My Hero Automata

Chapter 15: Beach Episode

Summary: What? Every show and fanfiction needs a Beach Episode, right?! Besides, this one serves the purpose of outlining a major change I made to how the Sports Festival (now the Heroics Tournament) is going to work in this fic!

Chapter 15: Beach Episode

Their second week of classes had alternatively flown and crawled by. Some classes had been fun, others torture, and still others depended entirely on who you asked. The stream of classmates in wildly varied emotional states, after each one was subjected to their mandatory counseling session, had only added yet another bewildering factor to their attempts to settle in. Still, by the end of the week, all of them felt like they were at least starting to get a handle on what their year at UA was going to be like. Some people were delighted, others despairing, but both sets were at least getting into the groove of things. Which also meant that Mina had, somehow, found enough energy to begin pestering the entire class for a get-together of some sort.

The idea of dealing with people to that degree, after an already long week, had forced Izumi's hand. Leaning shamelessly on the fact that she and Momo were rich, she'd demanded Saturday to recover…in exchange for renting out a private beach for everyone to use on Sunday, for Mina's demanded 'bonding experience.' Her girlfriend had, of course, accused her of doing the same sort of thing she always told Momo not to do with her money. But Izumi had elegantly refuted that comment with a stuck-out tongue. The girlfriend had laughed, but given in quickly, well aware of just how rough the week had been for Izumi. Momo had, however, forced the concession that she would get to pick Izumi's swimsuit. The fact that Izumi had given in on that point immediately, in pure spite of knowing how much more daring her significant other was when it came to showing off skin, had spoken to just how desperately the greenette had needed the recovery day.

The recovery day had passed quietly. Mostly filled by copious amounts of cuddling and favorite movies, while binging enough food to make most girls horrified what it would do to their figure. Which left a somewhat reenergized, but increasingly mortified, Izumi standing next to Momo as the ravenette welcome their classmates to the private resort beach they'd arranged to rent out. That mortification had everything to do with the thong bikini Momo had forced her blushing girlfriend into, which was now on display to the fourteen of their classmates that Mina had managed to wrangle promises to show up from. The top was relatively modest as bikinis went, despite the incredibly perky C-cup breasts it displayed. While those breasts were decently generous for Izumi's body type, they weren't Momo's favorite feature. Which is why Izumi had gotten away with the relatively modest top. Unfortunately for Izumi, that allowance had been entirely because Momo was focused on getting her into a barely-there, might-as-well-be-dental-floss-in-the-back, thong.

There were only two reasons Izumi had yet to spontaneously combust at everyone seeing her in the suit. First, so far everyone was in front of her. Second, everyone, including Izumi to some extent, was busy being mesmerized by Momo's impossibly-perky E-Cups, barely being held in place by enough cloth to count as a handkerchief. Despite their Quirk-influenced size, that same Quirk resulted in muscle tissue dense enough to prevent sag, as well as the backaches Momo probably should be suffering. On Momo's considerable 179cm (5'10") height, their size didn't look ridiculous. But they were still attention grabbing enough to have drawn the eye of every single one of their guests the instant they walked in. Even Iida, who Izumi had nearly pegged for AroAce prior to this moment, was blushing and looking away. Though it was possible that had as much to do with the indecently tiny amount of cloth involved in all parts of her exhibitionist of a girlfriend's suit. Iida was a bit of a rule nut, even when those rules were merely social norms.

Momo, of course, was mostly oblivious. She bounced in place excitedly, causing issues for several of the males in the just-arrived group, and clapped her hands together. Unknowingly taking advantage of the stunned state of even Mina, Momo addressed the group.

"Awesome! Everyone is here! Kirishima, you can put the drinks over by the beach's kitchenette! There's a set of powered coolers there that will keep them chilled. We already brought in some things to grill, later! For everyone else, there's a bunch of games and supplies in the storage area, if you want to pull some stuff out…or you can just relax and work on your tans! We have plenty of sunscreen and tanning lotion for anyone that wants either one! If there's anything else you need, just ask, the amenities are pretty comprehensive, so it's probably here somewhere!"

Now looking slapped in the face for entirely different reasons, most of the group managed to pry their eyes away from Momo's jiggling assets to take in the actual beach. The place was, it had to be said, a bit ridiculous. Several hundred meters of idyllic beachfront, artfully cut off from the rest of the coastline by an artificial cove. Facilities that included luxurious changing rooms, a stone-paved kitchenette area complete with industrial grill, and storage piled high with everything from beach chairs to a portable volleyball set. There were even a pair of jet skis and some sailboards in a small boathouse, but Izumi wasn't going to mention them unless someone found them first. She and Momo knew how to use them, but she doubted very many of the others did, and she wasn't keen on putting their recently learned water rescue skills to use quite so soon.

Predictably, it was Mina who finally recovered her wits enough to nudge Kirishima into motion and respond to Momo.

"Heck yes! This is waaaay more extra than I thought when you said 'private beach!' Guess I should have known better after the restaurant! Let's paarrrtyy! Come on girls, time to change!"

Snagging Uraraka and Jioru, she towed them toward the changing area, with Asui and Toru following along willingly. Izumi breathed a sigh of relief as the attention of the rest of the group was diverted from her direction as they either followed the girls or started exploring what the beach had to offer. Now, if she could just somehow keep everyone from getting behind her at any poin—

Izumi eeped as her wickedly smirking girlfriend slapped her exposed ass, causing her to leap several feet in the air. The action drew plenty of attention, attention that locked onto Izumi's rear a moment later. She proceeded to make a solid attempt at dying from embarrassment...

... ...

Eventually, that initial rush of attention and embarrassment had faded. Despite herself, Izumi had quickly started to forget how exposed she'd felt, as she was drug into a series of beach events. She stayed away from the Volleyball game, knowing she was an unfair existence when it came to that sort of activity. But she'd enjoyed swimming with Tsu, talking with fish with Koda, and refreshing her girlfriend's sunscreen for a session of sunbathing. Especially that last one. Any excuse to get her hands all over Momo was a good excuse. It had also amused her a bit to see how much Momo's unconscious, breathy little moans had riveted the attention of Mina and Jirou. She didn't mind them looking and was well aware her girlfriend not-so-secretly enjoyed it. So long as they didn't try to touch, it was fine. Though the jury was still out on possible head pat exchanges with Jirou. The punk girl had looked adorably shy in her own, relatively modest two piece.

Now, however, as they all enjoyed a lunch grilled by Sato, Kirishima and Aoyama…Izumi was determined to bring just a little bit of shop talk into their day of relaxation. The week had been so crazy, that a certain topic hadn't really come up outside mentions in the group chat. And Izumi was determined to change that fact. Smiling brightly into a lull in the conversation, she pounced.

"So! What thoughts has everyone had about the Heroics Tournament? I know Momo and I have been discussing a training plan, to work on after class on days we don't have Practical Heroics, but what is everyone else thinking? Gear changes? Training? Teamwork exercises? If anyone is interested in any of that, Momo and I would be happy to help!"

Thankfully, no one seemed put off by her switching to 'business.' In fact, she had all attention on her the moment she mentioned the Tournament. Several people tried to speak up the moment she stopped, only to awkwardly stop and look at each other as they ended up talking over each other. Finally, it was Toru who huffed and tried again.

"I can't really do much with gear. It was a nightmare for them to get my costume coded to work with what little control I have. The only spots I can fit gear are my boots and gloves, and the gloves are already hosting the hardware for my Hero Scouter. I'm not really sure what to train in, though, aside from general fitness and some CQC? And why did you mention team exercises? Isn't the Tournament 1 vs 1?"

Several people perked up at that last comment, clearly curious about that point themselves. All eyes turned to Izumi to see what she'd say.

"The televised portion of the Tournament is 1 vs 1. At least for first years. But the portion where the judges determine seed ranking is usually multi-event and always has a team-based portion. Upper years, of course, participate in 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 Tournaments instead. Each day in sequence."

When Izumi stated the obvious, she got nothing but blank looks back from everyone but Momo and Iida. Slowly, she realized that what she knew about the Tournament structure might not be common knowledge. She hesitated a moment, then decided she'd better explain.

"Everyone knows that the Heroics Tournament lasts three days, right?" Nods all around. Good, at least she wasn't starting from complete zero. "Right. For second and third years, unless a student is intending to become an underground hero, everyone participates in televised activities all three days. A 1 vs 1 tournament, a 2 vs 2 rescue or obstacle race, and a 3 vs 3 competition that changes every year. Fourth years, of course, don't participate at all in the Tournament. Both because they are already actively running their start-up agencies out of UA, and because televising their abilities in detail right before they go Pro would be stupid. Any growth they manage between the first month of year three and graduation at the end of year four serves as their ace against people who think they know a Pro's limits."

There were a distressingly large number of faces around her that looked like they were only just now putting two and two together about that last point. Izumi had legitimately thought this was obvious. Clearly, she was going to have to probe some of her classmates on various subjects. Some of their gear and costume choices were suddenly making more sense as well, if what Izumi thought of as normal Heroics knowledge…wasn't. Mentally filing that away to investigate when she could, she continued her explanation.

"Right. So that covers all the older years. But you should all know that only a 1 vs 1 Tournament is televised for the first years, right?" Izumi knew her tone was a bit pleading, and several people blushed, but everyone at least nodded or murmured an agreement. She'd take that as a win. "Right. So, only the 1 vs 1 Tournament is televised. But the first-year course still participates every day. It's just that the first two days are done behind closed doors. Well, mostly behind closed doors. Hero Agencies on good terms with UA are allowed to view those events, as a way to help pick out possible interns…"

Mina, clearly realizing where this was going, piped up.

"Wait, so we still have to do the 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 competitions?!"

It was Momo that answered her, saving Izumi from having to explain everything herself.

"Not exactly. For the first years, the initial two days include a series of events intended to help, as Izumi said at the start, set up the seed positions for the Tournament. These aren't usually direct competitions, but events against a clock instead. While the school already has a good feel for where second and third years should be ranked, they don't have a similar feel for first year students. The initial two days of events, which usually include at least one or two team challenges, are used to set the Tournament Seed. While final matchups are randomized to some extent, the Seed positions ensure that complete power mismatches are less likely to occur. What do you think would happen if, say, Izumi was matched up against Koda for the very first round?"

Everyone winced. Koda actually whimpered. And realization dawned on a lot of faces. It was Kirishima that voiced that realization.

"That matchup would be an instant loss for Koda, while doing absolutely nothing for Izumi. Neither of them would have any chance to show off their abilities. Which is the whole point of the Tournaments. To show off for potential internships, and to get positive face time for the public too. Showing that the new generation of heroes are good hands for them to place themselves into."

Momo and Izumi both nodded, though it was Momo that spoke up.

"Exactly. Which circles us back around to Toru's original question. There will almost certainly be a Teamwork portion. So, some level of team training may benefit. Or it might not, given that we could easily end up paired with someone from Group B. All of this is a balancing act. What each of us think we should focus on in preparation for the event, with what limited time we have."

From there, conversation quickly picked up, with everyone having opinions, ideas, or questions. Happy that they'd finally gotten to the brainstorming she'd be hoping for, Izumi dove into the conversation with enthusiasm she only ever showed for Heroics…

... ... ...

A/N: So! The Heroics Tournament (replacing the Sports Festival) is going to be pretty different! Some basic themes will remain the same, but the actual execution is getting a major overhaul. This is honestly the first truly major change caused by UA being a University instead of a High School. But I honestly feel like the end result will be less...bloodsport and have more of an actual purpose.


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