My Hero Automata

Chapter 84: Relations

Summary: Upgrades and exhibitionism...

Lemon warning! There is a lemon in this chapater! It is clearly marked out with-Lemon Starts Here- and -Lemon Ends Here- for those that wish to skip it.

Warning! Chapters 81-85 all came out back-to-back! Don't miss the earlier ones!

Chapter 84: Relations

Izumi wasn't sure if she was glad she was valued too much for her mind to get stuck with the new training camps or not. In the wake of their initial testing of the various deployment concepts, the majority of UA first year Groups A and B had been earmarked to start cycling several teams at a time through training for the new approaches to Rift containment that they'd all worked on. It had to be surreal for many of them to suddenly find themselves teaching instead of learning, even if what they were teaching was a simple set of combat doctrines and formations rather than a proper class.

Izumi, for better or worse, was considered too valuable to participate in that. As, for that matter, were Momo and 2B. No one had forgotten that it was Izumi who had developed the siphons, not to mention the Distortion Bombs. Nor had they forgotten that the brain trust of Izumi, Momo, and 2B were effectively the experts on Quirk Energy Fields worldwide. As they had released a significant chunk of their notes to various think-tanks at the start of the invasion, the knowledge gap was rapidly closing. But the three of them still had years of private study, not to mention the mental boosts that their respective Quirks provided, giving them an edge over everyone else.

Predictably, despite how effective they could be in battle, there was a considerable call for their combined expertise to help come up with some additional means to either restrict Rift formation or hurt their enemies. Which is how Izumi, Momo, and 2B found themselves relegated back to their private workshop and safehouse and told to make additional miracles happen if they could.

Technically, Izumi actually already had an idea. She was determined to handle a few other building concerns first, though. Which is why a shifty looking 2B was currently in her teenager form and firmly pinned to the couch, enduring hugs from Izumi and Momo. For a long few minutes, nothing was said. Finally, however, the silence was broken as Momo hummed and forced the issue.

"Alright, out with it 2B. Something has been eating at you, and you need to get it off your chest."

2B shifted, her face stoic and clearly about to deny it, when Izumi leveled a lethal mix of puppy dog eyes and concern at her. Groaning, 2B folded immediately.

"I feel like I didn't do enough with the warning I was given."

Momo nodded, seemingly unsurprised, even as Izumi clearly was surprised, looking stricken. Thankfully, Momo was better at people than Izumi and 2B combined, and reached over to bonk her girlfriend on the forehead before she could spiral. Then she spoke firmly, to both of them.

"I figured that was going to come up. But it is utter nonsense and you both know it. The HSN has been critical worldwide, the studies the two of you led in Quirk Energy Fields have also been utterly critical, and the Hero Support industry in Japan is far more robust than it ever would have been without you two dragging me into almost accidentally revolutionizing half of it. Without knowing the exact nature of the threat, what more could either of you have done?"

The question hung in the air for a moment. 2B had already heard much the same from her therapist, however, and an answer to that question had already been haunting her.

"We could have released a lot of technology to the military. If they had even a fraction of YoRHa's tech available…"

Momo didn't dismiss the claim. Instead, she nodded…but asked a follow up question.

"You absolutely could have. But what if the threat had been another World War? We did just get out of the Era of Chaos, after all. Another internal war was entirely probable. Hell, some parts of the world haven't actually properly escaped the Era of Chaos, now have they? So what if the military had been the threat?"

2B grimaced, looking away from Momo, knowing she was right. Heck, that very topic had been one they'd spent a long time discussing, years ago, when Izumi and 2B first brought Momo into the secret of the warning 2B had been given in the Void. Some sort of renewed, apocalyptic war, had been one of the most likely disasters they'd mapped out.

Of course, this set of arguments had also given Izumi time to think. Which was not necessarily a good thing. She clearly hadn't processed this idea before, likely having been too franticly busy and unable to split her thought processes as easily as 2B. Now, she looked conflicted as she brought up her own point.

"But we could have spread the knowledge of QE…or MASO really…a lot wider than we did. That alone could have resulted in the world having a lot better chance now."

Momo was quick to stomp on that idea too.

"Of course it could have…and it's equally likely that some psycho like Overhaul could have turned the information into a disaster like White Chlorination Syndrome, in an attempt to turn back the clock. For that matter, what would All for One have done with the information? Humarise? The Creature Rejection Clan? There's a reason we limited how much we published and you both know it. Heck, we might have been hasty releasing it now. There are likely dozens of half-mad geniuses currently trying to make weapons of mass destruction to deploy against the invaders using all the theory we've released. We took a huge risk releasing the information, and only did it at all because humanity might have been just as screwed without the ability to fight back."

Izumi winced. Despite Momo saying 'we,' that had actually been a call that Izumi made entirely on her own, in the early days. Momo hadn't been happy that she'd released almost everything, when she'd found out. She'd understood why Izumi had made the call, given how frantic and desperate the first few days had been. But it was a genie that couldn't be put back in the bottle, and neither Momo nor 2B were as trusting of basic human decency as Izumi. Or basic scientific sanity, either, for that matter.

Thankfully, Momo had only been pissed that Izumi hadn't thought it through, rather than that she'd done it at all. Ultimately, she'd admitted it likely had been necessary. Something she quietly reaffirmed now as she reached across 2B to give her girlfriend a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

"The point is, both of you, that we can't judge our past actions in light of current information. We can only judge it based on what we knew at the time. You both know this."

Reluctantly, 2B and Izumi nodded. 2B sighed and spoke up again.

"I…intellectually I can accept that. I was able to speak with Dr. Tsumaki while you were both in the field, and she said a lot of the same things. It's just…"

Momo nodded, understanding what 2B couldn't put into words. So many people had died. Were still dying. As the only people that had known something horrible was coming, even if not what exactly that horrible thing would be, there was a certain feeling of responsibility for all those deaths. She wasn't immune to it, despite being the voice of reason now. A part of them was likely always going to wonder, fruitlessly, if they could have done it better. If more mother' would still have their children, more children their fathers, and more lovers their other halves, if they'd just been a little smarter or a little more proactive. Silence fell between all three of them as they choose to simply accept the comfort of the only two other people who would ever truly be able to understand that weight. They would get through this, somehow…

... ...

Izumi had mischief in her eyes as Jirou entered the lab. She was looking forward to the testing today would bring. It had potential to advance the 'infinite Jirou head pats acquisition' plan! A plan which she'd finally actually remembered to bring Momo onboard with! Only to discover that Momo, brilliant as she was, had already figured out the thrust of the plan and had been taking steps of her own! Thankfully, her wonderful girlfriend was complete onboard with the plan. Not that Izumi had thought she wouldn't be, or she wouldn't have been plotting it in the first place.

Jirou was interesting and adorably sexy, but Momo was much too important for her to have risked angering her! Given that Momo had more wandering eyes tendency than Izumi herself, and that whole exhibitionist streak thing of hers, meant Izumi had been pretty confident that she'd be interested in bringing Jirou into the head pat fold. Really, Izumi was the comparatively straight laced one between them when it came to relationships, so it hadn't exactly been a big risk. Regardless, today was the next stage of their now unified and updated plan!

The last few days had been focused on a major project that they hoped could prevent Rifts from forming, at least as easily as they currently did, in specific areas. That project was currently locked into a combination of production run and function testing that didn't need her or Momo's personal input however, so they'd shifted focus. While limiting Rifts was important, upgrading the general ability for Heroes and Heroines to survive in the far more brutal clashes the invasion had brought was just as important, long term. The fact that they were regularly siphoning stupidly huge among of QE into the batteries and capacitors of the siphons used to close gates had given them an easy method to do what they wanted. A method made all the easier by their studying of the invader's many usages of QE while dealing with the Rip in space over Gajajima Island.

That studying had helped advance their own understanding of QE manipulation, allowing them to produce something that had previously only been practically available for use by Momo. Specifically, the stripped-down version of Momo's armor. Momo's full armor was still out of the question, as the design was both incredibly specialized for her usage, and insanely QE power heavy. Despite their new advances in QE power sources thanks to studying the enemy's methods and combining them with their own, they were nowhere close to being able to produce enough power in a small enough package to fuel Momo's full armor.

Which just left the fun armor instead. Which they'd cheerfully voluntold Jirou for testing! Possibly without informing her exactly what she was testing! Which might explain why she was looking confused, not to mention a bit embarrassed, as she was ushered onto a platform by Momo, wearing nothing but a thin robe. Nothing. Izumi hadn't made the lab a bit on the cool side just for this deliberately, and no one could prove otherwise! The sight of those cute little bumps in the thin robes proving it was a bit chilly was just a happy coincidence! And if this played out right, she might just finally get a look at those piercings that were also being outlined by the thin robe…

Coughing to push away the horny thoughts, she did her best to focus on the technical details of the project. Best not to give the game away! Besides, the set of armbands she was triple checking for safety really were an important potential boost for front line Heroes and Heroines! Or, well, Heroines anyway. It would take a fair bit more time to adjust the tech for male users, given they were basing the design off Momo's emergency suit. Which very much hadn't been designed for the male body. Even adjusting it for female users that weren't Momo had taken some doing, given how specific the original programming had been. They'd managed it, though, and the end result was promising. Satisfied with her triple-check, Izumi closed up the tiny diagnostic panels on the armbands and brought them to a slightly-skittish-looking Jirou.

"Behold! The latest in support tech for intrepid Heroines! Designed to provide additional survivability in the more intense combat environments of our current disaster!"

Jirou eyed the armbands with confusion.

"They're armbands…they don't exactly seem like they'll offer much protection?"

Izumi grinned, not about to give the game away that easily.

"Slip them on and you'll find out! Given the gauntlets you use for your current costume, these are designed to fit around your upper arm! Here, we'll help you put them on the first time!"

Jirou blushed as she soon had both Izumi and Momo in close physical proximity, attaching the slightly thick armbands around Jirou's upper arms. They stepped back, and Momo took up the explanation.

"These are based off of my emergency suit. They'll provide what's essentially an underlayer armor for your costume. Your costume in particular won't need much adjustment, though some heroines might need to loosen their hero costumes slightly in places. They are meant to be deployed before putting on your suit, though, since they'll pretty much shred anything you're wearing during deployment. Hence why you're stripped down to just that robe. It's disposable, so don't worry!"

Jirou looked a little alarmed.

"Wait, what?"

Momo waved her off.

"Don't worry! Remember, this will just be a new underlayer for you, so it's not like the public will see it. Not unless you need to deploy it in an emergency! Now, we'll walk you through how to activate them after we get the initial testing done. For the first test, Izumi will trigger them remotely!"

Before Jirou could get another word out, Izumi cheerfully raised a remote control and pressed a very satisfying and completely unnecessary big red button! Then she engaged just a little bit of hypercognition so that she could watch the results for…efficiency reasons. Purely scientific reasons! Close, detailed observation! That was the way!

Between heartbeats, thin tendrils of blue and black shot out of the armbands and curved around Jirou's body. Razor thin at first, they shredded the robe Jirou was wearing like so much tissue paper, leaving the petite girl completely bare to the world for a brief few seconds. Izumi, purely out of concerns that they could possibly interfere with the deployment calculations and for obviously no other reasons, made sure to carefully focus on Jirou's mysterious new jewelry! The cute little metallic barbells that pierced each of the punk girl's cold-puckered nipples were quite delightful looking. And, of course, according to Izumi's quick evaluation, posed no risk of interfering in the armor deployment!

Scientific reassurance suitably done, Izumi watched closely as the thin threads of black and blue rapidly widened, even as they spiraled up and down around Jirou's body. That thickening of material was a combination of the original digitalization technology Momo had managed to copy from Izumi and 2B, and Melissa Shield's miniaturization tech. The result, despite the somewhat limited storage of the armbands due to not having access to a near infinite power source in One for All, was that the resulting coverage was actually quite a bit higher than Momo's original emergency suit.

Which wasn't to say that the result exactly left a whole lot to the imagination.

Since this suit was intended as an underlayer, it was extremely skintight. The result as it tightened around Jirou's body being almost like a second skin. The punk girl's light-but-present muscle definition was quite visible in places…as was the very clear outline of her nipple piercings, not to mention basically the exact shaping of her, ah, lower body anatomy. The 'suit' didn't extend past her mid-thigh, nor down below her elbows. It also featured a few areas that were visibly thicker, where extra layers of material sandwiched a thin layer of non-Newtonian compression fluid that would rob hits of some of their kinetic force. Effectively, a sort of trauma plate that still retained quite a bit of flexibility.

Added in the fact that the material the entire thing was made out of was roughly 35 percent more effective than Kevlar, while also providing some limited energy and heat dispersion which could lessen the damage of exotic effects, and the underlayer would be a major defensive upgrade. It could and would shrug off fire, resist slashing and piercing damage, and even lessen the impact force of blunt weapons to critical areas of the body. It was also bulletproof to most small arms with less stopping power than an assault rifle, though that was less critical given their enemy's displayed tech level. It would lower the chances of friendly fire issues, which had sadly claimed a few Heroes and Heroines lives since the invasion started. The JSDF wasn't exactly trained to work with the highly-mobile and often unorthodox combat styles Heroes employed.

Of course, at the moment, Jirou was busy looking stunned as she examined herself. When she spotted just how obvious her piercings were in the suit she 'eeped' cutely and instinctively covered herself. Which was really a terrible idea, as it made a smirking Momo instinctively pounce, approaching with a saunter that instantly glued Jirou's eyes to her hips.

"Oh, don't be so shy, silly! We've caught more of an eyeful than this in the changing rooms, you know. Besides, it looks good on you~!"

Nodding in agreement, Izumi mentally patted herself on the back for her foresight of recording the entire deployment for scientific purposes…

... ...

-Lemon Starts Here-

Momo moaned, not even attempting to be quiet despite the fact that they'd invited Jirou to stay the night. What little, limited restraint her exhibitionist of a girlfriend had left had completely vanished now that they'd officially talked over the idea of Jirou potentially joining them. Of course, Izumi was already guilty of having arranged to put on a show for Jirou once before, so actively conspiring to do the same again hadn't exactly been a huge leap.

Which is why they'd 'accidentally' left the 'security system' displaying their bedroom openly on a tablet that was lying only a few feet from where Jirou would be 'sleeping' on their couch. Of course, Jirou wouldn't know that their bedroom didn't actually have a security camera, normally. Izumi had set up an extra camera from a drone project and patched it into that tablet just to tempt Jirou into a little bit of voyeurism. Something that Momo was fully aware of this time. Which probably explained why she was reacting to strongly, despite the fact that Izumi was only barely putting enough pressure on her fingers to split her girlfriend's pussy lips.

They'd decided to show off a bit more of the nature of their relationship for Jirou, this time. Meaning Momo was once again bound. This time, she was tied up in silk shibari rope, a simple but effective harness tie that really highlighted her heavy breasts, combined with equally simple binding of her arms behind her back and her calves to her thighs. Flat on her back, there was little Momo could do but squirm as Izumi lightly teased her pussy and suckled on one breast after the other.

Part of her wanted to tease her lover for hours, all while knowing Jirou was almost certainly watching. The rest of Izumi was as horny as Momo was, though. They hadn't exactly been in the same place often of late, with enough physical and emotional energy to spare, to see to certain needs. Both of them had intense sex drives, and only the horrible situation they'd been in recently had kept their usually level of general horniness at bay. With the breathing room of the last week, however, it had come screaming back with a vengeance…and Izumi was eager to get some of her own pleasure.

So, of course, she decided to split the difference.

Pulling away from Momo briefly, Izumi retrieved their original 'wand' style vibrator. Unlike the more streamlined, advanced model Izumi had acquired recently, this one was the traditional big brute of a vibrator that most people associated with this style of toy. It was also, as it happened, Izumi's absolute favorite to use on Momo when she had her tied up like this. It just looked so delightfully naughty when it was secured firmly between her lover's leg, bound to the ropes around one thigh so Momo couldn't escape it. Deft fingers secured it there, as they'd done several times before when they experimented with this particular combination. It wasn't anything new, being one of the very first bondage experiences they'd tried beyond simple handcuffs…but the factor of knowing they were likely being watched certainly added to the thrill quite a bit.

Of course, if Momo wanted to actually cum, she'd need to earn it. Which is why Izumi only turned the toy on 'low' before shifting position, delighting in her girlfriend's squirming even as she positioned herself over Momo's blindfolded face. She was facing toward the foot of the bed, so she could reach out to change the settings on the toy easily, as she lowered her own dripping pussy to Momo's mouth. Her girlfriend knew exactly what she needed to do, and eagerly began to work on Izumi's intimate bits, adding a new set of moans to the room…and the video feed. A special kind of heat that mixed pleasure and embarrassment filled Izumi at that thought, but she was very much too far gone into arousal to resist letting the moans spill free.

She really hoped Jirou was enjoying the show, and wondered if the other girl would find the vibrator that Izumi had left nearby in case their guest wanted something a bit more than her fingers to join in with. She'd check the camera from their 'living room' later, just to make sure Jirou had gotten the chance for her own good time. And if she hadn't? Well, that would likely just leave the poor cutie more horny for the next step of the plan. They'd requested she stick around to help with the new gear testing, after all…

-Lemon Ends Here-

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