My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 42 – A Slight Break In Between Rounds of Sex

Completely naked and extremely sweaty from our rather strenuous activities, Damien and I just lay there on the bed for more than a few moments as we caught our breaths. Eventually, when I had recovered enough to freely move about again, I repositioned myself so that I was cuddling up against the big burly man, who welcomed the embrace and slid an arm around me as he pulled me closer to him.

As fun as sex was, and it was really, really fun, there was just something about the intimacy of feeling your bare skin brush up against your partner after the deed was done that I could not get enough of. It sure didn’t hurt that said partner on this occasion had an incredibly attractive body, one which I immediately began to explore and trace the muscular curves of with my fingers. Soon enough, he was even doing something similar to me, although his fingers were mostly just focused on my ample breasts, whereas mine wandered to a variety of places.

One such place was Damien’s face, or more specifically, the scar that ran down from above his left eye down over his cheek. Surprisingly, that scar was actually the only one he had, as the rest of his body was the unmarred, perfectly muscular form of an adonis of a man.

"How did you get this scar?" I asked as my fingers traced the line the scar drew across his face.

"That scar was left behind after I fought and destroyed the monster that killed my father, a high-tier undead monster known as a reaper," Damien explained, but despite the seriousness of what he was talking about, he didn’t stop playing with my tits for a second. "I could have easily paid a healer to remove it, but I wanted it to remain as a reminder of how dangerous the people seeking the keys really are."

"The keys?" I raised an eyebrow, unsure of how they fit into this.

"Before Kehlana and I knew what her amulet really was, we asked my father to look into it for us. He must have drawn the attention of someone dangerous because a few days later, a reaper snuck into our family estate. Although my father was a knight by trade, he never quite managed to reach tier 3 like I recently had at the time, and the reaper managed to kill him before I could get there. Shortly after that was when Kehlana and I decided to come out here, thinking it would be the safest place to raise our baby."

"..." I opened my mouth, but no words could come out. I knew I should probably say something, but I wasn’t sure what. In my past life, I was relatively lucky in that I hadn’t experienced the deaths of any close relatives or friends, nor had I needed to console any that had. 

"Ah, shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to bring down the mood." Damien needlessly apologised. After all, I was the one who asked and it was his father who died. He had nothing to apologise for. 

"So, I’ve been thinking about how best to help you train and get stronger." He quickly added on, trying his best to change the subject away from that sombre topic.

"Oh, I bet you have." I teased as I brought a hand to my chest, where one of his own was still idly groping and playing with my breasts.

After a slight chuckle, Damien quickly continued on. "For the most part, having sex and lots of it will likely be the quickest way for you to rank up your skills. However, the key to seeing real improvement is variety. You can see the best growth for your skills by trying different things and mixing things up in any training regiment, not just for these kinds of sexual things."

I figured as much, but it was nice to have someone confirm it for me.

"That said, there are some skills that I’m not going to be able to help you with. Cunnilingus and sex toys, for instance, you will either need to do it on your own or with the help of Velyna." Damien stiffed up, mentioning his daughter. Although he was fine with our relationship, talking about us in relation to sexual things was a little uncomfortable for him still.

Oh, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind ‘helping’ me. I thought to myself but didn’t voice the thought since I didn’t want to make Damien feel any more uncomfortable.

"Additionally, there are other areas in which I could help train you, such as defending yourself and building up your stamina. Although you don’t have general skills for any of that, which is something you should consider investing in when you evolve your class next, it wouldn’t hurt to know those kinds of things even if you never actually got the skills for them. But that’s something that can wait for the morning as I would most likely train in those regards alongside Velyna. That is only if you are interested in it?" 

“I am, but as you said, that can wait until the morning because I'm interested in something else right now," I responded, teasingly working my hand down to the man's crotch as I did so. Once there, I quickly discovered a reenergized cock that I immediately began to stroke and play with, just as attentive as the man it belonged to was playing with my tits.

"Oh, are you up for another round already, Eve?" Damien’s eyes rose in surprise, but he didn’t stop touching me in the slightest. In fact, his other hand joined in the touching and slowly worked its way down to my cum-leaking pussy. "Usually women need quite a bit of time to recover from my strength when I really get into it. Your trait is really something special."

"My trait is not the only special thing about me." I seductively whispered as my hand on his cock began to speed up.

"No, no it’s not." Damien let out a partial moan as I put all the knowledge my rank 14 sensual massage skill gave me to work. "It’s a shame we don’t have any lube. I really want to know how tight your ass will be after fucking that tight as hell pussy of yours. If I had known I was going to have such a sexy, eager to fuck house guest I would have stocked up on lube during my last trip into town."

"Oh, you want to fuck my ass, do you? But what about that not being an optimal use of our time if I want to train my skills? After all, I don’t have an anal sex general skill, just vaginal intercourse." I teased him, calling back to what he had said when I started to give him a blowjob.

"Well, not everything has to be about improving your skills, and maybe I just really want to fuck your ass." Damien teased back, echoing the words I had also said back to him then.

"You’re in luck then, because there was actually a small vial of lube in that backpack you gave me."

As much as I could have suggested just using my plentiful pussy juices as lube as I had done during the gangbang earlier in the day, we probably needed the lube because of how big Damien was. Even then, pussy juices weren’t the best lube for anal sex and were only really good in a pinch as they would dry out much quicker than the proper lube meant for such activities would.

 "Really?" Damien’s eyes lit up upon hearing this. "That is lucky."

"I’ll go quickly grab it," I said as I reluctantly pulled myself away from his embrace and playful hands. As I sat up on the edge of the bed, I reached over and grabbed my panties from where they had been haphazardly discarded. However, I didn’t put them back on. Instead, I tossed them over to the man and said, "Here, give this a good sniff, and keep yourself nice and hard for my return."

Damien eagerly did as I suggested as I got up and sauntered my way out of the bedroom, completely naked. I even gave him a little wiggle of my butt as I left, and I didn’t need to have my sense gaze skill active to know where he was looking.

Once out of his bedroom, I quickly navigated my way to Vel’s bedroom. However, when I began to rummage around in the backpack and her bedside drawer, I was unable to find the vial of lube. I was sure that we left it here when the two of us went to meet with Damien in the kitchen, but it was no longer there. It wasn’t too big of a deal though, because even if I didn’t know where it was, Vel would.

As such, I quickly made my way out of the small log cabin in search of the young elven woman, not at all caring about the fact I was completely naked and even had a little bit of cum leaking down my thighs. It was an easy task to find Vel as she knelt in the garden tending to various plants without a speck of dirt adorning her or the dress she was wearing.

"Oh, are you and Dad already done? That was quick." Vel grinned as she stood up from the garden, her eyes clearly fixed on my chest as my breasts slightly giggled with every movement.

"Not yet. I just came out because I was just wondering if you knew where that vial of lube went. Your father wanted to fuck my ass." I responded, not at all hesitating for a moment to be this open with the young woman.

Unlike her father, Vel had absolutely no problem hearing about that kind of thing and didn’t even react to what I had said other than by pulling out the vial I was looking for from one of the folds in her dress.

My eyebrows rose as I took the vial from her hands. I wasn’t expecting her to actually have the vial on her because I was fairly sure it was left in her bedroom, which meant she would have had to sneak back inside to get it while her father and I were going at it. Damien would not have been at all thrilled if that were the case, but it wasn’t like either Vel or I was going to tell him.

The other interesting thing this brought up was why she had retrieved the vial, and it was because of this that I asked. "Were you having some fun on your own out here?"

"Some," Vel answered as she turned around and lifted the back of her dress up, flashing her petite, slender butt at me. A butt that very clearly had one of the wooden butt plugs she made yesterday in it. "After you used that dildo on my ass earlier, I remembered these toys you had me make and how you said they were used. So while you were having some fun with Dad, I couldn’t help getting intrigued and wanting to try them out for myself."

A perverted grin stretched across my face from ear to ear as I said. "Is that all you did, Baby? Did you just try out the butt plug?"

"I may have also fingered myself a bit…" Vel sheepishly grinned back at me.

"Someone is a rather naughty girl." I laughed as I reluctantly pulled myself away and headed back inside. As much as that short and sweet exchange with her had really turned me on and made me want to have a little fun with her, there was a man sniffing my panties and waiting for me to return.

Still, that didn’t stop me from turning back at the door to the cabin and giving her a parting promise. "I’ll have to make sure to thoroughly punish you for being such a naughty girl later. Or should I rewards you…" 

With the vial of lube in hand, I headed straight back to Damien’s bedroom, only to have an idea pop into my head before opening the doors. As such, I made one last stop back in Vel’s bedroom to collect a dildo, which I planned to fuck my pussy with while I was getting my ass fucked. Just because my ass was going to receive a lot of attention didn’t mean my pussy had to miss out. Not to mention that this would also help train a couple of my skills at the same time.

To my delight, Damien was doing exactly as I had asked when I returned. The big burly man was laid out on the bed where I had left him, stoking his cock in his hand as he sniffed my used panties.

"Are you ready to fuck my ass, big boy!" I grinned as I stood there in the doorway with a vial of lube and a wooden dildo in hand.

This is going to be a whole lot of fun.

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