My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 271 Gareth the Grey H

Over the last five days, the group has been incredibly busy. They first focused on ensuring the loyalty and unity of Ashby’s bandit crew. Using Ash's hypnotic abilities, they altered the memories of all the bandits, making them believe they knew Ash, Casandra, and Andrea as allies. They painted the royal family as the villains responsible for their hardships and framed Ashby as their savior and commander. This rebranding turned the bandits into a fervent group of freedom fighters, dedicated to liberating the people from tyranny.


While Ash was busy manipulating memories, Casandra and Andrea scoured the area for more bandits and thieves. They subdued and brought them back to Ash, who twisted their minds in the same fashion, expanding Ashby's followers to thirty-eight.


Despite their growing numbers, the group recognized the limitations of these new freedom fighters in combat. The bandits, though numerous, would be no match for trained knights. Ashby, despite her commanding presence, was only slightly more skilled than her subordinates. They needed a way to enhance their combat abilities, and that meant learning about the local technique known as "Knight's Resolve," a method the knights of this world used to harness the ambient mana to strengthen themselves.


On the sixth day, a lead was found. A grizzled old man, a former knight who had fallen on hard times and lived by themselves out in the woods a few towns away. Rumor was going around in Eoqelon that he would probably show up soon to join the adventures guild even though knights saw that as a disgrace. As Andrea stood in the corner intangible listening to the adventuers and mercenaries laughing about how soon a knight would crawl down from on high to their level. Andrea was able to gain important tidbits of information such as the knight known by the title Gareth the Grey was said to know the secrets of Knight's Resolve. He also had a reputation for being a formidable fighter in his prime.


Taking this information back to Ashby’s bandit hideout Andrea informed Casandra and Ash about this potential pawn.  Ash stretched and said, “Yeah sounds good to me. Let’s go find him. If he teaches them then we can leave this squalor and find a place with an actual bed.”


“True, we’ve wasted six days setting this up and we’re the slowest group. What’s worse is even after we get this man we still need to set up some form of logistic for these guys or they go under in less than two weeks,” said Casandra as she perused documents at a poorly made table.


Casandra then stood up, handed Andrea two sheets of paper, and said, “Ash and I will go meet this Gareth the Grey. Andrea go check out these two locations. Note any problems or corruption you see and investigate the baron of each place. I want this taken care of in a week will you be able to do that?”


Andrea looked over the documents, “It’ll be tight, but if I have your permission to request Iris to teleport twice then I think I can make it.”


“Good, I already contacted her. She’ll be here any moment now so get ready to leave,” answered Casandra.


No second later did a beautiful elven woman with fair skin. They had dark green eyes, left green hair, and wore a long white dress with green trimming. Ash walked over to the elf grabbed her hands and said, “My Iris you look absolutely shunning much more so than your normal appearance.”


Andrea quickly grabbed Ash and threw him back as she said, “I’m sorry for this idiot please forgive his mouth. It tends to speak before he can even think.”


Iris chuckled as she responded, “Don’t worry too much about it. So I need to take you to where Casanda said and pick you up in a week’s time correct?”


“Yes please I know we’re taking you away from my own duties. I owe you one. When we’re done I’ll visit Esme to pay you back for this,” said Casandra.


“Don’t worry about it. Well we’re off those elves don’t leave us to our own devices for too long so I need to get back before they discover I’m gone,” said Iris as she teleported away with Andrea.


Wasting no time Casandra grabbed Ash who was still on the ground after being throw by the collar and dragged him out of the bandit hideout. The journey to find Gareth was not without its challenges. The dense forest and treacherous paths made their travel slower than Casandra had hoped. Finally, they located him in a secluded part of the forest, living in a rundown shack.


As they approached the shack, Gareth stepped out, his eyes sharp and wary. He was still a tall and imposing figure, despite his age. His gray hair and beard gave him a distinguished, if not somewhat rugged, appearance.


Ash stepped forward, addressing Gareth with a respectful tone. "Gareth the Grey, I presume. Good, we are in need of a teacher to train a bunch of weaklings. They wish to help people, but aren’t strong so they need a trainer. You believe in that stuff right? Helping the weakand all that. We’re willing to pay as much as you want."


Gareth's eyes narrowed as he assessed the group. "And why should I help you? I have no love for the citizens of this Kingdom. I also have no interest in fighting battles that are not my own or training others. Leave this place quickly or I shall make you."


Casandra stepped forward, her voice soft but persuasive. "We understand your hesitation, Gareth. But think of the legacy you could leave behind. By teaching those people, you are not just fighting for anyone, but rather training a new generation to fight for the freedom and justice that you once stood for. You can help shape a new era, one where people are free from oppression. One where no one faces the injustice you face that drove you from your position as a knight. This is your chance to reclaim your honor."


Gareth seemed touched by Casandra's words, and a glimmer of something akin to hope crossed his rugged features. However, it quickly vanished, replaced by a look of scorn. Without a word, he turned and walked back to his cabin, returning with a sword in hand. His eyes burned with anger as he leveled the weapon at Ash and Casandra.


"Leave," he commanded, his voice cold and unyielding.


Ash leaned closer to Casandra and whispered, "Should I just knock the guy out and take him back?"


Casandra shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "No, Ash. Forcing him would only make this take longer than necessary. We have a few days left; it's better to slowly persuade him rather than dragging him anywhere against his will."


Ash sighed but nodded in agreement. "Alright, we'll do it your way."

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