My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 12 – Vel’s Bedroom

The moment I stepped inside the log cabin, Vel took me by the hand and began to rush off further into the house, dragging me along with her. Because of this, I only got a brief glimpse of the living room and dining/kitchen area as we passed through. But from what I could tell with only that brief glimpse, everything looked rather nice and well-kept despite being rather cramped in space.

Given the nature of the log cabin's construction, it didn’t look like they had much room to work with inside the house, but they were doing their best with what they had. Thankfully, from what I could tell, the furniture and decor seemed relatively modern. Although they weren’t up to the same standards as the mass-produced stuff I was accustomed to from back on Earth, the furniture in the living room wasn’t some rickety old ramshackle thing like I feared may be the case if this world was similar to a medieval fantasy one. Which was what I was assuming this world was like given everything I had seen so far.

Instead, there was a nice blend of homemade, hand-crafted styles with a more modern take. Actually, now that my attention was brought to it, the same was true for Vel’s dress and panties. Her clothes looked as if they had been made by hand with thread and needle, but were very much stitched and styled in ways that would have been reminiscent of clothing from Earth. Her panties even had an elastic band, and although I was no historian, I’m pretty sure elastic wasn’t something commonly found, if it even existed at all, during medieval times.

When Vel led me to her intended destination, the first stop on my tour of her house, I was delighted to find more proof to support my growing idea of this world. As it turned out, the first thing that the young woman wanted to show me was her bedroom, and it was a fairly modern-looking bedroom.

There was a single-person-sized bed in the middle of the room, covered by colourful sheets with some sort of floral print on them. There were various dressers, wardrobes, desks and bookshelves around the room also, which gave it a sort of cramped, but cozy feel. A feel that was greatly accented by the dozen or so pots positioned around the room, from all of which were growing vibrant, colourful plants. 

Most of these potted plants were congregated around the window allowing the natural light to flow in from outside, but not all of them were there. A couple of them sat atop her bookshelf, flanking a big, fluffy, stuffed teddy bear, which was definitely something that couldn’t have been made with the level of technology present during the medieval age.

"So, this is your bedroom…" I grinned as I turned to my new friend and slid my arms over her shoulders. "Was there any reason, in particular, you wanted to show me your bedroom first?"

A slight bit of blush adorned Vel’s face as she began to speak, and although she was thoroughly nervous, she was no longer the same innocent young woman she was only hours ago, would freeze up at the slightest bit of attention. "Sorry, I thought, maybe… if you wanted to… we could have a little more fun."

"Oh, I would love to." I laughed as I brought my lips to hers, kissing her. However, the kiss only lasted for a few short, teasing moments, as I soon brought my lips over to her ear, so I could seductively whisper into them. "If I remember correctly, I recall you making certain claims about licking my pussy."

"Oh, ah… Yeah, I guess I did." She giggled excitedly.

"It’s time to put your money where your mouth is, or more specifically, your tongue…" I let my words linger in the air as I stepped away from the blushing young woman, toward her bed.

Since I was only wearing an oversized shirt, it was quick work to remove it. But once I was completely naked, I crawled my way onto the bed, even taking a moment to pause and waggle my rear in Vel’s direction. From there, I repositioned myself so that I was laying on the bed with my back against the sheets and my legs spread wide so that the young woman could see all of me. I was even spreading my pussy lips so she could see basically everything. This caused her to immediately blush even more than she already was. Now she was practically as red as a tomato, which when combined with the big goofy grin on her lips, was utterly adorable.

"Are you just going to stand there staring at me, or are you going to get naked and come have sex with me?" I teased her by tracing my fingers across my generous curves and sensitive pussy as if to emphasise what exactly I was offering her a taste of.

"Right, sorry!" Vel shot into action, pulling off her dress and panties in a hurry. She even took off the emerald amulet that hung from her neck, which she carefully put down next to her, on a nearby dresser for safekeeping.

Once the young elven woman was completely naked and her petite, slender glory was a feast for my eyes, she wasted no time making her way over to me. Although she was obviously nervous, she clearly wanted this just as much as I did, which was evident by how she went straight for my pussy.

"Kiss me first," I spoke up, instructing her on what I wanted her to do before she had a chance to so much as touch me down there. "Do you remember how I made you cum. You don’t want to jump right to licking or fingering the pussy, unless your partner is really in the mood and desperately needs it. It’s better to let the anticipation slowly build up, as that makes for better, more powerful orgasms."

Technically speaking, this wasn’t all that necessary since my pussy had practically been dripping wet since the moment I woke up in this world, not even an hour ago. But I wanted to teach Vel the right way to touch another woman from the very start. The better she knew how to please me, the better my orgasms would be.

"Oh, sorry…" Vel apologised as she pried her eyes away from my pussy and started to crawl up atop me so that she could kiss me.

Once the young elven woman drew close enough to lay a kiss on me, but before she could actually do it, I reached up with my hands, putting one on either side of her head as I said. "And, stop needlessly apologising so much. You have nothing to be sorry for."

It was clear that Vel's instinct was to apologise again, out of habit, so I brought her lips to mine and kissed her before she had any chance to say sorry again. Any thought the young woman may have had about apologising was immediately washed away as her mind was now occupied by the intimacy of our deep kiss.

As I kissed her, my hands slowly caressed their way down from the young woman’s head, across her slender back all the way to her petite butt, where they began to cop a rather generous feel. After a few moments, Vel realised that she should have probably been doing the same and moved her hands to touch and fondle my body. However, her hands seem to mostly be focused on my chest. Between this and the way she was fervently sucking on my nipples earlier, I was sure she had a thing for huge tits like mine. Luckily for her, she’d be able to suck and play with my tits to her heart’s content. But not just at this time either, but whenever she wanted.

Vel soon broke away from my lips and began to kiss her way down my body, clearly trying to mimic the way in which I kissed her earlier today. However, the rhythm and speed of her kissing were much less smooth than when I did it to her. Not to mention, that when her lips finally got to my breasts, they immediately jumped straight to my nipples and started fervently sucking them as if trying to draw milk.

This action wasn’t the most pleasurable way in which she could have been teasing and playing with my nipples, but it was still a relatively good feeling. In fact, watching her go at my chest in much the way a baby would suckle their mother’s breasts for milk sparked an interesting little revelation inside my head.

Wait! Vel’s mother’s not around, is she? I wonder, could my cute, little half-elf have mummy issues? Is that why she’s so obsessed with my tits?

"Ah… Vel, I think it’s time to move on from my nipples…" I eventually spoke up, as the young woman had spent an overly large amount of time on them. If I hadn’t spoken up, I was sure that she would have been content to just continue like that for quite a while more, but as stimulating as that would have been, my pussy was practically begging for some attention of its own.

After Vel managed to come back to her senses and pry her lips away from my nipple, it looked like she was going to say sorry again, but instead, she caught herself, remembering that I told her to stop apologising. Because of that, she just shut her mouth and began to kiss her way down my curvy body, continuing to mimic the way in which I had kissed her earlier today.

However, once Vel’s lips got to my dripping wet pussy, they faltered for a second or two as the young woman just stared with her mouth agape at my womanhood. "I… I didn’t know pussies could look so beautiful…"

I hadn’t specifically mentioned in my reincarnation forms what I wanted my pussy to look like, so I wasn’t sure if I actually did look beautiful down there, or if it was just her seeing one up close and personal for the first time that caused her to react like that. But either way, it reminded me that I should really give my body a thorough lookover and exploration at some point.

After a few more seconds of gawking at my pussy, Vel began to kiss and touch my most intimate of places. However, it was abundantly clear that she had no experience doing anything at all like this before. Not that I could really blame her, I didn’t really have much experience myself when it came to having sex with other people. Thankfully though, what I did have was plenty of experience in pleasuring myself and was willing to help her learn what she needed to know if she ever wanted to get me off.

As such, I started out by asking the young woman. "Vel, have you ever masturbated before?"

"Ah, no… I don’t think so, I mean… I don’t actually know what that word means." She sheepishly responded, realising that her touch wasn’t eliciting the same kind of response as it did when it was me doing it to her.

I figured as much. Given how little she knew about orgasms and sex, it makes sense that she never masturbated. Wait, didn’t she also say she didn’t know what a clit was earlier?

"You’re doing a good job, Vel, but I think you need a little guidance." I reached down and spread the lips of my pussy with one hand as the other began to point certain parts out. "See this little bulb here, underneath the skin? That’s my clit. It feels really good when it’s stimulated, but you don’t want to directly touch it all the time, otherwise, it can get overstimulated. Sometimes you just want to rub around the hood, while other times you want to-“

Like that, I gave the young elven woman a quick sex ed lesson. Strangely enough, the educational part of our activities didn’t really diminish the mood we had established. I hadn’t expected that going over every detail of my pussy and demonstrating how exactly I liked to be touched wouldn’t be all that exciting but strangely enough, it was quite thrilling. There was just something about the intimacy and the openness of it all that made me get wetter and wetter. The fact that Vel’s eyes were glued to me as she watched and learned with focused attention sure didn’t help deter the spreading warmth that was my ever-growing arousal. Eventually, though, we moved on from a mere demonstration to a more hands-on experience.

"Like this, am I doing it right?" Vel looked up from my pussy as one set of her fingers continued to rub around my clitoral hood, just close enough to elicit pleasure, but not direct enough that she overstimulated my poor little clit. Meanwhile, two more of her fingers were reaching up into my pussy, making a come hither motion. Although she hadn’t yet found my g-spot, she was getting damned close to it.

"Oh… Yeah. That feels nice." I moaned. "Now use your tongue to rub my clit instead of your finger."

Vel did as I directed her to, and finally, the pussy licking was really starting to get heated. It turned out she was quite a quick learner, and it only took her a few moments to get the hang of things. In practically no time at all, she was really making me squirm.

Soon she wasn’t just licking me either, but experimenting and trying new things, like sucking on my clit and lapping up the arousal that leaked from my vagina. Each time she tried something new, she keenly watched for my reaction, noting whether or not I reacted positively to it or not before she continued, just like I had taught her. She was a real natural at this, one who I was so glad to have at my disposal because I was definitely planning on making use of her mouth, over and over again.

Vel had gotten so good at licking my pussy that in no time at all, she made me cum. As the orgasm washed over me, my pussy tensed and spasmed, my hips jerked around, and my fingers dug into the sheets beneath me. At the height of my sexual release, all I could think about was how damned good it felt to have someone lick my pussy. 

As sad as leaving behind my old world and all the people I loved was, a part of me was glad that I could finally freely experience the kinds of things that used to only be fantasies. It didn’t make up for it entirely, but the bliss of sex was certainly keeping me distracted enough that any emotions my death brought were well out of mind.

"Did I do it? Did you have an orgasm? I did it, right?" Vel cheered excitedly as she popped up from where she was bent over with her head all up and close to my pussy.

I couldn’t help but pervertedly grin as I saw her chin glisten with a mix of her saliva and my pussy juices. Sadly, I didn’t get to look at that adorable sight for much longer as my vision was obscured by a system notification. Apparently, the system would hold off from showing you any new messages if you were in the middle of something like combat or sex, but the system wasn’t all that smart about it because it thought this was the end of our sex. No, it was just a brief pause.

You have met the minimum requirements to learn a general skill.
Do you wish to learn the general skill, Teaching?

Teaching, Rank 1
(General, Academic)

The passing down of knowledge to the younger generation is necessary for civilisation to grow. Without it, knowledge and learning will stagnate as future generations waste their time rediscovering the knowledge of their ancestors that was selfishly hoarded.

General skill slots remaining: 2/5

Unfortunately, just having my pussy licked didn’t appear to be enough to level up, and the general skill I had gained by explaining and instructing Vel on the art of pussy licking wasn’t something I was interested in. But since this wasn’t really the end of things, I was sure that there would be many more system notifications to come. After all, the fun was just starting.

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