My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 44 – Thinking of the Future

After a few silent moments of lying in the man’s arms as I stared at my status screen, I spoke up in hopes of getting his opinion on how I should proceed. "I’ve been thinking about how I should allocate my free stat points to get ahead for my 2nd class evolution, but I’m unsure which stat I should invest in as a tertiary one. Do you have any advice on which would be useful for this line of work?"

"Hmm…" Damien took a moment to think before answering. "Agility or willpower would probably be your best bet. Agility could help you move around with speed and grace so that you and your hands would have an easier time being where they needed to be at the exact right moment in time. Willpower, however, could not only help you remain focused on pleasuring your partner amid various other distractions, but it would also serve to help you resist other people’s charm effects.

After hearing what he had to say, it was my turn to take a moment to think. In the end, I decided that investing stat points into willpower seemed more important to me. Although being able to cum over and over again without it hindering my efforts to fuck someone sounded fun as hell, the real reason I found it a better prospect was because of the resistance it offered to charm effects.

Such an effect didn’t just apply to skills like my fascinate, but to the inherent effects that having a high charm score had on those around them. I’m sure many men and women working in a brothel had high charm scores, probably even much higher than mine given my low level, and the last thing I would want was to get distracted by them when trying to pay attention to a prospective client. If that was indeed the career path I ended up going down, which at this point seemed like it would be the case. 

As such, I put all 3 of my free stat points into willpower. After I confirmed my stat allocation, I then gave my status screen a good look over as I went over my numbers and just how they had been growing. Given everything I recently learned, I felt a sense of pride over just how fast I was growing in level and skill ranks.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 10

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 26
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 13
Charm: 41

Class Skills:
Freshen Up, Rank 4
Fascinate, Rank 5
Sense Gaze, Rank 4
Stimulate, Rank 5
Tight Fit, Rank 4

General Skills:
Cunnilingus, Rank 5
Kissing, Rank 8
Sensual Massage, Rank 14
Sex Toys, Rank 8
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 6

Blessed By An Angel
Monster Lover

Of course, some of my skills were falling behind others. Although all my class skills were close to rank 5, the rank that Damien recommended they be at when I underwent my 1st class evolution, not all of my general skills were that close. Sensual massage was way beyond the recommended rank 10, while kissing and sex toys were close enough that it would be easy enough to achieve.

However, cunnilingus and vaginal intercourse were lagging behind. Vaginal intercourse lagging behind was understandable given that I had only recently begun to rank it up now that I had reliable access to a cock for me to fuck. Cunnilingus, though, was an even lower rank than it, and I hadn’t even gotten it past the first bottleneck.

I definitely need to spend some time tonight grinding that skill with Vel. I thought to myself as a perverted grin stretched across my lips.

Eventually, my eyes drifted back up to my stat scores. Given that my stats were already higher than they should have been at my level because of my uncommon tier 0 class and the fact that this was most likely going to continue if I did achieve my goal of getting a rare tier 1 class, sooner or later I would need to start thinking about my build beyond even the 2nd class evolutions. I might have been getting ahead of myself, but nonetheless, I voiced that question to the man laying in bed with me.

"You’re still a ways off from your 3rd class evolution and tier 3, Eve, but I can see where you're coming from. It’s important to know about those kinds of things, especially for someone levelling up as fast as you." Damien chuckled before going on to explain what he knew. "Sadly though, there is not really a recommended stat distribution for the 3rd class evolution. Some people think it's better to stay specialised and continue to only invest in your main three stats, while others, like me, diversify their stats and shore up their weak points by investing a little in all the other stats."

"No one knows for sure what the best stat allocation is for reaching tier 3 like they do the other tiers, mainly because relatively few people actually ever reach that level. The levelling potential of your average person tends to cap their level out somewhere in the late forties and early fifties. At which point it's not impossible for them to gain levels, but it takes decades to see any noticeable growth."

"What you need to remember, Eve, is that people like you and me, especially you, are abnormalities in this world. Few people have the potential to rise as quickly and get as strong as we can. Sorry, that I couldn’t be more helpful."

"It’s fine," I giggled as I snuggled up to the man, basking in the secure feeling of his broad muscles all around me. "Everything you have done for me these past few days has been more than a little helpful already."

After a few more intimate and peaceful moments snuggled up to each other like that, it was finally time for us to pry ourselves apart. Since I was content to practically lay there like that for the rest of my life, Damien was the one to initiate it. "We should probably get dressed and head back out so that Vel can get started on dinner soon and get some more experience in her cooking skill. Would you mind giving the bed a quick clean with that freshen up skill of yours? Any little bit of experience towards the next rank up helps."

"Sure." I chimed as I began to move about the bed, running my hands across the sheets.

Technically, I didn’t need to use my hands to activate the skill like that, as it could be used anywhere, from part of me that was touching something else, but it was just easy to use my hands. Still, though, it probably looked a bit weird to watch me run my hands up and down the bed sheets, dissolving and cleansing away more and more of the various sexual stains with every pass of my hands.

At least, I thought it would look weird. As it turned out, though, I bent over in just the right way to accidentally give Damien a prime view of my butt as he was trying to get dressed. Considering that I had yet to use freshen up on myself and because of that, both my asshole and pussy were still a rather lewd mess, one which the big, burly man could not resist once he laid eyes on.

Because of this, I felt the bed shift as Damien crawled his way back on top of it. However, I didn’t need to ask what he was up to or turn to look at him as I soon felt his thick, hard cock push back into my pussy. I hadn’t at all been expecting this as it came out of nowhere, but not only was I still incredibly wet and lubricated from our earlier fun, I was pretty much up for anything. Hell, earlier in the day I had literally told the man that he could push me down and fuck me whenever he wanted. Just like Vel, I had a pretty open policy with him. Neither of them had to ask for consent to do whatever it is they wanted to do to me. I was always up for more sex and the spontaneity of letting them do me whenever they wanted only made it more fun.

"What about heading back out so that Vel can get started on dinner?" I playfully asked, more so teasing him about what he just said rather than actually wanting to put the fun to a stop.

"Dinner can wait a little longer." Damien chuckled, as he thrust into me again and again.

So much force was behind his thrust now that the bed was creaking under the strain. However, the amount of force being put on display was only driving me wilder and wilder with pleasure, to the point that I was bucking my hips back in rhythm with each of his thrusts so that they would hit that little bit harder.

My inability to receive lasting damage during sex was a strange thing. I could be spanked and feel a bit of pain so long as no damage was actually done to me, but if someone was to, for instance, thrust into me with such strength that they should be bruising or breaking my bones, then not only did none of that bruising or breaking of bones happen, but I wouldn’t feel any of the pain that should have accompanied the roughness.

This effect, that allowed me to have this kind of wild and intense sex with someone like Damien was not at all what I was going for when I requested a body that could not be hurt during sex. The people in charge of my reincarnation went above and beyond my expectations, giving me a gift that I would always be thankful of having.

As such, I was very, very thankful for that gift as Damien continued to pound away at my pussy, turning it into one hell of a sopping mess yet again. My eyes rolled back into my head and my hands clutched at the bed sheets as he had his way with me. All thought of cleaning up the rest of the mess we had made was the furthest thing from my mind as I was positioned there on the bed on my hands and knees.

Like before, Damien and I didn’t have sex in just one position but in a variety of positions. And just like before, I somehow managed to remember to use my skills and focus on pleasuring my partner despite the immense amount of pleasure I was being overwhelmed by. One of the said positions was actually quite wild, the kind of thing I had seen in porn back on Earth, but at the time would have wondered how viable it actually was.

The position involved Damien standing upright as he held me in his arms. My hands were anchored around his neck, helping to keep myself held up while my legs were also lifted up above his shoulders. It was quite the position, one that required a bit of flexibility on my part but also meant he could hit rather deep inside me with each thrust of his cock.

However, if not for the immense strength afforded to Damien by his high level and might score, I doubted whether or not he could have ever had sex in this position. Back on Earth, it would have definitely put a lot of strain on the man’s arms to keep me held up like that, let alone fuck me. That said, we weren't on Earth anymore, and not only was the position viable now, but he was actually able to lift and fuck me in the air like that as if I was no more a burden than lifting a feather.

Said position was actually a whole lot of fun to be fucked in and was the position we were in when our fun reached its conclusion. After one orgasm each, Damien filled my pussy to the brim with another thick load of his cum. Unfortunately, because of the fact that I was being held aloft in the air like that, the cum didn’t stay in my pussy for long and dribbled out of me onto the carpet below.

After all was said and done, I returned to cleaning up the mess we made earlier, in addition to the new mess we just made. Once dressed, Damien quickly made his escape, lest he caught another glimpse of my irresistible nudity and got distracted again. As fun as it would be and as willing as we were to keep going at each other, dinner was already going to be late enough.

During my clean-up, a couple of system notifications popped up now that I had turned them back on.

Freshen Up has reached Rank 5

Vaginal Intercourse has reached Rank 7

Every time I saw my hard work being rewarded by another system notification, I got a slight rush of dopamine. The game-like aspect of this new world that was improving and developing my skills, not to mention levelling up, was just too much fun. Which was not something I had ever thought I would be talking about in reference to what was essentially cleaning, at least when it came to ranking up my freshen up skill.

As I finished cleaning up and got dressed again, I couldn't help but think of other ways to gain experience in my skills that didn't directly involve sex. The most appealing of which was a little idea I had, thanks to my exchange with Vel, when I was looking for the lube earlier. Thankfully, there was still enough lube for half a dozen or so applications, but after that, we would be out of luck, so I would have had to ration it.

Oh, and if I remember correctly, the butt plugs, not including the one Vel has in, are in a box stored in the shed outside. A butt plug should be a good way to get a bit of passive experience towards those skills. And not just one skill but, tight fit and sex toys at the same time. How fun!

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