My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

So this is Japan.

Chapter 7

Year 2145, March 13

It was a sunny day, and there was a small group of people as well as reporters gathered at an airport, where a private plane waited for three individuals who were currently surrounded.

First, there was Victor Aldrich, surrounded by his family and a few reporters, all blinding him with lights and flashes, asking questions like, "Why are you flying to Japan?" or "How long will you stay there?" All reasonable questions, given that he was a renowned surgeon and doctor.

Then, there was his girlfriend, who was flying with him. She stood close to Victor, and although she looked like someone who wouldn’t be shy, she definitely was at that moment, being photographed and all.

And finally, with the best saved for last, was Malthael, who was being showered with hugs by his mother while his grandpa fended off the full brunt of the reporters. They were asking things like, "How will StahlBlut AG expand in Japan?" "Why are you sending your grandson to Japan?" and "What about the rumors of Malthael being the child of an affair because of his abnormal look?" That last question earned an angry look from Godfrey, causing the reporter to shrink back into the crowd. Godfrey expertly blocked any attempts from the reporters to question Malthael.

After a while, it was time to board, and the three of them entered the plane, which took off shortly after.

Inside the plane, the three were sitting and chatting about everyday things, as well as where they were going.

Malthael asked:"So, Uncle, wanna tell me who my fiancée is?"

Having been hit with that question for the tenth time in the last ten days, Victor chuckled. "No, because they want to introduce themselves to you when you land. They specifically asked for no information to leak to you. But you know this. We've told you many times already, yet you persist, you little gremlin."

He jumped up:"GREMLIN!? You dare call me a gremlin? For that, you will suffer!" With a cheeky grin, Malthael breathed a small cloud of cold ash in Victor’s face, which brought a row of coughs and sneezes from him—and a row of laughter from Malthael and Victor's girlfriend.

After he finished coughing and sneezing, he looked at him with his silver eyes glowing, prompting Malthael to say, "I think I’m in danger." And he was, as Victor, with the precision of a surgeon, poked a few spots on his legs, causing them to go numb.

As the banter continued, Victor’s girlfriend stepped in:"Hey now, boys, don’t you think you should stop? We still have a long flight ahead, and I don’t want to sit between an actual child with uncanny intellect and a man-child surgeon."

"Aunty Emma is right, we should stop this," He said, to which Victor could only nod—continuing would only make him seem even more childish.

Malthael decided to ask a new question:"So, Uncle, Aunty, how long will you stay in Japan with me?"

After thinking for a while, Emma answered:"We’ll leave Japan around the time you’re sixteen or seventeen."

His tail, normally thumping the ground in rhythm, stopped:"That long? I thought you’d stay maybe three years, but six or seven? This is great! More time to spend with you!"

Everyone chuckled at that, and Victor added:"I’m surprised at how calm you are about all this. I mean, moving to a different country, not even with your parents, and then demanding to live alone."

The dragon stopped chuckling and answered:"I’m not calm, I’m excited. As you can see from my tail thumping on the ground. And besides, it’s not like I won’t see my parents again. I’ll visit them over the years."

With that, time seemed to pass quickly. The flight took about ten hours, and since we had all just woken up before the flight, none of us felt like sleeping. So, we talked, watched movies, and before we knew it, we had arrived.

Year 2145, March 13, Japan (No POV)

Like at the airport in Germany, there were reporters here, all asking questions. But they were quickly sent away when a group appeared to greet the newly arrived.

The arrivals saw a group of three people walking toward them, surrounded by bodyguards.

The group consisted of a man of average height, wearing a black, expensive-looking suit, with brown hair slicked back. To his right was a woman, slightly taller than him, wearing a red dress that was perhaps a bit too revealing. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail. To her right was a girl, around 145 cm tall, with black hair also tied in a ponytail and onyx-colored eyes.

They arrived before Malthael, Victor, and Emma, bowing and saying in Japanese:"We, the Yaoyorozu family, greet the youngest member of the Krone family and the future fiancée of our daughter."

That sentence rocked Malthael’s world like nothing else. If he had water in his mouth, he probably would’ve spat it out in a fountain. The name Yaoyorozu was well known to him. He quickly made the connection: his fiancée would be Momo Yaoyorozu, aka Creati, a member of Class 1-A.

Quick note: From now one german will be writen like this: example.

He looked at the young Momo, who was slightly hiding behind her mother. He couldn’t blame her—he probably looked monstrous to her. After a moment, Victor nudged Malthael and whispered:"Greet them."

Malthael quickly snapped out of his stupor, bowed, and spoke:"I, Malthael Krone, greet the Yaoyorozu family and hope for a prosperous future."

After, the Yaoyorozu family also greeted Victor. They all moved toward a limousine, and once inside, the conversation began. Mr. Yaoyorozu spoke first:"We’ve been awaiting your arrival, Mr. Krone, and we hope our daughter will get along with you." Hearing this, Momo nervously introduced herself:"I greet you, Malthael Krone. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, and I shall be your future fiancée."

Seeing her nervous and scared, Malthael did the only logical thing—he was friendly:"It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine." He offered a small smile, careful not to show his teeth, and gave her another bow. This seemed to calm her down a bit.

The conversation then continued, led once again by Mr. Yaoyorozu:"Mr. Krone, first, I must compliment your Japanese—it is very fluent. Secondly, as you are now your company’s representative in this country, our company belongs to you. May I ask what you plan to do here—not just with our company, but in general?"

Malthael assumed he wasn’t asking about the usual things like building factories, banks, or hospitals. No, this was about new plans. Normally, such secrets wouldn’t be disclosed, but as a gesture of goodwill, Malthael shared:"I plan to sponsor future heroes, paying for their entry and stay at U.A. Since the prestige of U.A. makes even entering the entrance exams a cost few can afford, I want to support promising students. I also plan to dabble in construction, open gyms, and perhaps create a hero agency sponsored by me. Additionally, I’m considering opening a branch of casinos."

After a moment, Mr. Yaoyorozu responded:"Those are certainly ambitious plans. You seem to have a focus on heroes. We’ll be arriving at your residence shortly, but before that, may I ask why you’ve chosen to live in such a humble home?"

Having expected the question, Malthael replied:"To learn responsibility. I grew up in a home where everything was done for me before I even finished asking for it. Here, I’m on my own, with my own responsibilities. I also have my privacy and free will. I think that’s important to learn."

Surprised by the maturity of his answer, Mr. Yaoyorozu remarked:"You’re very mature for someone as young as you. I believe it was a wise decision to work with you and engage our daughter to you."

After a bit more conversation, they arrived at their destination.

 - Malthael POV

After saying goodbye to the Yaoyorozu family, my uncle, and aunt, I grabbed my belongings. It wasn’t much—just a suitcase with a few essentials: basic clothing, the shield and sword I received from my grandpa on my fourth birthday, and my notebook where I’d written everything I knew about this world. That was it. The only other items I had were in my pockets: my phone, wallet, and the lighter Victor gave me on my birthday.

With these few things in hand, I looked up at the place I’d be living. A small, three-room apartment situated above a convenience store on a quiet street.

This was Musutafu, Shizuoka—just a 15-minute drive to U.A. or a 45-minute walk.

As the rain began to softly fall, droplets landing on my scales and skin, I decided to head inside.

The entrance was to the right of the convenience store, leading to a staircase with two stories. My apartment was directly above the store. There was one other apartment on the same floor, and two more units above, plus a door to the roof.

Carrying my suitcase up the stairs was easy work—after all, I’m still well above normal human strength.

Opening the door, I took in the sight of my new home. The entry area was small but practical, with space for shoes, jackets, and umbrellas. A few steps in, there was a door on the right leading to a bathroom, equipped with a bath, shower, washing machine, toilet, and sink. Though it was labeled a small apartment, the three rooms were decently sized.

From the entryway, looking straight ahead, I saw a small fridge, a counter with a sink, an oven, and a dishwasher. Walking past the bathroom into the kitchen, it became clear that this space doubled as my living room. There was a couch, a small table in front of it, and a TV mounted opposite. At the end of the living room, a large window offered a view of the street below, with the convenience store in sight. To the left of the window, a door led to the bedroom.

The bedroom was long, with the bed set at the far end, spanning from wall to wall. The bed was mounted to the walls, essentially part of the room itself. In front of the bed was a wardrobe, where my clothes would go.

Author note: Yes, I did this bitch on paint. Whatchu gonna do about it. Yes, paint crashed in the middle so I had to do it again so it became unorderly cuz I was pissed. Watchu gonna do about it. Also, Shout out to the homie that helped me find the way to post pictures in stories.


After a while, I finished unpacking and organizing my things, then sat by the window watching the rain fall. Eventually, I decided to head back outside and introduce myself to my neighbors.

I turned right toward the other apartment door. From the distinct scent, I knew there was a human inside, so I knocked. However, no one answered. I waited a bit longer, but still, there was no response. Choosing to respect their privacy, I headed upstairs.

Upstairs, one door opened. The person who lived there seemed ordinary, except for the fact that he had four eyes. Otherwise, he looked completely normal. He explained that the other tenant upstairs was the clerk who worked at the convenience store below. As for the person downstairs? He told me that the man rarely went outside, spending most of his time gaming, apparently.

After that day, time passed quickly.

Year 2146, April 27, Japan (No POV)

Malthael was heading to the gym. His own gyms weren't finished yet, so he was using the nearest one. Today, however, there was a new face. A girl stood at the counter, trying to explain that she had lost her membership card—on her first day.

Though she was new to everyone else, Malthael recognized her instantly. He had a sketch of her in his memory book. A small figure, with brown skin, unmistakable white hair, and the distinct bunny ears and tail. Rumi Usagiyama, known in the future as Mirko. But for now? She was a first-year U.A. student, as her uniform suggested.

She was arguing with the receptionist, who clearly struggled under the weight of her confident, overbearing personality.

Malthael was certain she wasn’t lying.

He walked over to help: “Yo, Yasu. What’s going on?”

Relieved to see the strange regular, Yasu replied:“This girl says she lost her card... on her first day. Like, come on.”

Stepping closer, Malthael said with a casual confidence:“It’s fine. I know her, and I know she’s got the card. Just let her in, and I’ll help her find it.”

Yasu thought for a moment before responding:“Alright, for you, I’ll make an exception. But just this once. Got it?”

Walking past him and grabbing Usagiyama by the arm, Malthael said:“You bet. I owe you one.”

Usagiyama, clearly perplexed by this random person solving her problem, stopped in her tracks:“Who are you? Why are you helping me? And why do you say you know me?”

Without missing a beat, Malthael answered:“Malthael Krone. You’re cute. And because I do know you, Rumi Usagiyama.”

Grinning confidently, she shot back:“Hooooh? Malthael Krone? As in the Krone building stuff all over Japan? The guy opening high-tier gyms? The one I’m working construction for? Yeah, right—and I’m All Might. Also, you think I’m cute? Sorry, I only date guys stronger than me. How do you know me?”

Malthael, taken aback, asked:“Wait, you’re working construction for me? Seriously?”

Annoyed at her time being wasted, she replied:“Yes, I work for StahlBlut, but you’re definitely not Malthael Krone. He’s 11. And you don’t look or sound like an 11-year-old. I appreciate the help, but I’ve got to work tomorrow, and it’s getting late.”

Malthael thought to himself:"She’s not wrong. I don’t exactly sound or look like an 11-year-old—rough voice, 1.67 meters tall."

Before she could leave, he stopped her:“Wait, give me a second. I’ll prove I am who I say I am.”

He quickly made a phone call, and moments later, Usagiyama’s phone rang. As she answered, her expression shifted from annoyance to pure shock:“You are him. Holy crap, I’m sorry for doubting you.”

Sighing, Malthael replied:“Yeah, don’t worry. It’s not the first time that’s happened. Anyway, you don’t have to go to work tomorrow.”

Her mind raced, jumping to the wrong conclusion:“Wait, are you firing me? Please, I already apologized. I need that job to pay for U.A..”

Understanding the confusion, Malthael corrected her:“No, I’m not firing you. I know you need the money for U.A. since their fees are sky-high. What I’m doing is sponsoring you. I’ll cover your fees, your hero costume, gadgets—everything. That means no more working. And if you want, I can also give you a membership to the gyms I’m opening.”

Her world rocked by the offer, Usagiyama could only ask:“Why?”

Smirking confidently, Malthael replied:“Two reasons. First, I think you’ll be a great hero—I saw you at the entrance exam.” (Lie.) “That’s how I know your name and quirk. Second, you’re cute.”

With a raised brow, she repeated herself:“I already told you—I only date guys stronger than me. And right now? You don’t smell strong. But I’ll give you my number as thanks for sponsoring me. Oh, and I accept the gym offer. I’ve heard your gyms are the talk of the town, but they’re way too expensive for me.”

After exchanging phone numbers, they spent some time at the gym, occasionally competing, where Malthael lost every time. They also spotted each other during workouts.

After saying goodbye, Malthael left feeling satisfied with the unexpected encounter—and now, he had Mirko’s contact.

And with that, time moved on.

Year 2147, February 2, Japan (No POV)

With constant training, Malthael reached a breakthrough with his quirk—the ability to change his own body. He had long believed this was possible for two reasons. First, it was a power commonly seen among dragons, so there was hope. Second, if he could alter the bodies of his allies, why not his own?

At present, he had mastered two abilities—both of which were the reasons he had strived for this power in the first place. First, he could dull his claws—though only one at a time for now. His claws would transform from razor-sharp blades to blunt butter knives, from injection needles to used pens. This was a game-changer. No more accidental marks on furniture, and no more unintentionally hurting people with a casual poke.

The second ability he achieved was the power to completely hide one of his wings. When he did this, the wing folded into his body and vanished from sight. However, he couldn’t quite figure out where it went, and the sensation was far from pleasant. His body felt heavy, cramped, and awkward. It wasn’t a state he could tolerate for long, nor one he enjoyed being in.

Still, the ability to hide his claws was a relief. No matter how long he lived, it was challenging not to destroy things when you had knives for fingers.

And so, his training continued, and time moved on.

Year 2149, August 7th, Germany (No POV)

Everyone was nervous—it was a special day. Even the ever-calm and confident Malthael, who was usually unshakable, paced around anxiously. He, along with his father Leon and grandfather Godfrey, stood outside a room, waiting. Why? Today marked the birth of Leon’s second child, a son. After the unusual circumstances surrounding Malthael’s own birth, the entire family was on edge.

After what felt like an eternity, Victor finally emerged from the room. The mood shifted, becoming unnaturally still as everyone awaited his words. He smiled, breaking the tension:“Congratulations, Leon. You have a healthy boy, for the second time. And this one even makes noise.”

As if a barrier had been broken, the cries of a newborn suddenly filled the air, and the entire room exhaled in relief. They all hurried inside to see the boy, where a tired Eva held her crying son.

Everyone sighed in relief. The boy had hair the color of deep sanguine red, and his eyes gleamed gold, just like his brother, father, and grandfather. Unlike Malthael, however, he wasn’t silent at birth—he cried and cried until his gaze fell on his older brother. In an instant, the noise stopped, and all eyes turned to Malthael, the source of the baby’s sudden calm.

Feeling the weight of everyone’s attention, Malthael stepped forward, his nervousness evident as he dulled his claws. He cautiously extended a finger towards his baby brother, an act that gave Leon and Eva a sense of déjà vu, recalling Victor’s actions when Malthael was born.

Curious and captivated by the tiny life before him, Malthael asked:“Have you decided on a name?”

Eva and Leon exchanged a glance before Leon answered:“Yes. We’ve decided to name him Thomas.”

The name hung in the air for a moment, and then, one by one, everyone smiled in agreement:“It’s a great name.”

And with that, time moved on.

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