My Incestuous Life

Am I a Degenerate Pervert?

PoV in 3rd Person


City of Esdroz, Capital of the Esdroz Empire

(If you have any name suggestions, let me know, I'm terrible at naming empires, cities, kingdoms etc. - Author)

The Main Mansion of the Sorey Clan was large and luxurious, medieval style, built on a stone foundation reaching two meters high, it has four floors, blue triangle shaped roof stacked on top of each other, white walls and wooden logs for support, it was beautiful to look at.

At this very moment, in a luxurious and well decorated room on the second floor of the mansion, a man and a woman were sitting side by side behind an elegant table two steps above ground level, while an ordinary looking man was kneeling in front of the two looking down.

The two people behind the table were Adam and Lucia Sorey, Ana's parents and Lucas and Alice's grandparents.

Adam had the appearance of a studious man of about forty, with short white hair combed back, gray monocle eyes, pointed eyebrows, a tapered nose, and an unexpressive face, being overall a good-looking man. He is of the Nine-tailed Illusory Fox species, one of the races belonging to the Council of the Esdroz Empire.

(I will not delve into explaining the Council for now, as it is not the focus here - Author)

Lucia looked like a warrior, with long red hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, arched eyebrows and a happy expression. She is of the Flame Fox species, also belonging to the Council of the Esdroz Empire.

(There will be no incest with her, just to warn you - Author)

The kneeling man was one of his trusted subordinates sent to secretly protect his daughter, who left home after a high-profile event in the Capital involving the Nine-tailed Illusory Fox Clan and two other major clans of the Esdroz Kingdom.

"Tell us, what do you have to report?" said Adam, with a cold tone.

The man, already used to his master's usual cold tone, answered quickly:

"Master, something very important has happened to Lady Anne. As you know, she left the capital pregnant, and today her two children were born. They are twins, a boy named Lucas and a girl named Alice. I am here to report this and to ask for your orders."

Upon learning that their grandchildren were born, both Adam and Lucia were taken by surprise. Even though they knew their daughter was pregnant, it was still a shock to learn that their grandchildren finally came into the world.

But it only took a few seconds for the two to regain their composure, after all the two are people who are part of the Council, where a silent war takes place, and any slightest change of expression can be used to the advantage of their opponent .

"All right, you can go back and forth to protect her. And about how Ana lives, let her decide for herself, she is no longer a child who needs her parents for everything."

"Understood. I will take my leave."

Said the man as he bowed and turned to leave the room.

After the man left, even Adam's always cold expression totally collapsed, with him and Lucia with big smiles and expressions of happiness on their faces.

"Haah, time really does fly. It seems like yesterday that Ana would come running into this room to greet us whenever she came back from the Academy." said Adam, recalling the memories of the past.

"Seriously, fufu. Today our darling became a mother. What about our grandchildren, what do you think they are like? I look forward to meeting them." "Who knows, but I'm looking forward to meeting them too." "Oh? The always cold and indifferent Adam Sorey saying he's looking forward to meeting someone. It's not every day you hear that." "Haah, do you think I'd want to be like that these days? If it wasn't for the fact that the old man passed the head of the family on to me, I'd probably be drinking somewhere out there right now ." "Hehe, that brings back memories of when we were young. But having to hold positions in the Council really changed us, heh. But leaving that aside, I think we should celebrate at least a little. We became grandparents today, we should drink 'a little', don't you think?" "Absolutely." And so, the two heads of the prestigious Nine-tailed Illusory Fox Clan and high-ranking Council officials spent the entire night getting drunk in celebration of the birth of their grandchildren.


Lucas PoV


It has been seven months since I was born. The time really has gone by so fast that I didn't even notice. By the way, in these seven months I haven't seen my father once, but Mom-I was practically brainwashed that she always called herself 'Mom,' so at some point I stopped resisting and got into the habit-told us once that our father left her for another woman. I was dismayed by this, like, did you really leave her for another woman?

I may not want to admit it because she is still my mother, whether I accept it or not, but after all these months of living with her, I can't help but agree that she would make a great partner for life. She is beautiful, caring, dedicated, how can you have the courage to leave her for someone else? Even my sides of attachment and guilt, which have always been in conflict these months, have come to a consensus about this. My father is a complete idiot.

But leaving this old fool aside and turning the focus of the subject back to me. I have learned to walk in the last month, I have learned to say some simple words like 'mommy', 'hunger' and 'milk', and I have also learned to ignore the fights of my split personality, I can now act normally without both of them influencing me at the same time. But what surprised me the most was that Aice also accompanied me, with almost no time difference between the two of us. Since I am reincarnated, shouldn't it be easier? Or is she just too talented? At one point I even considered the possibility of her being reincarnated, but I found it hard to believe. Are reincarnated people so common that you can find two who coincidentally are twins? I find it hard to believe, but it's not impossible.

Another thing that happened was that I could see the world outside the house when Mom went shopping. From what I saw, we lived in a clearing isolated from the main part of the village. But unexpectedly, the whole place was well kept, whether it was the clearing around the house, the stone walkway leading to the main part of the village, or the forest surrounding us. By the way, my house is medieval style.

Casa do Lucas 1Casa de Lucas 2 Casa do Lucas 3

As for the main part of the village, it is located in a plain about ten minutes from my house. I would say that the place is very beautiful, with several races of Half Beasts living together, the houses are also medieval, the place is surrounded by woods and a river runs in the middle, which makes it even better in my opinion.

The people here are very kind and friendly too, especially the uncle of the store that sells candy, he always gives free candy to Alice and me when we pass by his store.

But what really fascinated me was a simple but extremely important thing in this world that anyone can use magic.

I was delighted when I saw Mom conjuring Magic for the first time. The sight of the tiny dots of light concentrated in the palm of Mom's hand fascinated me. I had never felt this way before, it was as if something inside me was telling me that this is part of my being, that I have to learn this as soon as possible.

Alice was also fascinated by Magic when she saw it. Her eyes shone so brightly that they seemed to contain stars. She looked very cute at that moment.

After I saw Magic for the first time, I tried everything to make Mom understand that I wanted to see more and learn to conjure. After much effort, I managed to make her understand that I wanted to see more, but I couldn't make her understand that I wanted to conjure as well. So after that moment, every day she would do something like a magic show for Alice and me, showing various spells and other things you can do with magic.

And that is the part of the day I am in now. Mommy's magic show. We were in the backyard of our house, with Alice and I sitting on two baby chairs while Mommy was in front of us, about to start the show.

Then Mom started the show by saying:

"Alice and Luke, today I am going to show you something different. The Magic characteristic of our race, the Magic of Illusion. I'm just going to show you, since you can't use it yet. teach you the general knowledge about Magic."

That's one thing I wanted to change, although Mom shows us Magic every day, I don't have an iota of knowledge of it. I can feel the Magic inside my body, but it's like I can't use it, and I think the key to ending it is just the fact that I don't know how to use it, and that frustrates me. But I can't do anything about that for now.

Then Mom started her magic show for the day, but this one being a little different.

Instead of conjuring a flame, water or a mini tornado in the palm of her hand, what she conjured was a copy of herself next to it. This left Alice and I stunned, but our eyes were shining brighter and brighter.

"Fufu ~, try to figure out which is the real mommy. If you get it right, you get a reward."

My eyes and Alice eyes lit up upon hearing this, because ever since Mama started with her magic show, she always had us try to guess something, and if we got it right, we got a reward.

Then Mom started doing acrobatics with her copy. Running in zigzags, spinning, trying to confuse us about which one is the real one.

But nothing she did worked, we always knew which one was the real one. We could feel the Family Connection with Mama, while with the copy we could not. But she must have done that on purpose, just so we could get the reward.

Then, after she finished running, jumping, spinning or whatever, the two mothers said:

"So, which one is Mommy?"

Alice and I pointed to the mommy on our right. When we did, the mommy on our left turned to smoke. 

"Congratulations to both of you. As expected from my two babies, not even illusion can fool you, fufu ~"

Mama said as she walked towards us with a proud smile on her face. That really made me feel good, a smile even broke out unconsciously on my face. I can say the same for Alice, her face has a giant smile on it.

"Well, what do my little ones want as a reward? It can be anything, as long as it's not something like me saying I'm ugly, because I'm not."

One thing I forgot to mention is that my mother has this habit of being narcissistic. Although she scolds herself whenever she notices, she never stops. But I don't even care anymore, I've gotten used to it.

As for Alice, on hearing the word "reward", her eyes sparkled once again, then she immediately pointed to her mother's breasts, to which she just smiled, as if she already imagined that this would be it. Then she pulled us out of the chairs and we went inside.

You might be wondering what kind of a pervert she is for wanting to see Mom's breasts as a reward. But that's not the reward, well... not the reward she wants, but it's still a reward for me. Seeing those two melons is always nice.

One thing that has also happened in these months is that it has become harder to control my thoughts about Mom's body. Although I am partially accepting my current status as her son, this doesn't mean that I don't have thoughts about it.

If you spend seven months of your life seeing the naked body of a beautiful and loving milf at least once a day, it is impossible for your thoughts not to wander in that direction. But that doesn't mean that I am lusting after her body... or do I? The worst - or best - part, is that even in this my two personalities have come to a consensus, not caring about this kind of thinking. 

Man, I am fantasizing about my own mother's body, how can I agree with that? Maybe I am a degenerate pervert and didn't even know it?

As for the part about partially accepting myself as her son, I have said that before, in time I would eventually accept it. And I must say that it is happening faster than I expected. The proof is the consensus of my personalities. When I was born, at my every decision they would clash to decide which course of action I should follow. But now, as I learn to ignore their bickering, they seem to be coming into balance?

Could it be that the way to merge them fully is to accept them equally and gradually, and not all at once as I did before? It is possible. Just the fact that they have changed in these seven months and are slowly accepting each other already makes me think that I am right. Haah, I finally found an end to my suffering.

But you might think 'Wow, but for someone who was vehemently rejecting the idea of reincarnation, even wondering mentally who was cruel enough to do this to you, your mindset changed very quickly, didn't it? I wouldn't say it was quick, and people change too, seven months would be enough for a situation to occur that could drastically change the whole world, let alone change two personalities of someone like me. It has been seven months living together with this woman who calls herself 'mommy' and calls Alice and me 'brother and sister' every time she speaks to us. After all this time, you would create an emotional attachment to the person, whether you like it or not.

And I happen to want to create and continue that bond. I don't want to have this dual personality forever, just the fact that the indecision resulting from my internal struggle is over has already taken a big burden off my mind. If I accepted both, how at peace would my mind be? But the factor that contributed most to this decision, without a doubt, was the fact that I really liked this new family of mine, regardless of which personality. Just the presence of these two women makes me happy, and I'm sure I don't want to part with them for something as stupid as a split personality.

My thoughts really wandered, starting with me justifying my attraction to my mother's body and ending with another justification, but this time being the fact that I accept myself as her son. Two things that made no sense to each other, but somehow I ended up connecting them haha.

And it was with this internal monologue that we went to receive our reward, totally oblivious to the repercussions that this would have on our future family relationship, be it my sister, my mother or me.

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