My Enigmatic Life

Volume Two, Chapter Six: An Official Two-Timer

   At school, the five of us met up in private to discuss matters about Shade and his crew. We re-affirm our stance on the situation, and now we're talking about what we could all bring to the table. 


"I already know that I'll be useless in fights on the level of Saito, but I can help with anything in the realm of supplies and goods."


Takai's family owns a hardware store. I haven't really seen the full extent of it, but I can say from what I've seen that they've got practically anything you could ever ask for. 


"That's good.", Naoya nods. "Just leave the field work to us three."


"Gege, have you talked with your dad about Shade yet?"


I'm hoping that we could get some info about the bloke before our eventual confrontation. Any bit of news will do. 


"No, unfortunately. Dad's been extremely busy lately, to the point where he doesn't get home until around two in the morning."


Of course. That's just our luck. I can't help but sigh. 


"Well, that's how it is. We'll just have to play it by ear."


After we conclude our talk, we collectively go to lunch. This time we're using the old classroom. Usually we go to the cafeteria, but this is where we like to go when we want to chill. However, we won't be getting that chance this time. 


"You already get to have him all to yourself after-school! There's no need to be up under him at school too!"


"That's ironic coming from you, Ms. Akane. You get to spend much more time with Aniki because you're his neighbour."


Yoko and Akane are at each other again. I had hoped that we had gotten past this, but alas I was wrong. 


"S-so what?!", Akane says defensively. "I may be Daisuke-nii's neighbour, but I don't get to wake him up in the morning, do I?"


"That's your loss. I don't see what it has to do with what we're talking about."


Yoko dismisses Akane swiftly and goes back to eating her food, whereas Akane bares her teeth at her angrily. She looks like she's about to snap, and so do her chopsticks. The five of us can only watch this debacle unfold in silence, a little too nervous to say anything. Thankfully, this argument is giving off a far less malevolent air as opposed to the first one. 


"It has a lot to do with what we're talking about!"


"Does it? You could've fooled me."




"Come on, you two. Stop bickering."


I calmly interrupt their tiff. I'm not going to be sat here and allow this to go on forever. Akane bites her lip, but she manages to keep her composure. Next to me, Naoya leans in and whispers in my ear. 


"Oi, Govvy. You're going to have to do something about those two soon. Or else things will get out of hand really fast."


"....Right. Got it."


I'm guessing that, 'do something', means that I have to make a choice between Yoko and Akane. Which is honestly impossible for me to do, because I love them both the same. But, I can't do that, can I? I mean there's no way either of them would accept that, and I can't keep playing the fool until I leave for home. Man, this sucks. My life has gotten so complicated lately. 


After-school, our usual quintet are heading to the diamond for practice, we've got some important games coming up, so we have to be at tip-top shape.




Akane comes running up to me. 


"What's up?"


"I need some help with my Science home-work. Can you please come over this evening and help me?"


Help with home-work? I think that I can manage it. Science is my best subject after all. 


"Sure. I'll be coming after pract-"


Before I could finish, Yoko appears and latches onto my arm like a vise. Her breasts, they're rubbing up against me! Relax, Daisuke, relax!


"Aniki, you have to help Naoya-nii with his History home-work, remember? He's especially thick when it comes to that."


"Oi." , Naoya protests.


Akane immediately bristles at her, drawing up to her full height, which isn't much. 


"Where the hell did you come from?! Don't you have some place to be?!"


"No, not really. I have an off-day.", Yoko shrugs. 


"From what?!"


"Here we go again...", Gege mutters. 


Wonderful. How do I handle this? This is like when I was younger and I would have to deal with Yoko and Sunni's disagreements. Only this time the stakes are a bit higher.


"That doesn't concern you, Ms.Akane. All you need to know is that Aniki will be going home with me."


Akane glares at Yoko for a moment, and then her features soften into a sneer. 


"Kukuku, I see now. I know why you're trying to keep Daisuke-nii away from me. You know that the 'love' between you two is false!"




For the first time, Yoko's the one on the back foot. She lets go of me and storms over to Akane. Ah, damn! Are they about to get into a fight?! 


"How dare you suggest that my love for Aniki isn't real?"


"It's not! You just want to do it for the thrill of doing something a little bit taboo!"


"Like hell I do! And you're one to talk! How can you say you love him when you don't know a bloody thing about him?!"


"I told you that I do know a lot about him, idiot! Stop pretending like I don't!"


Well, they have gotten into a fight... just not a physical one...


At this point we could again only watch this hectic scene unfold.


"Aniki doesn't need to get involved with shallow girls like you who would only like him for his looks and height. He needs someone who actually cares for him."


Yoko seems to have calmed herself a bit, but she's still speaking rather intensely. 


"Me?", Akane says innocently, placing her hand on her chest. "Don't you think that you're projecting a wee bit, Yoko-san?"


"Oi, Daisuke. This one seems to be a lot more childish and petty than the other- Daisuke?"


Takai looks at the spot where I was, to find it empty. I've slithered off on my own, as to avoid being confronted. Yes, I know it may sound cowardly, but I need to think about my relationship with those two. How am I supposed to choose when my feelings are equal for the both of them?


Damn... What do I do?




  Currently, I'm laying in bed in Oji's guest room, trying to clear my thoughts, but so far I just can't help but think about what I should do. Maybe I ought to listen to some music? Summer Madness always helps me relax. 


However, before I can even get my phone, the door flies open, making me flinch a bit. Looking in the door-way, I can see that Akane and Yoko standing there. Huh, looks like I'm going to die.


"Aniki. We need to talk.", Yoko says seriously. 


"If you don't mind, I'd like to write my last will and testament first."


Both of them narrow their eyes at me before crossing the threshold and closing the door behind them.


"This isn't the time for your dry wit, Daisuke-nii."


The two of them start to loosen their ties. What's going on now?


"I believe I know the answer to this question already, but which one of us is your favourite?"


Yoko queries me with a question that I had hoped she wouldn't ask, and seeing as I'm cornered, I have no choice but to reply.


"I don't have a favourite. It's entirely impossible for me to choose."


I spoke honestly, and now I'm prepared for the consequences. To my surprise, Yoko and Akane nod at each other as they unbutton their blouses and remove them. It's very difficult not to stare at how big their tits are....


"Just like we thought, Yoko-chan."




Eh? Yoko-chan? 


Before I could ask about the sudden change, the both of them approach me slowly, climbing onto the bed and crawling over to me, causing me to back up until I collide with the bed-head. Then Akane takes my left hand, and Yoko my right. And slowly, deliberately place them on their respective chests! W-wait. What's happening?! 


"It was wrong for us to make you feel so pressured, Aniki. We didn't take into account how you felt."


"Yeah! W-w-we got a little too carried away with our feelings and ignored yours."


Akane and Yoko emphatically express what I assume to be an apology to me, but honestly this is a little too emphatic. I mean I can feel the difference in the texture of their breasts! Yoko is softer and Akane is a bit firm. Taking my mind off of such information, I speak to them openly. 


"I'm glad that you two understand and sympathise with me. However, what are we going to do about it?"


Regrettably, they lean away from me and look me straight in the face.


"It's simple, Aniki.", Yoko says. "The both of us will be your girlfriends."




........I'm sorry? 


"The both....of you?", I ask slowly.


They nod simultaneously. This is a joke, right?


"Come on, I thought you to came to apologise, not take the piss out of me."


What they say next surprises me. 


"W-w-w-we're serious, D-D-Daisuke-nii!", Akane stammers determinedly.


"Akane's right, Aniki. We're not lying. Polygamy is legal both back home and here in Japan."


Polygamy? Impossible. Hell, I didn't think that I'd ever get married, and now these two are talking about me having multiple wives? Well, I'm lying. I did think that I would get married, but I'm certain that Sunni has moved on from me now. 


"S-so...What do you think, Daisuke-nii?", Akane says meekly. 


"If you don't think that you can handle it, you and I can become a couple instead, and you can leave Akane behind."


At Yoko's barb, Akane's sheepish demeanour does an one hundred and eighty degree turn.


"What?! Don't you dare try to leave me out, you slag!"


"What did you call me?! I see that you learned some foul words from Aniki!"


"That's right, you slag! You tart! You plonker!"


"I'll show you pl-"


Alright, time to break it up.


"Enough!", I yell, separating the two of them.


They calm down at my outburst, but they're still staring daggers at each other. 


"Listen, I'm not going to play this two-time game if you two can't get along!"


At my stern warning, Akane points at Yoko in protest. 


"She started it, Daisuke-nii!"


"I was merely making a suggestion."


Yoko shrugs nonchalantly. In response, I flick her on the nose.


"Ow!! That hurt, Aniki!"


"I figured so. Stop antagonising Akane, alright?"


Yoko pouts slightly before nodding.




From the corner of my eye, I can see Akane smirking with satisfaction. Oh don't think that you're getting away unscathed. I turn to her and flick her on the nose as well. 


"Ita!!! Why?!", she cries.


"That's for calling Yoko all of those rude names, obviously. Don't do that again, yeah?"




I sigh inwardly at the two of them. 


"Alright. Now apologise to each other.", I demand firmly.


They look at each other and speak at the same time. 


"I'm sorry, Akane."

"Sorry, Yoko-chan."

Holy hell, these two are more than a handful. 

And I mean that in more ways than one...... 


It's about damn time I finished the first half of this chapter. I'm hoping that I can return to releasing these on a timely basis for you all.  😁👍

















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