My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 6 – A Warm Welcome

"Hey, are you okay?" A soft feminine voice slowly began to stir me from my slumber.

However, I was still half-asleep and quite delirious. My mind was struggling to wake up from what felt like one hell of a dream. Although I couldn’t currently remember it all fully, there was something about an angel and losing my virginity. The dream must have been especially good because just the memory of it was causing my pussy to tingle in excitement.

And then, I felt myself being rolled over onto my back and the jerking motion with which I was moved snapped me right out of the daze I was in. It all came back to me. It all really happened. It wasn't just a dream; I really did lose my virginity.

Oh, fuck, I died!

All the panic and anxiety that I should have felt during the past hour or so came rushing back through me as I remembered just what happened. It felt suffocating and overwhelming. I realised that keeping my memories of a past life may have been a mistake after all, but since there was the option for it on the reincarnation forms, I had thought hey, why not keep them? What I didn’t fully comprehend when I made that choice was that it meant I would be fully aware of the fact that I would never see my parents or any of my few friends ever again. To say I was distraught would have been an understatement, but now wasn’t the time to process such turbulent affairs. So like any emotionally healthy person, I buried my feelings deep down and turned my attention to the matter at hand.

A young elven-looking woman was kneeling over me as I lay naked in the soft, lush grass of some forest. The woman had a very youthful look to her, but it was more than apparent that she wasn’t a child, but an adult. She had long dark green hair that neatly flowed down her back. From her hair, a set of pointed ears peeked out of the sides of her head giving her that elven look. Most interesting, though, were her eyes, which had a shining emerald colour to their irises, which matched an emerald amulet hanging around her neck and we're currently staring wide-eyed at me.

A quick glance down at where exactly this elf was staring revealed that her gaze was firmly affixed on my chest, or more specifically, my massive tits. It was a pleasant surprise to discover that not only were my tits now much larger than they were in my previous life, but that the rest of my body was also just how I had described it in forms. A part of me was worried that what I had written down might not have been the most understandable, but apparently, my request was clear enough that I was given exactly what I wanted when it came to my new body.

Unlike my body from back on Earth, when I was a plain, average-looking woman, I was now an utterly gorgeous, bombshell of a woman. My figure was incredibly curvy, not just in the breast department either, but in the hips and butt as well. In fact, my breasts were so big that they would have probably given me back problems on earth. Thankfully, though, I had specifically mentioned that I wanted this body to have a strong back, so I wouldn’t have to put up with that problem.

In addition, I now had radiant blonde hair that had a slight curl to it but wasn’t so curly as to get tangled and knotted all the time. I also had perfectly smooth and blemishless fair skin, not to mention a thin waist, which wasn’t unrealistically thin given my generous curves, but appropriately so. Although I couldn’t see my own face, given how correct everything else was, I knew that I had sharp sapphire eyes and a perky, full set of lips on me.

As much as I wanted to just touch and explore my new body, the sight of which I found extremely arousing even from this perspective, the elven woman staring slack-jawed at my tits was a more pressing matter to deal with. Although I hadn’t specified wanting to wake up in a forest, or naked for that matter, I did say that I wanted to have a lewd welcome to the new world I would be calling home from now on and I assumed that this was that even if the elven woman herself didn’t know that fact yet.

"You can touch them if you want," I said as smoothly and seductively as possible, but the sound of the words that came out of my mouth surprised me greatly.

Despite being extremely thorough in some parts of my desired reincarnation, other parts, such as when it came to what I wanted my voice to sound like, had completely slipped my mind. Luckily, though, it appeared that those in charge of processing my requests were more than skilled enough to intuit what I would have wanted and gave me an incredibly sexy voice to go with my incredibly sexy body. It was soft and flowing, yet had a slight firmness hidden within it. Whenever I spoke, it was as if the tone of my voice held the promise of boundless erotic pleasures to come.

Just like my body, I found my voice strangely arousing. I was sure that feeling wouldn’t last forever though. After all, most people weren’t attracted to the sight and sound of themselves. Then again I wasn’t like most people, or at least I wasn’t anymore.

The moment the young elven woman realised that I was talking and awake, her eyes flickered up away from my tits, but every now and then I could see her gaze drifting lower and lower until she realised what she was doing and brought her eyes back up to meet mine.

"I… W… Sorry, what?" The woman blushed profusely, barely able to get even a word out.

This nervous and embarrassed reaction of hers was utterly cute, and I knew I just had to tease her further. To that end, I reached forwards and took one of her hands in my own, which I then guided to my breasts. Her jaw almost hit the forest floor as her fingers sank into my soft, supple chest. After a few tense seconds, she even started to give my tits a tentative squeeze. Once she realised that it was actually okay for her to do that and not some kind of trap, she began to grope them more openly. She even went as far as bringing her other hand up to fondle my other breast all on her own.

While the woman was going to town coping a feel, my heart was beating frantically in my chest. Unlike when I had seduced that Bob guy, I didn’t have any of those weird paintings to subdue my nervousness and worries. If I were to have tried something like this back on earth, then my anxiety would have felt almost crippling, but here it was different. My new, sexy body gave me a sense of confidence that I never had before. It didn’t completely rule out the more nerve-wracking emotions I was feeling, but instead, it gave me the confidence to push through and act in spite of them.

After nearly a minute of having my breasts played with, I was starting to get rather wet. But as much as I wanted to take this further and have my first time with a woman, I wasn’t sure if she wanted that. By the looks of how she was starting to pull her hands away from me, I assumed that she had enough for now. As it turned out, that was not the case. The woman was simply removing her hand from one of my breasts so she could replace it with her mouth.

Although I was not at all expecting this to happen so quickly, I found the sensation of her lips around my nipple to be rather delightful, and as such, I couldn’t help but let out a few slight moans. However, the elven woman wasn’t just contently playing with my breasts anymore. No, she was in a weird, overly horny daze. Not to mention that her mouth wasn’t so much teasing my nipples as fervently suckling them as if she were actually trying to get milk from me, which was obviously not a possibility since this body had only existed for a handful of minutes and was not going to be getting pregnant any time soon.

While her mouth was suckling at my nipple, my other breast wasn’t at all lonely, as her hand continued to fondle and grope it. Her fingers would even pinch my nipple there every now and then. The woman had initially started out overly gently with her touch, but by now she was much more fervently and forcefully going at me. It wasn’t at the point where her touch was so rough that it hurt. That couldn’t have been further from the case. No, her touch was incredibly pleasing and the moans it caused me to let out were getting louder and louder by the second.

It would have been nearly impossible for the woman to have ever made me orgasm by stimulating my breasts alone, but she managed to get me so worked up that my pussy was practically begging for attention. I was so wet that my arousal was literally dripping down my thighs onto the grass below me. My excitement and pleasure started to grow more and more that even I slid a hand down to give my clit a little rub. Unfortunately, the fun only lasted for a few more seconds because the elf soon snapped back to her senses, realising just what she had been doing to a stranger she found passed out in the middle of a forest.

The elf immediately pulled herself back from my breast and stood up from where she had been kneeling over me. She let out a slight gasp as she tried to hide her embarrassed, blushing face behind her hands. "I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!" She apologised frantically and fervently, over and over again.

"It’s alright. After all, I did kind of start it." I let out a chuckle as I stood up off the ground and dusted myself off.

As I got my bearings on the situation I found myself in, a quick glance around at the small clearing and nearby natural spring revealed that there was something else that I had completely missed during all the fun. There was a strange, blue blob that just sat idly on the grass a handful of metres away from us. It looked reminiscent of a monster from several games that I had played during my life on Earth, called a slime, but I was unsure if that’s actually what it was called here since it was smaller than what I imagined being only about a foot in diameter. Whatever the thing was, it was just sitting there unmoving. Its body wasn’t even jiggling about, despite how gelatinous and jelly-like it looked.

"I’m sorry, I don’t know why I did that. I don’t know what came over me. I think I might be coming down with something, I feel so weird and tingly." The elven woman continued to apologise, but this time she wasn’t just repeating herself and even went on to introduce herself. "I’m Velyna by the way, but you can just call me Vel if you want since it’s easier. I hope you’ll forgive me."

This young woman, Vel, was just too cute. The way she blushed and nervously hid behind her hands just made me want to gobble her up, and that was just what I was planning to do. To that end, I strode over to the woman, confidently and calmly, despite the fact I was butt naked. When I got to her, I reached up and pulled away the hands that were hiding her blushing face so that she was forced to look up at me.

Despite her petite size, she was only a few inches shorter than me, so I didn’t have far to lean down when I went in for the kiss. When our lips met, it was clear that Vel hadn’t been expecting this and was taken aback by it, but still, she didn’t pull away. Instead, her lips just nervously trembled as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. Although I was fully planning on having my way with the innocent-looking woman, I wasn’t going to force myself on her. The moment she tried to resist or pull away, I was going to let her go, and eventually, she did pull away from the kiss, but it wasn’t in the manner I was expecting.

Overwhelmed and flustered from what I assumed was her first kiss, Vel’s legs gave out under her and she fell onto her knees. However, it was clear that the young elven woman liked what had just happened, as she had a big goofy grin on her lips as her hand reached up and gave said lips a tentative, disbelieving touch.

You have met the minimum requirements to learn a general skill.
Do you wish to learn the general skill, Kissing?

Kissing, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

Whether you want to give your loved one a quick show of affection or turn your partner into a drooling, horny mess in your arms, kissing is the perfect way to take a step towards achieving your lewd goals.

General skill slots remaining: 5/5

As soon as Vel’s lips were pulled away from mine, my vision was blocked by a floating blue text box that had appeared out of nowhere. I had been so caught up in having some fun with the elf woman that it completely slipped my mind that I requested to be reincarnated into a world that was governed by an RPG-like system. Since playing games had been my favourite pastime back on Earth other than masturbating, I thought it would be fun to live a new life under similar circumstances to those games. A part of me wasn’t actually sure if it was going to be a real thing when I had asked for it, but this looked promising.

I plan to do a lot of kissing anyway, so I might as well take this skill. That said, the general skill slot counter is a bit concerning, but I’ll probably be able to get Vel to explain it all when she comes back to her senses.

You learned the general skill, Kissing, Rank 1

As soon as I decided that I wanted to learn the kissing skill, a new text box immediately popped up without further prompting on my part. However, its appearance wasn’t the only thing that happened as the notification was accompanied by a rush of activity in my brain. For a second or two, I began to get really lightheaded, but as quickly as that feeling had come, it had vanished again. Now I had a strange bit of intuitive knowledge in the back of my head that I didn’t have before. 

Thanks to this, I was now aware of slightly different ways in which I could kiss someone, ways that would feel more intimate or passionate depending on the mood I wanted to establish. Although the knowledge was helpful, it wasn’t all that extensive and only covered a couple of things. That said, I had a feeling that if the system governing the skill was anything like how some of the RPG systems from Earth operated, the scope of this knowledge would grow as the skill's rank grew.

"Well, that felt weird…" I mumbled to myself as I tried to put the strange feeling that accompanied a sudden influx of new information out of mind and focus my attention on the young elven woman.

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