My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

19 – Yufi and the lizard (dragon)

"Haa… Haa… Haa!"

"Oi! Don't just run away like that! The healer isn't supposed to leave the party!"

"Can't you see this is a one sided massacre!?"

A party of 8 people were running around chaotically. This was the war band "Steel Fist" that originally was made of 30 people for the purpose of slaying the dragon. They thought that with 30 it would be enough, so they would get a higher reward per individual as opposed to going in with a bigger party.


However it was a one sided battle. The dragon was not injured in the slightest. Their weapons did no harm to its scales. All they did was annoy it like flies you would brush off and swat. 

"It's breath attack is coming! We're all goners!!"

It was true. In front of the dragon's mouth a magic circle appeared. This was a sign that it was preparing its breath attack. Normally an attack like this would be enough to destroy an entire army. There was no escape, however…

"Eeh!? It stopped…?"

"It's… something caught the dragon's attention?"

It was true. The dragon halted its attack and turned its head towards a certain direction. 

"Oi… are those… women over there?"


What a disappointment. I thought this would be a dragon at least with a size similar to Vira and Selia. But this thing is a wyvern class dragon. A mid to high level entry tier monster around level 90 in Phantasy Reverie Online. Its size is pretty much equivalent to an african elephant at best. This definitely isn't the thing that attacked Mother.

"Oi!! You girls, run for it!!"

The party was waving towards us, but I don't care about them. Shout as much as you want, this dragon is mine.

Analysis of the enemy. Wyvern class dragon. Judging by its green color it is immune to wind element magic and can't be damaged by a weapon weaker than a lvl 45 legendary. Threat level: medium. Taking into consideration my knowledge of dragons and surprise elements, chance of victory: 78%. Analysis complete.

"Lu-chan, this one is all mine. So no matter what, don't interfere. Just make sure the humans don't get in my way."

"Understood, Yufi."

Now, just to be on the safe side…

"Graaww Roooar Gruuuohh!!"

"What the hell is that crazy woman doing? Hey didn't you hear!? Don't mock the dragon."

I wasn't mocking it. I was talking to it. Only superior dragons can talk in human language. With this guy, I actually have to speak in dragon language.

"Please don't get in the way of my mistress."

In the blink of an eye, Lu-chan adjusted her position, waved her hand and created a powerful gust of wind to blow the people near the dragon away. Not the most subtle approach, but I'm not complaining. As for my little talk with the dragon…

"Just because you can speak my language, doesn't mean I will show you any mercy, woman. These lands are mine and…"

"Shut up you fucking lizard. If you value your life, answer me. I will only ask this once. Since you lurk around here, tell me who killed Dragon Queen Olivia."

"Lizard!? You inferior race dare to insult me!? I will chew you to the bone!!"

Don't come crying at me later, lizard. You had your warning. So now… I'm going to kill you a little.

The dragon charged at me and aimed its black claws at me. However his attacks were quite predictable. Slash after slash, stomp after stomp, I had no trouble whatsoever dodging his attacks. The only thing it's doing at this point is making a draft.

"Stay still you damn bug! Speed will get you nowhere. I just need to land one strike and you're history."

False. But for the sake of debate. His next stomp… I didn't dodge it. I let him hit me on purpose. He started to laugh like a mad man, but his laugh quickly turned into a frown. I forcefully pushed his foot up, and wrapped my arms onto one of his toes. Energy Link Manipulation. Olivia's technique to transfer mana to any part of the body turning it into a weapon. Various runes started glowing and circling my arms, granting me strength.

And with that strength, I forcefully lift the dragon in the air… 


… and violently slammed his entire body onto the ground. The men that managed to recover from Lu-chan blowing them away were all with their jaws wide open.

"Is… is that woman really human?"

"She's like a raging berserker…"

I ignored the comments and focused on the dragon. He wanted to fly up in the air. It was clear he was pissed, but that's what you get if you enter a battle without analyzing your opponent.

"I guess I won't hold back anymore. Here goes…"

I jumped instantly towards the dragon, landed on its back before it got too high and immediately started to strike continually without stopping! High tier skill [FullBurst Stream] that lets you unleash slash after slash at an astonishing speed! Most people could only grasp the shadow of this silhouette as my sword was appearing and disappearing instantaneously! 

The sword sounds that combined with the incredible speed sounded extraordinary on my ears when the dragon got hit!


Naturally blood splattered everywhere. First, I sliced the wings so it can't fly. Then I hit all the vital spots of the dragon. While screaming he started to fall. I took another leap and wrapped my sword in dark flames.

"[Meteor Slash]!"

If [Raptor Slash] is a mid tier skill, [Meteor Slash] is a high end skill. The best way to describe it is a pitch black crescent moon wave. You can say it resembles Getsuga Tenshou. It fully hit the falling dragon, causing a powerful explosion the moment both him and my attack hit the ground.

I landed a few meters back. When the dust cleared, a dragon barely breathing, covered in blood, was lying in a crater. I got close to it and stomped my foot on its neck. And as usual the men were gossiping about me.

"She's not just a berserker… she's something from a nightmare… "

"A nightmare Valkyrie fits the situation better…"

Nightmare Valkyrie? I don't like the way they address me. I'm a lady after all. Oh well. It's not like it'll spread or anything. But turning back my attention to the dragon…

"Please… don't… spare me…"

"I gave you a fair warning. You're nothing but a lizard. I said I won't ask twice, but I'll make an exception. Who killed Olivia?"

"I… don't know. It was a strong being… but I don't know… I swear…"

An endgame raid boss level type monster then. It seems that he isn't lying, but it's frustrating that I didn't learn anything from this. That being said, he still has one more use. The reward for the quest. Which requires his head. So without hesitation, while my foot was still pressed on his neck… I swung Aetherius one more time with power and cut off his head in one go.

Honestly, I'm glad he underestimated me. If he was more serious this fight would have lasted longer. Even in game it takes a bit of time to kill a wyvern class dragon. Thanks, Mother. Your teachings paid off. 

And with that, this quest is officially completed. I guess for now we should just claim the reward. Dang… swinging Aetherius at that speed really takes a toll on my body. Maybe I'll have Lu-chan give me a massage later.

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