My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

The Nightmare, That is The Jansha Sisters

[Mayuri's POV]

Now that I have finished my student council work, it's time to deal with that Abhi Sharma.

I left the room with big sis and called him just like promised to confront the stalker.

After we left the school gate that bitch started walking in front of us and said with a proud face, "Don't worry you two, the moment stalker comes I will be sure to make him pay for what he did!".

Getting more irritated by him I asked him in an innocent voice, "But how you protect me? do you have training in karate or martial arts?".

Seeing my innocent face and expression he got embarrassed and timidly said, "O-Of c-c-course, I am not as good as Mrs. President and no way can I fight you, what I meant was when I am here no harm will reach Mehak!".

Seeing his expressions and way of talking, I just want to quickly deal with this bitch but calm down me! just wait until we reach the destination. Until then let's just play with him.

"So you mean when I am alone with sister Mehak then harm will reach her?" I asked with a bit of anger in my voice.

"NO, NO NO NO!, I don't, I mean I didn't me-mean it like that, I am sure that Mrs. Presient can protect Mehak perfectly, it's ju-just that..." he said in a rush but before he could finish his sentence big sis intercepted and said, "Mayuri, don't tease him like that" with a smile.

Seeing that his face got a little red probably thinking along the lines of 'Oh wow, Mehak stood up for me', just imagining it makes my blood boil, but I must go according to the play I discussed with big sis when we were alone in the student council room.

So to continue the act my phone's ringtone rang and I picked it up as if a phone call has come, then I placed my phone on my ears and started talking to nobody but to that bitch, it seems like I am on a phone call.

Gradually my voice became frantic and in a hurry, I put down the phone and with a worried expression and concerned voice said, "Um-uhhh can you two please wait here for 10-15 minutes, it seems like my friend got in some trouble nearby."

Hearing this the bitch said, "OH, oh su-sure please go to your friend, we will wait here till then" with a regretful face but I could see the happy expression he was trying really hard to hide, he's probably thinking that now he's got some alone time with big sis.

So I thanked and said sorry to them and ran in the opposite direction and turned around the corner and stopped, now that they are alone it's time for big sis to lead him into our abandoned house.

So I should go there first and start preparing some things before they reach here.

[Mehak's POV]

Man, you really can't see through Mayuri's acting, even though I knew it was all staged for a moment even I started to believe it, but let's praise her for that later now its time to spout some nonsense to Abhi, even though I would rather die than spout the nonsense I am about to say to him, but it's Mayuri's plan and even though she's probably more offended by the nonsense she still seems to endure it, so as her big sister I can't afford to fall back, fuuuuu haaaaah, OK! now LET'S START!.

I changed my expression to a happy one and with a cheerful voice, I called Abhi, "Hey Abhi, let's start walking ahead it will take some time for Mayuri to come back so she can catch up to us."

"But is it ok? I mean she did say to wait here and when she doesn't find us wouldn't she get angry?" he asked with a worried face.

"It's fine, it's fine she wouldn't get angry at her big sister, but just in case I should tell her" so I called Mayuri and told her that we would be going ahead and she said, "Big sis, I know it's hard for you to say that stuff to him and it just fills me with anger just thinking about it, so if you don't want to, please feel free to abandon the plan, I will find another way" with a concerned voice.

Hearing this, I resolved myself again and said, "it's Ok" and hung the phone.

"She said it's fine but told to not get far away, so shall we go?" I asked him.

"Well if she is fine with it then let's go" he said in an obviously happy expression.

After we walked for a few minutes I lead him towards the abandoned house and when we reached its gate I stopped walking and seeing that he also stopped walking and asked, " Hm? what's the matter".

I started thinking about how Mayuri plays with my breasts and bites the tip to leave her mark on my body and and and, ahhhhhh just thinking about it makes my face red and at the moment my face became red I filled myself with courage and told him, " A-Abhi, I do-don't know how I should say this but when I saw how you stood up to protect me from the stalker m-m-my heart started p-pounding and seeing how you are still trying your best to protect me even though the stalker could hurt you, I am getting this special and weird feeling" still with my face red thinking about things Mayuri does to me, then I turned my eyes upwards toward him and timidly said, "Ab-Abhi I-I th-th-think that I   " but before I could finish off my sentence he came close to me and hugged me from front.

"PLEASE! don't say anymore, I can't let this hurt my pride as a man, till now I have been nothing but a coward and a pussy to not say my feeling toward you but seeing this, I can't let you be the one to say it" HE'S HUGGING ME! this little shit is fucking hugging ME!, this feeling of someone other than my Mayuri hugging me or touching me is utterly disgusting, ahhhhh! fuck! fuck! fuck! get away from me you dipshit! but my feelings can't even compare to what Mayuri should be feeling and thinking while standing inside the abandoned house, observing all this.

But just a little more, just a little more and it's over.

[Abhi Sharma's POV]

Man, shit, shit, shit I can't believe I am going to say this to Mehak now, even though I had feelings towards her for 5 years because of how beautiful she is and how she grows more and more beautiful each day.

But I couldn't say anything, thinking about what would happen if she rejects me? would we be not friends anymore? just thinking about crap like that 5 years passed and I became a pussy, but seeing this!, seeing how Mehak is also feeling the same as me, I can't be a pussy anymore, I need to say this stuff properly to her before she becomes to one to confess first because if that happens then what does that say about me? AS A MAN!.

So on an impulse, I hugged Mehak and said some pretty embarrassing stuff with my face being beet-red but seeing how much Mehak is shaking from being hugged by me and how her face is turned down, I am sure she's also very embarrassed like I am right now and feeling excited and happy. Seeing this I got even more confident and started approaching my face towards her face.

But it seems like Mehak noticed this and she started shaking even more and dropped her face down even more and in barely audible voice said, "I-I-I don't like to do s-stuff like this in open, so can we go i-in-inside somewhere?".

Oh GOD! she's so cute when she's being this shy, but yeah she's right having her first kiss in life somewhere out in open is a bit too much, man fuck I let my desires get to my head and started acting without thinking, I need to apologize quickly, "Ah, um, uh y-ye-yeah you are right, really sorry for acting like this" good now that I apologized let's slowly separate from her and first let's go on a date and then after date is finished, let's have her see some fireworks and during that magical moment I will kiss her.

Yup!, that sounds like a perfect idea, it will be her greatest memory of a first kiss.

But man, my desires are getting in my head, telling me to kiss her now! but NO! calm down me, don't only think about yourself, think about her feelings as well and if it goes well maybe today at night, I can even get her into my bed.

Man, just thinking about her naked body is making my penis react. 

But in the next moment, Mehak said, "Ho-how about we go inside this abandoned house, no one seems to be here and it looks pretty good for something that's abandoned".

Man FUCK! even she wants to do it right now, and I have been thinking about all that crap about a perfect moment, seems like I am still a pussy but not anymore!.

Thinking about this I said, "O-OK let's go inside" and separated from her, ah man I want to hug her again, but don't worry me! you are going to have the time of your life right now.

So I held her hand and lead her inside the house, I opened the door and started walking forward with Mehak's hand, then I stopped walking, faced her face and started saying, "Mehak, it may be a bit late but I will say it properly, MEHAK! I LO ...." and then *DUN* huh?.

 What happened? suddenly I feel my consciousness fading and back of my head is hurting like a bitch as if someone has hit me with a bat.

Huh? huh? my eyes are getting blurry and head heavy, I think I need to sleep for some time.

My face is touching the ground, it feels cold, maybe I am lying on the ground.

I can hear Mehak's loud and frightened voice saying, "ABHI! ABHI! STAY WITH ME!, DON'T FALL OUT NOW!".



Ahhh I see so that stalker was real, I thought Mehak was just being paranoid and that mouse and letter were probably left there by someone in school who's jealous of me getting in their way.

But it seems like I was wrong, I should have believed Mehak when she told about the stalker.

I know Mehak's in danger right now, but I need to save myself first, many more like her will come in the future.

Ahhhh yes! Mrs. President should be on her way when she doesn't us and when she finds us I am sure she will beat the shit out of that stalker because her fighting skills are frightening.

So yeah, it's all fine.

I am feeling pretty tired so let's just sleep.







Hmmm, for how long have I been asleep?

Hmmmm? why does it feel like I am sitting on a chair and why don't my hands and legs move?


I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! so I start shaking the chair till it falls down with me bound to it.

At that moment I started hearing footsteps and heard a man's voice saying, "So you LOVE Mehak huh?"

Hearing this I got frightened and started crying.

Then after a few seconds, the voice said, "Nice to meet you! hope you have a wonderful time today" in a cheerfully manly and heavy voice. 

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