My Enigmatic Life

Volume Four, Chapter Four Point Five: Family Ties

            Since I've defeated the training dummy, I've successfully secured our first win. It wasn't easy, though, if I'm honest. It felt like I was fighting with Saito or that big oaf Sanemi again. However, it lacked that human element that makes someone into a genuinely formidable foe. But still, this thing is really cool. 

"I wonder how you work, Scarecrow.", I say aloud.

"You can find out by talking to us."

Miyamura-senpai's voice rings out through a PA system that's apparently installed in here somewhere. Turning to the glass, I can see everyone beckoning me, so I wave back and pick up my bag, stuffing my weapon into before making my way to them. 

"I told you lot that he had it.", Naoya grins.

He thumps my back repeatedly, obviously chuffed.

"Glad to hear that I didn't disappoint.", I smile back at him.

Akai and Gege high-five me high-spiritedly.

"Good job, Daisuke!", Akai says.

"Just what you would expect from our  future Leader.", Gege smirks.

"Heh, thanks. That was a much needed win."

Having a fight where I didn't have to struggle or worry about the consequences is a nice change of pace, it seems. Who would have guessed? A girl comes up to me, brimming with excitement. She's shorter than Akane and has hetero-chormatic eyes, the left being green and right brown. She's wearing a jumper with sleeves that are slightly too long for her and a broach in the shape of a puppy-dog in her shoulder length, mid-night blue hair, which happens to be the same colour as her brother's.

"That was so cool, Daisuke-san! I'm really looking forward to working with you now!", Haruhi-san beams, her eyes a-glow.

She is? That's quite flattering coming from such an attractive girl, especially one whom I'm not that close with. 

"The feeling's mutual, Watanabe-san. I'm looking forward to being in your care.", I bow.

"You call me Haruhi! After all, you are the Leader, you know?"

Well, I guess she has a point there doesn't she?

"Good work, Daisuke-kun.", Shirogane-senpai interjects. "You did great against the dummy."

"Thank you."

"I have to say, I was suprised to see you use magic.", Miyamura-senpai says. "Did Nariki teach you that?"

Holding back the urge to laugh mirthlessly, I shake my head. I walk over to Sunni and put my arm around her shoulder and she puts her arm around my waist in return. Akane gives us a look, but I ignore it.

"I learned it from Uncle Halman, Sunni's father.", I explain. "Although, I didn't get to learn much more besides since I was leaving for Japan at the time."

"Halman? And you say your family name is Renford, right, Arianne-san?", Miyamura says slowly.

"That's right.", Sunni nods, smiling.

"I don't believe it!", Shirogane-senpai exclaims.

"Your father is the leading researcher in magic and magical artifacts! And he's quite the formidable Sorcerer to boot!", Miyamura-senpai says in amazement.

Ninomiya-senpai simply goes, "Hm.", as he nods in agreement.

"We know."

Sunni and I speak in unison. Of course, this isn't some big revelation to us. I mean, I knew that from when I was five years old. Miyamura-senpai can't help but laugh.

"What a surprise! Renford isn't exactly an un-common name, so I never would have guessed!"

Yonaguni, who was silently sulking this whole time, finally speaks.

"Oi, Inko. What's the relationship between you two?"

That's what he wants to know? He is so unserious, to the point where it's unbelievable.

"I'm Govvy"s child-hood friend and fiancee.", Sunni answers immeadiately.

Shirogane-senpai lets out a little shrill scream of glee and Yonaguni, in a bout of his usual theatrics, slumps to the floor in despair.

"This world is broken... broken beyond repair.", he says solemnly.

"What an idiot..", Shirogane-senpai sighs in exasperation.

Miyamura-senpai ignores the scene and speaks to Sunni.

"Say, Arianne-san. Would you mind giving us a taste of your combat prowess?"

"Not at all."

Sunni breaks away from me and enters the training room. Scarecrow leaps to its feet, and propels itself like a loaded spring towards Sunni. She doesn't make any change in posture, nor does she make any attempt to move. Instead, she simply opens her mouth and utters a single word.


Small magic circles converge around Scarecrow, out of them burst several blue-grey chains that bind its body completely, rendering it entirely immobile. 

"Woah! That's insane!", Naoya says, awestruck.

"So that's why you were saying that I couldn't beat her, Daisuke-nii?", Akane asks, not moving her eyes away from the scene.

"Yeah.", I nod.

"Hmph. I'm honestly impressed.", Yoko says.

Gege, Akai, and Haruhi are at a loss for words, it seems like they can't believe what they're seeing. Our senpais on the other hand, are looking impressed.

"Just what you would expect.", Miyamura-senpai observes.


Scarecrow becomes lifeless once again. Sunni snaps her fingers, dispelling the chains and allow it to drop to the floor in a heap. 

"That seemed different from when you use magic, Govvy.", Naoya says.

"That's because it is different.", I reply.

"Huh? How so?"

Before I can explain, Sunni joins us again.

"Very good, Arianne-chan.", Shirogane-senpai remarks. "Your magical abilities are just what we expected. Perhaps they may be even better."

Sunni curtseys graciously at her praise.

But that spell, eh? Well, she did say that she would master it so that she could keep me out of trouble, but I didn't think she was serious.

"Well, Yoko-san should be going next, but the dummy is out of charge."

Miyamura-senpai gazes at a gauge on the control-panel that is practically empty. I'm guessing that it represents how much energy Scarecrow has available.

"Nariki, did you charge it up after last time?", Shirogane-senpai asks, seemingly already aware of the answer.

"No, but who cares? Yoko is a prodigy, a dummy is obviously no match for her. The fact that she's on Inko's squad is an injustice."

"Stop calling him that."

Akane snaps at Yonaguni, who recoils slightly.

"Akane-san, Akai-san. You're from The Chikara family, correct?", Miyamura-senpai queries

"Yes, that's right.", Akai nods.

"Ha! How interesting! So, can either of you use Akai Seishin-Ryoku?"

"I can't, but my sister can."

Akane nods nervously, all of her previous agression having disappeared.

"Can you show us?", Shirogane-senpai says excitedly.

"Unfortunately, Akane can't control it freely just yet.", I add.

"I see..."

Shirogane-senpai seems disappointed, she must really want to see it. Yonaguni however, seems confused.

"She can't? But I-"

"Don't get it twisted, Yonaguni.", Naoya interrupts. "She can use it, but she requires a catalyst to activate it."

"Catalyst?", Shirogane-senpai repeats. "What is this catalyst?"

Immeadiately, everyone from my group, barring Sunni and Akane herself, points at me. Shirogane-senpai blinks.

"I don't get it."

"You see, Akane-chan is yandere. So whenever her beloved Daisuke-nii is in danger, she awakens.", Naoya expounds.

"I-I'm not a yandere!", Akane protests. "I'm just concerned about his safety!"

Yonaguni suddenly grabs me the back of my head and slams me into the ground. You know, this feels oddly familiar.

"So, if I just vent my frustation- I mean bully Inko for a bit, Aka-BLEGEH?!"

In the middle of him talking, Akane runs up and drop-kicks him square in the face. That didn't take long.

"Didn't I warn you about touching him, you filthy pig?"

"Wait, Akane-chan! It was just so we could see your Akai Seishin-Ryoku! Akane-chan, wait! Wait-OW! OW!"

As Akane begins to mercilessly pummel him, Sunni sighs in relief.

"I see now. If he was just bullying Govvy for no reason, I would have to intervene."

"Yeah, me too. No one can get away with hurting Aniki." Yoko agrees. 

Naoya turns to our senpais, gesturing towards me.

"You see this? It's my cousin's hidden ability. I call it, 'Yandere Magnetism'."

Miyamura-senpai nods in understanding.

"I see...What a fearsome ability."


I ignore their dialogue, and instead try to quell Akane's fury before she beats Yonaguni to death.





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