My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

11 – End and beginning

Inside the cave, a stench of blood enveloped the air. In a corner, Olivia's dog, Cheru was sliced up to bits and his guts were spread all over. But most important… Olivia. She was covered in blood. Slashes all over her body, her eyes were torn apart, and a large hole in her chest… this can't be.



"Yufi… is that you? Ah… I'm glad you're safe."

Mother stuck out her tongue and started licking my face which was covered in tears.

"Hang on, mom! I'll heal you!"

I cast my Recovery skill which I obtained from the Goddess, and although some wounds did start to close…

"It's no use, Yufi. You would run out of mana before you can heal me. The damage is too severe…"

"Mother… are you going to die?"


"No! That can't happen! You're the strongest!!"

"As big a crybaby as ever. It doesn't matter how strong you are… eventually, death is something we all have to face."

Judging by the wounds on her body, the only thing that could do such damage to Olivia was another dragon. Just what type of monstrosity could do something so brutal? My heart is in so much pain right now. She isn't my biological mother, but no matter how you look at it, these 6 months we spent together were bliss, despite everything I endured.

"Mom, who did this to you? I'll hunt them down and kill them 100 times over!!"

"Baka… you really think I would tell you that and put you in danger? My time has come. Yufi, listen carefully. I said many proud things, but truth be told… those words were more like a script.

The way I lived, honestly I could have expected to die anytime despite my strength. But you know… I'm glad I lived long enough for you to be in my life."

"This isn't fair, mother!! It sounds like you come to terms, but what about me? I'm not ready to lose you!"

"It's okay, Yufi. Up till now you lived the way I told you. But from now on, you can live however you want. I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill my promise and guide you for 1 year, but… I taught you everything you need to know to survive out there. As you are now, you can accomplish anything, and even if you fail, you can get up on your feet as many times as necessary."

"You're wrong. I could only do those things because I always knew you were there for me…"

My tears just wouldn't stop. Olivia is someone I hold dear. The fact that I am about to lose her…

"What kind of future am I supposed to have in a world that won't have you in it anymore?"

"That's something you will have to find out for yourself. Kick more, scream more, struggle more. It's okay to be sad, but only for a little while. You need to move on."

"I… don't think I can."

"You have to. There are many wonderful things for you to discover. I will always be with you… in here…"

She extended her claw and tapped my chest. My heart.

"Hey, Yufi… it should be around sunset right now. How is it?"

I took a look behind me at the setting sun.

"It's beautiful, mother. Just like you."

"Fu… I see. Yufi… I'm feeling sleepy now. Is it… ok if I rest for a bit…?"

I knew exactly what those words meant. Up until now she forced herself to stay alive… so she can say goodbye. The reason she made me go on that boar hunt was to protect me. 

"Yes… Sweet dreams, Olivia. You were and always will be… my Mother."

Olivia… never woke up after that. And my scream echoed through the cave to the point it actually resembled an actual dragon roar.


~1 week later. Heroes side~

“Phew ~ I’ve got stiff shoulders ~.”

The person who was rubbing their shoulders tiredly was one of the heroes who was summoned by the human country of Victorias, Kanasuki Makoto. Next to him stood 3 other heroes, looking just as tired. And Amano Miyuki was also there, lending her healing abilities to the troops. Lilith, the first princess, stood in front of them. While watching them she said, “Good work, everyone. I just heard from captain Glovis that you acquired many wonderful things from the quest this time as well”.

The person currently training Makoto and the others was Glovis, the captain of the second division of the army.

The first major quest that they had received was to slay a Giant Fur Tusk. Of course, they were helped by the army troops. A total of 20 foot soldiers.

The heroes were separated into different groups, although Miyuki would occasionally be tasked with healing for any group. Since Makoto and his henchmen had greatly increased their levels and had superb teamwork, they had managed to coordinate this hunt that would normally take 50 men of the army. The heroes made a great difference.

“The EXP from that huge thing sure was worth it.” Makoto said and everyone nodded in response.

“Yes, we also discovered some flaws in our teamwork, so we can work on that now.”

Another one of the party wiped his sweat with a towel. While stating that…

“What’re you spacing out for, Amano-san?”

“Eh? Ah, nope ~ nothing! Ahahaha! I’m just focusing on healing.”

Amano Miyuki was not comfortable around Makoto and his party. She had her role to play, but if possible she would always ask to be put in any other party other than his. 

"Anway, we’ve all become rather strong.” (Miyuki)

“Yeah, our hard work paid off.” 

Fitting his cheerful personality, Yamato Minamoto, one of Makoto's henchmen, let out a big smile.

“Yeah, Amano-san is right. We should keep this up ~.” 

The girl with the cat eyes and hair wrapped in a ponytail was Akayama Kaga and she said those words enthusiastically while making a victory pose. She's part of the volleyball team so it made sense for another athlete to be put in Makoto's party.

“Yes, you are all correct.” Lilith who was also happy, made a cute smile.

“But I’m really worn out today ~.”

“Geez, Makoto-kun, you’re so sloppy!” Lilith cautioned Makoto, who was lying on the ground.

“Isn’t it fine, just for today, princess? We achieved a great victory today. Ah, that reminds me, Lilith, did anything weird happen lately?”

“Weird? Mm ~ that’s right…” Lilith cutely titled her head and looked pensive.

“Now that you mention it, the soldiers who returned from border patrol were talking about this earlier. It's just a rumor though. Apparently some weird activity was going on near the great mountain of Palmira. Something about an incredibly strong person and a huge dragon appeared near Ostor.”

“Ostor is a village to the west of here, right?” 

Lilith responded to Kaga's question by nodding her head.


“A single person that is strong? Did he try taking on the dragon or something?”

“As I mentioned, they are rumors. It's said that a single person has taken a monster by himself and was seen entering the mountain where a dragon lived. So it would be more correct to call him a mercenary.”

“Mhm, is that different from an adventurer?” (Makoto)

“Yes. Adventures are tasked directly by the guild on which quest they can go. A mercenary goes on whatever quest he wants, even if it's below or above his skill. Besides, the testimonies from the villagers just can’t be accurate. So I wouldn't worry too much.” (Lilith)

“What do you mean?” Everyone curiously paid attention to Lilith.

“The villagers have been saying that a muscular hero clad in armor came to their rescue when a vicious beast was lurking around the village and preyed on them.”

“Armor? Hero? What the? Aren't we the only heroes?” (Makoto)

“All I know is that it's said he had the power to destroy the opponent . The villagers didn't see his figure either.”

Whoever this person is, he sure sounds more impressive than these idiots. I wouldn't mind tagging along with someone like that. Let's be honest now, my classmates and myself all improved drastically in this world. We are beyond regular humans, but these groups aren't organized at all.

I mean, they haven't been paying attention to captain Glovis at all. This isn't the first time they would just get in the way of soldiers. At times like this, I really am glad I am a support. I could technically fight too, but I rather keep that to myself at this point.

These were the thoughts Miyuki had.

“Well, thinking won’t get us anywhere. We’ll just do what we can! After all, we still have ways to go, and we will become stronger and stronger. Soon we won't be going on these quests anymore, and we will start our fight against The Old One!” Makoto declared encouragingly to everyone. Everyone responded with a nod.

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