My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

16 – The adventures guild

The next day, sunlight entered the room through the wooden window.

I stretched my body, that had gone stiff from all the sex we had last night. Lu-chan was still asleep. At first she was shocked, but quickly came to love our little sex session... although I think I overdid it just a little. 

Realizing this, I cracked my neck and stood up, while leaving Lu-chan a few more minutes to rest. Being a futanari isn't that bad. If anything, it just makes the sex hotter and more intense. First thing I did was clean myself up.

Daylight fills the room when I open the window. The window faced the main street, so I could already see activity in the streets by looking out.

Something like an open market was in view. I could see people selling vegetables and grilled meat, as well as merchants selling art and jewelry. It was no surprise that there was a large turnout of visitors that went about.

Eventually, Lu-chan also got up and cleaned herself. Nobody was at the counter when we wanted to leave, and other guests were leaving as they pleased. It seems that paying in advance was the norm here. What a sloppy business model. But, at least this way we don't have to stay around and answer questions about the bed sheets. Maybe next time we'll try a more expensive place.

"Geez, mistress, can you please restrain yourself next time? My crotch is still sore after last night."

"Sorry, Lu-chan. I couldn't help myself."

"So, what's on the agenda today, mistress?"

"Firstly, we'll need a form of income, so we're going to register with the guild. Secondly, could you stop calling me mistress, at least when we're in public. I don't want to attract attention. Just call me Yufi."

"If that's your wish, then I will obey, Yufi."

With that said our next target was the guild. I wasn't in the mood for breakfast that early since I stuffed myself last night. 

The building of the adventures guild was two-stories high, and there wasn’t anything outstanding about it besides the sword & shield signboard. When I open the double-doors, I notice a counter across from the entrance. The strange thing was that it was surrounded in an iron cage, giving the whole area a zoo exhibit-like appearance. Probably a form of protection from violent individuals.

The clerk lady was dressed fancy compared to the standards of this world. In Phantasy Reverie Online they used the same NPC at every guild headquarters. It's safe to assume that something like that won't happen here.

We got close to the counter and the lady greeted us with a big smile.

"Hello. Welcome to the Adventurers guild. My name is Clara. How can I help you?"

"We would like to register as mercenaries."

When I told her our business, the clerk guild tilted her head and her face showed signs of confusion.

"Umm… surely you must be joking, right? With all due respect, it is a dangerous line of work most of the time. It's usually something only men do."

"Are you doubting our skills? My friend over here is a talented mage. As for me, I'm more than capable to do the same work as a man."

"Very well. I won't judge your reasons. All you have to do is fill in an application and pass a strength test."

Clara gave us various papers to fill in. These guys still use bird quills to write stuff. I also made sure that Lu-chan didn't write her entire name. Just Luvia.

The clerk girl took us to the back then. A muscular dude and an old man in a robe were standing there. Most likely these were our examiners. 

"Lu-chan, try to hold back."

"Okay, Yufi."

The old man took Yufi in another room. Meanwhile the muscle dude came close to me.

"You got a nice physique, miss. Let me see that sword first. Having a good weapon is part of being a mercenary."

I took Aetherius and presented it in my hands.

"Okay. That's an interesting metal. Nothing I've ever seen before. Let me swing it a bit."

"That's a bad idea. I'd rather not let go of it."

"Don't worry, miss. We won't steal it or anything. We're a respectable organization."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

As soon as the man grabbed my sword and I let go of it…


It immediately fell on the ground. Naturally, he also fell down.

"What the hell?"

No matter how much he forced his bulky muscles he couldn't lift it. This part of the game was still true. Aetherius is a weapon with a big strength requirement. In the game, if you don't meet the requirements of a weapon you simply couldn't equip it. But here… it seems something like this will happen.

I took pity on the guy and lifted my sword again.

"Err… can you really use such a heavy weapon miss? It's hard to believe. My pride is kinda hurt here. But just to be safe…"

He brought a barrel and took a pose. Arm wrestling, is it?

"Understand, this is just to test if you are fit for the work. You might have some spell placed on your weapon so only you can use it. Don't worry, you don't have to beat me to pass. If I judge that your strength is appropriate, then you'll pass."

"Is this really necessary? I don't want to hurt you."

"Hahaha. Don't worry, miss. This arm has withstood many foes."

What can I say? I have to play along. As soon as we lock hands and the start signal was given, I pushed his hand down, breaking the barrel and spinning him around before he crashed on the floor.

Darn it. It's really hard to adjust my strength to human standards. These guys are so weak, it's pathetic.

"You… pass."

He looked like a dying man. All those bulky muscles and he still ended up in that pathetic state. It seems that having lots of muscles isn't equivalent to having a high strength stat. I hate to make a man feel inferior. After all, I had my pride too while I was one. Well, whatever. It's time to…

*Small earth shake*

Eh!? What the hell? It felt like it was coming from the room Lu-chan went in. I can imagine just what happened in there. 

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