My Extraordinary Achievements

Chapter 3 - Confession Fever(Part I)

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Confession Fever(Part I)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


When Meng Fan confessed to Tang Wei Wei before, the accomplishment task [A Good Person] had been separated into three tiers of rewards.

Task Phase 1: Required failed confession once; reward: Accomplishment +1, Hand Speed +1.

Task Phase 2: Required failed confession 10 times; reward: Accomplishment +10, Hand Speed + 2

Task Phase 3: Required failed confession 100 times; reward: Accomplishment +100, Hand Speed +3

Previous rewards would be accrued to the next phase.

Once completed, the title of [A Good Person] would be awarded to him alongside the attribute ‘hand speed +10’.

Basically, Meng Fan had to be rejected ninty nine more times before he could complete the second phase of the task and receive the tiered reward.

According to his calculations, his existing hand speed was around 3.

Once he completed the second phase, his hand speed would potentially double.

If he completed all the phases, he would accumulate a total of “Hand Speed +16” as a reward; that was five times his existing hand speed!

Regarding what the accomplishment score did, Meng Fan had not yet seen a use for it, so he decided to leave it alone for the time being.

The problem now was, who would he confess to?

Before, he confessed to Tang Wei Wei. Aside from living in a fantasy with no regrets—he had to be in a relationship at least once—Meng Fan also had real feelings for Tang Wei Wei.

But now, he needed to find nine f*cking people to confess to. Where the hell would he find that many people to like? He needed to find nine random people he had no feelings for and confess to them… That was just barbaric!

Meng Fan hesitated and lifted his head to observe his surroundings. There were a lot of girls within his proximity, even as many as a dozen that were alone. Among them, the least menacing looking one… All right, to Meng Fan, they were all potentially able to kill him with a glance.

Life and death were imminent. If one did not accept it, then do something about it.

He must find a pretty one.

The pretty ones must be used to being confessed to, so they would be quick to reject him. At least they wouldn’t call him out for harassment.

Meng Fan stood up and gazed towards a girl not far from him who was fondling her bangs. His butt had barely left the seat before it plopped down again.

Alas, he was still timid.

“Got it.”

Meng Fan decided on a less straightforward confession method. He pulled out a sheet of paper and began to draw. The subject of the drawing was a caricature of a girl playing with her bangs. He then added a few words.

“Stop fondling your bangs, fondle me.”

He looked at his drawing. A dumb grin was plastered across his face. He honestly didn’t think a day would come when this kind of bullsh*t would work.

He stood up and placed the drawing in front of the girl and hastily hurried back to his seat. He then covertly waited for her reaction.

The girl took one glance at the drawing, then at Meng Fan, and picked up her pencil to write something. She immediately shoved the paper back to Meng Fan, landing in front of him with great accuracy.

“Fingers too skinny, can’t fondle the likes of your weight category.”

That sentence deeply pierced the chubby Meng Fan’s glass heart… ‘The hell does she mean my weight category!’

‘Ah, does this count as a rejection?’

Meng Fan quickly took a look at the “Task Progress” chart in his head. No movement. His rejection counter was still at 1.

That didn’t count as a rejection, or did his act not count as a confession?

Did he need to be a bit more straightforward?

“Be my girlfriend, and your finger will never become fat!”

After writing that down, Meng Fan considered it for a minute and erased the last half of the sentence that seemed too far fetched.

After delivering it to the girl, Meng Fan returned to his seat once again. He was just in time to see the girl stick the drawing in her portfolio as she stood up. His heart rate sped up, only to find out pretty quickly that she was not walking towards him but leaving.


‘The hell kind of system is this?’

He looked at the progress chart again, but there was still no change.

Woman, couldn’t you have been more forward with your rejection?

Meng Fan desperately wanted to chase her down and give her a piece of his mind, but… he didn’t have the balls to do so.

‘Being rejected should be easy to achieve, why is this so hard?!’

‘Also, this “system” can’t recognize a little bit of self-judgment? Rejected or not wouldn’t my own bloody heart have a clue?’

The girl’s actions deeply wounded Meng Fan, even more than the pain of rejection had hurt him. It took a good ten minutes before he recovered and found the courage to approach his next target.

This time, Meng Fan learned his lesson. Determined to complete the task, he would confess face to face.

“Hello, Miss. You are so pretty. I like you; please be my girlfriend!”

Meng Fan dryly stood in front of a girl. He conveyed all he wanted to say in one breath and was too scared to make eye contact in fear of being penetrated by the girl’s gaze.

The girl doubtfully glanced over Meng Fan. “Fellow student, do we know each other?”

Meng Fan ached to turn around and escape, but at the thought of leaving halfway with nothing to show, he blushed deeply and continued, “Knowing and liking have nothing to do with each other!”

The girl awkwardly but politely responded, “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.”


Meng Fan quickly scanned the rejection counter as it increased to 2. He couldn’t contain himself. He pounded his chest with a fist. ‘Finally, success! It seems like this “system” did have some clue after all.’

Noticing the girl’s solemn expression looking back at him, Meng Fan was aware of how stupid his actions seemed. He said to her sincerely, ” So… sorry for the trouble I’ve created for you.”

He spun around and left. He could hardly control the small spurts of dance steps taking over from his legs.

Meng Fan warned himself that confessions work, but he must retain a genuine attitude, and it definitely cannot cause too much trouble for the other person.

Meng Fan sat dutifully in the same spot for 15 minutes before he started to pack up and relocate to another corner to avoid the gaze of the last girl. He began searching for the next opportunity to confess.

“Hey girl, you are so pretty, I like you, be my girlfriend!”

“Thanks, but I have a boyfriend.”

“So… sorry for causing you trouble.”


“Hey girl, you’re so pretty…”

“I don’t like men.”


“Hey, girl…”

“Who the hell are you? Do I know you? What’s your problem?”

“Hey, girl…”

“Who are you calling a girl? I’m a man. Are you blind?!”

After a few failed attempts, Meng Fan had mastered the opening sentence, all the while feeling himself growing more and more thick-skinned. He made more eye contact and blushed less; his heart rate slowed down, and his legs stopped shaking.

After confessing at every corner, Meng Fan finally packed his things and left the library.

‘This task was like stealing wool from sheep, you had to find different locations to shear from, or else you’d get caught.’

Low key or not, what matters is that the girl you just confessed to did not see you confess to another girl, not only would that be awkward but also very disrespectful to all parties involved.

Meng Fan immediately regretted leaving the library.

The cursed weather was too damn hot.

It was barely 3:00 in the afternoon, yet the cement burned with heat. Not a soul could be seen on the street, nonetheless pretty girls.

Only two more to go until task phase 2 was completed.

Meng Fan contemplated for a moment and weaseled back into the library.

‘Guess we’ll sheer here for a bit longer!’

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