My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

9 – Something smells weird in the air

"Ora ora ora!"


Shockwave after shockwave, raging wind blowing around and the earth was shaking. No. This wasn't a natural disaster. This was just a sparring match between me and Mother in human form. I've reached the point where I acquired enough skill and power to fight on par with Olivia. When she's heavily holding back at least.

Although my body isn't as bulky as hers, because of the skills I was allowed to pick by the Goddess and Olivia's harsh training program I managed to reach new heights.

"Yosh! That's enough Yufi. Any more and we might blow a hole in this mountain. You sure grew up fast. How long has it already been?"

"3 months, Mother. That's how long we've been together. Vira and Selia are supposed to leave the nest soon too."

"Tsk. You make me think I'm old."

"You are. You yourself said you lived over 1000 years."

"Do you want me to smack you? Anyway, your physical condition is top notch. Go hunt some meat or something now. I need to prepare a feast for my daughters."

"More raw meat… you really need to take it easy. But fine, I'll go."




"Hey mom, Yufi's gone now, right?" (Selia)


"Are you really planning to quit being Dragon Queen? You kept mumbling about that."

"It means I am tired."

“That’s not what I meant! What do you mean by quitting your title?”

“Oh. I’m worn out and I’ve had enough. I want out of the system.”

Selia couldn’t help but facepalm herself when she heard Olivia’s reply. Vira on the other hand just wiggled her tail back and forth careless.

“Do you know what that involves? This isn't some part time job you can quit when you feel like it. You really think the other dragons will just say “oh, ok” and let you walk?"

“Kek. It’s not like anyone can kill me, but I get your point.” (Olivia)

“Why? Why are you doing this now?”


“My health… is deteriorating. Listen, Selia, you know my past better than anyone. I recently space out more often than I should. Normally I could hit a fly with a fireball from miles away… but I can't achieve the same results anymore. From here on… I’ll only get weaker and weaker.”

Silence. Complete silence for a few minutes.

“Did you tell Yufine?” (Vira)

“Of course not. She doesn’t need to know. For now at least.”

“So what do you plan to do?”

“There was a time when I wasn't afraid of death at all. But I guess Yufi changed me."

“The girl really got under your skin, right?”

"Same could be said about you. You act tough, but you always snuggle next to her when she falls asleep and stroke her hair."

"Waaa. Selia-nee I knew you were just tsundere!"

"Shut up!! Not another word!"

"Anyway, let's just enjoy the feast for now!!”


"Take care big sis Vira, big sis Selia!"

"I'm gonna miss you, Yufi! You really know where I like to be scratched!!" (Vira)

"Come on already, Vira! Let's get out of here." (Selia)

"Take care girls. And remember everything I taught you!"

My 2 sisters eventually left the nest after a long goodbye party. Honestly, if I see any more raw meat I think I'll pop.

Olivia acted like normal. 

"Let's move on to today's tactical session, then. I've observed countless assassin's trying to take over kingdoms and even tried fighting me."

Olivia drew a magic formation and a holographic image appeared

"Scenario 9267. The target is the red dot. Come up with a plan to take it out."

"Motion detector magic seals, high walls, guards placed at each entrance and archers on the roof. Sneaking inside would normally be impossible."

"Giving up?"

"I said normally."

I got close to the hologram and with my hands I started manipulating it.

"Such a large base obviously has a large sewer system. I would enter from there and follow the pipes until this entrance point next to this room. I can quickly make my movements through there.

Then I go through that window up to this sector where I exit."

"That's no good. There are 2 guards."

"No. The guards have a rotation in which the doors will stay unguarded for 28 seconds. In that time frame I pop out and shoot the target. Mission accomplished."

"That's an interesting approach. Not the way I would do it, but it's manageable. However, you made a big mistake. Using this strategy, you leave yourself exposed. What's your escape route?"

"I blow up everything coming my way."

"Just because that's something I would do, doesn't mean you have to copy me! Sheesh! You're hopeless in that regard… *cough**cough*"

"Mother, you pushed yourself again. Let's get you in bed."

"I'm fine. I just need more meat."

"No. That much amount is bad for you."

"I'm supposed to be your Mother, not the other way around."

Yeah, yeah. I’m not dumb. I can see that mom has been feeling down these past days. She’s not my natural mother but it feels so natural at this point to treat her as one. For quite some time she tried to hide this for me. Whenever I asked her if she was sick she would just lie down and say it was nothing. But it was clear she was in bad shape. She also began to space out more and more often. I put more work around the nest, but I didn’t mind. Life with Olivia wasn’t bad. 




And so… another six months passed. I’m basically halfway there with this so-called tutorial. 


“Something wrong, mother?”


“Yeah, I’m not buying that. I learned to read you.”

“I’m just hungry. Would you mind fetching me a boar?”

More raw meat? When will she learn…

“Mom, I’ll do it, but this time, you gotta let me cook it. Trust me, it’s gonna taste much better.”

“As you wish.”

Huh!? That was easy. Usually mother would object. Something is not right. For some weird reason, I have a really bad feeling about this. All my instincts that Olivia trained, are screaming at me. I can’t help but feel uneasy. At points like this I wish I had the nose of a dragon. I should make this quick. Bag that boar and get back here as fast as I can. 

“Wait for me, mom. I’ll be back soon!”

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