My Enigmatic Life

Volume One, Chapter One: Late Night Talk

  Graciously, the school day went by quickly. I honestly can't wait to leave. I just want to get some sleep, seeing how I've come down with a bit of insomnia lately. All of this is having an effect on my usual ravenous appetite. I haven't been eating as much recently, and I even passed on lunch this day.

"Who would think that treating yourself poorly would make you feel bad? You absolute muppet." 

Muttering darkly to myself, I proceed to leave the school grounds. 

"Oy! Govvy!"

"Ah, man." , I grumble. "I took too long to leave."

As I slowly do an about face, I can see my friends making their way towards me. 

"The devil are you going? Did you forget about baseball practice?"

"No. I'm skiving."

Allow me to introduce these four.

The one who called me Govvy is my cousin, Naoya Colen, the second eldest of my uncle and aunt's children and the eldest son. He's half-English, half-Japanese. He's about a month or so older than me.

"You? Skipping something baseball related? You're definitely hiding something from us."

This one is Akai Chikara, my neighbour in the block of flats I live in. His family resides in room 708, whereas I'm in room 704.

"No, I'm not. I'm just tired.", I reply flatly. 

"That's a load of crap, Daisuke. You've been acting distant all week!"

"Yeah. Stop wasting everyone's time and spill it."

Finally, there's Takai Matsuoka and Gege Watanabe.

"Listen, listen, I'm just sleepy. There's nothing to worry about. Tell sensei that I got an injury or something, alright?"

Naoya scoffs loudly. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll have you know that I'm going to tell everyone at home about this. Dad isn't going to like this behaviour, and nor is Uncle Damian."

"And your kouhai has already planned to have to talk with you once you get home." , Akai adds.


"I can't wait. I'll talk to you lot later."

With that dismissive reply, I turn and leave.


As if to improve my mood, a fierce downpour of rain begins to fall. You know, I think it'll be best if I just went to my family's house here in Japan instead of returning to the apartment complex. That way I can be assured in my solitude.

Bloody hell. It's a group of hooligans. They're even wearing striped yellow and black jackets. And worst of all, they're in the way. Maybe I ought to take a different route... Nah, it'll be fine. I'll just waltz on by them.

"Well! Look at you!"

Anddd it didn't work. Brilliant. The delinquents quickly surround me, blocking off any route of escape. 

"Aren't you tall? I'd say one hundred and ninety-two centimetres."

"That's correct."

"Oi, oi! This guy's a foreigner! Why the long face, outsider?!"

"Yo, Yoshi. That's just how he always looks. Can't you tell by the dead fish's eyes?"

They all erupt into a fit of laughter. Their barbs mean nothing to me, I'll just move alo-

"Hold up, foreigner! How much money do ya got?!"

That's an easy question. 

"None.", I answer.

"Eh?! Don't tell me that you're broke?!"

"I just did. Is my Japanese hard to understand?"

He did not take my reply well. 

"What did you say, bastard?!"

Immediately, he throws a punch at me. Oh, well. Seems like it's unavoidable now. I catch his fist, stopping his attack. 

"You'll like this. Paralyze."

Instantly, his body goes rigid.

"Wha-what the- Guh!"

I deliver a sharp blow to his gut, making him crumple into a heap.

"Son of a bitch!"

Here come the others. Reaching in my duffel bag, I pull out my wooden sword that I used to train with, but I carry for self-defense nowadays. 


With two swift strikes, the other two are subdued. With that, I continue to make my way home.



Finally, I'm home. My phone was ringing the entire time, but I didn't answer it. I just try to get some sleep instead, but to no avail. Now, I'm just laid off in bed, staring at the ceiling. Feeling even more lonesome than I did earlier. 

God above, I must be daft. Why am I here sulking? Just as I started to get even more glum, my phone rings. It's dad.

"Oi, Govvy. What's going on?"

Hearing dad's voice makes me feel a bit better, to be frank. 

"I'm just....", I sigh, " I was feeling a little home-sick is all. And now I'm feeling really lonely."

There's a slight pause before dad speaks again. 

"So, is locking yourself away making you feel better?" , he asks.

"I know you won't believe this, but no. Not at all."

As I expected, dad solidifies my previous thoughts.

"So, If you're feeling that way, what should you do?"

"Go and see my family and friends instead of being a pillock?"

Dad chuckles lightly, which makes smile a little. 

"Listen Govvy, there's nothing wrong with being home-sick, it happens to a lot of people. But you never let it get in the way of the important things in your life."

"Right." , I nod, "Thanks dad."

"Not to worry, old boy. Now get some rest, you sound like you need it."

With that, he hangs up. Well, first thing in the morning, I'll make my apologies to everyone. But first, some sleep.

Like dad said, I need it. 





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