My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 30 – Slime Sex

As all three of us just laid there, in the centre of the old druid grove, surrounded by a field of beautiful red flowers, I was content. Between the intimacy of being curled up with Vel’s naked form and the pleasant post-sex ache in my pussy, I couldn’t have been happier. That feeling, at that moment, was the very reason I had chosen the kind of reincarnation I had. It made up for all the wasted years I spent on Earth as an experienceless virgin fantasising about all the things she didn’t have the courage to reach out and experience for herself.

This was the kind of life I wished I had back on Earth, and now I was living it. Sure, knowing that I would never see my friends and family again was sad and brought a few tears to me every time I remembered it, but I was slowly coming to terms with that fact. After all, it was not like their lives wouldn’t go on without me. They aren’t dead, they are still living their lives... Hopefully, they’re having happy ones.

As my mood slowly shifted and became much more sombre at the thought of what I had left behind, the system thought this was an appropriate time to flood me with notifications from the heated session the three of us had just engaged in.

Fascinate has reached Rank 4

Stimulate has reached Rank 3

Kissing has reached Rank 7

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 11

You have reached [Pervert], Level 7
+1 Vitality
+1 Charm
+3 Free stat points

Well, flood was a bit of an overstatement, but compared to how peaceful and tranquil the moment felt before the notifications appeared, it felt apt.

Huh, why did fascinate rank up but not sense gaze? I only ever used them at the same time. Could it be because when I used fascinate to make Vel stare into my eyes as she came, it was a more creative and effective use of the skill? Hmm, maybe…

That wasn’t the only interesting thing of note from the notifications either. Now that stimulate was rank 3 its cooldown had decreased again, meaning it could be used every two and a half minutes. Apparently, every rank of that skill reduced the cooldown by fifteen seconds, which meant that it would probably only have a cooldown of one minute when at max rank. Although that said, Vel did mention yesterday that skills become notably more powerful once they hit the rank cap, but that was a concern for another time.

Going back to the rank up messages told me that sensual massage had broken through the rank 10 bottleneck at some point. Given just how much I had been touching and fucking Vel during the past few hours, it was much harder to actually pinpoint exactly when and what did that. But once again, I had a feeling that it happened during the first encounter, when I had pressed her up against one of the stones.

It wasn’t really on purpose, more instinctually done, but I had accidentally entered a trance-like state during the heat of the moment. I still had enough say over my own actions that I wouldn't have done something I normally wouldn't have, but I was somehow more in tune with my general skills. They were guiding me, and I was learning from them more than I ever had before.

Even more so than the few times that I applied my own experience at masturbating so that sensual massage could quickly rank up, which was something that I felt was no longer possible. That skill’s rank had already surpassed my previous earthly experience.

Putting all thoughts concerning the weird trance I entered aside for another time, I moved on to the last thing to do before I dismissed the notifications, which was allocating my free stat points. Since I was already at the recommended stat scores for the 1st class evolution, that left me with a couple of choices. I could either continue investing in the stats I already had or I could broaden my stat spread.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have Damien here to ask for his opinion, and although I had Vel, whom I could ask, she wasn’t as in the know as her father. For now, I just decided to put my free stat points into charm. Since it was my primary stat, I was bound to need to put some in there later anyway, and if I wanted to broaden my stat spread, I could also do that later on since I really needed to ask Damien about it first. The last thing I wanted was to shoot myself in the leg by distributing my stats poorly. Not that I would have expected a few wayward stats to be especially bad considering all I was trying to do with them was get laid.

Once that was done, I looked over my status screen, proud of my achievements in this world so far, before turning my attention back to my companions.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 7

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 21
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 10
Charm: 34

Class Skills:
Freshen Up, Rank 3
Fascinate, Rank 4
Sense Gaze, Rank 3
Stimulate, Rank 3
Tight Fit, Rank 1

General Skills:
Cunnilingus, Rank 5
Kissing, Rank 7
Sensual Massage, Rank 11
Sex Toys, Rank 4
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 2

Blessed By An Angel

Vel was still laid out on the grass with her arms and legs spread as far as they could go. Although the young woman was clearly awake, she had her eyes closed and was content to just bask in the pleasant tranquillity of this moment. As such, I didn’t really feel like bothering her, so I turned my attention to Saph, who was slowly bouncing around the edge of the stone circle.

I wasn’t exactly sure what they were doing. For all I knew, they could have been keeping an eye out on our surroundings while Vel and I rested. From what I had been told about them, they did seem skittish enough to do something like that. Either way, I soon made my way over to them and sat down crossed-legged by one of the stone monoliths.

Before I even had an opportunity to gesture for Saph to come and take a seat on my lap, the enthusiastic little slime was already bouncing their way over to me. However, as the gelatinous blue blob came to rest on my lap, I noticed something, something that Vel had noticed much earlier than I had.

Saph’s core, floating inside their slightly opaque body, was definitely bigger now. Even bigger than when I last paid it any attention, which was at the tree they called their home. Before, it had probably been only two centimetres wide, and now it was more like three. Actually, that wasn’t the only difference, as Saph’s gelatinous blue body was also slightly bigger than before, which was much easier to notice as I could feel that they took up more space on my lap than the last time they sat there.

Huh... Saph has definitely grown larger... I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that they had sex with the two of us. Vel didn’t think slimes were perverted in nature, but she wasn’t sure and I don’t think she would even know if slimes could grow stronger this way if were actually the case, but there is definitely something unique about Saph. I’ll have to talk to Vel about this when she gets up again.

For now, though, I turned my attention fully to Saph and asked them a question that had been on my mind after they made me cum a couple of times just a little while ago. "Hey, Saph, do you feel sexual stimulation yourself? Are you just playing with us because it's fun to do or do you actually feel some sort of sexual high akin to an orgasm when you do that?"

Unfortunately, the gurgling sound that the slime made in response to my question was less than helpful. The sound Saph made was kind of in between the usual affirmative or negative responses they would give, so I just assumed it was more of a maybe, or an I don’t know.

The cog wheels in my brain were slowly turning, and after a few seconds, an idea came to me. However, before I enacted that idea, I asked them for consent first. "Can I try using one of my class skills on you, Saph? I’m not sure if it will actually work or not, but it's worth a try and it shouldn’t do anything bad to you."

Saph let out an affirmative gurgle, and I moved my hand, placing it directly on top. Once my hand was there, I immediately activated stimulate, which had plenty of time to come off cooldown since I last used it. The little blue slime’s reaction to my skill was instant.

All of a sudden, they began to shake their entire body and the outermost surface layer of their form became less firm than it once was. Both my hands and my legs, where they were resting, sunk ever so slightly into their body. I was unsure if this reaction was a good or bad one, but thankfully, as soon as the skill was done, Saph returned to normal. Well, normally in the relative sense, as they immediately jumped up out of my lap.

Although at first I thought this reaction and need to get away from me was a bad sign, that was proven to not be the case when Saph started to let out overly excited gurgling cries and was cheerfully bouncing in circles around me.

"Oh, so I guess you must have really liked that then." I mused aloud, mostly to myself, since the slime could not respond with anything more complex than a yes or no.

"What’s going on, Eve." Vel soon found her way over to me after the tranquil moment she was basking in was shattered by the slime's happy cheers.

However, the young elven woman didn’t seem to mind all that much, as she found the sight of Saph excitedly bouncing around me more than exciting enough to make up for it.

"I used my stimulate class skill on Saph, and apparently they really like it." I explained

As if to prove my point for me, Saph jumped back onto my lap, no doubt wanting another go at it. Unfortunately, though, that wasn’t in the cards at the moment. "Sorry, Saph, I still need another minute or so before the skill is ready again." I

The slime let out a disappointed gurgle but stayed in my lap, not wanting to move from where they were until they got what they wanted. Both Vel and I were also fine waiting for the few seconds left before I was able to use my skill again. And although I was stuck sitting there with the slime on my lap, the young elven woman occupied the time we spent waiting by draping herself across my shoulders and kissing my neck.

As much as I would have loved to just remain like that and savour the feel of the kisses on my neck and the petite breasts pressed up against my back, stimulate’s cooldown soon ended. As such, I once more used the skill on my slime friend.

The effect that stimulate had on Saph was much the same as last time. The gelatinous blue body of the slime momentarily shook as their surface became less rigid to my touch. However, something different did happen in that Saph pressed themselves harder and harder against my hand during the split-second simulate was active, which caused my hand to further sink into them.

When it was all said and done, this resulted in something interesting happening that I wasn’t at all expecting. That being that when Saph’s body came back under their control and the surface properly solidified again, my hand was still slightly inside of them. Unlike how the slime’s surface normally felt smooth and cold but otherwise dry, the parts of my hand that were inside of them felt like they were submerged in a viscous fluid of some sort. Apparently, a smile’s body just consisted of some kind of thick, sticky liquid surrounded by a firm but malleable surface layer.

"Are you okay, Saph? This isn’t hurting you, is it?" I asked while being extra careful not to move my hand, lest I accidentally hurt them.

Unfortunately, the little blue slime made no sounds in response to my questions. Both Vel and I waited more than a few seconds for them to respond, but eventually, the elven woman realised what was probably going on. "I don’t think Saph can vibrate their body when your hand is inside them."

"Oh, should I take it out then?" I asked her since I was completely unsure of what was going on.

"I don’t know…" Vel shrugged, but then her eyes lit up, noticing something. "Wait, no. Look at Saph’s core. They have moved it closer to your hands. Maybe they want you to try touching it."

Turning my attention back to the slime that my hand was partly inside, I did in fact notice that their core had shifted closer and closer to the tips of my fingers over time. At this point, I was still a bit unsure of what to do, but it really did seem like Saph wanted me to touch their core, so I did just that.

At first, it was just a tentative touch after the tips of my fingers slowly moved in the direction of their core, but soon my fingers were entirely gripped around the small three-centimetre wide sphere inside the slime. As I played and massaged the core in my hand it felt rather strange to the touch. It felt almost like glass, but there was a tingling feeling to the core that felt pleasant on my fingers.

I assumed that Saph also liked the feeling of my hand touching their core because the surface of their body soon became wobbly again, much like it had when I used stimulate on them. This continued on for a couple more minutes, to the point that my skill had come off its cooldown again, but I was unsure if using it again would have been the right call since their core felt incredibly fragile.

Eventually, though, there was a different kind of reaction. One that looked incredibly weird but I assumed was pleasurable for Saph as I thought it was what they were feeling was probably akin to an orgasm for them. When this happened, their body rippled and twisted in odd ways, like balloons being tied into near impossible, surreal shapes. However, once it was all said and done, Saph’s entire body suddenly deflated and spread out across the ground, during which my hand slid out of them, as dry as bone despite being submerged in their liquid insides only moments ago.

Deflated like that, they looked less like a blob and more like a puddle. However, after a few seconds, Vel and I were relieved when Saph slowly began to regain their shape and appeared unharmed by everything that happened. When the little blue slime was finally back to normal, they let out a triumphant, happy gurgle. However, that wasn’t the only thing to happen, as it was at that moment when a new kind of notification popped up before me.

You have gained a new trait.

Monster Lover
It takes a certain kind of person to not only be friendly toward monsters but to have sex with one when most would rather just rip your face off. But you are special. You are a lover of monsters, both in everyday life and under the sheets.

Because of this, monsters that you are sexually compatible with will be less likely to want to kill you. In fact, the higher your charm score, the less likely those monsters are to want to kill you and the more likely they are to want to fuck you instead.

Oh, Cool! I didn’t know I could earn more traits.

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