My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 37 – Getting Distracted

As soon as the two of us were in her bedroom, Vel and I wasted no time pulling out and looking over the contents of the backpack, which actually looked like quite a lot of stuff when it was all pulled out. Obviously, most of what the backpack contained was extra sets of clothing that the original owner brought with them on their journeys before they had an untimely run-in with Damien.

For the most part, the clothes contained within the backpack were in good condition, if a little worn and faded from extended wear and tear. Although most of the pieces of clothing looked relatively fresh, I still planned to give them a wash or at least a pass with my freshen up skill before actually wearing them. But for the most part, I was more than a little enthusiastic about finally having proper clothes to wear.

That said, a good chunk of the clothing wasn’t to my liking. A lot of what was inside the backpack had a heavy leather and very tomboyish look to it, not my normal style in the least. Normally I actually had a very feminine style and wore lots of skirts and dresses.  Still, there were plenty of pants, shirts, and panties that looked like they would just about fit me and do fine for the time being. Of course, they wouldn’t fit perfectly, but they would still be a relatively comfortable fit.

Just like Damien had said earlier, the woman who originally owned this backpack didn’t at all come close to me in the chest department. As such, her shirts looked like they would be a little tight on me and there was no way in hell her bras would fit me, so I would still be going around braless, but I had coped so far and would continue to. As long as I didn’t do anything strenuous like running around, then it probably wouldn’t have been an issue. As fun as my tits were they could be a bit of a nuisance like that. At least I didn’t have to worry about getting a sore back or having them sag over time. At least not if the people in charge of my reincarnation had been thorough in giving me what I requested, which they had been so far for everything else.

Clothes weren’t the only thing in the backpack either, as even though they took up the majority of the space, the clothing didn’t account for even a third of the weight. No, the majority of the backpack’s weight came from various camping supplies tucked into side pouches and hanging from the backpack itself, like a bedroll, pots, pans, a few rations, and even a knife. 

There were even a handful of thick strips of cotton tucked in one side pouch, which I quickly realised were this world's version of reusable menstrual pads. Vel actually had a handful of similar items hidden away in the bathroom as well, which I wasn’t aware of until it came up after discovering these ones. Thankfully though, the original owner of the backpack wasn’t a messy kind of person and all of the pads appeared relatively clean and got spotlessly clean after a pass with freshen up.

As Vel and I went over this stuff, it became clear that Damien hadn’t given the backpack a good look over before he gave it to us. He probably just opened it up to make sure it belonged to the woman who had a similar build to me before taking it with him. As such, we made some rather interesting finds as the backpack got emptier and emptier.

The first of which was a small red silk pouch that contained within it a single silver coin. The coin’s metallic surface was pristine and sparkling, like not even a speck of dirt or grime had ever touched it. What was more impressive was the intricate engravings on its sides, which reminded me of computer circuitry, only a whole lot more elaborate and fancy.

"Do you know what this coin is? Why was it kept in a pouch by itself?" I asked as I brought the coin over to my young elven friend for her to inspect.

"I don’t know," Vel answered as she rotated the coin this way and that in her hands. "I’ve never seen a coin like this before, but Dad handles our finances, so that’s not all that strange… Maybe it’s valuable…

A smile stretched across the young elven woman’s lips as she slipped the coin back into its silk pouch, got up from the bed, and stowed the pouch in her bedside drawer. "Well, whatever it is and whatever it’s worth, it’s ours now." She let our maniacal laugh, and I couldn’t help but join in with a slight giggle of my own.

After I handed Vel the coin to inspect, I went back to pulling out the contents of the backpack, which we were getting close to the end of. In fact, after only a few more items, there was only one thing left inside the backpack, and that was another pouch. However, this one was larger and made from coarse black cotton.

Inside the black pouch were several smaller things, including a couple of makeup palettes, a tin containing some potent-smelling leaves, a half-filled vial of some clear viscous fluid and two sets of skimpy black lace lingerie. I didn’t even waste a second before snatching up one of the lace panties and running freshen up over it.

Although the bra part of the lingerie sets was way too small for me, that didn’t stop me from sliding the panties on as soon as they were as clean as the day they were made. The lace panties were a snug fit, but they were comfortable enough. That said, comfort wasn’t really a top priority when wearing this kind of clothing. All that mattered was that they made me look sexy as hell, which I already did, but now I was even sexier.

Now, these are my kind of clothes! I laughed to myself as I pulled up the oversize shirt I burrowed from Damien, which I had yet to replace with more form-fitting stuff from the backpack, flashing Vel a glimpse of my new lace panties in the process.

"So what do you think? Do my new panties look good on me?" I playfully teased the young elven woman. I even went as far as wagging my ass in her direction, showing off the fact that the back side of these panties was nothing more than a thin piece of string helplessly caught between my supple butt cheeks.

"You do…" Vel gently nibbled on her lip, her eyes affixed to the lace panties barely covering my pussy. "But… I think you look much better without any panties on… or any clothes for that matter."

"Oh, is that so?" I teased her further as I reached down and slowly stripped myself until I was completely naked.

Although I just tossed the borrowed shirt haphazardly to the side, without a care in the world, the removal of my new panties was much more methodical. After slowly and teasingly pulling them down and off, I then flung them over to my girlfriend, at which point she was made aware that the crotch of said panties was a little stained from my arousal.

"Is this better?" I asked as I shook my chest ever so slightly, which made my amble breasts giggle quite a bit.

"Ahuh…" Vel mumbled her answer as she just stared slack-jawed at my tits.

While the young elven woman ogled me to her heart’s content, I continued looking over the last of the items. Not including a spare set of lace lingerie, there were only three items left from the pouch. The make-up didn’t really interest me since I didn’t at all need it, but Vel might have been interested in experimenting with it. Not that she really needed it either, but I hadn’t ever seen her put on any make-up or even own any, so I thought she might like to learn how to put it on, just in case she ever wanted to.

The next thing to pique my interest was the tin of potent-smelling leaves. Personally, I had never indulged in recreational substance use, not because of any moral or personal opposition, but because I had been too busy with work and never really had an opportunity to do such things in my past life, but I assumed that this stuff was for that kind of thing. That said, I had no idea if my assumption was correct or even if these leaves were safe to use, but luckily I had a handy druid to ask.

"Do you know what these do, Vel?" I asked as I passed her the tin.

"Oh… I ah…" It took Vel a couple of seconds to pry her eyes away from my tits to the tin I was passing over to her, but once she got a good look at the leaves inside, it only took her a split second to identify what they were. "This is moonleaf grass, a fairly common weed. We don’t grow it ourselves or even pick any that grows in the forest because it’s not that useful."

"What does it do though? Why would a mercenary pretending to be a bandit have it hidden away at the bottom of their backpack." 

"Oh, umm… From what I can remember, I think Dad said that it stops animals who eat it from entering heat and breeding. Though, I’m not sure why they would have had it."

As soon as Vel said this, it all clicked into place, and I couldn’t help but laugh. It might not have been what I was hoping for, but this was an interesting find even though I didn’t really have any need for it myself.

Of course, the confused young woman just gave me a curious look until I explained myself. "I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing it works on people too. It probably stops people from getting knocked up."

"OH!" Vel gasped and her eyes lit up in realisation as if a light switch had been flicked inside her head.

This discovery shed new light on what the purpose of this hidden black pouch was for. Between the lingerie, make-up, and what was essentially a contraceptive, the pouch was definitely the original owner's stash of sex stuff. This meant that the last item, a half-filled vial of some thick, viscous fluid, could only really be one thing.

To see if my guess was correct, I uncorked the vial and poured a small drop of the stuff onto my fingers. The fluid was slippery and smooth as I rubbed it between my fingers, just as I expected it to be. It even smelled and tasted just as neutral and unassuming as I expected. This is definitely lube.

As soon as I came to that realisation I turned to my girlfriend with a perverted grin stretched across my lips. "Hey, Vel, how would you feel about helping me get my sex toys skill up to rank 5?"

"Right now? What about Dad? He’s waiting for us to come out soon." Vel asked, but the smile on her face told me what she really thought of my idea.

"I’m sure he won’t mind waiting a little longer." I responded as I slithered my way over to her, where she was sitting on the side of the bed.

As I crawled up to Vel and began to gently kiss her neck, trailing up and up, towards her lips, it didn’t take much convincing to get the young elven woman on board with my idea. "How could I ever say no to you." She purred excitedly before meeting my lips with her own.

My hands moved up Vel’s legs, caressing their way up her thighs and the slender curve of her body as I pulled her dress up over the top of her head and tossed it aside. Once she was left wearing only a pair of panties, I didn’t immediately move to rid her of that last piece of clothing. Instead, we just continued to kiss and touch each other for some time more.

However, when it finally came time for my hands to roam back down to her panties, I still didn’t make a move to remove them. No, I simply touched her through the panties, letting her get nice and worked up, so that they would get wetter and wetter with her excitement.

When that was the case, Vel and my lips finally parted from one another, but my lips didn’t travel very far. They merely moved over to her ears, where, after a little lovely kiss, I whispered. "I want you on the bed. On your hands and knees with your butt sticking up in the air."

Vel just gave me a meek, yet extremely horny look before she rushed over to do as I wished. While she was doing that, I moved over to the bedside table where we had been storing the stash of sex toys that were made yesterday. As I retrieved the tools of my trade, I cursed myself for not being more prepared.

The anal beads and butt plugs that Vel had made yesterday were stored away in the shed with the rest of the stuff Damien was going to sell on his next trip into town. Like an idiot, I hadn’t stashed any of the anal toys away here for us to use, thinking that we wouldn’t have any need for them since we had no lube to use them with.

Although I technically could have gone out there right then and fetched some of those toys, it would have definitely killed the mood. Not that it would have been all that hard to get back to where we were, but I was too horny to pry myself away from Vel now. As such, we would have to make do with a couple of dildos. They wouldn’t be as good as anal beads for what I wanted to do, but they would still be pleasurable.

With a wooden dildo in each hand, I soon returned to Vel on the bed, but not before making sure that the vial of lube was within reach. Once I was on the bed with my sexy, young elven girlfriend, I wasted no time positioning myself between her legs and behind her. She had gotten into the exact position I wanted her in as if she was about to be taken in the doggystyle position, but what I was going to do to her wasn’t going to be as simple as that.

I started out by trailing my hands up her legs, getting closer and closer to her panty-covered butt. As my hands groped and massaged her slender yet supple butt I allowed my skill-imparted knowledge to flow through me, particularly the knowledge given to me by my sensual massage and sex toys skills. I could feel the trance-like state washing over me like it had that one time before, and I embraced it with my whole being, not hesitating to let it guide my actions for even a second.

As such, I soon found myself reaching for Vel’s pussy, massaging her clit through the damp fabric of her panties. When the young elven woman was moaning and gasping up quite a storm, then and only then did I slide her panties down. Not all the way down, though, just halfway down her thighs.

With her dripping wet pussy and tight puckered asshole revealed to me in full, I wasted no time getting to work. Although I planned to give both her pussy and ass a fair bit of attention, her pussy was the first in line to experience a world of pleasure. To that end, my fingers slid into her, massaging and teasing the insides of her eager, tight vagina. Of course, I didn’t forget about the all-important clitoris, which was paid plenty of attention to even as I replaced my fingers inside of her with the thicker of the two dildos that I had retrieved from the bedside drawer.

"Gods above, you’re so good at that!" Vel moaned as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Even though it had only been a short few minutes, she was already near an orgasm, one which I soon sent her over the edge of with a quick application of my stimulate skill. However, that said, it wasn’t an all that strong orgasm, just a short and sweet one giving her a taste of what was to come. As such, as soon as her orgasm had begun, it soon faded away again.

The whole time that Vel had been cumming on the dildo that I was pushing deep into her squelching pussy, I hadn’t let up in my efforts to bring her pleasure, driving her further and further along to the next orgasm that awaited her. One, that wouldn’t just happen from her pussy being stimulated.

As such, I brought my finger up to her tight little asshole and activated freshen up as I circled it. "My ass too!" Vel exclaimed, not at all expecting this despite the fact she clearly saw me retrieve two dildos from her bedside table.

"I don’t have to if you don’t want to, baby. But I think having both your ass and pussy fucked at the same time would be something you would absolutely love." I paused, making sure I had consent to do this first before continuing even though I was pretty sure she would be okay with doing what I wanted.

That said, I hadn’t paused all my efforts, just those directed at her ass, as the dildo in her pussy was still pounding away and causing more than a few moans to slip from her lips as she tried her best to respond to me. "Yes, please. Fuck my ass! Do whatever you want to me, just please, call me baby again."

"If that’s what you want, baby." I playfully teased her, something she seemed to utterly adore, which of course meant that I would be calling her that a lot more from then on.

Looks like someone just discovered their pet name. But I can’t help but wonder if her wanting to be called baby is indicative of her mommy issues.

From there, I wasted no time reaching out and grabbing the vial of lube from where I left it. After pouring a few drops on my fingers and Vel’s asshole, I slowly began to play with her butt and ease a finger into her. Since anal play wasn’t always the cleanliest thing, I kept freshen up activated the whole time.

That skill was rather handy in how it worked, as what it cleaned and didn’t clean changed depending on what I was doing. Somehow the skill seemed to know what should be where and what shouldn't be, as it would clean up pussy juices leaking out of a pussy but not completely dry up a vagina. Likewise, it would clean up the lube after anal play but not the lube being spread around in preparation for such an act.

Because of this, I was able to get Vel’s ass nice and slippery after just a few minutes. Not to mention, ease her asshole into accepting a second finger so that the thickness of the dildo won’t be too startling. In fact, when it was time to move on from my fingers and slide that thick, hard dildo into her ass, the young elven woman only felt pleasure from the act.

"Oh… Gods… That feels so… Good…" Vel’s mind was practically melting as I began to fuck both her ass and pussy with dildos. “So... Full…”

Guided by my skills, I went to town on her, driving her to achieve not just one more orgasm but another after that. Her pussy had become such a drooling mess under the endless assault of pleasure that I was causing that the panties hanging from her thighs had become completely drenched. Even the bedding under her was getting rather damp from her dripping arousal.

Although I was content to keep going and drive the young elven woman to orgasm after orgasm until she couldn't even string a simple thought together, the fact that we had someone waiting on us to finish up drove me to put a quick end to things.

Soon after Vel’s third orgasm, I finally slid the dildos out of both of her thoroughly fucked holes. As soon as it was clear we were done, Vel collapsed on a heap on the bed, panting up a storm as she struggled to catch her breath from what I had just done to her.

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