mine only.

Opinions of others are just there to harm our relationship because they all are just jealous of us.

They all are just jealous of seeing our love for each other

I conveyed everything to Big Sis and it looks like it got through her, her eyes relaxed and Big Sis also pushed her tongue inside my mouth.

"why's that girl wearing an eyepatch? is that a new fashion sense?

"Youth these days is just too much"

"Their parents must be ashamed of them"

"That's why I always keep a tab on what my children are doing"

"Thank god, my daughter isn't like these girls"

Bugs will say whatever their useless brain thinks of

Just like the life of a bug doesn't matter, the life of a person other than Big Sis doesn't matter.




Right now we are inside my hospital room

Big Sis is sitting with me on the bed, our shoulder touching and ur heads leaned against each other.

My right hand and big Sis's left hand are holding each other tightly, both not wanting to leave the warmth of other

"Big Sis, will you be honest with me"

"Yes, I have a lot of things to tell you. Some important things that I have been hiding. But Mayu also has to answer my questions."

"Of course! has your Mayu ever lied to Big Sis?"

" Only I have been lying. I'm a terrible Sister aren't I"


"Hahaha...Mayu really doesn't lie"

"But I'm terrible as well...for letting Big Sis do everyhting"

"Yes, you were. Mayu really came back to her senses"

"Hehehe...Big Sis also not lying anymore"




"Big Sis, why did you take my eye away"

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