My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 17 – Crafting a Very Special Toy

After our conversation on skill growth and class tags, Vel went back to work crafting various wooden items so that her father would be able to take them into town and sell them for some coin at the end of the week alongside whatever they harvested from their garden for sale. Despite being under the employ of the King of wherever it was we were, Artellan or something that sounded like that, the trading of these items, various plant goods made from their garden, and monster parts from Damien’s various hunts was how they got by day to day.

Although the family of two had plenty of food available to them from their garden and the meat of the monsters in the forest, things like bread and seasonings were harder to come by and needed to be traded for in town. Not to mention, they needed a way to source magic crystals in case the old ones, powering various devices and utilities around the house, broke or wore out. As such, Damien would apparently go into town every week or so to trade for supplies and whatever else they needed at the time.

This weekly trip of his was actually part of the reason he had let me stay for specifically a week, or at least that was what Vel suspected when I asked her about it during the day. Her father had just made a trip into town yesterday, and she had a feeling that even if he was going to kick me out, he wouldn’t have just left me to mindlessly wander the forest. More than likely, he was planning to take me back to the nearest town and drop me off there, but Vel suspected that part of the reason he actually relented to her demands was that her father was reluctant to make the trip shortly after he had already done it. Not that this would have really stopped him if I was actually a threat to his daughter. 

As the washing machine wailed at me, notifying me that it had finished its washing cycle, my brain was bouncing around everything I had just learned, trying to piece together what it all meant and how best I could use this information to improve myself with the goal of seducing Damien. While pulling out the wet but clean clothes and putting them into the dryer, I was trying my best to come up with clever ways in which I wouldn’t just be pulling my weight around the house, but actively helping them with their finances and providing a source of income. Hopefully, that would have been one way to prove myself trustworthy in his eyes.

However, other than going into town and whoring myself out, something that would defeat the purpose of staying here, even though the idea slightly intrigued me, I didn’t have any skills or talents that could be put to use with what I had around me. Back on Earth, I was a low-level office worker that dealt with a mind-numbing amount of paperwork on a day-to-day basis. None of the skills I developed in that line of work would have been helpful here.

Once the first batch of clothes was in the dryer and the second was in the washing machine, I found my way back out to Vel, who was still struggling to push her woodcraft general skill past the rank 5 bottleneck. It was as I saw her sitting there with all the raw wood around her that I remembered the naughty little idea I had earlier, the one that got pushed to the side when the young woman first mentioned bottlenecks.

Now that I had given it more thought, that naughty little idea of mine might have been one way to help earn Damien and Vel a little more money and show them that I wasn’t going to be deadweight. It would all depend on whether there was a demand for a certain kind of item in this world or if people were actually interested in them. Who was I kidding? What world wouldn’t have women interested in what I was thinking about? There was a reason that industry back on Earth was so big.

As such, I looked through the various unused sticks and bits of wood that Vel had collected around herself until I found a chunk of wood long and thick enough for what I was thinking about. While picking up the piece of wood and clearing a bit of space on the sofa beside the young elven woman so I could sit down there, the naughty little idea in my head was slowly morphing and taking a more detailed shape.

Since she was currently in the middle of making another jewellery box and trying to add details to it to make it stand out, I just patiently waited for her to be finished with it before speaking. "Hey, Vel… I was wondering if you could make something for me."

“Sure, it’s not a problem. Just don’t expect too much, I’m not very good at this.” She responded with the warm, ever-present smile that practically always adorned her lips. “What is it you wanted me to make, Eve?”

“Well…” I began, but instead of simply telling Vel what it is I wanted her to make, I had to give her a series of precise instructions, as I was sure the young elven woman wouldn’t have heard of what this was I was getting her to make. Given how secluded her life was, and how uncomfortable her father was talking about sex with her, I doubt he would have ever thought about buying his daughter one of these things if he even knew what they were himself.

Slowly, over the period of a few minutes, the object I was picturing in my head began to take shape as Vel moulded and shaped the wood to my exact specifications. Unlike my class skills, her nature shaping skill didn’t actually seem to have a cooldown. Instead, its limiting factor was how fast she could manipulate the wood, and at the low rank of 3, that speed wasn’t all that fast. For the purpose of turning sticks into wooden spoons, the skill was fast enough, but for the purpose of adding details to a complex shape, as I wanted her to, it felt way too slow.

Thankfully, though Vel was really intrigued as to what it was I was having her make and continued to diligently work on it until it was fully completed. At which point she let out a gasp. “I just ranked up both nature shaping and woodcraft! I even levelled up!” 

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Eve! This was just what I needed.” The young elven woman put down the item she had just made and gave me a big hug. 

“Think nothing of it. It was the least I could do and wasn’t entirely selfless, because I really want to try this thing out with you.” I returned her overly excited, completely platonic hug for a few seconds until she pulled away.

“With me?” She raised an eyebrow as she looked at the wooden object, where she had put it down. Even though all her hard work paid off, and she was thoroughly excited by her gains, she still had no idea what exactly it was that she made. “What is it? Is it some kind of toy or a tool?”

“In a certain manner, it could be considered a toy.” I had a very cheeky smile on my face as I reached over and picked up the wooden object as I stood up from the sofa. 

Held in my hands was a very phallic-looking object. Well, technically it didn’t just look similar in shape to a cock, but was explicitly detailed to look like one including the head and veins. Or at least one end of it looked like that, as the base of the cock thinned and smoothed out as it curved down and then back up again. At the end of that curve was a bulbous, round base.

Originally the naughty little idea that I had come up with was just to have Vel make me a dildo that I fuck myself with, but I soon came to a realisation. Why fuck myself with it, when I could fuck her with it. And thus, this creation was born, modelled after several sex toys I had seen online when I was shopping for such lewd items. However, I had never thought to buy one of these specific toys then because I never had anyone to share it with, but that was a different story now.

"It’s a strapless dildo," I explained, but it was clear that she still didn’t have any clue what that meant, which I expected.

As such, I immediately removed my shirt, pulling it up over my head so that all of my naked glory was out in the open. Vel’s eyes immediately widened as she began to openly and shamelessly ogle my tits. All it took was a simple glance at her blushing, aroused face, and it was clear that her curiosity was being overwhelmed by her growing horniness. Not that I could ever blame her, my body was really fucking sexy after all.

Both the young elven woman’s curiosity and horniness spiked as she watched as one hand went down to my pussy and started playing with my clit. By doing this so directly, I wasn’t trying to bring about a sense of anticipation and build-up in the hopes of reaching a more powerful orgasm. No, I was simply working myself up so that I would be wet enough for what was about to come. Likewise, I used my other hand to bring the bulbous end of the strapless dildo up to my mouth, where I began to suck on it.

As Vel watched me play with myself and suck on the wooden toy, her legs were clamped shut as her thighs slowly ground against each other. It was clear the young woman was extremely aroused and, if not for her lack of experience, she probably would have started to touch herself, which was something I would definitely have to correct. As it was, though, she just continued to stare with her eyes affixed to me as she grew hornier and hornier. All thoughts of chores and the task she had just been doing were long gone in favour of the irresistible sight before her.

After a few more seconds, I believed that my pussy was wet enough and the base of the toy had been coated with a fair amount of my saliva. Therefore, I brought the strapless dildo down to my pussy and spread it so that I could slowly insert it into my vagina. As I was filled up by the hard, wooden end of this toy, I couldn’t help but let out a moan. 

Even though it had only been a few hours since I had first woken up in this world and a few hours since my encounter with the angel, Bob, it had felt like a lifetime ago. Having something fill me up, something more substantial than just a pair of fingers, no matter how deft they were at playing with my pussy, felt just too good. Still, though, the bulbous end of this dildo wasn’t quite as big or shaped like a cock as I would have preferred. Being fucked by the other end would have been quite enjoyable, but it was my time to shine, my time to be the one doing the fucking.

Now, normally, you would want to be extra cautious with wooden toys because splinters in your pussy would be a nightmare, but thankfully, such concerns were unnecessary with objects made with Vel's natural shaping skill. Apparently, she was able to bind the outer surface of any wood she was working on in such a way that it made it not only much more durable but as smooth and polished as if the wood had had some kind of varnish or sealing agent applied to it.

"What do you think?" I stood there, proudly, with my hands on my hips as the fake, wooden cock idly bounced from my crotch. Of which, the flat part of the base, where it thinned and smoothed out before starting to curve down so that it could go up into and be held by the bulbous end in my pussy, was pressed up against my clits. But not so pressed against that it would uncomfortably squish my clit, merely giving it a little bit of stimulation whenever the toy was properly used.

"Ah… good… I think…" Vel responded, but she was still slightly unsure of what exactly it was. "Is that all you do with this… strapless dildo?"

I couldn’t help but laugh; she was just too cute and innocent. Even though it was all laid out in front of her, she still hadn’t put two and two together, mainly because she hadn’t actually ever seen a cock before.

"No, this is just the start." I began to explain to her. "A strapless dildo used in this manner essentially allows one woman to have sex with another woman in the manner in which a man has sex with a woman. It's basically just a fake, or artificial penis."

"Oh!" Vel’s eyes lit up as she finally understood what it was for, but then it dawned on her why I was currently naked and wearing it. "And, um… do you want to-"

"Would I like to fuck your tight, wet pussy with my new hard and thick wooden cock? Yes, what was the plan." I interrupted the young elven woman so that I could finish her sentence in a much more lewd and perverted manner than she would have ever finished it herself. "At least if you wanted to, I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to."

Vel’s eyes lowered down onto the wooden cock, where they stayed for quite a while. After a few seconds, the young woman was blushing bright red and had a big perverted grin on her face as she said."I… Um… I’d love to."

After making her opinion on what was to come clear as day, Vel stood up and began to make her way out of the living room expecting me to follow behind her, only she paused in her tracks when I asked her. "Where are you going, Vel?"

"The… umm, my bedroom?" She looked at me confused, unsure as to why exactly I had asked her what I did. From her innocent and naive perspective, it only made sense that we would go back to her bedroom, but that wasn’t what I had in mind.

To that end. I slowly walked around to the back of the sofa to where the young elven woman was. Each teasingly drawn-out step I took caused the dildo hanging from my pussy to bounce, drawing her eyes towards it and making me feel a little bit of pleasure as it brushed up against a certain pleasurable spot within me. 

"Why go to your bedroom when I can just bend you over this sofa and fuck your brains out until you're screaming out my name in the throes of passion?"

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