My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Orphanage’s Tragedies – #1

[Riya's Aggarwal POV]

"Okay students! that's all for today, I know this one week holiday right after semester start abrupted your flow, but still, make sure to revise everything that was taught today"

"Yes, sir!" (6-7 students said in unison) these are the teacher's pet type, better stay away from them.

"Hey! Riya, wanna go somewhere today?" (Lily)

"Hmm? Oh! no...I don't feel like going in crowds today, sorry Lily"


"You know that you gotta go in crowds someday, how long are you gonna bitch out for?" (Shelly)

"You too? shelly?...I thought at least you wouldn't pester me about this unlike your sister lily"

"Well, you were wrong then, so let's start low. Wanna visit Mayuri hospital today? it has almost been a week since we last saw her" (Shelly)

"Yeah, sis... that poor soul. I can't even imagine what's it like to lose an eye" (Lily)

Well, she's really an unlucky fellow, or just trying to fool everyone...but if those sisters are really fooling everyone, then they are doing a damn good job at that.

"Yeah... let's visit her today, we are the only friends she got in this collage" but I am not sure wheater you can call someone you just met for a day ' a friend'

"Yup! let's go this afternoon after the classes end" (Lily)

"Sure......Oh right! I remembered, do you know anybody by the name of Priya in this class?" almost forgot about her, gotta put in a few good words in her ear for that stupid Ankit.

It's not like I'm happy for that asshole that he finally got someone to adore. I'm just doing my job as his older sister by 5 minutes. Also, gotta meet the girl who's potentially gonna become my future sister. Jesus, I am thinking too far ahead. both of them gotta become a couple first

"Priya? yes, I know her. She sits in the front, that's her right there, the one with the slightly reddish hair...but why? she's a whore you know" (Lily)

Hmm... so that's her...she seems cute, so that's the type of girl that little shit likes

"Eh? and how is she a whore? did she do something?" it has only been a week for which collage was open, so how the fuck did they figure out someone's personality so fast......probably rumours I guess

"That girl's definitely a whore, she acts all cute all-day, attracts boys from every branch, talks in a very friendly manner with them as if they are close baiting those boys to think that she's interested in them. She also denies everything obvious about her, she's definitely looking down on all of us, Hmph! that slutty bitch, I am sure she has had an abortion...I mean just look at those fucking giant bouncy tits" (Lily)

"Wow! that's some excessive hate you got for her, did she do something to you? stole the boy you like or something?" but damn...those are some breasts, it looks like those buttons are going to pop out any minute now......her back must hurt a lot. No wonder those boys are attracted to her, most probably just see her as tits... and unfortunately, what else they may want.

"No, she didn't. I don't have any boy that I like, it's just that looking at her really frustrates me, makes me wanna wipe that stupid spaced-out expression of hers, what the hell is she even thinking all day? probably, how to get another dick insider her loose vagina" (Lily)

Jesus fucking christ, that's some immense hate...didn't know Lily was capable of such words

"Lily, mind your words. You are in public right now, if someone unrelated hears your vulgar words that will affect our 'Vikas' Family name. Also, didn't I tell you? don't openly hate someone. You never know when that person will become useful." (Shelly) least one of the sisters has manners.

"Yeah......sorry, sis. Just lost control of emotions, won't happen again." (Lily)

"Good, that's more like it. Here, have chocolate and cheer up. Anyways Riya, why did you ask about her? got off a tangent there" (Shelly)

"Ah! Thank you sis, you the best!" (Lily)

It's like a master and pet relationship between these sisters...well, everyone's unique can't complain or do anything about that.

"Yeah... my little brother's kinda interested in her, so thought to have a talk with her"

"Tell your brother to forget about her. If he wants a pussy, might as well pay for some better whore" (Lily)

"Lily! be quiet! here have some money and buy us all a cola" (Shelly)

"Haaaaiiii, Sis. Which flavour you want?" (Lily)

"Surprise me" (Shelly)

"What about you, Riya?" (Lily)

"Surprise me too"

"Ok! be back! but tell your brother to leave that nympho, he would regret it later" (Lily)

... and there she finally goes, "She surprised me today, didn't know she could be so aggressive and hateful"

"Well, that's Lily. She can't keep her emotions in check, is easily influenced by some baseless rumours, easily gets angry and worked up, acts like a spoiled brat most of the times, don't care about others emotions and just blurts out anything that comes to her mind, is very childish and immature"

"That's some praise for her"

"Yeah...but she can be really caring once you become close with her, and we got an entire lifetime to improve her bad personality"

"Hmm, that's true... didn't know you are such a caring sister"

"Well, we are only one 30 minutes late. And someone gotta be the responsible one and take care of family business, she can't become one... and my brother's also...-"

"What?! you have a brother? why didn't you tell me" is there something about the brother that she doesn't want to share?

"Well......I was not trying to hide's just he's an embarrassment..."

"Yeah, I get that...Mine's also an embarrassment, though he's little than me"

"No, not that embarrasment......he's literally a shame to the entire family"'s serious..seems like something unpleasant happened because of him, shouldn't have joked at first...dammit! Riya!

"Well, every family has it's own circumstances, so if you feel like sharing, I am all ears"

"Yeah...thanks for understanding, and sorry"

"No, don't sweat over it. We are friends, no sorry or apologies among us."

"Hmm..sorr--AH! thanks, I mean... sooo, we got off another tangent right there, your Lil bro interested in that girl? how?"

"Ah! yes..almost forgot about it again. Yeah, it seems like he's madly in love with her, can't stop her praises, blushes every time he talks about her seems like he's into those flowery, cute and ditzy girls."

"Hmm, that's some interesting things he likes in a girl. I thought most liked those mature or beauty with brains type"

"Nah, you got it wrong. Mostly just wants one with giants tits, thicc ass, and friendly personality."

"Well, can't say you are right. But if your evaluation is true, then most of the boys won't feel attracted towards us or Mayuri. If we talk about breasts, mine is a sorry flat, Lily's got a small bump, yours are at least presentable and-"

"and Mayuri got a perfect size. Not big, neither too small......just perfect golden size"

"Yeah, I was gonna say the same. But her breasts really are perfect, looks perfectly similar to that retired pornstar 'Asa Akira' good..."

"Jesus christ Shelly, today's full of surprises. You watch porn also?"

"Why? it's not anything strange, you must also watch it"

"Yeah, but not so much and with such investment that I even know their names"

" gotta distract yourself often when you got a family like mine"

"Uhm, gotta love to hear about your family details which made their daughter a porn addict"

"Oh! Cut your crap! I am not an addict...just 4-5 times...... a week..."

"Sure, you are not an addict, anything that makes you feel better"

"I am not an addict...... I am not an addict..... I am not an addict...I am not-"

Well looks like her switch is triggered, but Jesus off to a tangent third time. Better go talk to that girl, while both sisters are busy




[Priya's POV]

*haah* I'm such a crap......that Mayuri got her eye taken and I still think it was just another one of her schemes...I also feel happy that and think that 'Yeah! she deserved it'.

*haah* I should better erase these thoughts...but I can't. Some part of me refuses to believe that Mayuri has changed and has become a better person

I really need someone's help in this matter, could contact sister Jyoti...but it seems like she's rather busy these days. Also could tell Ankit about it, he's a nice boy and good friend of mine, he would surely believe what I got to say......but my intuition tells me to not do it. I think I fear that he would tell Mayuri about me and snitch on me...

...*haaaaah* I'm really a bad person for having such thoughts about my only friends in this collage... that devil still rules my mind...even after all these years

I am starting to think that I will lose my mind if I stay in this collage or more precisely stay near Mayuri......I think it's better to just change college, who wants to be a hero or anything like that......but my friend is also here much indecisiveness....somebody help me, brother help me, God help me....

"Hey! you are Priya right?"

Huh?! who's this girl.......Ah! she's the one who hung with that Mayuri on the first day of college. What does she want with me? did she found out about me? is she gonna tell Mayuri about me?  but how did she find out...when did I slip!

"Hello? I'm talking to you girl, you Priya?"

"Hh-Huh?....Ah-h...Y-Ye-yes" she knows, she knows, she knows, I'm finished, I'm finished, should have left this college earlier

"Good, then talk properly. You are beautiful right, have some confidence"

"Hu-huh? m-me you je-j-jest" is this girl's eyes ok? is she seeing someone else

"No I don't jest, you really are cute and beautiful"

"N-No-no.....I-I--n-nt-not" I'm an ugly human who's having thoughts of abandoning her friend here with that devil, no way I'm Beautifull

"Haaah so you are extremely self-loathing type, no wonder they bully you............. "

huh? did she say something? her voice was so low, I couldn't hear it

"Di-di-did yo-uou say som-some..thing?"

"No. Just that you are beautiful and have some things everyone wants but you still act like an emo moron so no one wants to be friends with you"

"Huh? m-me? bu-b-but-"

"Oh just shut up. Now listen carefully, I don't care about you nor give a single shit about you. But my Lil brother, you must know him, he's called Ankit, he seems to have taken a liking to you, or more precisely seems to have fallen in love with your sorry depressed ass-"

"??H-H-hu-huh? an-an-ank--"

"Shhhhh! I didn't allow you to speak. Now, you both can become love birds, kiss and be intimate all you want in public, but don't do that in front of me, I don't like that kinda shit. I can even book you a nice hotel room if you two plan to fuck each other. Call each other hubby, pubby, whatever the crap that's trending these days but don't! don't fucking play with him. He's an idiot, so probably won't confess but you can be the smart and wise one. So decide, you want to remain friends with him or want something more from him"

Huh? huh? huh? what's happening? my head's shaking... the world's shaking... wh-whwat just he-he-he lo-l-loves me b-bu-but I thought he just wanted to be friends. Why would he love someone like me? I haven't done anything for him...I don't deserve that, I-I

"Bitch! Say something. Either of the two you choose, no harm will come to you. But don't fucking leave him hanging or give false hope that you give all those stupid boys, be clear with me. I will tell him your decision"

" WH-why wo-woul-woul...d he?..."

"Jesus Christ, you really are annoying......Oh! Lily, you came back. Can you give me the cola here, bring all three of them here"

"Hmm?... Riya! I told you to not talk with that slut" (Lily)

"Lily, just do as she says." (Shelly)

"Huh?...well, if you say so sis. Here all three colas" (Lily)

"Thanks, Lily and also thank you, Shelly"

"No need, you just do what you are about to do"

wh-what is she going to do? is she going to force me to go out with ankit....b-but wh-why would he fall for me...I-I don't see him like that......probably never will, b-but if I refuse th-then he would be hurt....m-my only friend would be to sa-say y-y--y..yes


"Now! make the decision bitch! I give you 5 minutes, if you don't make a decision till then, the second cola will be spilled over your oversized breasts. Want to become a real slut and show everyone your huge assets? No right? then make a decision, you want Ankit or not? I again remind you, no harm will occur to you in either of the decision. I also promise you that he won't pester you about his love if you refuse"

huh? my face feels sticky....why did she splash that cola on me.....


....I must have done something bad .....or wrong again...ha-have to apo-apologize...sorry Mayuri...sorry Mayuri..sorry Mayuri...sorry Mayuri....I will play with you again......I will give you my toys...ju-just don't kill him.....don't kill roach...don't kill my puppy

'but you rather spend time with him than with me, you promised you will play with me. But this four-legged little creature always takes your attention and time.'

I won't play with him anymore...I swear.....I just forgot that I had to play with you yesterday.....please forgive me...please...don't.....don't......he's

'He has to face punishment Priya, he did something wrong so he needs to pay for it. Don't worry, you will have me after he goes away'


'KNNNN...KN..KNN..KNNN! WAUUUU!' (dying noises of a puppy)

'Kyaaaaaaaa! Mama Jennifer! Mama Jennifer! Mayuri! it's Mayuri again!' (random child)

roach...roach...roach....roach....I'm sorry....I'm sorry...It's my mistake that you died....If I hadn't forgotten...If I remembered......If I just didn't ignore Mayuri...roach.......roach would have..he would have.....

'Holy Christ! Little Mayuri where did you get that knife from?! quickly hand it over! and one month of confinement for you. Jesus Christ, head mistress Elizabeth! I told you we should hand this child over to the child psychology centre. This child's not right in the brain, she's too dangerous!'

It's my fault....It's my fault.....It's my fault

'But sister Jennifer, this child has suffered a lot. Her family abandoned her, her mother probably abused her......You can trust me. Just give her one month and she would just like any other kid. Till then let's keep a close watch on her'

It's my fault....roach died because of me....roach probably hated me in his last moments...... he hated me for not saving's all my fault

'You say that every time headmistress, but nothing has improved, it has only become worse. I am keeping this child under confinement for a month, that will teach her some manners and ethics, and don't try to stop me, please!'

'but.....ok, do what you want this time'

'Thank you. Little Mayuri, leave the knife baby. your mama won't hurt you right?'

'Right. *clank* see? I threw it.'

'Good girl, now come here, I got some questions for you'

'HAAAAAIII!.... Priya, let's play tomorrow. Here take your old friend'


'KYAAAAAAAAA!' (Several children's scream)

'Blasphemous! don't throw the dog at her! come here, you little devil! two months of confinement for you!'

My face smells of blood, why?  my hair is getting sticky because of this blood, what happened?  my dress is covered with blood, I just got it today......whose blood is this?

where's roach?....he was right beside Mayuri just a moment ago......where is he now?

did he disappear? ........Ah! there he is... he's on top of my shoes.

His blood is tainting my new shoes too.......why is this happening?.......what did I do wrong?.......I must have done something bad...

...yes, I have done a bad thing that's why mom and dad died too....I did a bad thing again and this time roach died......

......he's reminding me of my fault...he's looking at me ....his eyes are locked onto me

he's seeing me covered in his blood....he won't forgive me....

no one will forgive me

Everything's my fault....I am a fault

"5 minutes over bitch! you still haven't made a decision, Lily! hold her hands. Looks like everyone needs to see her breasts for her to make a decision"

"Yes! Gladly! Oh, I really wanted to do this to her"

I am a fault

I am a fault

I am a fault

I am a—

"Huh? she...collapsed?" (Lily)

"Shit looks like I overdid it, help me take her to nursery" (Riya)

Happy New Year people, hope you did something more than just lying in bed and browsing the internet on the special day.

Also a special warning, some taboo subjects and incidents can happen in the future. If you felt disgusted or hateful towards the type of stuff that has happened so far or feels that towards this novel, then that's mission accomplished and I'm very proud of it. And there's a content warning, so nothing should happen.

P.S: My mental health is ok, there's nothing wrong with it. Few people e-mailed me about it, so I felt like clarifying. As always, rate the novel if you enjoyed reading my little fictional story and click that ♥. No Pressure Though

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