My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 105 – Vel’s Day Out

While Evelyn was having the time of her life getting gangbanged by a room full of men, her girlfriend, Velyna, was having an entirely different kind of experience elsewhere in the city. One, the young elven woman wasn’t enjoying quite as much as her other half, but still enjoying quite a bit. Not to mention that it was a great way for her to work through her upset mood.

"Ha, ha, ha. Die filthy goblin!" Velyna laughed maniacally as she swung her staff around, bringing the end of it down on the helpless dungeon goblin in front of her.

The three-foot-tall, partially blind, shrivelled, and gnarly-looking monster let out a horrible death gurgle as the young elven woman’s staff struck it, caving its head into a pulpy mess. Luckily for all those present, dungeon monsters were pure constructs of mana, spawned directly by the dungeon. That meant instead of making a bloody scene by bludgeoning the goblin to death, Vel watched with glee as the monster's body began to dissolve back into raw mana, quickly re-absorbed by the dungeon that they were currently on the first floor of.

In a matter of seconds, the poor, brutalised goblin was completely gone, and in its place was a small, rough crystal on the ground—the monster’s core. However, the young elven woman paid no attention to the crystal on the ground. Instead, her eyes quickly darted to her next victim, another of the poor, defenceless tier 0 goblins that inhabited this floor of the dungeon.

Reaching out with her hand, Velyna placed her palm down on the rocky, cavernous walls of the dungeon room she was in. There was little foliage in that part of the dungeon, but the few roots hanging from the ceiling were all she needed to activate her entangle skill, the newest class skill that she got on her last level.

The roots immediately shot down towards her designated target, seeking to tangle and restrict them. However, after practising using her new class skill quite a bit yesterday, the young elven woman now had more control over where it tried to entangle her target than she initially had. As such the roots found perchance around the goblin's neck as they took the monster by surprise and hoisted it up into the air.

Hanging by its neck, the goblin began to let out guttural gasps and squeaks as its very life was being choked out of it. Velyna, though, paid this scene little attention and moved on to the next goblin she could find, one that soon met its demise at the end of her staff, but only after receiving a rather hefty  beating from her.

Once more, the young elven woman spun around to find the next monster to kill after that one was dead, however, there were no more to find, save for the goblin currently being hanged. The rest of the party that she had come down here with had finished off their fair share of the goblins in this room of the dungeon while she had been dealing with hers.

Seeing no reason to draw out the last of the goblin’s death, Vel soon brought her staff around, again and again, beating the hanging goblin rather brutally until it finally began to dissolve back into mana. As the monster's core fell to the ground, clinking on the rocky floor, she turned around to find every member of the party staring at her with a strange look. Even Saph and Silverwing, the two bonded monsters that had accompanied their partners into the dungeon, were looking at her oddly. Not that the blue, gelatinous tentacle slime could look at someone or express themselves as a normal person or creature could, but after all their time together, Velyna was familiar enough with how they held themselves to know what Saph was feeling or thinking most of the time.

Even though Caiden or either of his two friends that made up their party didn’t immediately say anything to Velyna, she quickly worked it out while they were looking at her with horrified expressions on their faces. They didn't look at her because of how brutally she killed the monster; brutal fights were expected to happen sometimes. Instead, they were looking at her like that because of the giddy grin she wore, which practically stretched from ear to ear. 

For most, hunting monsters and delving into dungeons was a way to earn coin or get strong. Few actually enjoyed the thrill of fighting, and even fewer took such joy from the fighting and killing, something that obviously frightened the three young men that Velyna was just getting started exploring the dungeon with.

The young elven woman, herself didn’t expect that she would like fighting this much either. Other than sparring, this was the first time she had been in an actual fight, the first time she had actually killed something potentially dangerous to her. Yet, what emotions did it make her feel? Stong, powerful and unstoppable. Watching the goblins die at her hands made Velyna feel better than few things had ever made her feel before.

However, even she knew that she shouldn’t let such things get to her head. Hell, she was more than aware the reason she was taking so much delight in the liking monsters probably had something to do with everything that happened this morning. After the disappointment and frustration that awaited her after waking up that day, she figured that this was the only release she was going to get for a while.

Stupid fucking period. Velyna grumbled to herself.

As it turned out, the young elven woman completely misread why her girlfriend left her in bed to go off and have more than a little bit of lewd fun in the bath without her. Instead of doing that to give her girlfriend more time to sleep in, Velyna assumed that Evelyn would have tried to go down on her in an effort to wake her up with a nice little orgasm, as they had done for each other the past couple of mornings.

Only this time, Evelyn would have discovered that the young elven woman’s period had just recently started, and thus not wanted to eat her out while she was bleeding. In Velyna’s mind, this was the only explanation that she could think of that made sense. Of course, it was wrong but sexually frustrated and annoyed as she was, she wasn’t in the right state of mind to think more about her girlfriend's reason. All Velyna could think about was how Evelyn would probably stop getting intimate with her until her period ended, something that definitely wasn’t actually the case, she just assumed it was.

"Wow, Vel, that was certainly… something," Caiden spoke up as he approached his cousin, soon followed by the two bonded monsters and the two other young men.

“I was just trying to pull my weight and not let you guys down," Velyna replied as her attention shifted to her bonded monster, bouncing up to her and nuzzling against her legs.

Well, if Vel isn’t going to fuck me for a few days, maybe I can organise to have Saph sleep in my room. I doubt they will have anything against me being on my period since they just absorb my sexual fluids anyway. The young elven woman mused to herself.

"If you continue like that, you're going to pull more than just your weight. Hell, you’ll probably end up carrying us." One of the other two young men, the one Caiden was more acquainted with and considered a close friend, Arlo, chuckled as he bent over, picking up the various monster cores and putting them in a shared pouch for later distribution.

"Arlo is right. The fact that you are at a higher level than us so that we can take more challenging risks, but not at such a high level to make everything trivial and thus reduce our experience, really helps us out a lot." Caiden agreed with his friend. "In fact, we’ll probably be able to delve deeper into the dungeon than previously now that we have both you and Saph with us."

Once the room was thoroughly looted of the fallen monster cores, the party quickly fell into silence as they resumed their trek through the dungeon. Up front, Caiden and Arlo led the way, with Caiden acting as the frontline defence and Arlo as a scout to spot potential traps and ambushes. That said though, such things were incredibly rare on the first few floors of the dungeon, but not completely unheard of so his role wasn’t all that necessary at that moment.

In the middle of the group was Velyna and Caiden’s other friend, both acting as pseudo-magical support thanks to their classes. Behind them, they were followed by Saph and Silverwing, acting as the rear guard. But once again, such positions were not really necessary on these first few floors. At this stage of the dungeons, monsters didn’t wander from the rooms they spawned in. Still, it was good for a party to get in the habit of acting the right way for when their party eventually did delve into the more dangerous floors of the dungeon.

Like this, the six of them found their way to dungeon room after dungeon room, killing small groups of goblins and other such dungeon monsters as they descended the floors. A few skill ranks and levels were achieved by the party thanks to their efforts, but Velyna was not one of those to level up by the time they called it a day and made their way back out of the dungeon in the afternoon.

By then, the party had managed to delve deeper than they ever had before, making it all the way down to level 5, where the first of the dungeon's bosses and their loot could have been found. In fact, they quickly discovered the doors to the boss room but correctly decided that they weren’t ready for it. The branch of the delver’s guild in the city, whose members ran this dungeon over and over again, advised that the minimum recommended level for the fifth-floor boss was level 11, meaning all in the party should at the very least be in tier 1. As it was, though, Saph and Velyna were the only ones currently at that tier, so it would still be a while longer before either of them felt comfortable facing the boss.

The journey back up the dungeon was much quicker and more relaxed than delving through its floors had been. At this point, most of the monsters were cleared out, giving them a straight, safe path back. However, that wouldn’t remain the case forever. The dungeon would reset and respawn its monsters at midnight, but that didn’t mean one party could selfishly kill all the dungeon's monsters and bosses, hoarding all the experience and loot for themselves.

No, the portal that led to the dungeon deposited each party that ventured into it together in their own instance, an exact copy of the layout of the dungeon that they alone could explore and not have to worry about dealing with other delvers. Velyna had no idea how the dungeon knew which people were partying together, and when she had asked her new party mates about it earlier, they were just as clueless. Most assumed that the dungeon was able to pick up on the intent of the people going into it, but since the ability to party together with others wasn’t a system-recognized thing, this was only a guess on their part. No one actually knew for sure how it worked.

Soon enough the party was back topside, arriving out of the portal into the miniature fortress that housed the dungeon. Once back in the crowded safety of the hall, the party began to distribute their loot, a collection of weak monster cores. Although not as valuable as some of the wealth they could collect on the higher floors or by defeating a boss, the monster cores were still worth a handful of coins if sold to the delver’s guild.

Once the loot was distributed, it was time for the party to split up for now. With plans made to meet back up the day after tomorrow, Caiden and Vel left the other two, making their way back to the Varsen estate with their two bonded monsters in tow.

As the young elven woman walked off into the city, she was oblivious to the keen eyes of Arlo, who was still staring at her as he mumbled under his breath to himself. "So Caiden has a cousin, and they are a half-elf at that…" 

"She is going to be very interested in learning about this."


Name: Velnya Varsen
Race: Half Human, Half Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Class: Druid
Level: 13

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 10
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 10
Charm: 10

Class Skills: 8/10
Charm Animal, Rank 5
Earth Striding, Rank 6
Entangle, Rank 2
Gust, Rank 7
Meditate, Rank 3
Minor Rejuvenate, Rank 2
Nature Shaping, Rank 6
Plant Growth, Rank 7

General Skills:
Cleaning, Rank 9
Cooking, Rank 13
Dodging, Rank 4
Gardening, Rank 10
Laundry, Rank 6
Monster Care, Rank 3
Navigation, Rank 6
Running, Rank 4
Woodcraft, Rank 7
Quarterstaff, Rank 5

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