My Enigmatic Life

Volume Seven, Chapter Five Point Five: Beast vs Bear

(Akane’s POV)

     I follow the directions given to me by Haruhi-chan, so that I can fight the giant furball that’s chasing me without having to worry about involving by-standers.

“This is it!”

A forest! Huh?! Why’s Haruhi-chan giving that thing the home-field advantage?! Well, it doesn’t matter, I’m still going to win easily! Speaking of it, here it comes.


It just charges at me recklessly, like the wild animal it is. I easily dodge its vicious swipe at my face and kick it squarely in the back of its head. It falters a little, but-

“You’re thick-headed, aren’t you?”, I say gleefully. “Next time, I’ll go for your torso.”

You may be thinking that I seem a little bloodthirsty, but I’m not really. I just like to dish out punishment to bad people. Bullies, criminals and the like. I can’t bring myself to really hurt someone who doesn’t deserve it. 

The bear foolishly charges at me again, but this time it decides to use its horn to run through me. Again, I evade it, but with agility that betrays its size, it dodges my counter-attack and cuffs me sharply in the stomach. I crash through a tree or two before coming to rest deeper into the forest.

“Ita..that hurt a wee bit.”, I grimace, brushing my bangs out of my eyes.

Honestly, I’m surprised at how unhurt I am. I feel like I’m finally beginning to understand why tou-chan was so worried about me being unable to control R.S.P. mode.

But now I can control it….


I can keep everyone safe from horrible, awful people. People like the insects that took my hairband five years ago. People like the insects that work for that so-called Shade. I can crush them all, without killing them, naturally.

Well, I wouldn’t have a problem doing that, though.

“Akane-chan, do you hear me?”

Haruhi-chan’s voice rings in my ears. She doesn’t sound worried or fretful, so I answer her calmly.

“Uh-huh! What’s going on?”

“Our Leader says that he’ll be heading towards the crime scene in short order. Do you think you’ll be able to join him?”

“Of course!”

I can feel the smile on my face grow wider. I’ve got to make quick work of this oversized plushie and meet up with Daisuke-nii! The bear lumbers towards me, making low, huffing growls.

“Don’t get all shy with me. Come and give me a hug!”

With a burst of speed, I get behind the bear before it can even react and effortlessly lift it over my head.


I toss it up like a volleyball and jump after it. I’ve never played it though, so my serve might not be too good. With the palm of my hand, I smack the bear square in its stomach, sending it hurtling to the ground with a thunderous crash.

I return to earth without an issue, waiting for the dust to settle to see how much damage I dealt. I can kind of still sense its mana, so I know it's not dead, yet.

“Oh, you poor thing~.”

That impact broke one of its legs, and blood is pouring out its mouth. I must’ve done a lot of internal damage.

“I thought you would take that a lot better.”, I say sympathetically. “But, I guess that you’re just not that strong. Don’t worry though, I’ll put an end to your pain.”

I feel a little bad for it. After all, it was sort of forced to fight. I nonchalantly walk over to it so that I can kill it, but the poor thing weakly swings its horn at me. It didn’t even make me flinch, how sad. I form my hand into a karate chop, and plunge my fingers deep into its neck. Immediately, the bear goes limp and I pull my fingers from its fresh carcass.

“Akane reporting. Enemy has been successfully eliminated.”, I declare, flicking blood off of my fingers.


    Since the area where Daisuke-nii is relatively close, I decide to make my way there so that we can head back to the crime scene together. Plus, if he’s still fighting, I can help him.

“There it is! I can feel Daisuke-nii’s mana, so that means he hasn’t left yet!”

I don’t hear the sounds of a battle, so that means that it must have ended already. As if to confirm my thoughts, Daisuke-nii comes sauntering out of the scrapyard, with the criminal we encountered flung over his shoulder. He looks a bit rough…

“Red, you’re okay!”, he says gladly. “I was planning on meeting up with you, but you beat me to it.”

“Are you okay? You look hurt..”

“I’m alright, don’t fret. He blasted me with Magick Missiles and walloped me in my arm, but I’m surprisingly sturdy.”

Despite the smile on my face, hearing him say that makes me feel like getting very violent. But, it doesn’t seem like Daisuke-nii is seriously hurt, so I should calm down.

“So, I’m guessing that you just won, right?”

“No, I won a wee bit ago.”, Daisuke-nii says. “I was just giving him first-aid, see?”

I stare at him incredulously. Daisuke-nii smiles wryly at me.

“Oi, this is one of the few times that you're not smiling in R.S.P. mode.”

I wonder why that is?!

“Daisuke-nii, don’t you realise how dangerous it is to heal someone who tried to kill you?!”, I say impatiently.

“It’s fine, Red.”, Daisuke-nii replies seriously. ”I made sure to cuff him first, and besides, just because he’s my enemy doesn’t mean that he doesn’t deserve medical attention.”

Ugh~...I don’t want this good-natured side of his to go anywhere, but I wish he wasn’t so willing to show it to people who shouldn’t get to see it.

“Well, fine.”, I sigh. “At least you’re alright.”

Daisuke-nii walks up to me and pats my head lovingly, donning a sincere smile.

“Great work on your first fight. I’ll admit, I was really worried about you at first, but I knew that you’ll come out on top.”

I can feel the grin returning to my face. Daisuke-nii is proud of me, and he was thinking about me during his battle! That’s so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sweet! I want to kiss him so badly right now!

“Let’s go and see our friends. We don’t want to miss out on the courtesy and kindness that Shade’s lackeys are treating them with.”

That sarcastic remark assures me that he really is okay. Good…Kukukukukuku…

“Yes, sir, Leader!”

With that, Daisuke-nii and I head towards the crime scene.

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