My Hero Automata

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Obvious Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or Nier! Both stories would be very different if I did...


A few critical notes!

1) I almost didn't list this as a crossover because the Nier elements are actually pretty minimal. You do NOT need to know pretty much anything about the Neir series to read this. I myself have only played part way through Automata and am leaning heavily on the wiki for the bits I've taken from Nier. No characters other than 2B from Neir will EVER appear in the fic. Any of the very limited knowledge you need of Nier concepts should be explained within the fic itself. Or, at the worst, in a chapter note.

2) UA is a University. However, this is NOT just a handwave so that I can Lewd the characters (there isn't anything more than kissing in the first 40k+). This is a full-on conversion of UA into a University, complete with heavy-duty restructuring of how its courses work. It's never made any sense for 15-year-olds to be training as heroes. That's purely an artifact of the Shonen age group My Hero Academia is aimed towards. I've put a LOT of effort into restructuring my version of MHA around it being a University, which will cause some major changes in places. Though, YES, I will eventually include a few lemons for Izumi/Momo. And possibly for one other girl that might join them. I haven't actually decided on that yet. No, it won't go full harem even if I make it a trio.

3) Some canon events will happen. Do not expect them to play out the same. Do not expect the same people to be friends. Do not assume basically anything from canon will play out the same. Canon and I barely talk to each other most days, for any fic I write.

4) Izumi is NOT Izuku. Part of the reason I changed Him into Her was to make 2B riding along less awkward. However, the rest of the reason was as a way to make the difference between Explicitly clear. Izumi will still have some traits in common with Izuku, but she's going to grow up in a VERY different environment, with extremely different influences. She will be a hell of a lot more competent than Izuku ever was, and considerably less socially awkward. Though she's still hardly an extrovert.

5) Izumi isn't going to get One for All. The reason? She bloody well doesn't need it. When I first conceived this fic, I tried to get a handle on just how relatively strong 2B actually IS. Eventually, I was able to track down the work some very awesome (if also very obsessive) people have done over at the VS Battle Wiki. Which breaks down shown/known feats for various characters and attempts to rank their power level. To my surprise, 2B is actually THE SAME RANK as All Might. Possibly a little weaker, but certainly in the same weight class. Given that Izumi will eventually have all of 2B's strength, giving her One for All as well would have been hilariously overkill.

6) Despite appearances, Izumi isn't actually going to be that OP by MHA standards. At the start of canon events, she'll be a lot stronger than Izuku would have been for years...but she'll be suffering a similar endurance issue as All Might. Only even worse. She IS going to be stronger and more capable than canon Izuku. But I think I've kept her within reason, despite appearances at times.

Now, enough from me! Onto the fic...

FYI: This is being crossposted from I also have a Patreon Page that always has a few early-release chapters (usually 15-20k words worth). 


Chapter 1: New Beginnings

---The Void??---

2B never expected to get an answer to the question, "Do androids have souls?"

Yet, as she hovered in darkness, awareness returning to her after she knew perfectly well she'd died for good, 2B was suddenly left wondering if maybe they did. She didn't know how long she wondered over that. None of her internal systems seemed able to calculate time in…whatever this place was. For that matter, she couldn't really access her internal systems. Probably, she assumed, because they no longer existed. However long the silent darkness lasted, it was finally broken by a tiny spark of light, a floating ember that hovered before her…face? She wasn't sure she had a face, in this place. But it hovered near something that approximated one. Then, only half to her surprise, it spoke.

"Such a loyal little spark, with such a sad end. Tell me, little one, would you like another chance to serve your masters? A real chance, rather than a lie? It wouldn't be quite the same…"

Images suddenly bombarded 2B, thousands of flashes of another Earth, of a green haired human girl with a blinding smile. Images of a dark fate coming for them, just as it had her own Earth, though wearing a different form. Images of Maso, of how it had already reached this world…but how the humans here had mutated in a way those of her reality had not. Hope. But only a tiny, flickering candle flame of hope, as likely as not to be accidentally snuffed out by the humans themselves, before the true threat could even appear. Purpose stirred in 2B and she spoke. She wasn't sure how she spoke. But she did. Just a single word.


More images. It really would be a different fate. Far less autonomy…but did she really need that? If it meant a chance to serve mankind? A different mankind than the one that had made her, perhaps. But mankind nonetheless. A chance to save them from not only what was coming, but from themselves as well. No. A chance like that was worth any inconvenience. And she could already see from the still-flowing images that the inconvenience would not last forever. Even if that, too, would take a different direction than her old life. The answer, to 2B, was obvious.


For just a moment, the dancing spark of light looked…happy? Then, 2B's vision began to fade.

"I'm afraid I can't let you warn them outright. I'm already bending the rules for them as it is, by sending you. But you can at least guide them. Good luck, little spark. I'm counting on you…"

---Shizuoka Prefecture---

"Sorry, there's no chance she'll develop a Quirk. You see this extra join—oof!"

Midoriya Inko stared in shock as a…bolt of telekinetic force? Was that what it had been? Whatever it was, the mother blinked several times as whatever-it-was her five-year-old daughter had just done punched the doctor right in the groin. After several more seconds of gaping at the doctor, who was whimpering on the floor, her mind finally whirred back to life. Surprisingly, the voice in her head sounded suspiciously like Mitsuki as it worked its way past Inko's usual timidity. This…this little shithead had just tried to tell her daughter. HER daughter. That she didn't have a Quirk. With a callous voice that would have shattered her daughter, that had shattered her currently confused looking daughter, when the braindead little fuck had said it the first time. With firmness and poise that would have shocked everyone that knew Inko except Mitsuki, Inko stood and scooped Izumi up into her arms.

"Well, you're clearly a moron. Therefore, we will get a second opinion elsewhere. Fuck you very much for your time."

Her daughter gasped at her mother using a bad word. But Inko ignored it. She as she ignored the renewed agonized sounds from the doctor as a medical textbook 'accidentally' fell off a nearby shelf, straight onto his head…from halfway across the room. She also ignored the mildly-terrified stares from the rest of the medical staff as she marched out of the doctor's office with Izumi on her hip. She was far too busy considering what she needed to do now. First, was set up another appointment for Izumi, this time with a competent Quirk specialist. After that…a call to a certain lawyer she knew from college was in order. And then she needed to pick up the ingredients for Katsudon. It wasn't every day that your little girl got her Quirk, after all…particularly not when that Quirk was a full year late in coming.


The highly-recommended Quirk specialist shook her head, even as she went over the file for the third time, eyes occasionally straying to a video on loop as she did. Sighing, she finally gave up and turned to the green-haired woman that was playing with her daughter as she looked everything over. Clearing her throat, she got the pair's attention. Despite her bafflement, a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth at the bright-eyed, beaming grin on the younger greenette's face. Well, even if the news was weird, none of it was bad. She'd just…focus on that for now.

"Well, Mrs. Midoriya, I have to admit that your daughter's case is a strange one. Almost strange enough for me to pity the idiot you're suing…or that would be the case if he'd been honestly confused, instead of using outdated testing methods. As it is, I have to say that Izumi here's case is one of the most unusual I've ever seen. Not in its capabilities, I've seen some very much weirder effects from Quirks, but in their sheer…scope? I suppose that's the best word I can use."

The woman across from her obviously didn't like the uncertainty in the term, her eyes sharpening. But Doctor Nishimura wasn't concerned. There was a reason she was reaching for the right words, after all. A reason she was about to explain.

"As you undoubtedly know, Quirks are normally categorized into one of three general types. Specifically, Heteromorphic, Emitter, and Transformation. Your own weak form of telekinesis is, of course, an Emitter type. Your husband's Quirk is slightly more unusual in that it's a combination Quirk, primarily Emitter, but with a Transformation element. That, honestly, is still a fairly common crossover. A lot of Emitter Quirks come with either Heteromorphic or Transformation components meant to protect the body from backlash. In your husband's case, his throat and mouth gain a nano-carbon coating when he breaths fire, to shield him from his own flames."

As Doctor Nishimura's explanation rolled on calmly, the sharpness faded from Midoriya Inko's expression, being replaced by puzzlement. Clearly, she recognized that the Doctor was leading up to something, but didn't know what.

"What makes your daughter's case so unusual is that it appears to be primarily a Transformation type, with an Emitter component…that also exhibits progressive Heteromorphic changes, as well as sentience. The last one, by the way, is the single most unusual feature of a Quirk. So rare that there are exactly eleven recorded in Japan right now, including your daughter's. Her Quirk has obvious, if radically more powerful, connections to both yours and your husbands. But from there it just seems to have…decided to run off and pick up a dozen other features that don't seem connected at all."

Doctor Nishimura pointed at the screen where the video had been playing and started it from one of her bookmarks, making sure both of her clients were watching before she started it. It played out, showing little Izumi moving around their child-sized obstacle course with fits and starts of clearly superhuman speed, strength, and balance. But then, by skipping forward to another bookmark, a new portion of the test was shown where Izumi had telekinetically picked up a sandbag that weighed more than she did and tossed it to the other side of the room. A quick click to another bookmark point and another portion of the test, a much more tired-looking Izumi sucked on a juicebox…as Doctor Nishimura herself talked to a monitor. A monitor that was not connected to a computer, and was answering questions as fast as the Doctor asked them. Shaking her head, Doctor Nishimura turned off the video and picked up her explanation again.

"I can tell you at least some of what young Izumi can do right now. And, if the information her Quirk itself provided proves to be accurate, I can tell you what she'll have to look forward to in the future as she grows. But I can't even begin to categorize the Quirk itself. It won't be a problem for the official paperwork, sentient status trumps all other Quirk classifications, even if that same status comes with some legal issues of its own. But I can tell you right now that there are going to be a lot of people interested in trying to figure out just what the heck her Quirk actually is, to have all of these effects. I know I'm certainly interested in that question myself, but I'd honestly suggest you think very carefully on who you tell what. Izumi has the type of Quirk that's going to interest people that might not have her best interests at heart. Like some of the HPSC's more questionable programs. Or basically any criminal group on the planet."

Mrs. Midoriya had paled a bit at the last part, clearly attempting to process everything. Eventually, the woman mustered two very important questions. Ones which the doctor had hoped for.

"I…see. Do I need to worry about what your office will report?"

"No." The response was immediate and firm. "Intentionally or not, you came to the right place. Our office often handles legacy hero families. As such, our patient privacy clauses are much more rigid and legally binding than a normal doctor's. I'm obligated to report the sentient status of Izumi's Quirk, under law. But aside from that, I don't need to tell anyone anything…and neither do you. Since sentient status trumps all other Quirk classifications, and this happens so rarely, you actually don't need to tell them much about what else her Quirk can do. The Quirk itself is, ironically enough, covered by its own patient confidentiality. Since it is, for all intents and purposes, another sapient being, it has its own set of rights. Which include not having to provide invasive details about itself."

That clearly set the woman back for a moment. But she rallied after a few seconds and asked the next question. The less important one, but the one that the Doctor knew Izumi was likely waiting for.

"Umm…okay. That's a lot. But you said you know what the Quirk can do?"

Thankful to be heading for more stable ground, the Doctor grinned and directed a wink at the practically-vibrating little girl held in a half-hug by her mother.

"That much, at least, I can tell you. Though, frankly, it's a lot. I'm going to very strongly recommend that Izumi get some sessions with one of our Quirk counselors, and possibly our trainers too. Normally, that would be somewhat expensive. But the Sentient status of her Quirk actually extends a few little-used government benefits for her, which will cover nearly all of the cost."

Grinning as she saw her deflection was making the child nearly die with impatience, Doctor Maya Nishimura turned to the monitor and brought up some scans.

"Now, the first two things to explain are the Transformation element and the Heteromorphic changes it seems to be slowly inducing with every use. Here, we can see the clear influence of her father's own transformative properties. When Izumi 'turns on' her Quirk, her bones and muscle fibers are layered with an immensely tough organic nano-carbon that…"

The explanation would be the first of many given over the years. Eventually leading both Midoriyas into taking numerous online classes so they could even begin to understand half of what was going on…

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