My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 15 – Keeping Myself Company in the Shower

As I ran into the log cabin my excitement was immediately shot dead in its tracks. The hope I held onto that I would be able to walk in on Damien while he was showering was completely shattered when I caught a brief glimpse of him before as he shut the door to his bedroom behind him. Apparently, the man preferred taking rather quick showers, as he had only been out of sight for a handful of minutes and had thoroughly cleaned himself of the gory mess he had accumulated out in the forest.

That said, even though my glimpse of him was a brief one, it was enough to notice that he was wearing nothing but a towel tied around his waist. That fact gave me quite an eyeful of his rippling, muscular chest, a sight that immediately caused my pussy to stir. Any normal woman would have probably been thoroughly satisfied by all the fun I had earlier that day, but not me. No, I was already horny again and ready for another round.

Ah, being horny and sexually frustrated, the story of my life.

Sadly, since I was rather dirty from gardening, getting cleaned up was more or less my top priority at the moment. Still, that didn’t mean I couldn’t have a little fun in the shower at the same time. However, the fact that Vel was going to be busy making lunch and her father was in his room meant that the fun would have to be a solo endeavour.

As such, I found my way to the bathroom, which was still steamy from Damien’s shower. After shutting the door behind me, I took off the shirt that I had borrowed and chucked it into a laundry hamper. Although I did notice the big burly man’s used clothes in the hamper, there was quite a bit of monster blood staining them. As much as I would have liked to find out if he smelled as amazing as I thought by giving his clothes a sniff and sending my pussy wild with lust, that gory sight was enough to put me off.

Once I found my way to the shower, I turned the taps on and was delighted to find that pleasant warm water immediately flowed from the shower head. Unlike my shower at home, there was no waiting for the water to heat up and there was no God-awful rattling of old pipes that accompanied the shower turning on. It only got better when I actually stepped under the water and let it wash over my body.

"Oh, fuck! That’s the good stuff." I moaned aloud in a very sexual manner, despite the fact that nothing really sexual had happened... yet.

Since I was so dirty, I focused my attention on scrubbing myself clean, but there would be time for other exploits later. Bit by bit, my flawless fair skin was cleansed of the dirt clinging to my body. There was nothing really sexual about the way in which I was running my hands over my body, washing it clean with the warm water pouring over me, but there was also something rather fascinating and exciting about it. Every curve and every inch of my body felt new and amazing to the touch.

Soon enough, I was completely clean and, without even realising what I was doing, my touch became a whole lot more sexual. That said, I wasn’t just pleasing myself in the shower but exploring the surface of my brand-new body. Between my wide hips, supple butt and overly generous tits, there was just so much more to me than there was before. Even my jaw, my lips, and my hair were different enough that it felt amazing to run my fingers across the smooth surface of my skin.

Before too long, my fingers were on my nipples, giving them slight tweaks and pinches in the manner that really got my pussy going. When I was dripping wet, and not just with water, those same fingers began to explore my vagina. Even just after a little bit of shallow exploration inside of myself, I knew that my pussy felt completely different from what it did before. Not better or worse per se, just different. Like I said before, everything just felt so new and exciting to explore.

In no time, the exploration of my new, reincarnated body slowly turned into pure, unadulterated masturbation with no other purpose than to bring me pleasure. To that end, one of my hands was placed firmly on the shower wall, supporting my balance as the other hand worked magic all across my body.

As I caressed, fondled and penetrated myself over and over again, the intuitive bit of knowledge in my head, thanks to my sensual massage General skill, kept trying to give me bits of advice here and there. It was as if the skill was trying to suggest certain ways of doing things to myself, but most of the time the skill’s suggestions were things I was already doing. Thankfully though, this process wasn’t too intrusive.

Unlike when it came to kissing and having sex with other women, I actually had a lot of experience when it came to masturbating, more experience than what the skill’s rank gave me credit for. So, I did my best to put the skill’s advice out of my mind and continued to vigorously play with myself. But the strange thing was that the more I did this and took matters into my own hands, the more the advice began to change and shift, as if growing on its own, becoming more and more in-depth with every passing second. Eventually, the skill was even giving me advice that was actually new and worked wonders.

Thanks to this, it was no time at all before the heat had reached a high and I could feel my orgasm approaching. My fingers picked up the tempo and began to furiously rub my clit as the orgasm didn’t so much as just arrive, but hit me full force.

"Oh, yes! Fuck!" I moaned out loud with no concern about whether or not either of the house's other occupants could have heard me. In fact, I would have loved it if they had heard me. It would have been hot.

Feeling myself cum as the steaming hot water washed over my flushed, sensitive skin was too good. All I wanted to do at that moment was continue masturbating and fucking all day every day, but sadly, life had other things that needed to be done. Even after being reincarnated, I couldn’t just sit around all day touching myself, as much as I wanted to.

As such, I reached over and turned the shower taps off once I had come down from the heights of my climax. When I stepped out of the shower, I picked up one of the towels hanging from the rack nearby and began to dry myself off. As I did that, I just looked at myself in the mirror the whole entire time.

Damn, I’m sexy as hell!

Other than just looking down at myself, this was the first time that I had really seen myself in full. And even though I was dripping wet and fresh from the shower, I looked incredible. Between my long, slightly curly blonde hair, my sharp sapphire eyes, and my perky lips, I looked better than I could have ever wished. Hell, just looking at myself in the mirror was getting me all horny again. However, that horny feeling faded when a bunch of system notifications popped up.

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 3

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 4

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 5

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 6

"Woah!" I gasped.

Apparently, I had done something right during my little masturbation session in the shower, as none of my skills had ranked up quite like this during all my earlier fun. After a quick moment to think about what I did differently, I realised that this probably had something to do with my previous experience with masturbating.

Unlike kissing and cunnilingus, which I had never done before today, I had a lot of experience touching myself in a sensual, massagey sort of way. That must have been what helped the skill rank up so quickly. It was the only reasonable explanation that I could think of.

The question is, is that the limit of what my experience will help or will more masturbation continue to rank sensual massage up? I guess there’s only one way to find out.

I giggled, amused by the idea of grinding out a few skill ranks by grinding out a few orgasms, but I didn’t really have time for that. Vel would probably start to wonder what I was doing if I didn’t leave the bathroom anytime soon. Speaking of which, I was now as dried off as the towel could have gotten me, and it occurred to me only now that I didn’t actually have anything to change into.

Of course, I could have put the shirt back on that I was wearing, but it was dirty and had gotten some of the monster blood on it from being in the same laundry hamper as Damien's bloodstained clothes. That just left me with two options: tie a towel around my body or just go out naked. At this point, which of those two options I was going to choose should have been obvious. After all, I was still trying to get a certain big and burly man to fuck me.

After leaving the bathroom as naked as the day I was born, or rather reincarnated, I sauntered my way into the kitchen area, where I could hear the sounds of a father-daughter pair idly talking to each other. The confidence with which I walked my way into the room as they were getting ready for lunch was not something I would have ever been able to do back on Earth. Thankfully, my incredibly beautiful body brought with it a whole lot of confidence, confidence that I was sorely lacking in my old life.

In the kitchen, which was also a combination dining room, Vel stood at the counter in the process of cutting up meat for the sandwiches she was making. Beside her, chatting to her as she spoke, was her father, who was part way into eating one of the sandwiches that had already been made by her.

"Excuse me," I interrupted whatever it was the two of them were talking about and activated both sense gaze and fascinate as I continued. "I don’t mean to be a nuisance, but could I please borrow another shirt, Damien? I kind of got the last one a bit dirty.”

Sense Gaze has reached Rank 2

Fascinate has reached Rank 2

Fascinate has been resisted by a higher willpower

Since Damien was the one I was really, really trying to get to fuck me, he was the one I targeted with fascinate, but I should have realised that he would resist it. After all, he was at a much higher level than me and was bound to have a willpower score higher than my charm score.

Because of this, the results of my being nude weren’t as good as I had hoped. Although I could feel Vel’s eyes all over my nude, slightly damp, and glistening body, Damien's gaze was clearly focused on my face only. He had a surprising amount of self-control, that was for sure.

"Ah, fine…" Damien grumbled as he moved past me to fetch the shirt I had asked for. “But you should wash the other shirt, along with the rest of the dirty laundry after lunch.”

Even though fascinate didn’t work, my use of sense gaze hadn’t been a complete waste. And not just because the feeling of Vel ogling my tits actually felt kind of pleasant, but because I soon realised that I was feeling her gaze even though she was more than a metre away from me. According to the skill’s description, it only had 1 metre of range, so something must have changed when it ranked up, just like I hoped would happen. And if something was improved with sense gaze, maybe fascinate also improved. To make sure that this was actually the case and that I wasn’t just imagining things, I pulled up both of the skills’ descriptions to make sure.

Fascinate, Rank 2
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can cause a target to be fascinated with you and unable to look away from you. The effects of this skill can be resisted by a target with a willpower score higher than your charm score.

Range: 5 Metres
Duration: (11 + Charm Score) Seconds
Cooldown: 9 Minutes

Sense Gaze, Rank 2
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill allows you to sense whether or not any living creature within the range is looking at you and where exactly on your body they are looking.

Range: 2 Metre
Duration: (2 + Charm Score/10) Minutes
Cooldown: 29 Minutes

Interesting… Both skills had their range and duration increased by 1, and their cooldown decreased by 1. Does that mean fascinate is not going to have a cooldown at all when it reaches rank 11?

My pondering was interrupted when I felt a gentle, slender hand openly groping my breasts. When I dismissed the text boxes and looked over at the culprit, Vel just gave me a cheeky smile and a laugh. "What? You can’t expect me not to touch them when they're just jiggling about in the open like that."

Of course, I did the only reasonable thing that someone like me could do to a woman as cute and naughty as her; I kissed her.

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