My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 35 Next Step

"So what's next?" asked Yoko


"First let's return to Dracula's castle." said Zero as he created a portal for them to walk through.


Arriving in an empty room with a couch in the Inner Quarters area Zero motioned for Yoko to sit. "First thing first you need to learn how to transform." Zero needed her to interact with both Soma and Genya but he could have her be in her demon form.


"You have a skill called Desire Form which lets you transform into anyone someone desires and that includes yourself. So by using that skill, you can take on your human form." explained Zero


"Okay I understand that but how do I transform?" asked Yoko


"I have the skill too but I've never tried it. You should be able to instinctively activate the skill if you try. When I made you I let you devour the souls of succubi your soul should still contain their instincts." explained Zero


Yoko stood still and thought of what she used to look like. As she was thinking about how to transform she began to feel that if she truly desired it then it would happen. She truly wanted to turn back into her human form and she suddenly felt a tingling sensation all over her body and she began to transform. Her red hair turned lighter and lighter until it was blond as her red feather wings, devil horns, and red devil tail retracted back into her body. When the transformation was finished she turned into a beautiful young woman with snow-white skin, blonde hair, and blue-green eyes that resembled ocean water.


"Looks like you've got it down. Here are your old clothes." said Zero as he threw her clothes at her.


Yoko just realized that she was still covered in just a blanket and quickly caught her clothes. "Turn around until I'm done" Yoko was truly embarrassed by the fact that she hadn't even realized that she was practically naked. While Zero was faced the other way she quickly put her clothes back on.


"Look like you're done. We'll need to get you a special outfit later that transforms along with you so that when you transform back into a demon your wings and horns don't get stuck." said Zero


"So this is Dracula's castle that is supposed to appear in the lunar eclipse. It doesn't look like much." said Yoko


"You might be stronger and faster than most of the creatures here but if you get surrounded they can hurt you trust me on that." said Zero


"I guess you're right and I don't know how to fight with my current body right now." said Yoko


"So now that you're back in human form I need you to go meet Soma." said Zero


"Wait What!?" Yoko turned her head quickly to face Zero with a confused look


(***Yoko POV***)

Yoko stands in a library awaiting the arrival of Soma Cruz. She couldn't understand why she had to do this but if it would help save the world then what could she do but obey. As she was thinking Soma arrived at the library.


"Ah Soma what are you doing here?" asked Yoko


"Y-yes Miss Belnades I'm here looking for a way out. Why are you here?" Soma was greatly shocked by the sight of his homeroom teacher being here.


"I'm here to assist a man named Genya Arikado in sealing this castle as a witch." answered Yoko


"You know Genya? Wait you're a witch?" asked the surprised Soma


"Yes to both of your questions. He asked me to help you if you were in trouble." answered Yoko


"That's had to believe coming from him." said Soma


"Well he may seem cold but deep down he's a big old softie. You share the same dark powers so he feels a kinship with you." said Yoko with a slight chuckle


"Wait! Did you say my powers are dark?" asked Soma


"Oh you mean you didn't know that? Looks like I said something I wasn't supposed to didn't I?" asked the surprised Yoko


Soma was shocked and disturbed by the notion that the power that he had been using was a dark power. Yoko couldn't take what she said back so she continued. "Essentially, you have the power to rule over and command monsters."


"I have no desire to do that." stated Soma


"It comes as naturally as breathing for you, so you may not realize it yet. Also although it's called a dark power it doesn't mean it's evil. Power is just power in the end who wields it is the most important thing." said Yoko


"When you put it that way I feel a bit better. Since I got this power I felt myself changing in a strange way. I don't know who I am some of the times." said Soma


"You are you. There's no else you could be besides yourself. My advice to you is just be confident and be yourself." said Yoko


"I understand thank you Miss Belnades." Soma felt a weight fall off his shoulders as he got some advice from his teacher.


"That reminds me have you seen a man named Graham?" asked Yoko


"Graham? Yes I met him earlier." answered Soma


"Be wary of the man. I believe that he will inherit Dracula's powers." said Yoko


"No way! He didn't look like a bad guy." said the shocked Soma


"Right and I'm the queen of England." said Yoko sarcastically


"On a serious note don't be fooled by his appearance. He's not what he seems." said Yoko


"All… right" Soma was very disheartened to hear that he had misjudged the man named Graham. He had felt that Graham reminded him a little of his dear friend Zero when he encountered him last time.


"Well then I'm a bit busy so I'll be heading off now. See you later." said Yoko as she walked out of the library.


Leaving the library Yoko now ran toward the area where Zero had informed her that Genya would be located. She was truly surprised by how fast her new body was. She could run faster than a car at full speed and running at full speed for minutes straight didn't affect her. She was beginning to like this new body; not only could it transform looking however she wanted it was also immortal. This new body wasn't that bad when she thought about it and she couldn't really remember what was so good about being human.


Arriving at an old child's room she saw the man that she was looking for Genya Arikado. She walked towards him and called out to him. "Hello, Genya Arikado it's a pleasure to meet you."


"Who are you?" said Genya as he turned to face the woman


"Pardon me for not introducing myself. My name is Yoko Belnades a descendant of Sypha Belnades." answered Yoko


"Sypha's descendant I see. Well, that answered what you're doing here." said Genya


"Are you here to stop Dracula or are you here to kill Soma?" asked Genya


"Well, that's the same thing really. But I don't want my student Soma to die." answered Yoko


"So are you here alone?" asked Yoko


"No I came into the castle with another person." answered Yoko


"Who?" asked the curious Genya


"We'll discuss that later. What I needed to know is why you are leading Soma down the path of unlocking Dracula's power?" asked Yoko


"Who told you that?" asked Genya


"Soma is Dracula's reincarnation so he can obviously leave this castle whenever he wishes it. Rather than helping him do that you intentionally let a creature attack Mina Hakuba so that his power would awaken. You also lied to him about the true nature of his power and put him on the path of killing monsters for their souls rather than simply commanding them." explained Yoko


"All that is true. So what do you want to ask me?" asked Genya


"What's your goal here Alucard? Should I be calling you Adrian Tepes instead?" asked Yoko


"Looks like you know a lot more than I thought. Yes I am leading Soma Cruz to awaken as Dracula so that he can defeat the entity of chaos." answered Genya


"You're using the boy to try to defeat that thing!?" questioned an angry Yoko


"He the only one who can do it." answered Genya


"Looks like I shouldn't have expected much from a man who can kill his father." said Yoko as she stared angrily at Genya


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