My Enigmatic Life

Volume Three, Chapter Two Point Five: Triple The Girl Trouble

   I had planned to eat lunch with Sunni in the cafeteria, but they were far too many eyes upon us. So, I instead opted for the back of the school building.

"Well, I'm glad to see that your appetite hasn't changed after all these years, Govvy."

Sunni smiles warmly at me as I feast on her home-made chicken and ham sandwiches. Their rich, savoury flavour is really good.

"Yeah, it really hasn't.", I swallow, "Although I'm especially hungry because I skipped breakfast."

"Skipped breakfast? You're not on a diet, right? You're already lanky enough as is."

"Thanks for the compliment. I just had to rush to school."

There's no way that I can tell Sunni about my training yet. I have to at least let her get settled in a bit.

"I have to say, I'm surpised at how tall you've gotten, Sunni."

"I've grown a lot, haven't I?", she says proudly, "And not just in height."

She purposefully diverts my gaze to her chest, which has indeed grown since I last saw her. She's actually bigger than Yoko is. In an attempt to not gawk too much, I continue the conversation.

"So how tall are you now?"

"One hundred and eighty-one centimetres. I'm a little disappointed, though, I was hoping that you and I would be the same height."

"I told you that I'd always be taller than you, uhahah."

"Yes, yes.", Sunni pouts.

It really feels good to have her back in my life again. I did feel a bit lonely without her around. But, now that she's here, I have to tell her about my dating situation. Before I could, Sunni rest her head on my shoulder, in return, I wrap my arm around her.

"Govvy, you have some girl you fancy besides me, don't you?"


"H-how do you know that?"

"Easy. You probably thought that I moved on from you for some daft reason, and when some lass came along and told you how she feels about you, you accepted her confession."

It's honestly a bit amazing how spot on she is.

"So, you're not upset?", I ask carefully.

"Not that much. I'm more upset that you would doubt my love for you."


"It's fine, although I would like to meet her to see if she's up to par."

Well, it's more like 'them', but....

"And it seems like she's here now."

She is? Where-oh...

Suddenly, Akane appears from around the corner,  with RSP activated. I must say, hollow eyes with her red eyes due to RSP is certainly a comforting sight. Things are about to go to hell, wonderful. I raise to my feet to greet her.

"Hey Akane. I see that you're looking for me-Owowowowowowow!"

She starts painfully pinching my elbow! That hurts! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's being pinched! I break free from her onslaught, rubbing my elbow.

"That was certain a warm hello...Are you trying to pull my skin off?"

"Of course not. Your punishment has been served. I'll be saving the flaying for her."

Akane gives Sunni a dark look, for the first time she isn't smiling in her current state.

"Yeah, that's not happening.", I rebuff.

"Don't think you can stop-kyah!"

While she tries to protest, I give her a flick on the nose, causing her to recoil slightly.

"I said that's not happening. You need to just relax and hear things out."

"I don't care what you say or do, Daisuke-nii. I'm going rip her in half."

Is that so? 

"Well then, if you do that, I'll have no choice to never speak with you ever again. For as long as I live."

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-what?! You're bluffing!", Akane stutters, obviously panicked.

"Am I? Try and find out."

Well, I am sort of bluffing. Akane could try and fight Sunni, but she would lose, handily at that.

"F-fine, I'll stop! But just this once! Alright?!"

"Sure, I hear you."

I pat on the head reassuringly to help calm her down. Sunni then joins in on our conversation.

"Well, isn't she adorable, Govvy? She's just like a misbehaving little puppy; barking and yapping to get its master's attention."

Sunni has on her smile that she wears when she's trying to come across as polite when she's insulting someone.

"What did you call me, you cow? You had better stay away for Daisuke-nii if you know what's good for you."

Sunni chuckles lightly.

"Big words coming from a puppy dog. I believe that you're the one who should stay away. After all, I'm his real girlfriend, and not a fling from a foreign land."

"You condescending bitch...", Akane growls.

I'm getting deja vu all of a sudden.

"Alright, break it up.", I say firmly, "The both of you have equal right to be around me as you please, the both of you are my girlfriends and I have to take responibility for the two of you."

"Do my ears deceive me?"

Oh, great. My friends are here.

"Did you say something about having two girlfriends, Daisuke?", Takai asks.


"What a player."

"How bold. How Scandalous."

"Way to go, my little sister. You've done it."

"See, I told you all that Aniki could handle it.", Yoko says proudly.

"I should have known. One time he didn't speak to her for just a day and she spent the entire time fretting, absolutely heart-broken, thinking that he'd never speak to her again."

"Onii-chan, please stop talking!"

Gege then turns to Yoko, looking surprised.

"You're taking the fact the Daisuke is dating two girls pretty well, Yoko-san. I figured you'd be upset."

"Oh, there's no reason to be, Gege-senpai. I'm Aniki's girlfriend as well."

A deafening silence hangs in the air for a moment, and then Naoya pulls his phone from his bag.

"Hello, mum? I think it's about time we start planning a family wedding. You see-"


Naoya and I spend the rest of the lunch break tussling over the phone, and graciously, in the end i was victorious.




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