My Incestuous Life

Awakening – III

This is not really a chapter, it is just a continuation of the previous one, so please excuse me for being too short

Despite all this shit, I shouldn't be a hypocrite. I also achieved some good things.

Just two things, actually. Compared to all the bad things it's something that can't even be called an advantage, but one thing really helped me a lot.


Without it to ignore the giant boredom my life would have been worse than hell. 

As I said before "you get used to it in time" and these are the worst times I have ever had. 

The feeling of not having anything to distract yourself, the boredom seeming to gnaw at you from the inside out, the feeling that every second seems like hours.

There is nothing worse than that.

Fortunately, patience has come to solve these situations. I just remove any thoughts from my brain, leaving it empty, and voila, goodbye boredom.

Or I just keep talking to myself to distract myself... now that I think about it, that's pretty lonely.

I am also very calm, hardly feeling very deep emotions. 

Of course, I am not a robot - almost, perhaps - emotionless, I can feel anger, happiness, sadness etc, but at a much diminished rate.

Anger, for example. I can get irritated with something but it passes very quickly, if I am distracted by something I will leave this state and return to the usual neutral mode.

But not without swearing a lot. All mentally, of course. I need to maintain the image of a good boy.

Sometimes I just want to let it all out and swear at everybody, but I know how fucked up it will get, so I control myself. 

And then they have the nerve to say that the world is a place of free speech.

The hypocrisy of sentient beings is something very interesting to behold.

Oh, I have monologued too much, let's go back to the conversation I was having with Alice.

Nothing very interesting was mentioned since I rambled on in my thoughts, it was just a normal conversation. 

That is until Alice mentioned something quite interesting:

"Luke, do you want to know what Affinities I have awakened?"


"There are four affinities. Illusion, Fire, Poison, and Metal. But it seems like they were all Affinities thought up on the spot and thrown at me, none of them seem to make much sense if combined." She even pouted annoyed, so cute.

"Don't worry, you'll find a way to combine them eventually." I start stroking her head, to which she snuggles closer into me.

"Okay. But shouldn't you cheer me up now by saying some powerful things and valuing my magic and getting me all hopeful by making me silently swear eternal loyalty to you?"

"How am I going to cheer you up like that if I don't even know about my own magic right." Che, do I sound like someone who would follow that cliché plot? Very predictable Alice, but I'm also souz so whatever.

"Makes sense."

We stood in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's presence for a few seconds, with her soon resuming the conversation:

"Luke, do you want to know more things I know about you? I am confident that I can tell you more than you know yourself."

"I appreciate your intentions, but no."

I decide to skip this subject, since it's sure to end with Alice saying some suspicious and maybe even embarrassing things, and I'd rather avoid the embarrassment of it.

"But... okay." I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have no desire to squirm with embarrassment.

And so we went back to staying a little while longer just enjoying each other's presence and caresses, making me so relaxed that I was almost asleep, until Alicie came with yet another question:

"Luke, are aphrodisiacs considered poison?"

"I guess so? I have no idea." I answer sleepily, not even thinking straight on her words.

But if I were awake and looking at her right now, I would have seen the most perverted face I have ever seen in my life. 

Flushed cheeks, cloudy eyes, rapid breathing, a panting open mouth with a small line of saliva leaking from the corner and a silly smile, along with her little mutterings that I ended up not listening to.

"Hehehe, maybe Metal and Venom aren't as bad as I expected. Our fun in the future will be much better with these two Affinities, don't you think Luke?" This pervert continued stroking me, while deeply inhaling my scent.

Not that I think it's bad, on the contrary, I'm going to make the most of it and be very happy with what's going to happen.

*Sigh* Poor innocent old me, to be targeted by a pervert like that.

(I think this is a good point to clarify something about the R18 in the story. Mc is a switch, for those who don't know what it is, google "switch bdsm" and read, so yes, there will be plenty of femdom coming around, so if you want mc turning even a sadistic goddess into a masochist just because he has the big d. and is a sex god this is not going to be the story - Author)

And so I fell asleep, unaware of the danger - or not - that lurked right next to me.


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