My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 29 Carmilla Part 2

'Damn it I'll kill that rabbit if I ever get the chance' Zero was imagining many ways to kill that rabbit in his mind


"Well Lady Carmilla if memory serves me right Isaac is a servant of Dracula as well so it's quite confusing as to why he trapped you here." said Zero


"Well… he" Carmilla was trying to come up with an excuse but was immediately interrupted by Zero. "Lady Carmilla I do believe you're not being truthful with me" This made Carmilla very nervous as her gentle elegant expression began to crack a little.


"I ask for permission to read your memories of the last 2 months." Zero had no plans of believing anything that Carmilla said as she seemed to be a manipulative type of femme fatale.


"No! How dare you an inferior vampire try to read my mind!" yelled Carmilla


"If you want me to free you then you will obey. This is not a negotiation Lady Carmilla." said Zero smiling calmly at Carmilla


"You inferior insect if I were free I would kill you." yelled Carmilla


"Well, first thing first I'm a True Vampire. Secondly, if you keep screaming your jailer will eventually come" said Zero


"If you wish to lie then tell a more believable lie. A True Vampire would not have such a weak aura" said Carmilla in a calmer tone


"You can believe what you will but I am what I am. My aura is weak simply because I'm still quite young" said Zero


Carmilla was beginning to wonder if this vampire was telling her the truth. He couldn't have gotten past all the monsters and Isaac's forged devils if he wasn't at least as strong as her master Dracula. If he left then she wouldn't be able to escape and would be killed by a man which she refused to accept.


"Well would you like to forge a magic contract with me?" said Zero


"What is a magic contract?" asked Camilla


"It's similar to a demon's contract but True vampires can forge one with magic" explained Zero


Of course, he couldn't do something like a magic contract but he couldn't explain why a vampire  had the ability to forge contracts like a demon.


"Well, I'll propose a deal. You let me read your mind and in exchange, I promise to free you from this room." said Zero


Carmilla nodded her head "I need a verbal agreement of the deal" said Zero as he cycled mana throughout the room to forge a contract.


"I agree to the contract." said Carmilla


The mana in the air began to gather around Zero and Carmilla. A purple bat-like tattoo appeared on both their left hands. Carmilla looked at her hand and knew that the contact was established so she lowered her mental defenses and nodded for Zero to start his mind-reading. Zero then activated his mental manipulation skill and images began to flash through his mind.


Dracula had ordered Carmilla to work with forge masters Hector the main character and Isaac the villain of the game. She took advantage of this moment to trick the indecisive Hector into attacking the Belmont Estate and to attack the city of Braila planting doubt in his mind about Dracula's sanity.


As the vampires slaughtered everyone in Braila, Carmilla made her move. She raised the fanatical Bishop as undead to make him bless the water of a river and used her army of vampires to ambush Dracula's forces and make them fall into the now holy water, destroying them. Afterwards, she dragged Hector with her and launched her troops to attack Dracula's Castle.


As Dracula was about to destroy Carmilla and her forces by himself, Sypha Belnades cast a spell to teleport the castle, displacing the blessed water which ended up destroying all of Carmilla's armies, allowing only herself and Hector to barely escape. Finally, finding out that Dracula was destroyed by the heroes, Hector who had enough of Carmilla, tries to escape, but she viciously beat him to a pulp and chained him up, declaring that he was now her slave and forced him to forge an army of demons to restore her forces after declaring herself queen.


Two weeks later, no longer was she planning to stop at conquering Braila, but became infatuated with the whole world. Once Lenore asked her sister if she would be satisfied at any point, Carmilla simply retorted with the memories of how stupid, old men had taken things from her for half her life. Therefore, she sought revenge and began to desire to have everything in the world and man to be dead.


Soon, Isaac opened a rift in the sky with a large transportation mirror and began his assault on Styria. Carmilla, who had been studying maps to plan her conquest, was suddenly ambushed by dozens of night creatures. The ongoing onslaught caused Carmilla to unleash all of her pent-up rages on her attackers in a brutal fashion. Cutting through a seemingly everlasting line of night creatures, the vicious self-proclaimed vampire queen clawed, kicked, and sliced savagely until eventually, she began to tire.


The entire room was covered in blood and severed limbs, her blade dripping red, her dress wrinkled and sweaty, and hair hanging loose. She fell to one knee and staggered to her feet again with her sword. Isaac, with the help of Hector, entered the room, where a force field had been erected around preventing Carmilla's escape. Carmilla, knowing that she could never defeat Isaac and his hordes, offered him to kill Hector instead for revenge for Dracula's death. To her surprise, the cold Forgemaster had already chosen to spare him and she realized that they combined efforts to kill her. First, she questioned Isaac if he had really come all this way simply to end her life. While Isaac was reluctantly more philosophical and with a rare display of emotion, he did believe the world would be better without Carmilla.


The two then wasted no time and engaged in a final confrontation. Though Carmilla proved she still had one fight left in her, she was eventually overwhelmed once Isaac was joined by his night creatures. One cut her dress and sliced her entire back, another clawed her lower back, and a third her neck. After wrestling in a brief strength contest, Isaac with the aid of Abel his forged devil cut into her sword and soon stabbed her left thigh. The two dueled some more; however, Isaac used his trusty night creature as a distraction to cut deep into the side of Carmilla's abdomen. This final hit proved too much for Carmilla and she stepped back, exhausted and beaten. Bleeding from several injuries, and clothes in tatters, Carmilla still refused to surrender. Knowing her end was near, she began to berate her murderers for their unworthiness, undeserving of her blood. She was then captured to gather information from her before killing her.


Carmilla was trapped in the dungeon of her own castle and crucified on the cross to bleed her out so as to not allow her to gather her strength. She waited for Isaac to come to interrogate her before killing her when a young vampire appeared in front of her.


'Looks like this history is a bit different from how the game went. I don't remember a vampire named Carmilla but she seems important to Isaac.' thought Zero


"You've read my mind so it's time for you to keep your part of the deal." said an impatient Carmilla


"Yes I'll free you from this room as promised." said Zero with a calm smile as he walked toward her. He put his hand over her breast and began to channel mana into her body. As the mana cycled through Carmilla's body Zero found what he was looking for; her soul so he proceeded to pull it out of her body as she screamed in pain and managed to extract her soul into his chaos soul dimension. Without her soul, Carmilla's body slumped down as if it were a doll and Zero also stored her soulless body into the dimension.


When you make a deal with a demon you have to be careful of your words. Carmilla didn't notice how vague the deal was. Zero didn't state how far back into her memories that he could look back into so he read her memories for the last years' worth of memories. He also simply stated that he would free her from this but that was also equally vague as he could decide how to free her. By putting both her soul and body into dimension she was no longer considered in this room so the contract was considered fulfilled and the purple bat mark disappeared.


Zero then activated his world traveler skill and traveled to Dracula's castle in the year 2035 leaving the past behind as he thought 'Now I understand why Carmilla never showed up in the game since she escaped from Isaac.' Zero laughed at this unexpected gain that this unfortunate experience had granted him.

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