My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 34 – A Much Needed Rescue

”Oh, I bet you think you’re so smart.” Ander chided me as he strolled over to where I lay, exhausted and sprawled out on the grass.

While I had been just laying there, naked and covered in the three men’s cum, they had been putting their cocks back in their pants and fetching their weapons. Of which, Ander’s sword was now drawn and pointed down in my direction. Connor and Lucas also held their spear and daggers in their hands respectively, but they were much more at ease with them since I was in no way a threat to any of these men. Especially not in my current state.

“Where did that-” Ander began to speak again. No doubt he was about to demand to nowhere Vel had gone but he was interrupted before he could finish. He wasn’t just interrupted though. No, one second he was standing over me flashing his sword in my direction and the next second he was gone and Damien was standing in his place, with his axe slung over his shoulder.

At that moment in time, the events that just occurred were way too quick for me to process, but when I would recall the events later I would piece together what it was that actually occurred in that split second. You see, Damien came to my rescue at a speed greater than what my eyes could track. The only trace of him passing over me that I could feel was a brief gust of wind as he slammed shoulder first into Ander.

The force with which my knight in plaid came to my rescue was enough to break a whole bunch of bones in Ander’s body. But what was truly impressive was that the leftover momentum from Damien’s charge sent his unexpecting target flying. Ander disappeared out of view into the forest but given the sound of the impact that reverberated out once he came to a stop by colliding with a random tree, I expected that all that was left of the men was a gory mess.

“What the fuck!” Connor and Lucas exclaimed in shock as they turned their weapons to face the man who appeared out of nowhere.

Damien had a stern, angry scowl on his face, but otherwise seemed to act without effort as he reached forward and grabbed Connor’s spear just above the metal tip. With only a slight, effortless push, Damien took control of the spear away from the man wielding it and impaled the flat end of the weapon through their torse. After that, he just casually flicked that arm up and sent the spear and the man it was stuck inside a good hundred or so feet into the air.

Lucas, who had watched in horror as his companion was easily dispatched, dropped his daggers and made a run for it. However, Damien wasn’t in a merciful mood and closed the distance between them in an instant. He grabbed the young ginger-haired man by the wrist and with a swing of his arm he threw him up into the air, much like he did with the other man. Only this one was in a better state than the last and screamed all the way through the process until he finally hit the ground again several long seconds later.

Only a handful of seconds had passed in total since my big burly crush came to my rescue, probably not even five seconds truthfully. All I could do was remain where I lay, staring at Damien with my mouth agape. I knew the man was strong, after all, he did have quite a high level compared to me, but seeing how strong he was for myself was eye-opening, to say the least.

Of course, since my life was no longer in danger, it was at that moment that the system decided to show me all the notifications I had earned over the past dozen or so minutes. However, all it took was a quick thought to put the system into silent mode as it wasn’t the most opportune time to look over my notifications. After all, my mind was still wholly consumed by the impressive feat of strength that Damien had just performed in front of me like it was nothing.

He had killed three men as effortless as if he was squashing annoying bugs. Well, technically, I didn’t know for a fact that any of the men were dead, since he had thrown them away, but given the speed at which they were thrown and how high into the air they went, there was little chance they survived the fall or would survive their grievous injuries without help. The only way they could have survived was if they were at a high enough level, but then Damien wouldn’t have disposed of them so easily if they were.


As violent and dangerous as this whole situation was, after seeing the big burly man deal with them so deftly and without even working up a single drop of sweat, a part of me was truly amazed. Another part of me was also quite aroused, but I didn’t want to indulge in that part. Being aroused at a display of strength was one thing, but getting aroused from watching someone kill a bunch of guys was not something I wanted to foster.

“Are you okay, Evelyn? They didn’t hurt you too badly did they?” Damien said as he knelt beside me.

The anger that was in his eyes only moments ago was now replaced with concern and a little hint of disgust. However, it didn’t feel like he was disgusted at me, but rather himself. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but I had a feeling he was already blaming himself for this.

“I’m alright, they didn’t do anything I didn’t want them to do. I was just letting them fuck me to distract them so that Vel could get away safely.” I  tried to reassure him that I was fine and nothing bad happen. All the while I began to use freshen up on myself, cleaning up the mess the three men had made of me. Damien didn’t seem too fussed to see me like this, but I didn’t want the man to keep seeing this side of me if he didn’t have to.

“Thank you, Evelyn.” Damien started straight at me with a seriousness I had only ever felt from him once before when he had uncovered my lie and confronted me about it. “Even after I treated you coldly and accosted you yesterday, you stilling willing put yourself in danger so that Velyna would be safe. I owe you a debt that I can never repay.”

“Geez, there’s no need to get like that.” I playfully nudged him, but given how muscular and strong he was it was like nudging a brick wall. “Vel’s a friend… Well, actually she’s my girlfriend now. But that’s beside the point. 

Damien's eyes widen in surprise when I mentioned that his daughter had become my girlfriend, but he otherwise didn’t react, allowing me to continue the point I was trying to make.

"Look, what I’m trying to say is, don’t beat yourself up about this. I did what I did because I choose to. Because I wanted to protect Vel. You don’t owe me anything for it and neither does she because friends do what they can for each other without expecting anything in return.”

“Still, I should have-” He tried to counter my point but I cut him off.

“You should have done what? Killed a bunch of men before you knew if they were actually a threat or not. Or should you have kept Vel further confined, not letting her leave the log cabin?” Although my tone was a bit harsh, it was exactly the kind of thing he needed to hear.

Damien opened his mouth to speak again, but no words come out. He had the look of a scolded puppy to him, which given his immense strength and bulk was quite amusing. It was clear he had a lot to think about on this matter, but any more talk about it with me was futile, so instead, he just turned back to make sure I was okay.

“Are you sure, you’re okay? I can heal most minor wounds, so if they did hurt you it will be alright.” Damien offered once more, as he put a hand on my arm, something that he was only willing to do at this point as I had just finished cleaning up the mess that was made of me. 

I was now as clean and fresh as the day I was reincarnated. There wasn’t even a single drop of cum anywhere on or in me. Well, not in my ass or pussy, as there was definitely still cum in my stomach. I did swallow quite a lot after all.

“I’m fine, I promise. There’s no need to worry about me because my blessed by an angel trait actually makes it impossible for lasting harm to be done to me during sex and it heals any minor damage after the fact.” I explained, figuring that since he already knew about my greatest secrets that sharing this with him wouldn’t be that noteworthy in comparison.

However, his reaction proved otherwise. “What! Why didn’t… This whole… AHH!” The man stutters and stammers before letting out his pent-up frustration in the form of a howl echoing out into the forest.

It was clear something about this annoyed him, but his annoyance was more directed at himself than me. When he was done and had worked out his anger, he turned back to me and sighed. “I should probably get you back to Velyna sooner rather than later. She’s probably worried sick about you.”

“Are you really not going to tell me what that was all about just then?” I shouted back at him. Really, how could he expect to react like that and not tell me what it was all about?

“It doesn’t matter, but I'll tell you later once I have a chance to think over a few things. These past two days have been eye-opening… For now, though I need to get you back home and go out, checking the rest of the forest for more of these people.”

As I stood up and fetched my borrowed shirt, from where I had dropped it, I gave Damien a stern look, as if to say he damn well better tell me about this later. Once I was dressed, which was an easier enough process since the only clothing I had was an overside shirt of his, I remember something that was said toward the start of this whole fiasco and assumed he would probably want to know about it.

“I don’t know if you know anything about this, but the men mentioned something about a place called the Crossroad. They wanted to know what we knew about it and from the sounds of things it sounded like they were looking for it.”

As soon as I said the word “Crossroad” Damiens's jaw tensed. For as strong as he was, Damien was not good at hiding his thoughts, which he realised I had picked up on after giving him another stern look. 

“Yes… I know where and what the Crossroad is, but that’s not something you should tell another soul about. You shouldn’t even mention the Crossroad in passing. I’ll explain more later about it as well. There’s a lot I need to think over first.” Damien was hesitant to say even this much, but once he had said this he quickly moved on to the task at hand. “It will be quicker if I carry you back home. Princess carry, or piggy-pack carry?”

“Oh, um… Princess.” I responded after a second or two, having not at all expected him to change the topic so quickly.

After that, Damien wasted no time hoisting me into his arms and although it felt nice to be held by such big, strong arms the speed at which he did so was a little jarring. However, once I was held there, in his arms, I couldn’t help but feel all safe and secure. It wasn’t only my heart that was fluttering from this kind of attention, but my pussy too. However, my growing arousal was most likely coming from the fact that his hands were accidentally brushing up against my breasts.

Of course, Damien also noticed the slip of the hand and readjusted himself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s alright. You can do whatever you want to my body. Fuck me, grope me, spank me, you have my consent to have your way with me.” I teasingly offered myself to him, much like I had been since the day I meet him.

Given how hesitant the man had been to my advances so far, what I wasn’t at all expecting was for him to actually take me up on my offer. Not that he intended to have his way with me right then and there on the forest floor, but he did readjust his hand again. This time, however, he wasn’t just lightly brushing his fingers against my breast, but fully cupping my breast as he held in a princess carry.

“That’s better.” I grinned from ear to ear.

It looks like his finally giving in to my charms. Sooner or later, your cock will be mine, Damien.

Without another word needing to be said between us, Damien pushed off, taking a single step that spanned over twenty metres in the blink of an eye.

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