My Divine Diary

Chapter 658

Chapter 658 Two hundred years

For Ling Baihua and the other five, exploring planets is itself a very exciting thing, regardless of whether they ultimately find anything, the important thing is the process of exploration.

However, Su Hao now has a strong sense of purpose, obtaining what he wants is more significant to him.

He is far from being able to explore freely without worry.

After a whole month of freely venting on various planets, everyone returned to the spaceship.

Each began to show their findings.

What Yashan, Feng Cheng, and Feiyuan brought back were some strange materials that they had never seen before.

As for Ling Baihua and the others, what they brought back was all sorts of oddities, things they simply liked but had no practical use for Su Hao.

Ultimately, they could only be kept as private planet collectibles for the five of them.

But who cares, as long as they had fun. The real collectors for Su Hao were the ‘Exploration Cubes’, not these few pitiful human resources.

Over the next two years, Su Hao and the others would stay within the Wooden Star system, waiting for the Exploration Cubes to collect various unknown materials, then the star explodes, sift through the special sensory materials, embark on a journey to another star system, and continue exploring.

After everyone dispersed, Su Hao returned to his meditation room, reviewed the “Spiritual Method of Breaking the Surface with a Point”, confirmed that both theory and practice were sound, and planned to try to breakthrough his current mental limit using this method.

Through the attempts of Ling Baihua and others over the past few decades, he had acquired a method to break through the mental limit, not yet mature but viable, without significant side effects.

The reason for attempting a breakthrough now is that he hoped to sense the operation of the ‘Calamity System’ energy with his mental power during the upcoming star explosion.

Whether it succeeds or not, he will have to try it to find out.

“The first step, different breakthrough directions require different visualization methods, first choose one of the breakthrough points…”

On this point, Su Hao had already made a choice — Wave Perception.

If not possible, try ‘energy perception’ next time.

“The second step is to adjust the structure of mental power and complete the construction of the ‘mental focus system.'”

The focus system here is not the same as the one that transforms matter into energy sources, but rather forms a elliptical system with a wave sawtooth shape, as it is necessary to disperse the gathered energy to avoid ‘burning out’ mental power.

The energy required to break through mental limits is much lower than converting matter into energy sources.

‘The method of breaking through with points’ sounds very fast, but in reality, it also requires long-term practice to achieve a breakthrough at a certain moment.

Once the practice involves mental power, there is no such thing as ‘quick.’

Even if someone handed Su Hao a ‘super-fast’ mental exercise method, he would not dare to practice it.

Because towards the later stages, the probability that mental power has not improved, but the person has gone crazy first.

Su Hao’s protection of his consciousness power and consciousness information ranks first in everything. Without absolute certainty, he will not act recklessly.

After such a period of calm practice, after nearly a year, Su Hao’s mental power finally gained some strengthening.

Like a small bean sprouting from a large circle.

It may seem like a minor breakthrough, insignificant, but at least it is a completely new breakthrough.

The important thing is that the ‘Breaking through with Mental Focus Method’ is effective for him!

Moreover, he also sensed a very small part of the universe waves that have been pervading in this universe but were previously imperceptible.

Su Hao opened his eyes, ending today’s practice.

“This way of practice greatly compresses the growth space of other aspects of mental power and focuses on the breakthrough of points. However, it is just right for me because, after all, my mental power has no ‘growth space’ in other aspects.”

For so many years, he practiced consciousness power every day, but from a long time ago, his mental power has not made any progress.

This successful breakthrough once again gave Su Hao hope of strengthening his mental power.

First, he checked the current situation of ‘Exploration Cube’ and found no anomalies, then he casually opened the star map to look at.

They have been traveling at the speed of light for eighty years, theoretically already far away from the source star. However, from the star map, it only appears to be a small distance.

“Where is the sensed material actually? Perhaps, in ordinary star systems, its presence cannot be found at all! Should we explore some more unique star systems?”

After some thought, Su Hao decided to follow the normal pace first, explore for a few hundred years, and then consider those unknown star systems.

Even if he wanted to make a reckless move, he would wait until his current research was completed…

Another year later, everything was ready, Su Hao once again threw a ‘Shattered Star Cube’ towards the outermost planet.

Then he floated quietly in space, closing his eyes, trying to feel the various energy fluctuations when the planet was destroyed, and recording all the information sensed to be analyzed later.

Several months later, they completed the collection of information, and then, driving the spaceship, slowly left this star system and headed towards the unknown.

Time passed swiftly, another two hundred years had passed.

In these two hundred years, they did many things, yet it felt as if they did nothing.

The ‘Seek’ series of materials had found one hundred and thirty-five kinds, arranged up to ‘Seek One Three Five,’ which means that Su Hao had obtained at least a hundred different ways to observe the universe.

However, the material he was looking for in the ‘Calamity System’ still had no trace.

The breakthrough he had achieved mentally could not allow him to observe what he wanted to see.

It seemed that moving forward would not yield any results.

The most profound feeling the people on the spaceship had in these two hundred years was ‘loneliness’!

They once thought that this universe would be lonely, but they never experienced this loneliness firsthand. Today, after traveling through the universe on a spaceship for three hundred years, they have felt the pervasive and omnipresent silence in the universe.

Planets, planets… all kinds of planets!

All are lifeless planets: eternal burning stars, constantly surging giant planets, sandstorm-filled source-like stars, bare meteorites, carbon planets full of diamonds…

No matter how enthusiastic they appear, they can’t conceal a common fact: there is no life. The existence of lifeless planets in the universe is so lonely. Even the colorful beauty of this universe has not been seen by life. Faced with such loneliness in the universe, ordinary people would inevitably harbor deep despair towards this universe.

Fortunately, the people on the spaceship are not ordinary people, and their endurance for loneliness is beyond that of ordinary people. Take Su Hao for example, if he had endless life, he could endure at least a hundred million years in such a lonely environment…

Unfortunately, he does not currently have endless life. A hundred million years is incomprehensible to him. On this day, Su Hao was controlling the spaceship for the final positioning teleportation according to the plan, teleporting to a stellar system called Hump Star.

Hump Star has an incredibly huge mass, comparable to the source star nearly a thousand times, making it the largest stellar system Su Hao has visited so far. Most importantly, this star seems to have entered its old age, with its immense size causing it to consume a huge amount of energy every minute, resulting in its lifespan being much shorter compared to other smaller and more stable stars. Su Hao felt that perhaps in such a huge stellar system, he could find what he was looking for.

Yashan said, “Boss Wei, do we need to search for life on the source-like star first?” After many disappointments, everyone still held a glimmer of hope for finding life, perhaps that is where the joy of exploring one stellar system after another lies for them. Su Hao said, “Of course, let’s explore planet five first.”

There was no cheering, everyone remained quiet, yet eagerly awaited the landing of the spaceship. Soon, they returned disappointed to the interior of the spaceship. Aside from some special treasures, they could be said to have gained nothing.

This is like travelers in the desert, crossing one sand dune after another, always hoping that when they cross the next sand dune, they will see a different scene. However, it is still an endless desert. Before long, the group of people who had made a mess of Hump Star set sail again, flying towards the depths of the universe. Su Hao returned to his meditation room, st

aring at the huge star map, lost in thought: “Where is the object I’m looking for?” For hundreds of years, Su Hao has been pondering this question every moment. Like being possessed, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels he actually knew where the ‘Doom System’ object was.

But he couldn’t figure out where exactly it would be. “Perhaps, the second, more intense disaster is about to come, can I successfully avoid it? What will it be?”

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