My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 269 Priorities Conclusion Z

There was a moment of silence as Zero contemplated Valna's proposal. The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting his response.


Zero's piercing gaze met Valna's, and he responded firmly, "No, Valna. We'll continue with the current plan. There's no need for you to concern yourself with it right now. Everything is progressing well, and changing our approach would be unnecessary."


Valna looked at him silently for a few moments, her expression unreadable. Finally, she calmly said, "Very well, I understand and obey. Call me when you finish the spirit eggs, and I will follow your orders."


With that, Valna left the room, leaving behind a lingering tension. Yoko, who had been observing the exchange, chuckled. "Well, that was interesting. Usually, when either you or I say jump, Valna asks how high. It's good to see her show some independence again, even if briefly."


Zero sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I should handle the situation with Valna soon. We don't need another Sophia situation on our hands."


Yoko raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, come on, Zero. It's not that bad yet. I'm sure I could help smooth things over if you want me to handle it for you."


Zero shot her a warning look. "No, Yoko don’t interfere. I'll take care of it. Your involvement would only make things more complicated than it needs to be."


As Zero left the room, he couldn't shake the feeling that Valna's recent assertiveness was a manifestation of deeper concerns. The incident with Sophia, who was a previous servant of heaven who went rogue, still lingered in his memory. Sophia rebelled against them, leading to a messy fight to the death between Zero’s group and her. Zero didn't want a repeat of that scenario.


In the following days, as Zero worked on the elemental spirit eggs, Yoko took on the responsibility of watching over Avarus. She found him playing with small toys, occasionally muttering his unique version of words. Yoko couldn't help but smile at the innocent antics of the little one.


Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, Valna contemplated the recent exchange with Zero. Her thoughts were a tempest of conflicting emotions. While she understood the need for caution, a part of her yearned for a more active approach. The tension between her and Zero was palpable, and she knew that she should obey but something screamed that Zero needed her to do.


As Zero continued with his intricate magic to complete the spirit eggs, he felt the weight of the unresolved situation with Valna. Zero knew he couldn't let it fester. One evening, as the translucent blue eggs shimmered with latent magic, Zero approached Yoko. "Yoko, I need you to watch over Avarus for a few more days. Don’t let him near Valna because he was the catalyst for Valna's recent behavior. I also need you to finalize the magical preparations on the eggs. It will require a series of intricate spells before I can insert the memory and soul."


Yoko nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll take care of Avarus, and I'll make sure the eggs are ready for the final steps by tomorrow. But, Zero, you really should talk to Valna. I saw he talking to herself so you should deal with it now."


Zero sighed, acknowledging Yoko's advice. "I know, I know. I'll handle it. I need to head back to the forest where I left those two ghouls anyways, so I’ll bring her along. You just focus on completing the magic for the spirit eggs."


Yoko shrugged, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark. "Yes Sir. Good luck, Zero. The current Valna might be a tough one to crack."


Feeling that there was no point in trading words and quips with Yoko any longer Zero decided to leave. He quickly located Valna and asked her to follow him to the forest. Of course, Valna accepted and followed Zero as he took to the skies and flew in the direction of the forest.


As Zero landed and ventured back into the forest, Valna trailing behind, he found the perfect moment to broach the subject. The dense trees and the rustling leaves served as witnesses to the impending conversation. "Valna, we need to talk," Zero began, his voice carrying a solemn tone. "It seems you have something you wish to get off your chest, so why not do so now? Tell me what’s on your mind. I have an idea what it might be but I’d like for you to tell me about it."


Valna met Zero's gaze, her eyes reflecting a desire he knew too well. "My lord, there's nothing more to say. I've accepted your decision and will follow your orders. You need not worry about me. I am fine."


Zero, however, wasn't satisfied with such a dismissal. "Are you sure to want to dismiss the issue? We’re all alone and there’s no one to interrupt us so now is the best time to get it off your chest. "


Valna sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "As I said before I can't shake the feeling that time is slipping away. Our current approach feels too slow, and I fear we might miss something crucial. Sacrificing one of our stronger servants as bait could draw out any potential deity faster."


Zero placed a reassuring hand on Valna's shoulder. "You know that’s not what I’m asking about, but rather why you’re in such a rush. No need to dance around the issue; speak what’s really on your mind. Tell me that’s an order."


The forest seemed to echo with the weight of their conversation. Valna looked into Zero's eyes, her expression softening. "I understand, my Lord. I shall abide by your order. It's just... you promised me… a child in this world."


Zero nodded, acknowledging her feelings. "Yes I know, I was there. I clearly remember saying I would do so in around 20 years or less. I understand that you must feel frustrated, Valna. I made you look after Avarus the child I had with Yoko. Not only that but I’ve been spending so much time with her and Nova. You must be feeling neglected and acted out as a way to attract my attention. That's why here and now you have my undivided attention so tell me all your grievances."


Valna's gaze wavered, her needing a moment to compose herself before speaking. Her voice carried a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "My Lord, it's true that my duty is to serve you and Mistress Yoko faithfully. But, you've given me a glimpse of a different life, a promise of a family. I know it’s unbecoming of me, but I can’t help myself yearning for something more than just servitude."


Zero listened attentively, his expression serious and understanding. "I know. I made you that promise, Valna, and I intend to keep it. However, we are in a delicate situation. We don’t know where we are and what dangers lie in store. Creating a child now without understanding the situation, would leave all of us vulnerable."


Zero sighed, reached out with a gentle touch, and his fingers ran through her flowing hair. The fiery orange strands gleamed in the soft moonlight, and he could sense the tension easing beneath his touch. "Valna, I appreciate your desire. I have no reason to reject you, so once I am assured that we are safe we can do such things."


With a tender smile, Zero drew Valna closer, his free hand gently cradling her cheek. Their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss, a silent reassurance passing between them. The forest seemed to hold its breath, granting them a moment of intimacy amidst the mysteries it harbored.


As they parted, Zero's eyes met Valna's, his gaze warm and understanding. "Be patient, Valna," he whispered, his voice a gentle caress. "As you can see I haven't forgotten my promise to you. But for now, let's focus on building a safe home."

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