My Enigmatic Life

Volume Three, Chapter Six: Secret’s Out

          I again have to say it; that tosser's training has actually been useful for me. The added strength I've gained from it has been a major help in this fight right now. I don't how long we've been doing this, but I feel like I could go on for a whole lot longer. Which is good. After all, I don't really need to win, I just need to buy sometime until the others arrive.

"Come on, Daisuke! Stop stalling and give me all you've got!"

Sanemi obviously isn't pleased with that idea, though. Ever since I matched him in power earlier, he's been taking our scuffle far more seriously. Wonderful.

"Don't blame me if you get hurt."

Sanemi rushes me and throws a wild right hook. Easily,I side-step it and swing at his leg.


The force from my strike makes him stumble forward in pain. Now, I've got an oppportunity to strike!


I swing my wooden sword in a fierce uppercut motion, hitting Sanemi square in the chin.


He flies back a tad and falls to the ground laid out spread-eagle. Surely, that was enough to knock him out. Right?


Sanemi climbs to his feet, albeit unsteadily. Honestly, I'm not surprised that a great big oaf like him got up from that. A little weary, yeah, but not suprised. Sanemi wipes some blood away from his mouth, chuckling.

"Well, ya gave me what I asked for, didn't ya?"

I say nothing. I resume my battle position in preparation for his next move.

Huh? I must be going barmy, because I can see Akane standing behind Sanemi, waving at me. Sanemi himself sees that my formerly rapt attention is being paid elsewhere. Unfortunately for him, he turned around just in time to greet the bottom of Akane's shoe as she stomps his head into the ground. It made a hole in the he alive? Akane doesn't seem to share my concerns as she happily walks over to me.

"What are you doing here?"

I finally recover from shock and ask her. Didn't I tell her to run before the fight began?

"Kukukuku.", Akane laughs, "Did you honestly think that I would leave you behind?"


Well, I told you to. So yeah, I did think that. I can't help but notice that she's in her RSP mode again. To think that there was a time not long ago where that would scare me. Funny how things can change. 

"I guess you don't know me as well as I thought, Daisuke-nii. I have to keep you safe from harm, so that we can be together forever and ever and ever."

Her vibrant red seem to glow as she speaks.

"I love you, and I absolutely will not allow anyone to hurt you...If they do, they'll pay with their life. Which reminds me.."

Akane smiles as she turns to Sanemi's unconscious body. Quickly realising her intent, I grab her by the shoulder to stop her.

"Don't Akane, please.", I beg her, "I understand that you care about me a lot, but please don't kill someone for my sake again."

Akane smiles, but I can feel some annoyance behind it.

"Why should I let people who I hate the most live?"

"Well, it's morally correct and it would make me feel a whole lot better about myself.", I say flatly.

Akane stares at me for a bit before sighing.

"You're too nice, Daisuke-nii."

"It's not his fault that he's not as blood-thristy as you, little puppy."

Oh no.

Rigidly, I turn around and my usual gaggle of friends are behind me, with Yoko and Sunni up front. Well, I'm in trouble.

"Arianne is right, Akane-chan.", Yoko nods as she approaches me, "Killing isn't necessary."

Sunni follows  after Yoko.

"All you need to do is inflict some pain, like so."


Sunni and Yoko pull painfully on my ear and cheek resceptively! Bloody hell, it hurts!

"Aniki... Why didn't you tell me about this?", Yoko asks dangerously.

"To think you would keep such a secret. Do you really love me?", Sunni says through a fake smile.

Damn. I'm in a lot of trouble aren't I?



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