My Enigmatic Life

Family Meeting

(Yoko’s POV)


   I’m sitting across from my parents in the sitting room. I got here from school twenty minutes ago, and as soon as I came through the door, they told me that they wanted to talk with me after I got changed.

I guess that the school told them about the incident that happened today, but they’re taking it surprisingly seriously. They never seemed particularly strict to me, but is that just because I never really been in trouble with school before?

Dad sits forward, his eyes intense. With a slow yet deep and powerful voice, he asks me one question:

“Have you and Govvy had sex yet?”

…..Eh?? EH?!?!

“WHA-WHA--WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?! OF COURSE WE HAVEN’T!”, I yell in an unusual shrill voice.

With that response, Dad dramatically throws himself back into the settee, his face in his palms. Mum tears up and wipes the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief.

What’s with those reactions?! Blood Nora, my face is so hot that you can fry an egg on it.

“I told you that Govvy’s a herbivore.”

Aoi-nee speaks from the kitchen, where she just got a bottle of milk from the fridge.

“He is not!”, I say, affronted. 

Dad sits up, but his face is still buried in his hands.

“I can’t believe this. Govvy’s a herbivore, Naoya is hopeless, and Aoi can’t choose between liking blokes or birds.”

“I guess we won’t be seeing any grandchildren soon, darling..”

I frown at my bemoaning parents, my face still flushed. Although it’s not as bad as it was earlier.

“I’ll have you know that Gen and I have been dating for nearly two years now.”, Aoi-nee adds. 

I ignore her and come to Aniki’s defence.

“Aniki is not a herbivore, he just has some actual self-control. He can be very forward when he wants to be.”

“So what have you two done?”, Dad asks, his face raising up from his hands.

“That’s our business, Dad.”

I am not telling my parents that I know what Aniki’s spunk tastes like. Absolutely not.

“And besides, weren’t we all told that we shouldn’t think about having sex or starting a family until we’re about twenty or so?”

“We were.”, Aoi-nee affirms.

Mum and Dad exchange glances, and sigh heavily together.

“I suppose we did..”

“We underestimated our desire for having grandchildren.”

Please stick to your values more strongly. You all are supposed to be vegetarians, but you lot eat karaage twice every month.

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