My Enigmatic Life

Volume One, Chapter Five: Unwanted Rival

Akane's POV


    So, that girl thinks that she can just flirt with Daisuke-nii in front of me like that, huh? Well, I'll tell you this; I won't allow it.

I ABSOLUTELY won't allow it! I'll make her pay if she thinks that she can take him away from me! I'll kill her! I will kill- 

"No, I have to calm down...Calm down...", I breathe. 

I have to relax, if I get too upset, my power may activate, and I definitely don't want that to happen. I still can't control it, so I could end up hurting my classmates. And as much I as I dislike Yoko-san right now, that's no reason to want to murder her. 

"Aka-chan? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Yuri-chan."


Yuri-chan is my best friend here in Class 1-A. She's a bit flighty, but an overall good person. 


"It's just.. Something's bothering me a little." , I continue. 


"Is it something to do with Colen-senpai?"

Geez, is it that easy to tell? 


"Yeah. Daisuke-nii didn't do anything to upset me, however. It's her fault."


I glower at Yoko-san, who's sat at her desk reading some manga. 


"Yoko-san? What happened? Why are you giving her that look?"


Yuri-chan bombards me with rapid-fire questions. 

"She was openly flirting with him during lunch, the bitch."

I don't think that I've ever despised someone so greatly. And what's worse is that I can tell that she's someone who won't give up easily. 

"Alright, class. Settle down." 


Mr.Hayakawa is here, so now it's time for class to start. 

"Well, as angry as I am right now, at least I don't have to worry about her stealing Daisuke-nii after anytime soon."

"Why is that?" , Yuri-chan asks, tilting her head to the side slightly.

I pull out my work-book and answer her. 

"Daisuke-nii has got no self-confidence. So he doesn't think that any girl would like him in the first place."


For me, it's both a blessing and a curse. 

Yoko's POV


   I was hoping that I could walk home with Aniki, but he decided to stay and watch Naoya-nii and his friends practice. So, instead of walking with him, I'm joined by.... 

"Yoko-san, I came with you so that we can talk."

"What about, Ms.Chikara?"

Ms.Chikara came up to me after-school, asking me if she can join me. Which I found strange, seeing as she was so hateful towards me earlier this day. 

"It's about Daisuke-nii. You obviously like him, am I correct?"


Ms.Chikara nods. 

"Well, I hate to tell you this, but you may as well give up on him."

Is that so...

"Why, pray tell?", I ask curiously. 

I'm genuinely interested in hearing her reasoning. She turns to me, wearing a triumphant smirk.

"It's very simple. You see, you're his cousin, whereas I'm his friend. And it's much easier to get upgraded from friend to girlfriend than it is to upgrade from cousin to girlfriend."

"Yes, that is sound reasoning.", I concur, "But do you really think it'll be that easy?"

I know Aniki well enough to see the holes in Ms.Chikara's theory. 

"Aniki isn't very self-confident, which for me has been-"

"Both a blessing and a curse.", Ms.Chikara interrupts, her smirk twitching a little. 

I guess she does know Aniki after all. I sympathise with her. 

"And besides, I don't intend to give up on loving Aniki so easily. I've been close him since we were little and then an event took place that made me love him even more. But, if Aniki is happy with someone else, I'll be happy for him."

"So does that mean that I can date him?!"

"Absolutely not."



"Ms.Chikara, be careful."


Out from the corner, a band of delinquents appear, without warning they lunge at us with intent. 

Quickly, I grab one of them and Judo throw him, the next is promptly dispatched with a blow to the neck. 

"What's going on?!", Ms. Chikara exclaims. 

I'm going to have to protect her. It's the right thing to do, even if she is my rival in love. 

"You little-"

A delinquent with a mohawk charges at me with a pocket knife, however, I grab him by the wrist and pin his arm behind his back. He drops his weapon in pain.

"You've got some nerve, attacking two innocent high school girls."

"Ow! Ow! Let me go, you bitch!"

"But, I'm not doing anything." , I say with feigned innocence.

I apply more force to his arm.

"GAH! Please stop! I'm sorry!"

How pathetic.

"Kyaaa! Help!"

Darn. They got hold of Ms.Chikara while I was handling this pillock.

"Pardon me, ladies."

From out of the alley-way, a guy who appears to be around Aniki and Naoya-nii's age appears. He's wearing the same jacket that the rest of these hooligans again wearing but unbuttoned, revealing a well defined torso with gauze wrapped around his abdomen. 

"My name is Saito, and I've got a question for ya."

Question? For us?

"You wouldn't happen to be familiar with a tall, lanky looking foreigner with dead fish eyes, would you?"

That's Aniki! Although, I'd prefer it if the dead fish eyes wasn't a part of his description. Ms.Chikara notices this as well, as her eyes open up wide.

"Not at all."

Saito laughs refreshingly. 

"I knew that you would lie for him. That's admirable, but we saw you with him this morning."

This morning? I didn't see them at all. Could it have been when I was feeling embarrassed?

"We'd appreciate it if you came with us, miss."

"And if I refuse?"

I can tell that Saito is the strongest of his gang, but he still would be no match for me. 

"I hate to do this, but.."

Saito snaps his fingers, and one of his lackeys pull out a switch-blade, holding it to Ms.Chikara's neck. She begins to struggle against the grip she's in. Is it me, or are her eyes changing colour? 

Tch! How cowardly... I let go of the mohawk idiot and raise my hands.

"Damn! My arm's hurtin' like hell!"

"It's been rough for you lately, eh, Yoshi?", Saito grins.

They release Ms.Chikara, and now her eyes seem to be normal. Was I seeing things?

They give her orders to tell Aniki about what happened and where to meet them. And now they're taking me along as bait. Honestly, now that Ms.Chikara is safe, I could take them all down right now.

But no, this is a perfect opportunity to get Aniki to gain some confidence in himself. 

This is just what he needs. 

















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