My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

37 – Encounter in the library

A month has passed since my meeting with the prince. Honestly I thought his mouth would never shut up. For some reason he now believes we are best buddies. I mean, it doesn't hurt to have royalty on your side and he did promise not to mention about me to the king… all in all I shouldn't have troubles.

As for my request to gain access to the library, it was partially granted. Despite saving his life, he said that his authority is limited and can't let me on the 5th floor. But he could allow me free access up to the 4th floor. And naturally I accepted. 

I should mention that Clara blew a fuse again when we returned not only with the WarBull's head, but also with the prince behind us to back up our story. For now I put adventuring on hold. I asked Clara if there was any place nearby that would allow training. She mentioned a crater about 3 days travel by horse to the south of Aeonia.

The reason I was interested about this, is because Iris needs to bump up her level. She is stronger because of the Slave Seal, but she isn't at a degree where she can face endgame enemies. That being said, I ordered Lu-chan to go and train her. Why didn't I train her myself? Because I suck at it.

I mean let's be honest. I act on instinct. Each time I need to use magic or a sword skill I simply shout out the name and move like my char moved in the game and it turns out well. But it seems in this world, regular people don't do it like that. 

So since I don't know how to explain things, Lu-chan is a better teacher. She did say she was a general, so I'm sure she's well accustomed to training troops.

And now I actually had a lot of downtime. I don't need to worry about funds since the quests I did so far paid well. The only thing I can do at this point is use the library. Honestly this place is huge. It feels more like a museum rather than a library. 

Certainly it doesn't resemble one from Japan at least. At first people were skeptical about letting me in, but once I showed the proof and seal that William gave me, they couldn't deny me access.

Bookshelves after bookshelves… it seemed like a garden maze honestly. Some were over 4 meters tall. And to get to the top shelves people used something similar to a magic carpet. It was a piece of rectangular wood with a magic seal engraved on it that floated upwards according to the users will.

Right now I'm trying to find as many books about dragons and powerful creatures as I can. Most books up to floor 2 actually have limited information. They are books for newbies and actually some of them even had false information. Not to mention the amount of literature and works of fiction.

I love a good story too. But sadly this place isn't a manga store. This place might also be good if you get bored, but for now, I don't need a pastime, I need info. So I found myself on the 3rd floor where the information started getting more accurate and valuable.

"There really are a lot of people here."

As I mutter to myself these words, I can't help noticing that although this is the 3rd floor of a place you shouldn't have easy access in, there are quite a number of people. Most likely rich people if I were to guess from their clothes.

While folding my arms, I ponder over the best way to make my way around here. Although this place is divided in sections… it feels like a fucking maze. And unlike the other floors, there doesn't seem to be a librarian or person you can ask to guide you.

"Umm, you seem troubled. Can I help you?"

Suddenly, I was called out from behind.

This voice and speech, I've heard it somewhere before… I turned around and….

"Ah, you're from the inn…"

"Oh, so you did remember me."

Her silver hair and blue eyes; along with a beautiful face oozing with elegance make her look like an angel. Her appearance is so peculiar that one would never forget it upon seeing it just once.

"Nana, right?"

"Yes. And you are Yufine, correct?"


"It seems you managed to gain access to the library after all."

"Yes, however I still can't reach the 5th floor yet."

"I see. That just means you need to work harder, fufu. But leaving that aside you looked troubled earlier."

"Umm… about that. I'm ashamed to say that I got lost. I have no clue where to find the specific books I'm looking for."

"I see. Then, as a regular here, I suppose it is my duty as your senior to guide you. Want me to show you around and explain how to navigate the library?"

"Thanks. I'll take you up on that offer."

"Umu. Then follow me!"

Apparently the organizing system in this place does make sense once you know all the rules. And unlike Olivia, Nana is really good at explaining. Even a child would manage with her tutelage. 

"And here we are. I believe the dragon books you are looking for are right at the top of this shelf. Have you used a fly-board before?"

"You mean that wooden thing that takes people up and down?"

"Judging by that reaction, I'll take that as a no. Allow me to demonstrate then. All you have to do is stand on it. The magic circle will tune to your body and follow your instructions. For example… up!"

As soon as she said that the board started levitating all the way until the top shelf.

"Ooh. So that's how it works! Amazing. Can it follow only basically directions, or does it respond to other words too?"

"Like what?"

"Like for instance something like… spin."


Me and my big fat mouth though. As soon as she said that word, the board actually spinned itself round and round


And then, without even being able to grab something she completely got dizzy and lost her balance.


Shit, she's totally going to fall… I got serious, calculated her falling direction and grabbed her falling body in my arms.

"Aaahh——huh, Yufine-san?"

Nana showed a surprised reaction while darting her eyes around.

"Are you fine?"

"Ah, yes, thank you very much…"

Having the soft and comfortable smile aimed at me from point-blank distance I blushed. I'm also a man, despite being female. There's no way my heart won't beat faster when talking to a beauty like her. The way I was now holding her, both our breasts were a bit squeezed. The legendary princess carry just got more legendary when another girl is doing the carrying part.

Was it just my imagination though, or is she also blushing? I probably am overthinking it. Though regrettable, I can't possibly be glued to a girl I've met for too long, so I prepared myself to put her down. And in the next moment,

"Hey you! What are you doing to Nana?"(???)

An ear-splitting voice came; along with, bloodlust——!? Aren't you supposed to keep quiet in a library?

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