My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 13 Investigation

(***Muriel's POV***)

Muriel had been ordered by archangel Phanuel to investigate a strange disturbance that he felt in the Void of Chaos. So she traveled to the edge of the celestial realm where there laid a portal to other realms.


Arriving at the portal Muriel meets an angel guard. "Hello, Orifiel I need to use the portal to carry out an assignment from lord Phanuel." Said Muriel to the guard named Orifiel.


"Very well you may do so. Take care." Said Orifiel in an indifferent tone.


Orifiel then removed her sword from her waist and with it slice the sky in a horizontal manner. The sky was split in two and a tear began to swirl as a portal of light begins to form. Muriel then flew into the portal and then it vanished without a trace as if it had never existed.


Muriel reappeared in a gray world filled with pathways and at the end of each pathway existed a portal. Some of these portals seem to be made of light these were pathways to different celestial realms that angels and the divine lived and ruled. Other portals were swirling masses of darkness like a black hole and these lead to the infernal realms of demons and demoness. The last type of portals was green and these lead to the world of mortals and immortals. At the bottom of this realm laid a dark massive purple-like sea and this was the entrance to the Void of Chaos. For centuries the celestials and infernals have used the Void of chaos as an execution ground for their criminals.


In the Void of Chaos, one's soul force and life force are constantly drained. It's a deadly dimension that is devoid of life. Getting ready to enter the purple sea Muriel places a necklace around her neck. The necklace was called Barachiel's Embrace and it was created by Barachiel the angel of blessings and protection to temporarily counteract the effect of that dimension. With her necklace on Muriel closed her eyes and jumped into the sea.


Waking up in a purple and red hued space of emptiness Muriel felt her power waning a tiny bit. While the necklace could counteract the draining effects of this dimension it was only 90% efficient. Realizing that she could only stay here for an hour max she released a beacon to teleport back to the portal after she finishes her assessment.


Muriel then started to fly around and released a subtle wave of her divine energy in the way a bat would use sonar. Her energy would be devoured by the void but should it clash with any other energy divine or infernal it would instantly inform her of where. After flying around for 30 minutes Muriel felt a ping of foreign energy which she couldn't identify. When she arrived she felt the residue of this foreign energy but what was strange was that this energy was from a mortal soul that had been there.


"There no way that a mortal could have been here what's going on. Their soul level is too low to survive for even a second here." said Muriel in shock


"Hello" said a mysterious voice from behind Muriel. This voice immediately caused her to feel fear and dread turning around. She was frozen in place unable to move.


"It's quite rude of you not to return a greeting." said the voice


Circulating her divine power throughout her whole body she was finally able to move. The first thing she did was draw her sword while moving to gain some distance. As she turned around she found that no one was there.


"Why did you draw your weapon? Do you wish to fight?" asked the voice for behind her again


"I am Muriel of the divine army under the service of Lord Phanuel. I demand you name yourself and state your intentions." said the panicked Muriel


"Well, Muriel of the divine army under the service of Lord Phanuel I have no name to give you. As for my purpose I simply greeted you." said the voice mockingly


"State your purpose or be cut down!" yelled Muriel


"Really? How can you do that if you're facing the wrong way?" mocked the voice yet again


Muriel then began to release her divine energy and slash behind her only to find that there was no one there yet again. "My you're a very violent little girl." said the voice as it laughed but this time it sounded like the voice was coming from everywhere at once. As time went on the fear in Muriel's heart kept grown as she found herself a proud angelic warrior was being played with as if she were a child.


"Well no need to cry my dear turn around and I'll let you see me." said the chilling voice


As Muriel turned around slowly she saw a gorgeous woman had long flowing white hair that reached her feet tied into twin tails wearing a beautiful black. She smiled at Muriel and with a purple ethereal hand pierced Muriel's chest and she blacked out.


(***Nyx POV***)

Nyx had pierced the angel's chest with her hand in an ethereal form and pulled out what looked like a golden orb. This was Muriel's soul and while Zero's had been the size of a marble this was the size of a car. Holding the angel's soul Nyx took her other hand and pierced into the soul with her finger and as she a terrible shrieking began to echo through the void. The soul was in great pain and crying out for her to stop.


"Relax it'll be over soon." Said Nyx with a cold smile


She then retracted her finger from the soul. It looked fine but there was a difference a tiny almost imperceptible purple spot could be seen at the center. Nyx then proceeded to place the soul back into Muriel's body. As the soul entered the body Muriel began to convulse and scream. After 10 minutes of this did she finally calm down and open her eye.


"Rise and shine. Do you know who I am and what you're supposed to do?" asked Nyx


"Yes you are my mistress and I am to return to the divine realm and report that nothing unusual was found here." said Muriel as she bowed


"When will the angel regain consciousness?" asked Nyx


"I believe in 5 minutes mistress." answered Muriel?


"Good then I'll take my leave." said Nyx as she walked away with a smile


She then faded out of existence as if she had never been there at all. What she had done to Muriel was place a soul parasite into her soul. It was a separate consciousness that would slowly merge with Muriel's own as to not arouse suspicion. This way she would gain an informant in the divine realm and make sure that they wouldn't find out about her or her son until he was strong enough.


(***Muriel's POV***)

Waking up Muriel remembered that she had been attacked by a woman. As she began to look around to find her the memory simply vanished from her mind and she was in a state of confusion. "What was I doing? I believe I was carrying out Lord Phanuel's order." said Muriel


'I guess the draining effect of the void was stronger than I thought. I should hurry and complete the mistress's order. Wait who is this mistress I guess this realm is messing with my mind I thought Lord Phanuel was a woman for a second.' Muriel's mind was in a bit of disarray but what she was unaware of was that the soul parasite had begun to affect her. This was how it worked rather than changing your memories it simply alters them slightly so that nobody would notice until it was too late.


Deciding that there was no further need to investigate Muriel decided to teleport back to her beacon and leave. She momentarily thought it strange why she would leave 20 minutes early without doing her due diligence. She then felt that she had done all that she could and that there was no further need to waste time here. She needed to report back to Phanuel that there was nothing to be found here. This was the most important thing currently and she must complete it as soon as possible. She then leaves for the divine realm to make her report.

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