My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 76 – Spending Time With Caiden

Although Saph and Silverwing didn’t get off on the best foot, it wasn’t long before the two were getting along quite well together. Once Caiden and Vel showed their bonded monsters that the other one didn’t mean them harm, the two began running around the grassy courtyard of the monster pens, playing together like old friends.

Every so often, Saph or Silverwing would come back over to where Caiden, Vel, and I had found a seat on the grass and showered us all with affection, but before too long, they were back at it. Despite how intelligent Saph had acted in the past, I couldn’t help but compare their current behaviour with that of a dog being taken to the park for the first time. Or maybe a child going to the playground was more apt, at least in this regard because neither Vel nor myself considered them at all a child.

Nonetheless, Saph seemed really happy to have another monster to get along with for once. What was even better, though, was that this seemed to greatly diminish Vel’s worries. Between Saph getting along with Silverwing and seeing the monster pens for herself, she no longer worried about having to leave them here for most of our time in the city.

An idea came to me after about twenty minutes of watching the two monsters play around. However, before I even set about enacting this idea, I leaned over and whispered in my girlfriend’s ear, asking if she would be alright if I left her alone for a little bit, promising her a lot of affection later on, after dinner.

Once I had her all clear, I then turned to my other companion, Caiden, and asked him. "On the way over here, I noticed that the estate grounds have quite the well-kept garden. Would you mind giving me a tour?"

"Ahh… Yeah, sure, I would be honoured to show you around the gardens." The young man blushed and stammered a little as he replied, still not quite used to conversing with someone like me. "What of you, cousin? Do you wish to join us?"

Noticing his attention turning to her, Vel shook her head, responding as I prearranged with her. "Maybe another time. Right now, I want to spend some more time with Saph."

Although, in the past, whenever Vel or I spent time with Saph, it had been more than a little lewd, given the new environment and people around us, I was certain that the time Vel was thinking of spending with Saph wasn’t going to be anything near as sexual as that. I was certain that she was more than likely just going to continue watching Saph and Silverwing play like they had been, maybe even join in, but it would all no doubt be rather innocent.

"Very well then, another time," Caiden responded, much calmer and collected than when he was talking to me, which was mostly the reason I assumed he was interested in me, as he only seemed to get all blushy and shy when talking to me.

Speaking of which, when the young man stood up and turned his attention back to me, offering a hand out to help me get up, his embarrassed, shy air returned immediately. That said, it wasn’t like he was so shy that he was constantly stumbling over words and riddled with anxiety, but more in a cute way that only made me want to tease him more and more.

After standing up with the help of the strapping young man, I looped my arm around his and rested my body against him before he could even say anything. This took him by surprise greatly, but he didn’t seem to hate it and said nothing about it as we made our way back out of the monster pens towards the gardens that we had come from.

The atmosphere between me and Caiden was just as silent and awkward as it had been when we first walked through the garden on our way to the monster pens. Apart from pointing out a few sets of rare flowers, which I really didn’t care about as this was mostly just an excuse to be alone with him, the young man didn’t really seem to know how to make conversation with a young woman his own age. Well, no doubt he did, but he was just too nervous to think straight.

To help him out in that regard, I started the conversation by asking him an overly personal question. "What was it like growing up with a mother like Sophia?"

"Oh, Mum? She’s a good mother, and I had a good enough childhood." Caiden nervously answered my question as we walked arm in arm through the estate gardens. "But it’s not like I really have anyone to compare such things against, she’s the only mother I have. She supports me and my father quite a bit, and although she isn’t always here as much as we would sometimes want, she doesn’t neglect us. She’s a busy woman, and we can only live the kind of life we do because of how she runs the family and her business."

"Right, her business. That must be fun for you. Having access to all the women… or men, you could ever want." I teasingly said as I gave the young man a close look, attentively watching his reaction.

Just as I had hoped, my remarks caused Caiden to get all flustered and shy. "No… I, ah… I’ve never… Mum likes to keep her work and home life separate. I only like women… But I’ve never…" 

"Oh, that’s surprising…" I hummed aloud, outright lying. Given the way he reacted around me and how his mother had mentioned in passing that he could do with a little experience, I presumed as much already. Continuing this act to further tease him, I went on to say. "Although, on second thought… Given how handsome you are, it's not all that surprising that you don’t have to rely on your mother’s business. No doubt the young women of the city are swooning over you, to the point where you can have your fill."

"Ah… It’s not like that… I’ve really never…" The young man continued to stammer and blush even more profusely, unable to get the words out.

Stopping in my tracks, so that the two of us were no longer slowly walking around the gardens but standing there in a relatively private part of the estate, I turned to the young man and blatantly asked him. "Are you trying to say that you’ve never had sex, that you are a virgin? Have you been saving yourself for a special someone?"

With a look of shame and embarrassment, Caiden hung his head as he responded. "Yeah… I am a… Virgin. But it’s not like that. I’ve just been focused on my training and education. I haven’t really had time to explore… other things."

"There’s nothing wrong with still being a virgin. Both Vel and I were still virgins until not that long ago." I tried my best to reassure him as I reached up and gently ran my fingers across the side of his face. "Have you ever kissed someone?"

"No… I haven’t… done that either." The young man mumbled, but whatever emotions he was feeling on this matter were quickly snuffed out and turned into surprise when I pulled myself up to his lips, giving him his first kiss.

Truthfully, though, it was only an innocent peck on his lips. However, that wasn’t because I wanted his first kiss to be something simple, but because he pulled away from the kiss before I could even try to get something deeper going on. As soon as Caiden had pulled his lips away from mine, he pulled himself away from me entirely, prying his arm out from where I was looping mine around his and taking a few steps back away from me. 

For a few heartbeats, I worried that I had misread his interest in me entirely and that this was going to make things really awkward between us now, but as he spoke up, it turned out that had not been the case, there was just something else he was concerned about. "Why did you kiss me? What about Velyna? You have a girlfriend! How could you betray her like that?"

A wave of relief hit me as soon as I heard the young man’s questions. Thankfully, it appeared that I had not misread the situation entirely and made everything super awkward. Still, that wasn’t going to stop me from teasing him further. "I kissed you because I wanted to. Why should the fact that I already have a girlfriend stop me from taking what I want? What I know you want as much as I do. She doesn’t have to know." I said, as I tried to reach out to him and go for another kiss, all the while purposefully leaving out the fact that I have an open relationship with my girlfriend and that, although she doesn’t have to know, I would tell her anyway if she wanted to know.

"You are a very beautiful woman, Evelyn, and you are right, kissing you is something I very much would like to do… under other circumstances, but I am not some wild thing ruled by my lust. I’m not going to be an accessory to your cheating on your my cousin!" The young man flat-out denied me, pulling away from my attempts to seduce him.

Strangely enough, the fact that Caiden had the moral backbone to have done such a thing only excited me further. Something, which I was going to flat out tell him. "I must say, Caiden, learning that you have such integrity has made my panties even wetter than they were before. I was only planning on kissing and teasing you a bit, but now… How do you feel about a beautiful woman like me giving you your first blowjob. I’m sure my lips will feel amazing wrapped around your cock, sucking you off.”

The young man’s eyes immediately widened, telling me all I needed to know about how he felt about that. However, my temptations weren’t enough to break down his integrity and morals, and I could tell as he opened his mouth that he was going to reject me again. This time, though, to avoid such a thing, I interjected, speaking up again before he had a chance to reject me. "Oh, and if you're worried about me cheating on Vel, you should go ask her what kind of relationship we have. I’m sure you will be delighted to find out that, much like your parents, I’m not exclusive to her. Vel doesn’t mind me sleeping around, and such things aren’t considered cheating between us."

"Are you serious…" Caiden let out a sigh as he stared straight at me, unsure if I was telling the truth or just continuing to mess with him. He was still clearly interested in me, as evident by the tent he was pitching, but given how I had just chosen to tease him, I had weakened my believability significantly.

"I sure am." I giggled as I moved over to the young man, who no longer pulled away from me, allowing me to slide my arms around his shoulders and press my body close to his. "We can kiss and I can suck you off as much as you want and it won’t be cheating. Vel is rather understanding about this sort of stuff. You have nothing to worry about."

Despite my reassurances, the young man was still rather conflicted about taking me up on my offer. "I don’t mean to offend you or imply anything, Evelyn-"

"Please call me Eve." I interrupted him.

"Okay… Eve, I don’t mean to often or imply anything, but I think I’m going to go ask my cousin if what you're saying is true." He said as he reluctantly pulled himself away from my oh, so tantalising embrace.

"You can do that if you want to, I don’t mind. But if you don’t and you stay here with me, I’ll let you fuck my pussy and cum in me as much as you want." I gave the young man further reason to be conflicted, testing out just how strong his sense of integrity and morals were. 

What he didn’t know was that either way, I was planning to fuck him now, however, there was going to be an extra reward if he made the right decision. The more he resisted my seduction and showed that he didn’t want to hurt his cousin by contributing to her potentially being cheated on, the more attractive and arousing I found him. Although good looks contributed greatly to my attraction to someone, whether or not that person was a good person also contributed somewhat, and Caiden here was proving himself to be a rather stalwart, knightly young man.

After a moment of intense internal conflict, the young man made up his mind and turned away from me. "I’m afraid that I am going to have to go ask Velyna if this is actually alright. I’ll be back shortly… That is, if you are telling the truth."

As the young man walked away from the relatively private spot we found for ourselves in the garden, I called out to him. "That’s alright. I’ll be here, waiting for you to return, playing with myself."

The mention of me playing with myself caused Caiden to almost miss a step and fall over, but he managed to catch himself and keep on walking away. As the young man stuck to his words and disappeared out of sight, I set about going about doing just as I had said in return. It was to that end that I found the shade of a small tree in the garden and sat down under it, on the verdant, soft grass.

Once seated there, I wasted no time pulling up the length of my white silk dress and using my class skills to conjure a small bullet vibrator. Soon enough, the toy was pressed against my new lavish panties, vibrating through the thin barrier of the fabric to stimulate my clit. Although my panties were already rather wet from just how aroused my exchange with Caiden had been, the wetness began to grow more and more as I played with myself, using both my fingers and the conjured toy to great effect.

In time, this small portion of the estate’s gardens was filled with nothing but the muffled sound of my moaning and the droning hum of my vibrator. However, as much as I could have gotten myself off really quickly and given myself a short and sweet orgasm, that wasn’t what I was going for this time. Instead, I was merely building up the pleasure, getting close to but never crossing that edge while I waited for Caiden to return.

Eventually, the young man did as he said he would, and I saw him making his way back over to me. Luckily, the relatively short duration of my conjure sex toys class skill lasted long enough to get to this point, but unfortunately wasn’t going to last much longer. As such, I deactivated the skill, letting it enter its cooldown phase early as I stood back up off the grass and dusted myself off.

Given the way that I was flustered and righted my dress as I came back into Caiden’s view, there was no way in hell that he didn’t know what I was doing, that I had been playing with myself just as I told him I would be. "So, I take it from the fact that you have come back that Vel corroborated what I told you," I said with a perverted grin stretched across my lips as I slipped my arms around his shoulders once more. However, this time, I didn’t just press my body against him but went in for another kiss, pushing my luck.

The fact that Caiden didn’t pull back but accepted and returned my kiss to the best of his nonexistent experience, was a good sign. A very, very good sign. Although the young man’s lips were rather awkward and firm, it wasn’t too long before I was pushing in for a deeper kind of kiss and sliding some tongue into the embrace. Still, though, instead of letting this go on its own for quite a while, I thought it was best to leave him wanting more and pulled away from the kiss after a few more moments.

As I held onto Caiden, pressing my body against his, the young man slid his own arms around me, holding on to my waist and back without his hands making any perverted detours along the way. Despite the tent pitched in his pants, which was pressing up against me as I pushed myself up on his body, he was clearly relatively naive and innocent about such things. If I had been acting like this with Vel or Damien, their hands would definitely have been getting up to quite a bit of mischief.

Hmm… I should really stop comparing people to one another. I mused to myself as we stood there under the tree holding each other.

"Yes, Vel did confirm everything you told me, which begs the question, why didn’t you just tell me that straight away? I would have had no reason to doubt you if you had mentioned it straight away." The young man responded with a little bit of a scowl on his face. Given how it had worked out for him, though, he didn’t have much reason to complain.

"What can I say? You’re fun to tease." I giggled as I pushed up against him further, practically grinding myself on him. "And a part of me wanted to push you, to see how far your sense of integrity would last. The more you stayed true to yourself and your morals, the hornier I got for you. In fact, that last offer I made, where I said that you could fuck my pussy and cum in me if you didn’t go ask Vel about our relationship, wasn’t entirely truthful."

"Really, in what way?" Caiden asked with a curious look on his face.

"Getting to fuck and cum in my pussy was only what you got if you stayed and it probably would have been a one-time thing. By going to ask Vel about our relationship, you get a much better reward. That being, me, whenever you want, where you want, and whichever hole you want. Do you want to fuck my mouth, my ass or my pussy? Do you want to do it in your bed, in the bath, right here, or maybe somewhere else in public? Whatever you want to do, I am more than up for it."

"..." Caiden stared at me in disbelief, unable to even utter a single word in light of what he had just heard me say.

Giving others that offer, to take me whenever they wanted, was something I found quite exciting, but interesting enough, despite them having permission to literally push me down and fuck me whenever they want, neither Damien or Vel had ever taken me up on the offer. Every time I had previously had sex with either of those two was the more traditional kind of sex, where it was clear we both wanted it, to the point where it wasn’t as spontaneous and I wasn’t being used like a sex toy, like my offer implied. 

A shame… But, maybe Caiden will finally use me like that. Really, all I want is for someone to push me down and use me like their personal sex toy.

"As for right now, though," I continued on as I pulled away from the young man’s arms and lowered myself onto my knees. "I believe I was going to suck you off unless you wanted to do something else first."

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