My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

59 – I always wanted to try fighting a loli

~Inside the basement of the Wandering House~


The basement was pretty large. A single light bulb was enough to light the entire room. If I were to estimate, this basement is a 60 square meters rectangular area. And the floors and walls are covered in weird tiles. Actually, they are stronger than the house walls. I tried breaking one of them, but didn’t obtain the same result. That’s why Lotte said she’s using this as a training place since it’s sturdier.

“Now that you have rested, are you ready for a little sparring?”

“I don’t mind, but are you sure it’s necessary?”

“You doubt that I am the Maou. Displaying my superiority over you should prove it. Besides, you can get to know a person better through combat. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you too much.”

“You sound pretty confident. I won’t hold back then.”

Let’s start with some physical attacks first. I took the typical stance from Olivia’s Good For Any Situation Martial Arts. For a second, her eyes went wide when I took my stance, but she returned to a stern look and took a rather simple stance herself. This might be interesting.


“Here goes!! HAAAA!!!”

I quickly rush towards her and unleash a barrage of punches. Punch after punch, strike after strike. Although my speed surpassed any normal fighting abilities, all my attacks… were blocked. She didn’t feel pressured at all. It’s like I’m hitting a wall!


Even if I try increasing the force… even if it looks like I am throwing 6 punches at the same time she nimbly slaps my fists away with her small hands and even more, some of my attacks feel like they are being sucked into her palms. Dang! This girl is for real. If that’s the case, I’ll aim for her legs instead.

I crouched down and tried sweeping her legs, but she saw it coming. She slightly leaped, placed her hand on my head, twisted around, and landed a powerful kick that sent me crashing into the wall.



Fuck. That hurt. How can a little girl have so much force in such a tiny body.

“Are you done?”

“Don’t count on it!”

I stood up again and charged at her. But this time, I tried throwing a faint. I prepared my fist, but before striking, I used my Rift Walk to quickly appear behind her back.

“Got you!”

I thrust my fist enhanced with Energy Link Manipulation and made contact. A large shockwave was generated, however…

“I see. Energy Link Manipulation. You’re an interesting one.”


I did make contact, but without turning to face me, she twisted her hand backwards and intercepted my blow. What’s more, if my hand was now enveloped in gold swirling runes from Energy Link Manipulation, her hand had similar runes swirling, except they were green.

She threw me above her head and as she was about to slam me onto the ground, she threw her other fist into my stomach.


Once again, I was sent crashing into the wall.

Shit. This is different than the feeling I got from facing Mina or Leon. It’s true that in Phantasy Reverie  Online, there was a Demon King raid boss and the game was programmed for that fight to only be taken as a group… Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that players couldn’t solo it, the solo button simply wasn’t implemented for that fight. The devs wanted you to take it as a group.

Yet I feel nothing from this girl. She has no ounce of hostility towards me. If anything… I can only feel happiness. She’s happy about this fight?


“See? I told you that you get to know a person better through combat. Your hand to hand combat. It’s the Good For Any Situation Martial Art, isn’t it?”

“Huh? How do you know that name?”

“I also learned that martial art from one of Dragon Queen Olivia’s offsprings. And naturally, that only meant scratching the surface.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Being stuck here for 200 years means that I had plenty of time to improve it, and take it to the next level. For example, you think Energy Link Manipulation only affects your own mana? If used correct…

The 2nd Stance, Reverberating Palm!”

She suddenly drove her palm in between my breasts. Unlike the other times, I was only slightly shaken and was sent flying. But 3 seconds later… I fell on my knees.

“*Cough*... what the hell… *cough*... did you do?”

“I disrupted the flow of mana within your body. Because of this, you won’t be able to cast spells for a while. It’s only temporary though, so no need to worry.”

“Okay, okay. I believe you. You are the Maou.”

She displayed a bright smile on her face like an innocent maiden. She also crouched down and planted her index finger, first into my shoulder, then under my left breast and finally near my belly button. After that the weird sensation disappeared.

“There. I fixed your mana flow now, Yufi.”

“Thanks. You’re crazy strong, Lotte.”

“You’re not too bad yourself, Yufi. I wouldn’t mind teaching you a thing of 2, fufu!”

We both started laughing. I never knew you can be happy about losing. It’s clear that I can’t beat her even if I used magic. But now… I think I have finally found a goal in mind. But for now…




I started tickling Lotte. To the point she fell down on the floor helpless like a kitty. Her ears seem like her weak spot.


"Haa… haa… I take it back. You're a monster, nee-chan…"(Lotte)


"Is that why you're curling up to me? Fufu. You looked like you really needed that."


I had a little brother so I already know how to deal with kids. At the end of the day, a kid is a kid. The responsibility of a crown… is something nobody might want. Having fun now and then is necessary.


"Hey Lotte, ever thought about what you would do if you were to get out of here?"




"Let me guess, you don't like actually being the Maou. You probably feel restrained. Why not just give up? Another ruler probably already has…"


"I can't do that! I must fulfill my father's dream. Create a peaceful place for everyone to live happily. But…"


"If that’s the case, don’t you agree you need the capacity to do that? If it’s true that you are the real thing, even if you are a ruler who does as she pleases, people will follow if you are a charismatic person. Show them your passion.” 



“For the sake of the people and for the sake of the country; that is a splendid ideal. However, if you cannot move for your own sake, someday you will fall. If it’s me, I feel sorry for such a ruler. Even if no one follows me, I’ll be fine as long as I am myself.” 


"The people will follow a ruler who does as she pleases….?” 

“You might say it like that, I think you would attain it if you have the ability to become a ruler. Well, at the very least, you do not seem to be a ruler in my eyes.” 




“In my point of view, all I see is a loli.” 


"What's a loli?"


"A cute young girl."


Startled from Yufine's words, Lotte’s heart leaped. It was as if a sharp arrow pierced her heart. No, it’s different. She sensed her heart being gripped by something bare-hand that sent a rush throughout her entire body.


"I-, I’m the Demon King! C-Ccccalling me an cute girl, I-IIt’s embarassing!” 

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