My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 39 Execution Part 3

(***Yoko POV***)

Yoko Belnades had been fighting in the Underground Reservoir for a few hours now. She had difficulties at the beginning as she mostly relied on her fire magic to deal with the constant stream of plant enemies. As she got more into the fight she began to use the claymore handed to her by Zero and was surprised to learn that she was easily able to use the blade as if it were an extension of her arm. With this new revelation, she attempted a new fire spell in which she would gather fire mana within her blade she succeeded in creating a pseudo-fire blade, and as she fought the realization came to her that the spell was imperfect. As she fought more dryads and plant monsters she found the fire sword waste too much mana to keep the sword constantly active. She managed to alter the magic formula and make it so that the flames would only be released during the instant of an attack and named the new spell Blaze Blade.


With her new spell, Yoko made short work of a seemingly endless wave of plant monsters. After fighting constantly for 5 hours she had managed to kill 400 Dryads, 500 Alura Une, and 110 Mandragoras. Storing their souls and bodies in the dimension as she killed. Just as her body had beginning to feel tired a portal appeared in front of her. This was not the portal to the dimension in which she stored her kill but rather a spatial distortion meaning it was Zero. This was good as she needed a break anyway so she entered the portal.


The scenery changed from an underground cave to that of an exquisite library with many empty shelves except for a few filled with books. She saw Zero, Alucard, and a brown-haired man in a brown trench coat standing in the center of the library.


"Looks like you're ready to begin." said Yoko


"Yeah just waiting for you." said Zero


"Don't make it sound like I'm late." said Yoko


"I'd never do that." said Zero with a smirk


"Yes, you would." replied Yoko with a smirk


"You're just in time my dear." said Zero with a smile


"Save the flirting for later and let's get down to business." said Julius


"Killjoy!" joked Zero


"Let's get down to business." said Genya in a serious tone


"Very well now on a serious note. The plan has 3 stages and the first stage is for Soma to awaken as Dracula. " said Zero


"Why!? Shouldn't we be trying to stop it instead?" asked a confused Julius


"Alucard's initial plan was for Soma to awaken to his power and defeat the chaos entity. I plan to peel the dark power off of Soma's soul after he awakens and to destroy the entity entirely. Doing so will save Soma and end the endless cycle of tragedy that he's trapped in." answered Zero


"Why would you do this?" asked Genya


"It's simple Soma and Mina are the first friends I made so I'll defy this world to save them." said Zero with a serious expression


"He should be almost halfway thereby if I were to go by the energy I felt coming from him last time." said Yoko


"Yes but he needs to awaken faster and the best person to help him is Julius." said Zero


"Who me?" asked Julius


"I see what you're getting at." said Genya staring at Julius


"Yes, you're going to fight Soma like you want to kill him." stated Zero


"That seems counterproductive to what you're trying to do." said Julius


"Well, you'll be doing it without your whip so it'll be a more even fight." said Zero


"Even without that, I could still kill the kid." stated Julius


"I'm not so sure about that. I saw a recent fight of his and I'd say you're about even." said Genya


"I don't feel right trying to kill a kid." said Julius


"Well, there's no one else besides you. He already knows me and Genya so they can't attack him." explained Yoko


"What about him?" asked Julius while pointing at Zero


"Well I need to stay hidden until the very end for certain reasons." explained Zero


"Why don't you tell us the real reason why you're so against this." said Genya


"I just don't like killing kids whether humans or vampires." said Julius


"Well, that's troubling. We can't have you hold back or you might die." said Genya


"Well, I can help with that." said Zero


"How?" asked Julius


"Simple I'll give you temporary amnesia where you'll remember nothing except you need to stop Dracula." answered Zero


"That way he doesn't hold back I get it." said Yoko


"Yes, I see." said Genya


"Even then I could still kill the kid!" yelled Julius


"Okay as added insurance I'll be around when you battle to make sure neither one of you dies." said Zero assuringly


"I don't trust you. Alucard will be the one to do that." said Julius


"I'm fine with that less work for me anyway." said Zero


"So then everything is settled then." said Yoko


"Yes then what's the next step after awaking Soma as Dracula." asked Genya


"Then I kill him." said Zero


Hearing that Genya and Julius took an offensive battle position and readied themselves to attack Zero.


"Temporarily, I mean." added Zero


"How can you kill someone temporarily?" asked Julius still with his hand on his vampire killer


"Well, I have a talent for dealing with souls. One of them is that I'm able to pull souls out of bodies. The body is essentially soulless making it dead." explained Zero


"So by removing Soma's soul you'll be able to separate his soul from the dark power before returning his soul to his body?" asked Genya


"Correct." stated Zero


"So that stage 2 then what stage 3?" asked Julius


"Stage 3 is I kill the entity calling itself a chaos entity." said Zero with so much killing intent that Genya and Julius both took a step backward unconsciously.


"Calm down." said Yoko who was worried having never seen Zero behave like that. It didn't affect too much like it did Genya and Julius but she surprisingly did not like Zero like this.


"My apologizes." said Zero as he retracted his killing intent


"What's wrong with you?" asked Yoko


"Sorry, I don't like this thing that's messing with the lives of my two friends." answered Zero


Yoko knew that while he was telling the truth his reaction was too great for that reason alone. She still didn't know too much about Zero and she hated that.


"Alright." said Yoko not entirely believing him


"Then we know the plan now so let's get started." said Zero as he walked towards Julius


Zero placed his hand on Julius's head and then the vampire hunter fainted and fell to the floor. Zero then took the vampire killer and threw the whip to Genya who had been glaring at him as he reached for the whip.


"You're giving me this?" asked Genya


"A show of faith if you will." answered Zero


"Well we have other business to attend to so we'll be leaving now. I leave Julius to you." said Zero


"What if I need to reach you?" asked Genya


"Well you shouldn't before Soma awakens but if you do then simply release all your vampiric power and I'll sense it." answered Zero


"What will you be doing?" asked Genya


"Hunting" answered Yoko with a smile as he walked through the door of the library.


Genya quickly followed only to find that they had disappeared.

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