My Landlord Can’t Stop M********ing!! (18+)

Chapter 3: Wanderlust Inn (Bai)

Vieno approached the mostly motionless figure of Reiko. She had been managing the garden when he was heading out in the morning. The words that he was about to say were stuck in his throat, and his eyes became lost on her image. Fragile and delicate, he thought, as she brushed the strands of hair out of her deadpan eyes. Her gaze went up and down his body, and he gave a small gulp.

Reiko tilted her head and as if a spark of inspiration struck her, a barely unnoticeable glint of understanding appeared. 

“Please go and come back.” There was a trace of unease on her otherwise expressionless face, but there was also something else, something underneath. Vieno couldn’t quite make it out and it stirred something inside him and made him feel warm. 

“I’ll be back.” Vieno stuttered. 

Reiko moved her hand in front of her lips, hiding a potential smile. Vieno blushed, and stammered some more words. “I’m going to get you a welcoming gift, now.”

“You don’t have to.” 

But Vieno was already leaving, the events replaying in his head. When was the last time I felt like this?


Vieno only snapped back to reality when he heard the sorrowful song of the Wanderlust Inn playing. He had just pushed the doors open and entered the common area of the guild, but he didn’t recall anything that happened after he left the apartment. 

Still, he had only come to report the current change in his residence and his next venture. Although he was getting Reiko a gift, he could also get some business down at the same time. With a reaffirmed resolve, he passed through the main lobby. There were various tables arranged for leisure that a half a dozen patrons were using. There was also a notice board with job requests. 

It had the image people came to expect from an adventurer’s guild, even if the Wanderlust Inn didn’t operate like normal guilds. The receptionist even had a cliché mature look, donning a pair of glasses and a non-revealing but tight uniform. Even Vieno approved as soon as noticed her long, pointed elf ears twitching behind her green braided hair.

It was his intuition, and his intuition was right on such things: the mature image was fake. It wasn’t to pay homage or to pay respect, but to milk the innocent adventurers. A bonafide seductress. An onee-san who wouldn’t utter ara ara. A woman who wouldn’t pay the dinner bill. A woman who would go out drinking and empty a man’s wallet with no remorse. These were the things she was. His main piece of evidence was that she was short. A short receptionist wearing high heels trying to take on the image of a serious woman couldn’t be trusted.

Vieno could also catch the scent of a gold digger coming off her, but he pushed that aside and pretended like the random bullshit that he came up with was an intelligent piece of deductive work. To him he was deducing a crime against humanity and upholding justice for men.

The receptionist gave a yawn, and Vieno clicked his tongue while shaking his head. This caught her attention and her jaded gaze appraised him. It felt like a declaration of war. Her bored expression instantly turned into a genuine fake smile; it was an attentive look that tested her muscle memory while still displaying a bit of situational subtlety. In this case, there was an apologetic undertone. She was self-aware. The threat level was greater than Vieno could have imagined. 

 A cold, somber fire burned in her lazy green eyes.  

“Here.” Vieno merely passed his guild card over. Battles played between their gazes, but the receptionist eventually looked down at his identification. He instantly saw a look of utter defeat with her cursory glance. 

“Esteeeeeeeeemed customer…..I am sorry…I can smell the money; how may I help your magnanimous self.” This creature had no shame, and Vieno laughed. 

“Is it alright to give up so easily?”

“Lying won’t get me anywhere…and I’m not one to waste an opportunity.” She battered her eyes at Vieno before looking at his identification again. This time he saw realization and then despair. Her ears twitched as she looked the card up and down repeatedly. She even turned it over to look at the blank backside. Only to follow that up by examining the side of the card out of pure desperation. 

Vieno couldn’t find in himself to speak and just watched her struggle. Eventually, after experiencing all steps of grief, she finally sighed. With her expression back to its normal bored form, she muttered to herself: “I’ll press the button.” 

“The button>”

“It comes from the boss herself.” The elf had an exaggerated and annotated expression as she pointed straight up. It almost looked like a prayer if a prayer was made out of disdain. “I’m not sure what you did, but I remember the meeting…the boss was not happy…it was actually…nevermind.” There was fear behind her dispassionate face.

Seeing Vieno try to lean over the desk, the receptionist sighed but pushed her chair back and pointed to a small button on the side. Above said button was a small caption that read, “If the bastard Vieno comes press this without exception.” 

Vieno recalled the way she phrased it. “Is Merry not here anymore.”

“Moved. Packed up and left us to that bi…” She coughed. “I mean she left us to our magnificent Boss Bai.”

“Oh that tsun…” Before Vieno could finish, a wave of violent intent was sent his way followed by a kick but the blow did not connect. Not at all. Instead, the person hit air and spun out, landing on the floor with her face. Her butt perked up towards the ceiling. 

Vieno watched the receptionist cover her mouth, but her eyes were obviously laughing. It was scary considering an icicle was sticking out of her forehead and blood was pouring out. It was apparent that Vieno wasn’t the only target. 

“Bai, what are you doing?”

“You dodged…as expected from the legendary magician.” She mumbled this while her ass was still pointing up. It even twitched. 

“Where should I start…” Vieno’s voice trailed. “Here, get up. You’re too miserable to tease right now.” 

Bai grumbled but got up. She dusted off her clothes, gave everyone a death stare, and then turned her attention to Vieno.

With a red face under her pointy, blue hat, she pointed to the stairs. “Let's go.”

“If I refuse?”

Her leg twitched as if a threat.

“I don’t think you want to try that again so for your sake lead the way.” 

“Thank you…” She grumbled. When they were almost upstairs, Vieno watched Bai shoot another icicle at the receptionist. It landed right on her forehead again, knocking her unconscious. 


Vieno sat in Bai’s personal office and sipped some tea. Across from him was Bai, who was wearing her traditional battlemage attire. The key points of the outfit were the various metal pieces attached across her body. She also had metal gloves and boots. She basically liked to hit people and make the impact hurt. 

Nonetheless, he had always found the wizard hat she wore to be both cute and humorous. The functional application of the hat was a mystery to Vieno, and although he found it cute, he was also saddened it hid her pointy ears, which were more slanted to the side distinguishing her as part of the fairy folk.

“So…what did I do?”

“Nothing. I just abused my powers because you know I really like you and missed you after you haven’t visited it.” She blushed after realizing the words that she just said. “I didn’t mean to say that…”

Vieno nodded his head. “Of course you didn’t. You’re a full blown tsundere with a queen complex. I just happen to have a tsundere defense mechanism activated. Your dishonest and abrasive words will not work.”

He could almost see veins popping across her face, but she just grit her teeth, unable to unleash her anger. “And why do you have something like that?” 

Vieno’s face darkened. “You see in this genre, I mean in this line of work, tsunderes are plentiful and they can be annoying after a while.” 

“Why don’t you just avoid violent and dishonest women?”

Vieno almost didn’t believe his ears. “I don’t think you should be the one saying that…but let me enlighten you. You see in the right setting and mood, nothing is cuter than a tsundere.”

“Ah I get it.”

“That’s good.”

“You're basically saying I’m too cute!” A giddy and red-faced Bai swung a fist at Vieno, but it merely passed by his face. However, there was now a hole in the chair and Bai was now sitting on him after falling over again. 

Vieno teasingly bit her neck and she gave a yipping sound. “So why did you want to see me?”

“To show you my new magic.”

“Anything else.”

“And to fuck.” She said bluntly. Pretenses were gone and she looked at him with anticipation. He brought her face towards him and stole her lips. His hands entered her clothes and began fondling her breasts. Meanwhile, she pulled his pants far enough to release his cock and pushed her own pants down. She put it in and then moved up and down in large motions, allowing it to slide in and out. 

She gave low grunts, trying to keep her own voice down. Occasionally, she would move closer and change from large, slower movements to short and faster movements. 

The position was somewhat awkward given the lack of room on the chair. Bai had to use the armrests to push herself up and down. Nonetheless, her face was filled with rapture and continued to aggressively stimulate herself on Vieno until she orgamsed. 

Vieno used that opportunity to undress himself and her. The only thing remaining was her pointy hat and metal boots. He also turned her away from him, so she was sitting with her back to him. Still, she was basically sitting on his cock that he slid into her again.

He continued to fondle her breasts from this position, while vibrating his hips. He pushed her hat and also began biting her sensitive ears when given the chance. After she orgasmed from this position, he pushed her forward so she was leaning against a table in the room and took her to her climax from there as well. 

She panted with a satisfied look. She was still bent over the table.

Feeling his job was done, Vieno put his clothes back on. “Alright. I have to go now.” 

However, The naked Bai put her hand out and told him to wait.

Vieno watched her blush as she got dressed. 

“So, why did you stop by the guild?” There was still a trace of excitement in her voice.

“Well, I wanted to report my new place of residence at Reiko’s.”

“Reiko! Are you…married now?” She looked stunned. “Did I just commit an affair?”

“No, Reiko is my new landlord. And I don’t commit myself to one person. It isn’t in my nature.”

“Oh, good…” Her face regained its color. “You can just drop off the paperwork…and we can get back to…”

“Sorry, I’m going to get her a welcoming gift so I’m heading over to Asterisk. I figured I would see if there were any job postings that were relevant.”

“That world…” Bai gulped and her face became even more red.

“Why do you want to come with me?”

Bai gulped again and didn’t seem to notice her hand twitching around her crutch. It seemed she would be coming. 

4-8 chapters a month atm.  That said, have a good day everyone!

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