My Hero Automata

Chapter 32: Letting Out the Stress

Summary: Izumi and Momo finally escape all the questions and try to unwind.

Warning: This chapter contains a mild lime. It is mark for people that want to skip it.

Chapter 32: Letting Out the Stress

Momo and Izumi had eventually managed to retreat to their private workshop-cum-safehouse. They hadn't escaped without a visit back to the Midoryia residence to reassure Izumi's mother they were fine, of course. But, as they hadn't revealed the little detail that Izumi might have been intentionally targeted, Inko hadn't been so worried as to insist they stay. While they felt a little guilty about leaving that bit out, they'd been able to justify doing so with what they intended to use the remaining time they should have been on internships for.

Not all students had been able to be recalled. Asui, in particular, was out at sea and Selkie wasn't about to end their sea patrol early. Likewise, Iida literally lived in a home attached to his family agency, which is where he'd chosen to intern. Said agency had removed him from field work but was continuing to have him learn the more paperwork oriented parts of the job. The result was that, while all students had been officially recalled, they couldn't just pick up classes where they'd left off. Particularly as the staff themselves were unavailable, internship week being one of times the heroics department staff reliably had free to do things like handling their own recertifications, professional network building, and so on. All of which meant that the two remaining days that the internships had been cut sort by, plus the weekend they would have segued into, were essentially free time for Momo and Izumi.

Of course, they weren't intending to actually treat it as free time. The first day had been used up on their debrief and family time. But, starting tomorrow, they were intending to spend the remaining two days working on some security upgrades for the Midoryia penthouse. The Yaoyorozu manor, of course, already had stupidly good security, up to and including a set of the new teleport jammers the company had made for UA. Considering the number of ex-military and ex-hero staff also employed by the Yaoyorozu family, and the very-much-questionably-legal security measures that had been installed when her parents had first realized how much of a target their daughter's Quirk might make her...

Well, suffice it to say even the League would likely have regrets about attempting to assault the Yaoyorozu manor. Bloody ones. On the other hand, though the Midoryia penthouse was located in a high-security complex where a number of heroes also lived, it was still a comparative weak point. Over the next few days, the two of them would be quietly installing some additional not-exactly-landlord-approved defenses, just in case someone tried to grab Inko. It wasn't a perfect solution, as Izumi's mother did still work for the Bakugo family's fashion house. Thankfully, her actual hours changed so randomly that it would be difficult for someone to predict when she could be snatched coming or going for said work. With 2B able to use the upgrades to keep a remote eye out for anyone actively casing the building, they could at least drastically reduce the risk to her. The upgrades, new procedures, and a YoRHa designed tracker that should be the effectively unblockable/undetectable by modern technology, which could be worn on Inko's person. Those were the best they'd been able to come up with in their brainstorming with Nedzu and All Might.

That, however, was all for tomorrow and the days following. For tonight, the two of them had cooked their own semi-romantic little dinner. They had worked in sync to cook a Pork Ragù dish that was one of their mutual favorites. It was an activity that they both found relaxing, in no small part because of the time Izumi had taken to teach Momo how to cook at all, in the past. Soaking in the peace of those simpler memories, they avoided talking about the events Izumi had gotten involved with. They'd been talked to death already, repeatedly, and all their emotions had been run through and trampled over in regards to it. So now, they focused on other things.

"So, what about Gran Torino, Momo? We've talked about the crap that happened on my end entirely too much. How did your own internship go before it was called off?"

Momo blinked, then actually giggled.

"I can certainly see why All Might is leery of him, but my nearly using a defibrillator on him when he first tried to prank me seems to have scared him off some of his mischief. He was still a hard taskmaster, but he muttered that I was scarier than Nana and mostly stuck to being serious. I learned a lot about Float and how to use it in combat as a result. Though I still need a lot more practical experience."

Izumi blinked, gaping with her fork halfway to her mouth with a bite of dinner.

"You…did what now?"

Momo giggled again, strongly enough to nearly lose a bit of her own food as her fork twitched. Whatever she was remembering was clearly funny enough to overcome even her many years of etiquette training. Though, of course, some of that was simply Izumi's presence.

"H-he tried to fake that he'd had a heart attack, when I first arrived at his home. I think he expected me to panic, but since we've been had training in field medicine…"

Izumi cracked a smile of her own as she realized where Momo was going.

"You went into triage mode and made a defibrillator, triggering its charge up in case you needed it."

It was a bad idea for Momo to make something that was actively admitting electricity, since she didn't want to shock herself. But she could make a portable defibrillator with a pre-charged battery pack. Such defibrillator's needed time to build charge for their delivery shock. A good 7 to 10 seconds for most models. They delay meant it would have been among the first things Momo made in response to a possible heart-attack victim. She could make any number of other items to triage with while it was charging.

"Yep! He moved pretty fast when he recognized the sound of the defibrillator charging! Startled the heck out of me…but his expression was priceless."

Izumi giggled, hastily setting her fork down as she lost control, imaging the old man faced with Momo's typical 'surprised' look. An expression which, because of her training to conceal surprise in both business and heroics situations, defaulted to a blank deadpan. For the shocked and panicking old man to suddenly come face to face with that, with the sparking paddle probably still held in a surprised Momo's blank-faced hands...

Eye twinkling at Izumi's giggles and seeming to read her thoughts, Momo duplicated the look to make the point farther. Izumi cracked up, losing her fork in her plate of pasta, with Momo's blank expression breaking a moment later under the weight of her girlfriend's full-body laughter…

... ...

***Mild Lime Starts Here***

It was Izumi that started it, this time, when they were cuddled up on the futon-style-couch in their flat's small living space. The truth was that the abrupt adrenaline rush of combat, then the wildly swinging emotions of the aftermath, had done a number on her. As the old adage went, there's nothing quite so exhilarating as being shot at…and missed. Izumi's odd anatomy was a bit better at leveling out the result than most people's would be. But even 2B had been designed so human-like that, had she still possessed her original body, she would have had a similar reaction to what Izumi was going through. Had, in fact, had similar reactions during her first serious combat ops in her original world.

Bluntly put, Izumi was fucking horny.

Moreover, she was fully intending on doing something about that fact.

She had, in fact, been not-so-sinisterly planning her move all night. 2B was politely 'absent,' using one of her Android bodies to host the majority of her consciousness, and Izumi was armed with an excellent knowledge of her girlfriend's preferences and fantasies. While most of them were as vanilla as you might expect of a relatively sheltered, relatively inexperienced, high-society heiress, two of them were not. One was the fact that her girlfriend was a not-at-all-shy-about-it-exhibitionist. She knew she had an amazing body and had been firmly taught by her equally a bit much mother how to use that fact to good effect. Add in Izumi's appreciation for that body and near-constant presence around Momo for years, and it wasn't hard at all to see how Momo had developed that particular characteristic.

That interest wasn't of particular use now, however. Which left the other option. One that would have really surprised most of their classmates. While Izumi was confident enough, she was also an introvert's introvert. Which meant that, in virtually all social situations, it was Momo that took the lead. This had resulted in a very false impression among most that knew them, at least those that had thought about it at all, that the same would continue in their private life. The reality, however, was somewhat different.

Momo was a bottom.

Well, too be more accurate, she was a switch that leaned submissive. She could be assertive enough, particularly when it came to her interest in exhibitionism, something which threw her more private girlfriend off kilter. But, once intimate moments actually began, Momo was usually swept up in the sensations and folded to her partner's whims. As Izumi was the opposite, a switch that leaned dominant, they actually could and often did exchange roles. Nor, in truth, did either one of them have the level of experienced needed to truly claim to know everything about themselves, let alone about each other.

That, however, didn't mean that Izumi couldn't lean into it right now. She started things off tamely enough, shifting from cuddling to kissing with the smoothness of familiarity. Those ardent kisses, however, were Momo's first warning that this was going to be one of those times, when her girlfriend got delightfully aggressive. Something Izumi proved a minute later when, with some careful maneuvering, she pinned Momo down to the futon cushion with her hands trapped over her head. With a grin and a flash of light a pair of fuzzy handcuffs fell into Izumi's other hand, which quickly secured them around Momo's wrists, their chain deftly slotted through the metal bars of the futon end. Given they were just regular handcuffs, Momo could have shattered them with barely a flex of One for All. But that was definitely not the point. It also definitely wasn't the thought on Momo's mind as her girlfriend slowly peeled her out of her nightwear, kissing every bit of exposed skin as she went.

It was probably a good thing they had a few days off. Izumi had no intention of letting Momo rest much tonight. Particularly given just how sensual those moans were, now that Izumi had liberated enough territory from the villainous-boob-covering-nightie, to reach a nipple…

***Mild Lime Ends Here***

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